blob: c18b974f08909eb166d41ff1228e42bb83ab2810 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::core::Fragment;
use std::cell::RefCell;
/// Cache for line numbers. This is necessary to avoid a O(n**2)
/// behavior when computing line numbers in [`wrap_optimal_fit`].
struct LineNumbers {
line_numbers: RefCell<Vec<usize>>,
impl LineNumbers {
fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
let mut line_numbers = Vec::with_capacity(size);
LineNumbers {
line_numbers: RefCell::new(line_numbers),
fn get<T>(&self, i: usize, minima: &[(usize, T)]) -> usize {
while self.line_numbers.borrow_mut().len() < i + 1 {
let pos = self.line_numbers.borrow().len();
let line_number = 1 + self.get(minima[pos].0, &minima);
/// Per-line penalty. This is added for every line, which makes it
/// expensive to output more lines than the minimum required.
const NLINE_PENALTY: i32 = 1000;
/// Per-character cost for lines that overflow the target line width.
/// With a value of 50², every single character costs as much as
/// leaving a gap of 50 characters behind. This is becuase we assign
/// as cost of `gap * gap` to a short line. This means that we can
/// overflow the line by 1 character in extreme cases:
/// ```
/// use textwrap::core::{wrap_optimal_fit, Word};
/// let short = "foo ";
/// let long = "x".repeat(50);
/// let fragments = vec![Word::from(short), Word::from(&long)];
/// // Perfect fit, both words are on a single line with no overflow.
/// let wrapped = wrap_optimal_fit(&fragments, |_| short.len() + long.len());
/// assert_eq!(wrapped, vec![&[Word::from(short), Word::from(&long)]]);
/// // The words no longer fit, yet we get a single line back. While
/// // the cost of overflow (`1 * 2500`) is the same as the cost of the
/// // gap (`50 * 50 = 2500`), the tie is broken by `NLINE_PENALTY`
/// // which makes it cheaper to overflow than to use two lines.
/// let wrapped = wrap_optimal_fit(&fragments, |_| short.len() + long.len() - 1);
/// assert_eq!(wrapped, vec![&[Word::from(short), Word::from(&long)]]);
/// // The cost of overflow would be 2 * 2500, whereas the cost of the
/// // gap is only `49 * 49 + NLINE_PENALTY = 2401 + 1000 = 3401`. We
/// // therefore get two lines.
/// let wrapped = wrap_optimal_fit(&fragments, |_| short.len() + long.len() - 2);
/// assert_eq!(wrapped, vec![&[Word::from(short)],
/// &[Word::from(&long)]]);
/// ```
/// This only happens if the overflowing word is 50 characters long
/// _and_ if it happens to overflow the line by exactly one character.
/// If it overflows by more than one character, the overflow penalty
/// will quickly outgrow the cost of the gap, as seen above.
const OVERFLOW_PENALTY: i32 = 50 * 50;
/// The last line is short if it is less than 1/4 of the target width.
const SHORT_LINE_FRACTION: usize = 4;
/// Penalize a short last line.
const SHORT_LAST_LINE_PENALTY: i32 = 25;
/// Penalty for lines ending with a hyphen.
const HYPHEN_PENALTY: i32 = 25;
/// Wrap abstract fragments into lines with an optimal-fit algorithm.
/// The `line_widths` map line numbers (starting from 0) to a target
/// line width. This can be used to implement hanging indentation.
/// The fragments must already have been split into the desired
/// widths, this function will not (and cannot) attempt to split them
/// further when arranging them into lines.
/// # Optimal-Fit Algorithm
/// The algorithm considers all possible break points and picks the
/// breaks which minimizes the gaps at the end of each line. More
/// precisely, the algorithm assigns a cost or penalty to each break
/// point, determined by `cost = gap * gap` where `gap = target_width -
/// line_width`. Shorter lines are thus penalized more heavily since
/// they leave behind a larger gap.
/// We can illustrate this with the text “To be, or not to be: that is
/// the question”. We will be wrapping it in a narrow column with room
/// for only 10 characters. The [greedy
/// algorithm](super::wrap_first_fit) will produce these lines, each
/// annotated with the corresponding penalty:
/// ```text
/// "To be, or" 1² = 1
/// "not to be:" 0² = 0
/// "that is" 3² = 9
/// "the" 7² = 49
/// "question" 2² = 4
/// ```
/// We see that line four with “the” leaves a gap of 7 columns, which
/// gives it a penalty of 49. The sum of the penalties is 63.
/// There are 10 words, which means that there are `2_u32.pow(9)` or
/// 512 different ways to typeset it. We can compute
/// the sum of the penalties for each possible line break and search
/// for the one with the lowest sum:
/// ```text
/// "To be," 4² = 16
/// "or not to" 1² = 1
/// "be: that" 2² = 4
/// "is the" 4² = 16
/// "question" 2² = 4
/// ```
/// The sum of the penalties is 41, which is better than what the
/// greedy algorithm produced.
/// Searching through all possible combinations would normally be
/// prohibitively slow. However, it turns out that the problem can be
/// formulated as the task of finding column minima in a cost matrix.
/// This matrix has a special form (totally monotone) which lets us
/// use a [linear-time algorithm called
/// SMAWK]( to find the optimal break
/// points.
/// This means that the time complexity remains O(_n_) where _n_ is
/// the number of words. Compared to
/// [`wrap_first_fit`](super::wrap_first_fit), this function is about
/// 4 times slower.
/// The optimization of per-line costs over the entire paragraph is
/// inspired by the line breaking algorithm used in TeX, as described
/// in the 1981 article [_Breaking Paragraphs into
/// Lines_](
/// by Knuth and Plass. The implementation here is based on [Python
/// code by David
/// Eppstein](
/// **Note:** Only available when the `smawk` Cargo feature is
/// enabled.
pub fn wrap_optimal_fit<'a, T: Fragment, F: Fn(usize) -> usize>(
fragments: &'a [T],
line_widths: F,
) -> Vec<&'a [T]> {
let mut widths = Vec::with_capacity(fragments.len() + 1);
let mut width = 0;
for fragment in fragments {
width += fragment.width() + fragment.whitespace_width();
let line_numbers = LineNumbers::new(fragments.len());
let minima = smawk::online_column_minima(0, widths.len(), |minima, i, j| {
// Line number for fragment `i`.
let line_number = line_numbers.get(i, &minima);
let target_width = std::cmp::max(1, line_widths(line_number));
// Compute the width of a line spanning fragments[i..j] in
// constant time. We need to adjust widths[j] by subtracting
// the whitespace of fragment[j-i] and then add the penalty.
let line_width = widths[j] - widths[i] - fragments[j - 1].whitespace_width()
+ fragments[j - 1].penalty_width();
// We compute cost of the line containing fragments[i..j]. We
// start with values[i].1, which is the optimal cost for
// breaking before fragments[i].
// First, every extra line cost NLINE_PENALTY.
let mut cost = minima[i].1 + NLINE_PENALTY;
// Next, we add a penalty depending on the line length.
if line_width > target_width {
// Lines that overflow get a hefty penalty.
let overflow = (line_width - target_width) as i32;
cost += overflow * OVERFLOW_PENALTY;
} else if j < fragments.len() {
// Other lines (except for the last line) get a milder
// penalty which depend on the size of the gap.
let gap = (target_width - line_width) as i32;
cost += gap * gap;
} else if i + 1 == j && line_width < target_width / SHORT_LINE_FRACTION {
// The last line can have any size gap, but we do add a
// penalty if the line is very short (typically because it
// contains just a single word).
// Finally, we discourage hyphens.
if fragments[j - 1].penalty_width() > 0 {
// TODO: this should use a penalty value from the fragment
// instead.
let mut lines = Vec::with_capacity(line_numbers.get(fragments.len(), &minima));
let mut pos = fragments.len();
loop {
let prev = minima[pos].0;
pos = prev;
if pos == 0 {