blob: 1ea60d762bdf97087b883031c464b806a842f567 [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0365]: `__DefaultProjection` is private, and cannot be re-exported
--> $DIR/
12 | pub use crate::pub_::__DefaultProjection; //~ ERROR E0365
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ re-export of private `__DefaultProjection`
= note: consider declaring type or module `__DefaultProjection` with `pub`
error[E0365]: `__DefaultProjectionRef` is private, and cannot be re-exported
--> $DIR/
14 | pub use crate::pub_::__DefaultProjectionRef; //~ ERROR E0365
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ re-export of private `__DefaultProjectionRef`
= note: consider declaring type or module `__DefaultProjectionRef` with `pub`
error[E0365]: `__ReplaceProjection` is private, and cannot be re-exported
--> $DIR/
16 | pub use crate::pub_::__ReplaceProjection; //~ ERROR E0365
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ re-export of private `__ReplaceProjection`
= note: consider declaring type or module `__ReplaceProjection` with `pub`
error[E0365]: `__ReplaceProjectionOwned` is private, and cannot be re-exported
--> $DIR/
18 | pub use crate::pub_::__ReplaceProjectionOwned; //~ ERROR E0365
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ re-export of private `__ReplaceProjectionOwned`
= note: consider declaring type or module `__ReplaceProjectionOwned` with `pub`
error[E0365]: `__ReplaceProjectionRef` is private, and cannot be re-exported
--> $DIR/
20 | pub use crate::pub_::__ReplaceProjectionRef; //~ ERROR E0365
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ re-export of private `__ReplaceProjectionRef`
= note: consider declaring type or module `__ReplaceProjectionRef` with `pub`