blob: f8d6848a118a04b69337e70413014f1095db568d [file] [log] [blame]
//! Port of the example from the `userfaultfd` manpage.
use libc::{self, c_void};
use nix::poll::{poll, PollFd, PollFlags};
use nix::sys::mman::{mmap, MapFlags, ProtFlags};
use nix::unistd::{sysconf, SysconfVar};
use std::env;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::ptr;
use userfaultfd::{Event, Uffd, UffdBuilder};
fn fault_handler_thread(uffd: Uffd) {
let page_size = sysconf(SysconfVar::PAGE_SIZE).unwrap().unwrap() as usize;
// Create a page that will be copied into the faulting region
let page = unsafe {
ProtFlags::PROT_READ | ProtFlags::PROT_WRITE,
// Loop, handling incoming events on the userfaultfd file descriptor
let mut fault_cnt = 0;
loop {
// See what poll() tells us about the userfaultfd
let pollfd = PollFd::new(uffd.as_raw_fd(), PollFlags::POLLIN);
let nready = poll(&mut [pollfd], -1).expect("poll");
let revents = pollfd.revents().unwrap();
" poll() returns: nready = {}; POLLIN = {}; POLLERR = {}",
// Read an event from the userfaultfd
let event = uffd
.expect("read uffd_msg")
.expect("uffd_msg ready");
// We expect only one kind of event; verify that assumption
if let Event::Pagefault { addr, .. } = event {
// Display info about the page-fault event
println!(" UFFD_EVENT_PAGEFAULT event: {:?}", event);
// Copy the page pointed to by 'page' into the faulting region. Vary the contents that are
// copied in, so that it is more obvious that each fault is handled separately.
for c in unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(page as *mut u8, page_size) } {
*c = b'A' + fault_cnt % 20;
fault_cnt += 1;
let dst = (addr as usize & !(page_size as usize - 1)) as *mut c_void;
let copy = unsafe { uffd.copy(page, dst, page_size, true).expect("uffd copy") };
println!(" (uffdio_copy.copy returned {})", copy);
} else {
panic!("Unexpected event on userfaultfd");
fn main() {
let num_pages = env::args()
.expect("Usage: manpage <num_pages>")
let page_size = sysconf(SysconfVar::PAGE_SIZE).unwrap().unwrap() as usize;
let len = num_pages * page_size;
// Create and enable userfaultfd object
let uffd = UffdBuilder::new()
.expect("uffd creation");
// Create a private anonymous mapping. The memory will be demand-zero paged--that is, not yet
// allocated. When we actually touch the memory, it will be allocated via the userfaultfd.
let addr = unsafe {
ProtFlags::PROT_READ | ProtFlags::PROT_WRITE,
println!("Address returned by mmap() = {:p}", addr);
// Register the memory range of the mapping we just created for handling by the userfaultfd
// object. In mode, we request to track missing pages (i.e., pages that have not yet been
// faulted in).
uffd.register(addr, len).expect("uffd.register()");
// Create a thread that will process the userfaultfd events
let _s = std::thread::spawn(move || fault_handler_thread(uffd));
// Main thread now touches memory in the mapping, touching locations 1024 bytes apart. This will
// trigger userfaultfd events for all pages in the region.
// Ensure that faulting address is not on a page boundary, in order to test that we correctly
// handle that case in fault_handling_thread()
let mut l = 0xf;
while l < len {
let ptr = (addr as usize + l) as *mut u8;
let c = unsafe { *ptr };
println!("Read address {:p} in main(): {:?}", ptr, c as char);
l += 1024;