blob: 2ec4960570bbdff0303bfdd6b549a262491ce2c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// NB: If you change this test, change '' at the same time.
// trivial_bounds
// Tracking issue:
mod phantom_pinned {
use std::marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned};
struct A(PhantomPinned);
// bug of trivial_bounds?
impl Unpin for A where PhantomPinned: Unpin {} //~ ERROR E0277
struct Wrapper<T>(T);
impl<T> Unpin for Wrapper<T> where T: Unpin {}
struct B(PhantomPinned);
impl Unpin for B where Wrapper<PhantomPinned>: Unpin {} // Ok
struct WrapperWithLifetime<'a, T>(PhantomData<&'a ()>, T);
impl<T> Unpin for WrapperWithLifetime<'_, T> where T: Unpin {}
struct C(PhantomPinned);
// Ok
impl<'a> Unpin for C where WrapperWithLifetime<'a, PhantomPinned>: Unpin {}
fn main() {}