blob: 15f8c3df539850fffdd4c2d3e0749403d7375318 [file] [log] [blame]
name: "tinyjson"
"tinyjson is a library to parse/generate JSON format document. "
" "
"Goals of this library are "
" "
"Simplicity: This library uses standard containers like Vec or HashMap as "
"its internal representation and exposes it to users. Users can operate "
"JSON values via the standard APIs. And it keeps this crate as small as "
"possible. "
"Explicit: This library does not hide memory allocation from users. You "
"need to allocate memory like Vec, String, HashMap by yourself. It is good "
"for readers of your source code to show where memory allocations happen. "
"And you can have control of how memory is allocated (e.g. allocating "
"memory in advance with with_capacity method). "
"No dependencies: This library is built on top of only standard libraries. "
"No unsafe code: This library is built with Safe Rust. "
"Well tested: This library is tested with famous test suites: "
"JSON checker in "
"JSONTestSuite "
"JSON-Schema-Test-Suite "
third_party {
url {
value: ""
version: "v2.5.1"
last_upgrade_date { year: 2023 month: 2 day: 13 }
license_type: NOTICE