blob: d92e309afbd977e860d40c214090d54f47d324dd [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::generator::{format, stringify, JsonGenerateResult, JsonGenerator};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
const NULL: () = ();
/// Enum to represent one JSON value. Each variant represents corresponding JSON types.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryInto;
/// // Convert from raw values using `From` trait
/// let value = JsonValue::from("this is string".to_string());
/// // Get reference to inner value
/// let maybe_number: Option<&f64> = value.get();
/// assert!(maybe_number.is_none());
/// let maybe_string: Option<&String> = value.get();
/// assert!(maybe_string.is_some());
/// // Check type of JSON value
/// assert!(matches!(value, JsonValue::String(_)));
/// assert!(value.is_string());
/// // Convert into raw values using `TryInto` trait
/// let original_value: String = value.try_into().unwrap();
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum JsonValue {
/// Number type value.
/// Boolean type value.
/// String type value.
/// Null type value.
/// Array type value.
/// Object type value.
Object(HashMap<String, JsonValue>),
/// Trait to access to inner value of `JsonValue` as reference.
/// This is used by several APIs like [`JsonValue::get`] to represent any inner values of [`JsonValue`].
pub trait InnerAsRef {
fn json_value_as(v: &JsonValue) -> Option<&Self>;
macro_rules! impl_inner_ref {
($to:ty, $pat:pat => $val:expr) => {
impl InnerAsRef for $to {
fn json_value_as(v: &JsonValue) -> Option<&$to> {
use JsonValue::*;
match v {
$pat => Some($val),
_ => None,
impl_inner_ref!(f64, Number(n) => n);
impl_inner_ref!(bool, Boolean(b) => b);
impl_inner_ref!(String, String(s) => s);
impl_inner_ref!((), Null => &NULL);
impl_inner_ref!(Vec<JsonValue>, Array(a) => a);
impl_inner_ref!(HashMap<String, JsonValue>, Object(h) => h);
/// Trait to access to inner value of `JsonValue` as mutable reference.
/// This is a mutable version of [`InnerAsRef`].
pub trait InnerAsRefMut {
fn json_value_as_mut(v: &mut JsonValue) -> Option<&mut Self>;
macro_rules! impl_inner_ref_mut {
($to:ty, $pat:pat => $val:expr) => {
impl InnerAsRefMut for $to {
fn json_value_as_mut(v: &mut JsonValue) -> Option<&mut $to> {
use JsonValue::*;
match v {
$pat => Some($val),
_ => None,
impl_inner_ref_mut!(f64, Number(n) => n);
impl_inner_ref_mut!(bool, Boolean(b) => b);
impl_inner_ref_mut!(String, String(s) => s);
impl_inner_ref_mut!(Vec<JsonValue>, Array(a) => a);
impl_inner_ref_mut!(HashMap<String, JsonValue>, Object(h) => h);
// Note: matches! is available from Rust 1.42
macro_rules! is_xxx {
) => {
pub fn $name(&self) -> bool {
match self {
$variant => true,
_ => false,
impl JsonValue {
/// Get immutable reference to the inner value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let value: JsonValue = "[1, 2, 3]".parse().unwrap();
/// let vec: &Vec<_> = value.get().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(vec[0], JsonValue::from(1.0));
/// // Try to convert with incorrect type
/// assert!(value.get::<f64>().is_none());
/// ```
pub fn get<T: InnerAsRef>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
/// Get mutable reference to the inner value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let mut value: JsonValue = "[1, 2, 3]".parse().unwrap();
/// let vec: &mut Vec<_> = value.get_mut().unwrap();
/// vec[0] = JsonValue::from(false);
/// assert_eq!(value.stringify().unwrap(), "[false,2,3]");
/// // Try to convert with incorrect type
/// assert!(value.get_mut::<f64>().is_none());
/// ```
pub fn get_mut<T: InnerAsRefMut>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
/// Check if the inner value is a boolean.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(true);
/// assert!(v.is_bool());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// assert!(!v.is_bool());
/// ```
/// Check if the inner value is a number.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// assert!(v.is_number());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(false);
/// assert!(!v.is_number());
/// ```
/// Check if the inner value is a string.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from("foo".to_string());
/// assert!(v.is_string());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// assert!(!v.is_string());
/// ```
/// Check if the inner value is null.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(()); // () is inner representation of null value
/// assert!(v.is_null());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(false);
/// assert!(!v.is_null());
/// ```
/// Check if the inner value is an array.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![]);
/// assert!(v.is_array());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// assert!(!v.is_array());
/// ```
/// Check if the inner value is an object.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(HashMap::new());
/// assert!(v.is_object());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![]);
/// assert!(!v.is_object());
/// ```
/// Convert this JSON value to `String` value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![1.0.into(), true.into(), "str".to_string().into()]);
/// let s = v.stringify().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(&s, "[1,true,\"str\"]");
/// ```
pub fn stringify(&self) -> JsonGenerateResult {
/// Write this JSON value to the given `io::Write` object as UTF-8 byte sequence.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::io::Write;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![1.0.into(), true.into(), "str".to_string().into()]);
/// let mut bytes = vec![];
/// v.write_to(&mut bytes).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap(), "[1,true,\"str\"]");
/// ```
pub fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Convert this JSON value to `String` value with 2-spaces indentation.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![1.0.into(), true.into(), "str".to_string().into()]);
/// let s = v.format().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(&s,
/// "[
/// 1,
/// true,
/// \"str\"
/// ]");
/// ```
pub fn format(&self) -> JsonGenerateResult {
/// Write this JSON value to the given `io::Write` object as UTF-8 byte sequence with 2-spaces indentation.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![1.0.into(), true.into(), "str".to_string().into()]);
/// let mut bytes = vec![];
/// v.format_to(&mut bytes).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap(),
/// "[
/// 1,
/// true,
/// \"str\"
/// ]");
/// ```
pub fn format_to<W: io::Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
JsonGenerator::new(w).indent(" ").generate(self)
/// Access to value of the key of object.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let mut m = HashMap::new();
/// m.insert("foo".to_string(), 1.0.into());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(m);
/// let i = &v["foo"];
/// assert_eq!(i, &JsonValue::Number(1.0));
/// ```
/// This will panic when the given `JsonValue` value is not an object
/// ```should_panic
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![]);
/// let _ = &v["foo"]; // Panic
/// ```
/// or when the key does not exist in the object.
/// ```should_panic
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(HashMap::new());
/// let _ = &v["foo"]; // Panic
/// ```
/// Using this operator, you can access the nested elements quickly
/// ```
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let mut json: JsonValue = r#"
/// {
/// "foo": {
/// "bar": [
/// { "target": 42 }
/// ]
/// }
/// }
/// "#.parse().unwrap();
/// // Access with index operator
/// let target_value: f64 = *json["foo"]["bar"][0]["target"].get().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(target_value, 42.0);
/// ```
impl<'a> Index<&'a str> for JsonValue {
type Output = JsonValue;
fn index(&self, key: &'a str) -> &Self::Output {
let obj = match self {
JsonValue::Object(o) => o,
_ => panic!(
"Attempted to access to an object with key '{}' but actually it was {:?}",
key, self
match obj.get(key) {
Some(json) => json,
None => panic!("Key '{}' was not found in {:?}", key, self),
/// Access to value of the index of array.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![1.0.into(), true.into()]);
/// let b = &v[1];
/// assert_eq!(b, &JsonValue::Boolean(true));
/// ```
/// This will panic when the given `JsonValue` value is not an array
/// ```should_panic
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(HashMap::new());
/// let _ = &v[0]; // Panic
/// ```
/// or when the index is out of bounds.
/// ```should_panic
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![]);
/// let _ = &v[0]; // Panic
/// ```
impl Index<usize> for JsonValue {
type Output = JsonValue;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &'_ Self::Output {
let array = match self {
JsonValue::Array(a) => a,
_ => panic!(
"Attempted to access to an array with index {} but actually the value was {:?}",
index, self,
/// Access to value of the key of mutable object.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let mut m = HashMap::new();
/// m.insert("foo".to_string(), 1.0.into());
/// let mut v = JsonValue::from(m);
/// v["foo"] = JsonValue::Number(3.14);
/// assert_eq!(v["foo"], JsonValue::Number(3.14));
/// ```
/// This will panic when the given `JsonValue` value is not an object
/// ```should_panic
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let mut v = JsonValue::from(vec![]);
/// let _ = &mut v["foo"]; // Panic
/// ```
/// or when the key does not exist in the object.
/// ```should_panic
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let mut v = JsonValue::from(HashMap::new());
/// let _ = &mut v["foo"]; // Panic
/// ```
/// Using this operator, you can modify the nested elements quickly
/// ```
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let mut json: JsonValue = r#"
/// {
/// "foo": {
/// "bar": [
/// { "target": 42 }
/// ]
/// }
/// }
/// "#.parse().unwrap();
/// // Modify with index operator
/// json["foo"]["bar"][0]["target"] = JsonValue::Boolean(false);
/// assert_eq!(json["foo"]["bar"][0]["target"], JsonValue::Boolean(false));
/// ```
impl<'a> IndexMut<&'a str> for JsonValue {
fn index_mut(&mut self, key: &'a str) -> &mut Self::Output {
let obj = match self {
JsonValue::Object(o) => o,
_ => panic!(
"Attempted to access to an object with key '{}' but actually it was {:?}",
key, self
if let Some(json) = obj.get_mut(key) {
} else {
panic!("Key '{}' was not found in object", key)
/// Access to value of the index of mutable array.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let mut v = JsonValue::from(vec![1.0.into(), true.into()]);
/// let b = &mut v[1];
/// assert_eq!(b, &JsonValue::Boolean(true));
/// ```
/// This will panic when the given `JsonValue` value is not an array
/// ```should_panic
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let mut v = JsonValue::from(HashMap::new());
/// let _ = &mut v[0]; // Panic
/// ```
/// or when the index is out of bounds.
/// ```should_panic
/// # use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let mut v = JsonValue::from(vec![]);
/// let _ = &mut v[0]; // Panic
/// ```
impl IndexMut<usize> for JsonValue {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
let array = match self {
JsonValue::Array(a) => a,
_ => panic!(
"Attempted to access to an array with index {} but actually the value was {:?}",
index, self,
&mut array[index]
macro_rules! impl_from {
$v:ident: $t:ty => $e:expr
) => {
impl From<$t> for JsonValue {
fn from($v: $t) -> JsonValue {
use JsonValue::*;
/// Convert `f64` value into `JsonValue`.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// assert!(v.is_number());
/// ```
n: f64 => Number(n)
/// Convert `bool` value into `JsonValue`.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(true);
/// assert!(v.is_bool());
/// ```
b: bool => Boolean(b)
/// Convert `bool` value into `JsonValue`. Note that `&str` is not available. Explicitly allocate `String` object
/// and pass it.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from("foo".to_string());
/// assert!(v.is_string());
/// ```
s: String => String(s)
/// Convert `()` into `JsonValue`. `()` is an inner representation of null JSON value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(());
/// assert!(v.is_null());
/// ```
_x: () => Null
/// Convert `Vec` value into `JsonValue`.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![1.0.into(), true.into()]);
/// assert!(v.is_array());
/// ```
a: Vec<JsonValue> => Array(a)
/// Convert `HashMap` value into `JsonValue`.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let mut m = HashMap::new();
/// m.insert("foo".to_string(), 1.0.into());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(m);
/// assert!(v.is_object());
/// ```
o: HashMap<String, JsonValue> => Object(o)
/// Error caused when trying to convert `JsonValue` into some wrong type value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::{JsonValue, UnexpectedValue};
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let error = String::try_from(JsonValue::from(1.0)).unwrap_err();
/// assert!(matches!(error, UnexpectedValue{..}));
/// ```
pub struct UnexpectedValue {
value: JsonValue,
expected: &'static str,
impl UnexpectedValue {
/// Get reference to the value which failed to be converted.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let error = String::try_from(JsonValue::from(1.0)).unwrap_err();
/// assert_eq!(error.value(), &JsonValue::Number(1.0));
/// ```
pub fn value(&self) -> &JsonValue {
impl fmt::Display for UnexpectedValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"Unexpected JSON value: {:?}. Expected {} value",
self.value, self.expected
impl std::error::Error for UnexpectedValue {}
/// Convert this error into the value which failed to be converted.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let error = String::try_from(JsonValue::from(1.0)).unwrap_err();
/// assert_eq!(JsonValue::from(error), JsonValue::Number(1.0));
/// ```
impl From<UnexpectedValue> for JsonValue {
fn from(err: UnexpectedValue) -> Self {
macro_rules! impl_try_from {
$pat:pat => $val:expr,
) => {
impl TryFrom<JsonValue> for $ty {
type Error = UnexpectedValue;
fn try_from(v: JsonValue) -> Result<Self, UnexpectedValue> {
match v {
$pat => Ok($val),
v => Err(UnexpectedValue {
value: v,
expected: stringify!($ty),
/// Try to convert the `JsonValue` value into `f64`. `UnexpectedValue` error happens when trying to convert an
/// incorrect type value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// let r = f64::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_ok());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(true);
/// let r = f64::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_err());
/// ```
JsonValue::Number(n) => n,
/// Try to convert the `JsonValue` value into `bool`. `UnexpectedValue` error happens when trying to convert an
/// incorrect type value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(true);
/// let r = bool::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_ok());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// let r = bool::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_err());
/// ```
JsonValue::Boolean(b) => b,
/// Try to convert the `JsonValue` value into `String`. `UnexpectedValue` error happens when trying to convert an
/// incorrect type value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let v = JsonValue::from("foo".to_string());
/// let r = String::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_ok());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// let r = String::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_err());
/// ```
JsonValue::String(s) => s,
/// Try to convert the `JsonValue` value into `()`. Note that `()` is an inner representation of null JSON value.
/// `UnexpectedValue` error happens when trying to convert an incorrect type value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(());
/// let r = <()>::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_ok());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// let r = <()>::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_err());
/// ```
JsonValue::Null => (),
/// Try to convert the `JsonValue` value into `Vec<JsonValue>`. `UnexpectedValue` error happens when trying to
/// convert an incorrect type value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let v = JsonValue::from(vec![true.into()]);
/// let r = <Vec<_>>::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_ok());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// let r = <Vec<_>>::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_err());
/// ```
JsonValue::Array(a) => a,
/// Try to convert the `JsonValue` value into `HashMap<String, JsonValue>`. `UnexpectedValue` error happens when
/// trying to convert an incorrect type value.
/// ```
/// use tinyjson::JsonValue;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let mut m = HashMap::new();
/// m.insert("foo".to_string(), 42.0.into());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(m);
/// let r = <HashMap<_, _>>::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_ok());
/// let v = JsonValue::from(1.0);
/// let r = <HashMap<_, _>>::try_from(v);
/// assert!(r.is_err());
/// ```
JsonValue::Object(o) => o,
HashMap<String, JsonValue>,