blob: 957ca55660cd07a48b3d9e8e1d81f2cb20bca7da [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::{array::TryFromSliceError, convert::Infallible};
use core::fmt;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TryFromIntError(pub(crate) ());
impl TryFromIntError {
pub fn __description(&self) -> &str {
"out of range integral type conversion attempted"
impl fmt::Display for TryFromIntError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl From<Infallible> for TryFromIntError {
fn from(x: Infallible) -> TryFromIntError {
match x {}
pub trait TryFrom<T>: Sized {
type Error;
fn try_from(value: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
pub trait TryInto<T>: Sized {
type Error;
fn try_into(self) -> Result<T, Self::Error>;
impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
U: TryFrom<T>,
type Error = U::Error;
fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, U::Error> {
macro_rules! try_from_unbounded {
($source:ty, $($target:ty),*) => {$(
impl TryFrom<$source> for $target {
type Error = TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(value: $source) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
Ok(value as $target)
macro_rules! try_from_lower_bounded {
($source:ty, $($target:ty),*) => {$(
impl TryFrom<$source> for $target {
type Error = TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(u: $source) -> Result<$target, TryFromIntError> {
if u >= 0 {
Ok(u as $target)
} else {
macro_rules! try_from_upper_bounded {
($source:ty, $($target:ty),*) => {$(
impl TryFrom<$source> for $target {
type Error = TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(u: $source) -> Result<$target, TryFromIntError> {
if u > (<$target>::max_value() as $source) {
} else {
Ok(u as $target)
macro_rules! try_from_both_bounded {
($source:ty, $($target:ty),*) => {$(
impl TryFrom<$source> for $target {
type Error = TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(u: $source) -> Result<$target, TryFromIntError> {
let min = <$target>::min_value() as $source;
let max = <$target>::max_value() as $source;
if u < min || u > max {
} else {
Ok(u as $target)
macro_rules! rev {
($mac:ident, $source:ty, $($target:ty),*) => {$(
$mac!($target, $source);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u16, u8);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u32, u16, u8);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u64, u32, u16, u8);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u128, u64, u32, u16, u8);
try_from_both_bounded!(i16, i8);
try_from_both_bounded!(i32, i16, i8);
try_from_both_bounded!(i64, i32, i16, i8);
try_from_both_bounded!(i128, i64, i32, i16, i8);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u8, i8);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u16, i8, i16);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u32, i8, i16, i32);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u64, i8, i16, i32, i64);
try_from_upper_bounded!(u128, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128);
try_from_lower_bounded!(i8, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128);
try_from_lower_bounded!(i16, u16, u32, u64, u128);
try_from_lower_bounded!(i32, u32, u64, u128);
try_from_lower_bounded!(i64, u64, u128);
try_from_lower_bounded!(i128, u128);
try_from_both_bounded!(i16, u8);
try_from_both_bounded!(i32, u16, u8);
try_from_both_bounded!(i64, u32, u16, u8);
try_from_both_bounded!(i128, u64, u32, u16, u8);
try_from_upper_bounded!(usize, isize);
try_from_lower_bounded!(isize, usize);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
mod ptr_try_from_impls {
use super::{TryFrom, TryFromIntError};
try_from_upper_bounded!(usize, u8);
try_from_unbounded!(usize, u16, u32, u64, u128);
try_from_upper_bounded!(usize, i8, i16);
try_from_unbounded!(usize, i32, i64, i128);
try_from_both_bounded!(isize, u8);
try_from_lower_bounded!(isize, u16, u32, u64, u128);
try_from_both_bounded!(isize, i8);
try_from_unbounded!(isize, i16, i32, i64, i128);
rev!(try_from_upper_bounded, usize, u32, u64, u128);
rev!(try_from_lower_bounded, usize, i8, i16);
rev!(try_from_both_bounded, usize, i32, i64, i128);
rev!(try_from_upper_bounded, isize, u16, u32, u64, u128);
rev!(try_from_both_bounded, isize, i32, i64, i128);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
mod ptr_try_from_impls {
use super::{TryFrom, TryFromIntError};
try_from_upper_bounded!(usize, u8, u16);
try_from_unbounded!(usize, u32, u64, u128);
try_from_upper_bounded!(usize, i8, i16, i32);
try_from_unbounded!(usize, i64, i128);
try_from_both_bounded!(isize, u8, u16);
try_from_lower_bounded!(isize, u32, u64, u128);
try_from_both_bounded!(isize, i8, i16);
try_from_unbounded!(isize, i32, i64, i128);
rev!(try_from_unbounded, usize, u32);
rev!(try_from_upper_bounded, usize, u64, u128);
rev!(try_from_lower_bounded, usize, i8, i16, i32);
rev!(try_from_both_bounded, usize, i64, i128);
rev!(try_from_unbounded, isize, u16);
rev!(try_from_upper_bounded, isize, u32, u64, u128);
rev!(try_from_unbounded, isize, i32);
rev!(try_from_both_bounded, isize, i64, i128);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
mod ptr_try_from_impls {
use super::{TryFrom, TryFromIntError};
try_from_upper_bounded!(usize, u8, u16, u32);
try_from_unbounded!(usize, u64, u128);
try_from_upper_bounded!(usize, i8, i16, i32, i64);
try_from_unbounded!(usize, i128);
try_from_both_bounded!(isize, u8, u16, u32);
try_from_lower_bounded!(isize, u64, u128);
try_from_both_bounded!(isize, i8, i16, i32);
try_from_unbounded!(isize, i64, i128);
rev!(try_from_unbounded, usize, u32, u64);
rev!(try_from_upper_bounded, usize, u128);
rev!(try_from_lower_bounded, usize, i8, i16, i32, i64);
rev!(try_from_both_bounded, usize, i128);
rev!(try_from_unbounded, isize, u16, u32);
rev!(try_from_upper_bounded, isize, u64, u128);
rev!(try_from_unbounded, isize, i32, i64);
rev!(try_from_both_bounded, isize, i128);
macro_rules! impl_length_at_most_32 {
($($n:expr),+) => {$(
impl<T> TryFrom<&[T]> for [T; $n]
T: Copy,
type Error = TryFromSliceError;
fn try_from(slice: &[T]) -> Result<[T; $n], TryFromSliceError> {
<&Self>::try_from(slice).map(|r| *r)
impl<'a, T> TryFrom<&'a [T]> for &'a [T; $n] {
type Error = TryFromSliceError;
fn try_from(slice: &[T]) -> Result<&[T; $n], TryFromSliceError> {
if slice.len() == $n {
let ptr = slice.as_ptr() as *const [T; $n];
unsafe { Ok(&*ptr) }
} else {
impl<'a, T> TryFrom<&'a mut [T]> for &'a mut [T; $n] {
type Error = TryFromSliceError;
fn try_from(slice: &mut [T]) -> Result<&mut [T; $n], TryFromSliceError> {
if slice.len() == $n {
let ptr = slice.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [T; $n];
unsafe { Ok(&mut *ptr) }
} else {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
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// Although we aren't able to `impl<T, U: Into<T>> TryFrom<U> for T`, we are
// able to implement it for any given type.
macro_rules! impl_identity {
($($type:ty),*) => {$(
impl TryFrom<$type> for $type {
type Error = Infallible;
fn try_from(value: $type) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// Implement for some primitives. Other types can be trivially added upon
// request.