blob: 659b34d9cbc36a96214c9642e6a811f60ca02407 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::Index;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::ops::RangeFrom;
use std::ops::RangeFull;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use std::ops::RangeTo;
use std::ops::RangeToInclusive;
use std::result;
use std::str;
#[cfg(feature = "memchr")]
use memchr::memmem::find;
#[cfg(feature = "memchr")]
use memchr::memmem::rfind;
use super::imp;
use super::imp::raw;
use super::iter::Split;
use super::pattern::Encoded as EncodedPattern;
use super::private;
use super::Pattern;
if_checked_conversions! {
use super::EncodingError;
use super::Result;
#[cfg(not(feature = "memchr"))]
fn find(string: &[u8], pat: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
.find(|&x| string[x..].starts_with(pat))
#[cfg(not(feature = "memchr"))]
fn rfind(string: &[u8], pat: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
.rfind(|&x| string[..x].ends_with(pat))
.map(|x| x - pat.len())
unsafe trait TransmuteBox {
fn transmute_box<R>(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<R>
R: ?Sized + TransmuteBox,
let value = Box::into_raw(self);
// SAFETY: This trait is only implemented for types that can be
// transmuted.
unsafe { Box::from_raw(mem::transmute_copy(&value)) }
// SAFETY: This struct has a layout that makes this operation safe.
unsafe impl TransmuteBox for RawOsStr {}
unsafe impl TransmuteBox for [u8] {}
/// A container for borrowed byte strings converted by this crate.
/// This wrapper is intended to prevent violating the invariants of the
/// [unspecified encoding] used by this crate and minimize encoding
/// conversions.
/// # Indices
/// Methods of this struct that accept indices require that the index lie on a
/// UTF-8 boundary. Although it is possible to manipulate platform strings
/// based on other indices, this crate currently does not support them for
/// slicing methods. They would add significant complication to the
/// implementation and are generally not necessary. However, all indices
/// returned by this struct can be used for slicing.
/// On Unix, all indices are permitted, to avoid false positives. However,
/// relying on this implementation detail is discouraged. Platform-specific
/// indices are error-prone.
/// # Complexity
/// All searching methods have worst-case multiplicative time complexity (i.e.,
/// `O(self.raw_len() * pat.len())`). Enabling the "memchr" feature allows
/// these methods to instead run in linear time in the worst case (documented
/// for [`memchr::memmem::find`][memchr complexity]).
/// # Safety
/// Although this type is annotated with `#[repr(transparent)]`, the inner
/// representation is not stable. Transmuting between this type and any other
/// causes immediate undefined behavior.
/// [memchr complexity]: memchr::memmem::find#complexity
/// [unspecified encoding]: super#encoding
#[derive(Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
#[cfg_attr(os_str_bytes_docs_rs, doc(cfg(feature = "raw_os_str")))]
pub struct RawOsStr([u8]);
impl RawOsStr {
const fn from_inner(string: &[u8]) -> &Self {
// SAFETY: This struct has a layout that makes this operation safe.
unsafe { mem::transmute(string) }
/// Converts a platform-native string into a representation that can be
/// more easily manipulated.
/// This method performs the necessary conversion immediately, so it can be
/// expensive to call. It is recommended to continue using the returned
/// instance as long as possible (instead of the original [`OsStr`]), to
/// avoid repeated conversions.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// println!("{:?}", RawOsStr::new(&os_string));
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn new(string: &OsStr) -> Cow<'_, Self> {
match imp::os_str_to_bytes(string) {
Cow::Borrowed(string) => Cow::Borrowed(Self::from_inner(string)),
Cow::Owned(string) => Cow::Owned(RawOsString(string)),
/// Wraps a string, without copying or encoding conversion.
/// This method is much more efficient than [`RawOsStr::new`], since the
/// [encoding] used by this crate is compatible with UTF-8.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let string = "foobar";
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str(string);
/// assert_eq!(string, raw);
/// ```
/// [encoding]: super#encoding
pub fn from_str(string: &str) -> &Self {
/// Wraps a byte string, without copying or encoding conversion.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the string is not valid for the [unspecified encoding] used
/// by this crate.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsStr::new(&os_string);
/// let raw_bytes = raw.as_raw_bytes();
/// assert_eq!(&*raw, RawOsStr::assert_from_raw_bytes(raw_bytes));
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [unspecified encoding]: super#encoding
#[must_use = "method should not be used for validation"]
pub fn assert_from_raw_bytes(string: &[u8]) -> &Self {
if_checked_conversions! {
/// Wraps a byte string, without copying or encoding conversion.
/// [`assert_from_raw_bytes`] should almost always be used instead. For
/// more information, see [`EncodingError`].
/// # Errors
/// See documentation for [`EncodingError`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsStr::new(&os_string);
/// assert_eq!(Ok(&*raw), RawOsStr::from_raw_bytes(raw.as_raw_bytes()));
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`assert_from_raw_bytes`]: Self::assert_from_raw_bytes
doc(cfg(feature = "checked_conversions"))
pub fn from_raw_bytes(string: &[u8]) -> Result<&Self> {
.map(|()| Self::from_inner(string))
/// Wraps a byte string, without copying or encoding conversion.
/// # Safety
/// The string must be valid for the [unspecified encoding] used by this
/// crate.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsStr::new(&os_string);
/// let raw_bytes = raw.as_raw_bytes();
/// assert_eq!(&*raw, unsafe {
/// RawOsStr::from_raw_bytes_unchecked(raw_bytes)
/// });
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [unspecified encoding]: super#encoding
pub unsafe fn from_raw_bytes_unchecked(string: &[u8]) -> &Self {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
/// Returns the byte string stored by this container.
/// The returned string will use an [unspecified encoding].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let string = "foobar";
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str(string);
/// assert_eq!(string.as_bytes(), raw.as_raw_bytes());
/// ```
/// [unspecified encoding]: super#encoding
pub fn as_raw_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Equivalent to [`str::contains`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert!(raw.contains("oo"));
/// assert!(!raw.contains("of"));
/// ```
pub fn contains<P>(&self, pat: P) -> bool
P: Pattern,
/// Equivalent to [`str::ends_with`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert!(raw.ends_with("bar"));
/// assert!(!raw.ends_with("foo"));
/// ```
pub fn ends_with<P>(&self, pat: P) -> bool
P: Pattern,
let pat = pat.__encode();
let pat = pat.__get();
/// Equivalent to [`str::ends_with`] but accepts this type for the pattern.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert!(raw.ends_with_os(RawOsStr::from_str("bar")));
/// assert!(!raw.ends_with_os(RawOsStr::from_str("foo")));
/// ```
pub fn ends_with_os(&self, pat: &Self) -> bool {
raw::ends_with(&self.0, &pat.0)
/// Equivalent to [`str::find`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert_eq!(Some(1), raw.find("o"));
/// assert_eq!(None, raw.find("of"));
/// ```
pub fn find<P>(&self, pat: P) -> Option<usize>
P: Pattern,
let pat = pat.__encode();
let pat = pat.__get();
find(&self.0, pat)
/// Equivalent to [`str::is_empty`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// assert!(RawOsStr::from_str("").is_empty());
/// assert!(!RawOsStr::from_str("foobar").is_empty());
/// ```
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the length of the byte string stored by this container.
/// Only the following assumptions can be made about the result:
/// - The length of any Unicode character is the length of its UTF-8
/// representation (i.e., [`char::len_utf8`]).
/// - Splitting a string at a UTF-8 boundary will return two strings with
/// lengths that sum to the length of the original string.
/// This method may return a different result than would [`OsStr::len`]
/// when called on same string, since [`OsStr`] uses an unspecified
/// encoding.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// assert_eq!(6, RawOsStr::from_str("foobar").raw_len());
/// assert_eq!(0, RawOsStr::from_str("").raw_len());
/// ```
pub fn raw_len(&self) -> usize {
/// Equivalent to [`str::rfind`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert_eq!(Some(2), raw.rfind("o"));
/// assert_eq!(None, raw.rfind("of"));
/// ```
pub fn rfind<P>(&self, pat: P) -> Option<usize>
P: Pattern,
let pat = pat.__encode();
let pat = pat.__get();
rfind(&self.0, pat)
fn split_once_raw_with<P, F>(
pat: &P,
find_fn: F,
) -> Option<(&Self, &Self)>
F: FnOnce(&[u8], &[u8]) -> Option<usize>,
P: EncodedPattern,
let pat = pat.__get();
let index = find_fn(&self.0, pat)?;
let prefix = &self.0[..index];
let suffix = &self.0[index + pat.len()..];
Some((Self::from_inner(prefix), Self::from_inner(suffix)))
pub(super) fn rsplit_once_raw<P>(&self, pat: &P) -> Option<(&Self, &Self)>
P: EncodedPattern,
self.split_once_raw_with(pat, rfind)
/// Equivalent to [`str::rsplit_once`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert_eq!(
/// Some((RawOsStr::from_str("fo"), RawOsStr::from_str("bar"))),
/// raw.rsplit_once("o"),
/// );
/// assert_eq!(None, raw.rsplit_once("of"));
/// ```
pub fn rsplit_once<P>(&self, pat: P) -> Option<(&Self, &Self)>
P: Pattern,
fn index_boundary_error(&self, index: usize) -> ! {
let start = expect_encoded!(self.0[..index]
.rposition(|&x| !raw::is_continuation(x)));
let mut end = index + 1;
end += self.0[end..]
.take_while(|&&x| raw::is_continuation(x))
let code_point = raw::decode_code_point(&self.0[start..end]);
"byte index {} is not a valid boundary; it is inside U+{:04X} \
(bytes {}..{})",
index, code_point, start, end,
fn check_bound(&self, index: usize) {
if let Some(&byte) = self.0.get(index) {
if raw::is_continuation(byte) {
/// Equivalent to [`str::split`], but empty patterns are not accepted.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the pattern is empty.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert_eq!(["f", "", "bar"], *raw.split("o").collect::<Vec<_>>());
/// ```
pub fn split<P>(&self, pat: P) -> Split<'_, P>
P: Pattern,
Split::new(self, pat)
/// Equivalent to [`str::split_at`].
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the index is not a [valid boundary].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert_eq!(
/// ((RawOsStr::from_str("fo"), RawOsStr::from_str("obar"))),
/// raw.split_at(2),
/// );
/// ```
/// [valid boundary]: #indices
pub fn split_at(&self, mid: usize) -> (&Self, &Self) {
let (prefix, suffix) = self.0.split_at(mid);
(Self::from_inner(prefix), Self::from_inner(suffix))
pub(super) fn split_once_raw<P>(&self, pat: &P) -> Option<(&Self, &Self)>
P: EncodedPattern,
self.split_once_raw_with(pat, find)
/// Equivalent to [`str::split_once`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert_eq!(
/// Some((RawOsStr::from_str("f"), RawOsStr::from_str("obar"))),
/// raw.split_once("o"),
/// );
/// assert_eq!(None, raw.split_once("of"));
/// ```
pub fn split_once<P>(&self, pat: P) -> Option<(&Self, &Self)>
P: Pattern,
/// Equivalent to [`str::starts_with`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert!(raw.starts_with("foo"));
/// assert!(!raw.starts_with("bar"));
/// ```
pub fn starts_with<P>(&self, pat: P) -> bool
P: Pattern,
let pat = pat.__encode();
let pat = pat.__get();
/// Equivalent to [`str::starts_with`] but accepts this type for the
/// pattern.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("foobar");
/// assert!(raw.starts_with_os(RawOsStr::from_str("foo")));
/// assert!(!raw.starts_with_os(RawOsStr::from_str("bar")));
/// ```
pub fn starts_with_os(&self, pat: &Self) -> bool {
raw::starts_with(&self.0, &pat.0)
/// Equivalent to [`str::strip_prefix`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("111foo1bar111");
/// assert_eq!(
/// Some(RawOsStr::from_str("11foo1bar111")),
/// raw.strip_prefix("1"),
/// );
/// assert_eq!(None, raw.strip_prefix("o"));
/// ```
pub fn strip_prefix<P>(&self, pat: P) -> Option<&Self>
P: Pattern,
let pat = pat.__encode();
let pat = pat.__get();
/// Equivalent to [`str::strip_suffix`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("111foo1bar111");
/// assert_eq!(
/// Some(RawOsStr::from_str("111foo1bar11")),
/// raw.strip_suffix("1"),
/// );
/// assert_eq!(None, raw.strip_suffix("o"));
/// ```
pub fn strip_suffix<P>(&self, pat: P) -> Option<&Self>
P: Pattern,
let pat = pat.__encode();
let pat = pat.__get();
/// Converts this representation back to a platform-native string.
/// When possible, use [`RawOsStrCow::into_os_str`] for a more efficient
/// conversion on some platforms.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsStr::new(&os_string);
/// assert_eq!(os_string, raw.to_os_str());
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn to_os_str(&self) -> Cow<'_, OsStr> {
/// Equivalent to [`OsStr::to_str`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let string = "foobar";
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str(string);
/// assert_eq!(Some(string), raw.to_str());
/// ```
pub fn to_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
/// Converts this string to the best UTF-8 representation possible.
/// Invalid sequences will be replaced with
/// This method may return a different result than would
/// [`OsStr::to_string_lossy`] when called on same string, since [`OsStr`]
/// uses an unspecified encoding.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsStr::new(&os_string);
/// println!("{}", raw.to_str_lossy());
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn to_str_lossy(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {
fn trim_matches_raw_with<P, F>(&self, pat: &P, strip_fn: F) -> &Self
F: for<'a> Fn(&'a [u8], &[u8]) -> Option<&'a [u8]>,
P: EncodedPattern,
let pat = pat.__get();
if pat.is_empty() {
return self;
let mut string = &self.0;
while let Some(substring) = strip_fn(string, pat) {
string = substring;
fn trim_end_matches_raw<P>(&self, pat: &P) -> &Self
P: EncodedPattern,
self.trim_matches_raw_with(pat, <[_]>::strip_suffix)
/// Equivalent to [`str::trim_end_matches`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("111foo1bar111");
/// assert_eq!("111foo1bar", raw.trim_end_matches("1"));
/// assert_eq!("111foo1bar111", raw.trim_end_matches("o"));
/// ```
pub fn trim_end_matches<P>(&self, pat: P) -> &Self
P: Pattern,
/// Equivalent to [`str::trim_matches`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("111foo1bar111");
/// assert_eq!("foo1bar", raw.trim_matches("1"));
/// assert_eq!("111foo1bar111", raw.trim_matches("o"));
/// ```
pub fn trim_matches<P>(&self, pat: P) -> &Self
P: Pattern,
let pat = pat.__encode();
fn trim_start_matches_raw<P>(&self, pat: &P) -> &Self
P: EncodedPattern,
self.trim_matches_raw_with(pat, <[_]>::strip_prefix)
/// Equivalent to [`str::trim_start_matches`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// let raw = RawOsStr::from_str("111foo1bar111");
/// assert_eq!("foo1bar111", raw.trim_start_matches("1"));
/// assert_eq!("111foo1bar111", raw.trim_start_matches("o"));
/// ```
pub fn trim_start_matches<P>(&self, pat: P) -> &Self
P: Pattern,
impl AsRef<Self> for RawOsStr {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Self {
impl AsRef<RawOsStr> for str {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &RawOsStr {
impl AsRef<RawOsStr> for String {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &RawOsStr {
impl Default for &RawOsStr {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a RawOsStr> for Cow<'a, RawOsStr> {
fn from(value: &'a RawOsStr) -> Self {
impl From<Box<str>> for Box<RawOsStr> {
fn from(value: Box<str>) -> Self {
impl ToOwned for RawOsStr {
type Owned = RawOsString;
fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {
/// Extensions to [`Cow<RawOsStr>`] for additional conversions.
/// [`Cow<RawOsStr>`]: Cow
#[cfg_attr(os_str_bytes_docs_rs, doc(cfg(feature = "raw_os_str")))]
pub trait RawOsStrCow<'a>: private::Sealed {
/// Converts this representation back to a platform-native string.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStrCow;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsStr::new(&os_string);
/// assert_eq!(os_string, raw.into_os_str());
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
fn into_os_str(self) -> Cow<'a, OsStr>;
/// Returns the byte string stored by this container.
/// The returned string will use an [unspecified encoding].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::borrow::Cow;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsStrCow;
/// let string = "foobar";
/// let raw = Cow::Borrowed(RawOsStr::from_str(string));
/// assert_eq!(string.as_bytes(), &*raw.into_raw_bytes());
/// ```
/// [unspecified encoding]: super#encoding
fn into_raw_bytes(self) -> Cow<'a, [u8]>;
impl<'a> RawOsStrCow<'a> for Cow<'a, RawOsStr> {
fn into_os_str(self) -> Cow<'a, OsStr> {
match self {
Cow::Borrowed(string) => string.to_os_str(),
Cow::Owned(string) => Cow::Owned(string.into_os_string()),
fn into_raw_bytes(self) -> Cow<'a, [u8]> {
match self {
Cow::Borrowed(string) => Cow::Borrowed(&string.0),
Cow::Owned(string) => Cow::Owned(string.0),
/// A container for owned byte strings converted by this crate.
/// For more information, see [`RawOsStr`].
#[derive(Clone, Default, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
#[cfg_attr(os_str_bytes_docs_rs, doc(cfg(feature = "raw_os_str")))]
pub struct RawOsString(Vec<u8>);
impl RawOsString {
/// Converts a platform-native string into a representation that can be
/// more easily manipulated.
/// For more information, see [`RawOsStr::new`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// println!("{:?}", RawOsString::new(os_string));
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn new(string: OsString) -> Self {
/// Wraps a string, without copying or encoding conversion.
/// This method is much more efficient than [`RawOsString::new`], since the
/// [encoding] used by this crate is compatible with UTF-8.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let string = "foobar".to_owned();
/// let raw = RawOsString::from_string(string.clone());
/// assert_eq!(string, raw);
/// ```
/// [encoding]: super#encoding
pub fn from_string(string: String) -> Self {
/// Wraps a byte string, without copying or encoding conversion.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the string is not valid for the [unspecified encoding] used
/// by this crate.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsString::new(os_string);
/// let raw_bytes = raw.clone().into_raw_vec();
/// assert_eq!(raw, RawOsString::assert_from_raw_vec(raw_bytes));
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [unspecified encoding]: super#encoding
#[must_use = "method should not be used for validation"]
pub fn assert_from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
if_checked_conversions! {
/// Wraps a byte string, without copying or encoding conversion.
/// [`assert_from_raw_vec`] should almost always be used instead. For
/// more information, see [`EncodingError`].
/// # Errors
/// See documentation for [`EncodingError`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsString::new(os_string);
/// let raw_clone = raw.clone();
/// assert_eq!(Ok(raw), RawOsString::from_raw_vec(raw_clone.into_raw_vec()));
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`assert_from_raw_vec`]: Self::assert_from_raw_vec
doc(cfg(feature = "checked_conversions"))
pub fn from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self> {
.map(|()| Self(string))
/// Wraps a byte string, without copying or encoding conversion.
/// # Safety
/// The string must be valid for the [unspecified encoding] used by this
/// crate.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsString::new(os_string);
/// let raw_bytes = raw.clone().into_raw_vec();
/// assert_eq!(raw, unsafe {
/// RawOsString::from_raw_vec_unchecked(raw_bytes)
/// });
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [unspecified encoding]: super#encoding
pub unsafe fn from_raw_vec_unchecked(string: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
/// Equivalent to [`String::clear`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let mut raw = RawOsString::new(os_string);
/// raw.clear();
/// assert!(raw.is_empty());
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
/// Equivalent to [`String::into_boxed_str`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let string = "foobar".to_owned();
/// let raw = RawOsString::from_string(string.clone());
/// assert_eq!(string, *raw.into_box());
/// ```
pub fn into_box(self) -> Box<RawOsStr> {
/// Converts this representation back to a platform-native string.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::env;
/// # use std::io;
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let os_string = env::current_exe()?.into_os_string();
/// let raw = RawOsString::new(os_string.clone());
/// assert_eq!(os_string, raw.into_os_string());
/// #
/// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn into_os_string(self) -> OsString {
/// Returns the byte string stored by this container.
/// The returned string will use an [unspecified encoding].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let string = "foobar".to_owned();
/// let raw = RawOsString::from_string(string.clone());
/// assert_eq!(string.into_bytes(), raw.into_raw_vec());
/// ```
/// [unspecified encoding]: super#encoding
pub fn into_raw_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Equivalent to [`OsString::into_string`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let string = "foobar".to_owned();
/// let raw = RawOsString::from_string(string.clone());
/// assert_eq!(Ok(string), raw.into_string());
/// ```
pub fn into_string(self) -> result::Result<String, Self> {
String::from_utf8(self.0).map_err(|x| Self(x.into_bytes()))
/// Equivalent to [`String::shrink_to_fit`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let string = "foobar".to_owned();
/// let mut raw = RawOsString::from_string(string.clone());
/// raw.shrink_to_fit();
/// assert_eq!(string, raw);
/// ```
pub fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {
/// Equivalent to [`String::split_off`].
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the index is not a [valid boundary].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let mut raw = RawOsString::from_string("foobar".to_owned());
/// assert_eq!("bar", raw.split_off(3));
/// assert_eq!("foo", raw);
/// ```
/// [valid boundary]: RawOsStr#indices
pub fn split_off(&mut self, at: usize) -> Self {
/// Equivalent to [`String::truncate`].
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the index is not a [valid boundary].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use os_str_bytes::RawOsString;
/// let mut raw = RawOsString::from_string("foobar".to_owned());
/// raw.truncate(3);
/// assert_eq!("foo", raw);
/// ```
/// [valid boundary]: RawOsStr#indices
pub fn truncate(&mut self, new_len: usize) {
impl AsRef<RawOsStr> for RawOsString {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &RawOsStr {
impl Borrow<RawOsStr> for RawOsString {
fn borrow(&self) -> &RawOsStr {
impl Deref for RawOsString {
type Target = RawOsStr;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl From<RawOsString> for Box<RawOsStr> {
fn from(value: RawOsString) -> Self {
impl From<Box<RawOsStr>> for RawOsString {
fn from(value: Box<RawOsStr>) -> Self {
impl From<RawOsString> for Cow<'_, RawOsStr> {
fn from(value: RawOsString) -> Self {
impl From<String> for RawOsString {
fn from(value: String) -> Self {
struct DebugBuffer<'a>(&'a [u8]);
impl Debug for DebugBuffer<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut string = self.0;
let mut invalid_length = 0;
while !string.is_empty() {
let (invalid, substring) = string.split_at(invalid_length);
let valid = match str::from_utf8(substring) {
Ok(valid) => {
string = &[];
Err(error) => {
let (valid, substring) =
let invalid_char_length =
error.error_len().unwrap_or_else(|| substring.len());
if valid.is_empty() {
invalid_length += invalid_char_length;
string = substring;
invalid_length = invalid_char_length;
// SAFETY: This slice was validated to be UTF-8.
unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(valid) }
raw::debug(invalid, f)?;
Display::fmt(&valid.escape_debug(), f)?;
macro_rules! r#impl {
( $type:ty ) => {
impl Debug for $type {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
macro_rules! r#impl {
( $index_type:ty $(, $index_var:ident , $($bound:expr),+)? ) => {
impl Index<$index_type> for RawOsStr {
type Output = Self;
fn index(&self, idx: $index_type) -> &Self::Output {
let $index_var = &idx;
impl Index<$index_type> for RawOsString {
type Output = RawOsStr;
fn index(&self, idx: $index_type) -> &Self::Output {
r#impl!(Range<usize>, x, x.start, x.end);
r#impl!(RangeFrom<usize>, x, x.start);
// [usize::MAX] will always be a valid inclusive end index.
r#impl!(RangeInclusive<usize>, x, *x.start(), x.end().wrapping_add(1));
r#impl!(RangeTo<usize>, x, x.end);
r#impl!(RangeToInclusive<usize>, x, x.end.wrapping_add(1));
macro_rules! r#impl {
( $type:ty , $other_type:ty ) => {
impl PartialEq<$other_type> for $type {
fn eq(&self, other: &$other_type) -> bool {
let raw: &RawOsStr = self;
let other: &RawOsStr = other.as_ref();
raw == other
impl PartialEq<$type> for $other_type {
fn eq(&self, other: &$type) -> bool {
other == self
r#impl!(RawOsStr, RawOsString);
r#impl!(&RawOsStr, RawOsString);
r#impl!(RawOsStr, str);
r#impl!(RawOsStr, String);
r#impl!(&RawOsStr, String);
r#impl!(RawOsString, str);
r#impl!(RawOsString, &str);
r#impl!(RawOsString, String);
#[cfg(feature = "print_bytes")]
#[cfg_attr(os_str_bytes_docs_rs, doc(cfg(feature = "print_bytes")))]
mod print_bytes {
use print_bytes::ByteStr;
use print_bytes::ToBytes;
use print_bytes::WideStr;
use crate::imp::raw;
use super::RawOsStr;
use super::RawOsString;
impl ToBytes for RawOsStr {
fn to_bytes(&self) -> ByteStr<'_> {
fn to_wide(&self) -> Option<WideStr> {
impl ToBytes for RawOsString {
fn to_bytes(&self) -> ByteStr<'_> {
fn to_wide(&self) -> Option<WideStr> {
#[cfg(feature = "uniquote")]
#[cfg_attr(os_str_bytes_docs_rs, doc(cfg(feature = "uniquote")))]
mod uniquote {
use uniquote::Formatter;
use uniquote::Quote;
use uniquote::Result;
use crate::imp::raw;
use super::RawOsStr;
use super::RawOsString;
impl Quote for RawOsStr {
fn escape(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
raw::uniquote::escape(&self.0, f)
impl Quote for RawOsString {
fn escape(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {