blob: 39ca04d29764e45094bf4f6ec66488f01d22f3c2 [file] [log] [blame]
//! [tinyjson]( is a library to parse/generate JSON format document.
//! Goals of this library are
//! - **Simplicity**: This library uses standard containers like `Vec` or `HashMap` as its internal representation
//! and exposes it to users. Users can operate JSON values via the standard APIs. And it keeps this crate as small
//! as possible.
//! - **Explicit**: This library does not hide memory allocation from users. You need to allocate memory like `Vec`,
//! `String`, `HashMap` by yourself. It is good for readers of your source code to show where memory allocations
//! happen. And you can have control of how memory is allocated (e.g. allocating memory in advance with
//! `with_capacity` method).
//! - **No dependencies**: This library is built on top of only standard libraries.
//! - **No unsafe code**: This library is built with Safe Rust.
//! - **Well tested**: This library is tested with famous test suites:
//! - [JSON checker in](
//! - [JSONTestSuite](
//! - [JSON-Schema-Test-Suite](
//! Example:
//! ```
//! use tinyjson::JsonValue;
//! use std::collections::HashMap;
//! use std::convert::TryInto;
//! let s = r#"
//! {
//! "bool": true,
//! "arr": [1, null, "test"],
//! "nested": {
//! "blah": false,
//! "blahblah": 3.14
//! },
//! "unicode": "\u2764"
//! }
//! "#;
//! // Parse from strings
//! let parsed: JsonValue = s.parse().unwrap();
//! // Access to inner value represented with standard containers
//! let object: &HashMap<_, _> = parsed.get().unwrap();
//! println!("Parsed HashMap: {:?}", object);
//! // Generate JSON string
//! println!("{}", parsed.stringify().unwrap());
//! // Generate formatted JSON string with indent
//! println!("{}", parsed.format().unwrap());
//! // Convert to inner value represented with standard containers
//! let object: HashMap<_, _> = parsed.try_into().unwrap();
//! println!("Converted into HashMap: {:?}", object);
//! // Create JSON values from standard containers
//! let mut m = HashMap::new();
//! m.insert("foo".to_string(), true.into());
//! let mut v = JsonValue::from(m);
//! // Access with `Index` and `IndexMut` operators quickly
//! println!("{:?}", v["foo"]);
//! v["foo"] = JsonValue::from("hello".to_string());
//! println!("{:?}", v["foo"]);
//! ```
//! Any JSON value is represented with [`JsonValue`] enum.
//! Each JSON types are mapped to Rust types as follows:
//! | JSON | Rust |
//! |---------|------------------------------|
//! | Number | `f64` |
//! | Boolean | `bool` |
//! | String | `String` |
//! | Null | `()` |
//! | Array | `Vec<JsonValue>` |
//! | Object | `HashMap<String, JsonValue>` |
// This library is built with Safe Rust
// Suppress warning which prefers `matches!` macro to `match` statement since the macro was
// introduced in recent Rust 1.42. This library should support older Rust.
mod generator;
mod json_value;
mod parser;
pub use generator::*;
pub use json_value::{InnerAsRef, InnerAsRefMut, JsonValue, UnexpectedValue};
pub use parser::*;