blob: 7b792cb353b481c17aaf0985331ebe882eeca000 [file] [log] [blame]
use core::convert::TryInto;
/// Allows splitting a reference to an array type into fixed-length chunks.
pub trait ChunksFixed<'a, Chunks>
Chunks: 'a,
fn chunks_fixed(self) -> Chunks;
/// Allows iterating over a mutable array in fixed-length chunks.
/// The design of this is different than that for `ChunksFixed` because it
/// isn't clear that we can legally (according to Rust's rules) convert create
/// a mutable reference to the chunked type from a mutable reference.
/// TODO: Get clarification on the rules and refactor this tp be more like
/// `ChunksFixed`.
pub trait ChunksFixedMut<'a, Chunk>
Chunk: 'a,
type MutIterator: Iterator<Item = &'a mut Chunk>;
fn chunks_fixed_mut(self) -> Self::MutIterator;
/// `$unchuncked_len` must be divisible by `$chunk_len`.
macro_rules! define_chunks_fixed {
( $unchuncked_len:expr, $chunk_len:expr ) => {
define_chunks_fixed!($unchuncked_len, $chunk_len, $unchuncked_len / $chunk_len);
( $unchuncked_len:expr, $chunk_len:expr, $chunked_len:expr ) => {
impl<'a, T> ChunksFixed<'a, &'a [[T; $chunk_len]; $chunked_len]>
for &'a [T; $unchuncked_len]
fn chunks_fixed(self) -> &'a [[T; $chunk_len]; $chunked_len] {
let as_ptr: *const [T; $chunk_len] = self.as_ptr() as *const [T; $chunk_len];
let as_ptr = as_ptr as *const [[T; $chunk_len]; $chunked_len];
unsafe { &*as_ptr }
impl<'a, T> ChunksFixedMut<'a, [T; $chunk_len]> for &'a mut [T; $unchuncked_len] {
type MutIterator = core::iter::Map<
core::slice::ChunksExactMut<'a, T>,
fn(&'a mut [T]) -> &'a mut [T; $chunk_len],
fn chunks_fixed_mut(self) -> Self::MutIterator {
// There will be no remainder because `$unchuncked_len` must be divisible by
// `$chunk_len`. The `unwrap()` will not fail for the same reason.
.map(|slice| slice.try_into().unwrap())
// Sorted by the first value, then the second value.
define_chunks_fixed!(12, 4);
define_chunks_fixed!(16, 4);
define_chunks_fixed!(16, 8);
define_chunks_fixed!(32, 4);
define_chunks_fixed!(64, 4);
define_chunks_fixed!(64, 32);
define_chunks_fixed!(80, 20);