blob: 0b90721e111f9cf9fc9b6bbf51efe1a78a7c2c3a [file] [log] [blame]
macro_rules! prefixed_extern {
// Functions.
$( #[$meta:meta] )*
$vis:vis fn $name:ident ( $( $arg_pat:ident : $arg_ty:ty ),* $(,)? )
$( -> $ret_ty:ty )?;
} => {
extern "C" {
prefixed_item! {
$( #[$meta] )*
$vis fn $name ( $( $arg_pat : $arg_ty ),* ) $( -> $ret_ty )?;
// A global variable.
$( #[$meta:meta] )*
$vis:vis static mut $name:ident: $typ:ty;
} => {
extern "C" {
prefixed_item! {
$( #[$meta] )*
$vis static mut $name: $typ;
#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64")))]
macro_rules! prefixed_export {
// A function.
$( #[$meta:meta] )*
$vis:vis unsafe fn $name:ident ( $( $arg_pat:ident : $arg_ty:ty ),* $(,)? ) $body:block
} => {
prefixed_item! {
$( #[$meta] )*
$vis unsafe fn $name ( $( $arg_pat : $arg_ty ),* ) $body
// A global variable.
$( #[$meta:meta] )*
$vis:vis static mut $name:ident: $typ:ty = $initial_value:expr;
} => {
prefixed_item! {
$( #[$meta] )*
$vis static mut $name: $typ = $initial_value;
macro_rules! prefixed_item {
// Calculate the prefixed name in a separate layer of macro expansion
// because rustc won't currently accept a non-literal expression as
// the value for `#[link_name = value]`.
{ $( $item:tt )+ }
} => {
prefixed_item! {
{ concat!(env!("RING_CORE_PREFIX"), stringify!($name)) }
{ $( $item )+ }
// Output the item.
{ $prefixed_name:expr }
{ $( $item:tt )+ }
} => {
#[$attr = $prefixed_name]
$( $item )+
macro_rules! prefixed_item {
// Calculate the prefixed name in a separate layer of macro expansion
// because rustc won't currently accept a non-literal expression as
// the value for `#[link_name = value]`.
{ $( $item:tt )+ }
} => {
prefixed_item! {
{ concat!("ring_core_android_platform_", stringify!($name)) }
{ $( $item )+ }
// Output the item.
{ $prefixed_name:expr }
{ $( $item:tt )+ }
} => {
#[$attr = $prefixed_name]
$( $item )+