blob: fe604a6f4b5225ea497f3222094794f271994e98 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::Stream;
use core::fmt;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
pin_project! {
/// Stream returned by the [`filter_map`](super::StreamExt::filter_map) method.
#[must_use = "streams do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct FilterMap<St, F> {
stream: St,
f: F,
impl<St, F> fmt::Debug for FilterMap<St, F>
St: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("stream", &
impl<St, F> FilterMap<St, F> {
pub(super) fn new(stream: St, f: F) -> Self {
Self { stream, f }
impl<St, F, T> Stream for FilterMap<St, F>
St: Stream,
F: FnMut(St::Item) -> Option<T>,
type Item = T;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<T>> {
loop {
match ready!(self.as_mut().project().stream.poll_next(cx)) {
Some(e) => {
if let Some(e) = (self.as_mut().project().f)(e) {
return Poll::Ready(Some(e));
None => return Poll::Ready(None),
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(0, // can't know a lower bound, due to the predicate