blob: b9efd727f2c1fc4984a7cb123825cd071c7f0bfc [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0277]: `PhantomPinned` cannot be unpinned
--> tests/ui/pin_project/
18 | is_unpin::<S<PhantomPinned>>(); //~ ERROR E0277
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ within `_::__S<'_, PhantomPinned>`, the trait `Unpin` is not implemented for `PhantomPinned`
= note: consider using the `pin!` macro
consider using `Box::pin` if you need to access the pinned value outside of the current scope
note: required because it appears within the type `__S<'_, PhantomPinned>`
--> tests/ui/pin_project/
6 | struct S<T> {
| ^
note: required for `S<PhantomPinned>` to implement `Unpin`
--> tests/ui/pin_project/
5 | #[pin_project]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unsatisfied trait bound introduced in this `derive` macro
6 | struct S<T> {
| ^^^^
note: required by a bound in `is_unpin`
--> tests/ui/pin_project/
15 | fn is_unpin<T: Unpin>() {}
| ^^^^^ required by this bound in `is_unpin`
= note: this error originates in the derive macro `::pin_project::__private::__PinProjectInternalDerive` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)