blob: ad8fb6937b643f1e621ad9b418714017badc7e6b [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0367]: `Drop` impl requires `T: std::marker::Unpin` but the struct it is implemented for does not
--> $DIR/
10 | impl<T: Unpin> Drop for DropImpl<T> {
| ^^^^^
note: the implementor must specify the same requirement
--> $DIR/
6 | / struct DropImpl<T> {
7 | | field: T,
8 | | }
| |_^
error[E0277]: `T` cannot be unpinned
--> $DIR/
15 | #[pin_project(PinnedDrop)] //~ ERROR E0277
| ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::marker::Unpin` is not implemented for `T`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `pin_project::__private::PinnedDrop` for `PinnedDropImpl<T>`
= note: required by `pin_project::__private::PinnedDrop::drop`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
16 | struct PinnedDropImpl<T: std::marker::Unpin> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^