blob: 686def4d49ada38344c224d94f2c566b55c219b4 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::BigInt;
use super::Sign::{Minus, NoSign, Plus};
use crate::big_digit::{self, BigDigit, DoubleBigDigit};
use crate::biguint::IntDigits;
use crate::std_alloc::Vec;
use core::cmp::Ordering::{Equal, Greater, Less};
use core::ops::{BitAnd, BitAndAssign, BitOr, BitOrAssign, BitXor, BitXorAssign};
use num_traits::{ToPrimitive, Zero};
// Negation in two's complement.
// acc must be initialized as 1 for least-significant digit.
// When negating, a carry (acc == 1) means that all the digits
// considered to this point were zero. This means that if all the
// digits of a negative BigInt have been considered, carry must be
// zero as we cannot have negative zero.
// 01 -> ...f ff
// ff -> ...f 01
// 01 00 -> ...f ff 00
// 01 01 -> ...f fe ff
// 01 ff -> ...f fe 01
// ff 00 -> ...f 01 00
// ff 01 -> ...f 00 ff
// ff ff -> ...f 00 01
fn negate_carry(a: BigDigit, acc: &mut DoubleBigDigit) -> BigDigit {
*acc += DoubleBigDigit::from(!a);
let lo = *acc as BigDigit;
*acc >>= big_digit::BITS;
// + 1 & -ff = ...0 01 & ...f 01 = ...0 01 = + 1
// +ff & - 1 = ...0 ff & ...f ff = ...0 ff = +ff
// answer is pos, has length of a
fn bitand_pos_neg(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_b = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
*ai &= twos_b;
debug_assert!(b.len() > a.len() || carry_b == 0);
// - 1 & +ff = ...f ff & ...0 ff = ...0 ff = +ff
// -ff & + 1 = ...f 01 & ...0 01 = ...0 01 = + 1
// answer is pos, has length of b
fn bitand_neg_pos(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_a = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
*ai = twos_a & bi;
debug_assert!(a.len() > b.len() || carry_a == 0);
match Ord::cmp(&a.len(), &b.len()) {
Greater => a.truncate(b.len()),
Equal => {}
Less => {
let extra = &b[a.len()..];
// - 1 & -ff = ...f ff & ...f 01 = ...f 01 = - ff
// -ff & - 1 = ...f 01 & ...f ff = ...f 01 = - ff
// -ff & -fe = ...f 01 & ...f 02 = ...f 00 = -100
// answer is neg, has length of longest with a possible carry
fn bitand_neg_neg(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_a = 1;
let mut carry_b = 1;
let mut carry_and = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
*ai = negate_carry(twos_a & twos_b, &mut carry_and);
debug_assert!(a.len() > b.len() || carry_a == 0);
debug_assert!(b.len() > a.len() || carry_b == 0);
match Ord::cmp(&a.len(), &b.len()) {
Greater => {
for ai in a[b.len()..].iter_mut() {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
*ai = negate_carry(twos_a, &mut carry_and);
debug_assert!(carry_a == 0);
Equal => {}
Less => {
let extra = &b[a.len()..];
a.extend(extra.iter().map(|&bi| {
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
negate_carry(twos_b, &mut carry_and)
debug_assert!(carry_b == 0);
if carry_and != 0 {
forward_val_val_binop!(impl BitAnd for BigInt, bitand);
forward_ref_val_binop!(impl BitAnd for BigInt, bitand);
// do not use forward_ref_ref_binop_commutative! for bitand so that we can
// clone as needed, avoiding over-allocation
impl<'a, 'b> BitAnd<&'b BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
type Output = BigInt;
fn bitand(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
match (self.sign, other.sign) {
(NoSign, _) | (_, NoSign) => BigInt::zero(),
(Plus, Plus) => BigInt::from(& & &,
(Plus, Minus) => self.clone() & other,
(Minus, Plus) => other.clone() & self,
(Minus, Minus) => {
// forward to val-ref, choosing the larger to clone
if self.len() >= other.len() {
self.clone() & other
} else {
other.clone() & self
impl<'a> BitAnd<&'a BigInt> for BigInt {
type Output = BigInt;
fn bitand(mut self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
self &= other;
forward_val_assign!(impl BitAndAssign for BigInt, bitand_assign);
impl<'a> BitAndAssign<&'a BigInt> for BigInt {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: &BigInt) {
match (self.sign, other.sign) {
(NoSign, _) => {}
(_, NoSign) => self.set_zero(),
(Plus, Plus) => { &= &;
if {
self.sign = NoSign;
(Plus, Minus) => {
bitand_pos_neg(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
(Minus, Plus) => {
bitand_neg_pos(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
self.sign = Plus;
(Minus, Minus) => {
bitand_neg_neg(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
// + 1 | -ff = ...0 01 | ...f 01 = ...f 01 = -ff
// +ff | - 1 = ...0 ff | ...f ff = ...f ff = - 1
// answer is neg, has length of b
fn bitor_pos_neg(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_b = 1;
let mut carry_or = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
*ai = negate_carry(*ai | twos_b, &mut carry_or);
debug_assert!(b.len() > a.len() || carry_b == 0);
match Ord::cmp(&a.len(), &b.len()) {
Greater => {
Equal => {}
Less => {
let extra = &b[a.len()..];
a.extend(extra.iter().map(|&bi| {
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
negate_carry(twos_b, &mut carry_or)
debug_assert!(carry_b == 0);
// for carry_or to be non-zero, we would need twos_b == 0
debug_assert!(carry_or == 0);
// - 1 | +ff = ...f ff | ...0 ff = ...f ff = - 1
// -ff | + 1 = ...f 01 | ...0 01 = ...f 01 = -ff
// answer is neg, has length of a
fn bitor_neg_pos(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_a = 1;
let mut carry_or = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
*ai = negate_carry(twos_a | bi, &mut carry_or);
debug_assert!(a.len() > b.len() || carry_a == 0);
if a.len() > b.len() {
for ai in a[b.len()..].iter_mut() {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
*ai = negate_carry(twos_a, &mut carry_or);
debug_assert!(carry_a == 0);
// for carry_or to be non-zero, we would need twos_a == 0
debug_assert!(carry_or == 0);
// - 1 | -ff = ...f ff | ...f 01 = ...f ff = -1
// -ff | - 1 = ...f 01 | ...f ff = ...f ff = -1
// answer is neg, has length of shortest
fn bitor_neg_neg(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_a = 1;
let mut carry_b = 1;
let mut carry_or = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
*ai = negate_carry(twos_a | twos_b, &mut carry_or);
debug_assert!(a.len() > b.len() || carry_a == 0);
debug_assert!(b.len() > a.len() || carry_b == 0);
if a.len() > b.len() {
// for carry_or to be non-zero, we would need twos_a == 0 or twos_b == 0
debug_assert!(carry_or == 0);
forward_val_val_binop!(impl BitOr for BigInt, bitor);
forward_ref_val_binop!(impl BitOr for BigInt, bitor);
// do not use forward_ref_ref_binop_commutative! for bitor so that we can
// clone as needed, avoiding over-allocation
impl<'a, 'b> BitOr<&'b BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
type Output = BigInt;
fn bitor(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
match (self.sign, other.sign) {
(NoSign, _) => other.clone(),
(_, NoSign) => self.clone(),
(Plus, Plus) => BigInt::from(& | &,
(Plus, Minus) => other.clone() | self,
(Minus, Plus) => self.clone() | other,
(Minus, Minus) => {
// forward to val-ref, choosing the smaller to clone
if self.len() <= other.len() {
self.clone() | other
} else {
other.clone() | self
impl<'a> BitOr<&'a BigInt> for BigInt {
type Output = BigInt;
fn bitor(mut self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
self |= other;
forward_val_assign!(impl BitOrAssign for BigInt, bitor_assign);
impl<'a> BitOrAssign<&'a BigInt> for BigInt {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: &BigInt) {
match (self.sign, other.sign) {
(_, NoSign) => {}
(NoSign, _) => self.clone_from(other),
(Plus, Plus) => |= &,
(Plus, Minus) => {
bitor_pos_neg(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
self.sign = Minus;
(Minus, Plus) => {
bitor_neg_pos(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
(Minus, Minus) => {
bitor_neg_neg(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
// + 1 ^ -ff = ...0 01 ^ ...f 01 = ...f 00 = -100
// +ff ^ - 1 = ...0 ff ^ ...f ff = ...f 00 = -100
// answer is neg, has length of longest with a possible carry
fn bitxor_pos_neg(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_b = 1;
let mut carry_xor = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
*ai = negate_carry(*ai ^ twos_b, &mut carry_xor);
debug_assert!(b.len() > a.len() || carry_b == 0);
match Ord::cmp(&a.len(), &b.len()) {
Greater => {
for ai in a[b.len()..].iter_mut() {
let twos_b = !0;
*ai = negate_carry(*ai ^ twos_b, &mut carry_xor);
Equal => {}
Less => {
let extra = &b[a.len()..];
a.extend(extra.iter().map(|&bi| {
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
negate_carry(twos_b, &mut carry_xor)
debug_assert!(carry_b == 0);
if carry_xor != 0 {
// - 1 ^ +ff = ...f ff ^ ...0 ff = ...f 00 = -100
// -ff ^ + 1 = ...f 01 ^ ...0 01 = ...f 00 = -100
// answer is neg, has length of longest with a possible carry
fn bitxor_neg_pos(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_a = 1;
let mut carry_xor = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
*ai = negate_carry(twos_a ^ bi, &mut carry_xor);
debug_assert!(a.len() > b.len() || carry_a == 0);
match Ord::cmp(&a.len(), &b.len()) {
Greater => {
for ai in a[b.len()..].iter_mut() {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
*ai = negate_carry(twos_a, &mut carry_xor);
debug_assert!(carry_a == 0);
Equal => {}
Less => {
let extra = &b[a.len()..];
a.extend(extra.iter().map(|&bi| {
let twos_a = !0;
negate_carry(twos_a ^ bi, &mut carry_xor)
if carry_xor != 0 {
// - 1 ^ -ff = ...f ff ^ ...f 01 = ...0 fe = +fe
// -ff & - 1 = ...f 01 ^ ...f ff = ...0 fe = +fe
// answer is pos, has length of longest
fn bitxor_neg_neg(a: &mut Vec<BigDigit>, b: &[BigDigit]) {
let mut carry_a = 1;
let mut carry_b = 1;
for (ai, &bi) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
*ai = twos_a ^ twos_b;
debug_assert!(a.len() > b.len() || carry_a == 0);
debug_assert!(b.len() > a.len() || carry_b == 0);
match Ord::cmp(&a.len(), &b.len()) {
Greater => {
for ai in a[b.len()..].iter_mut() {
let twos_a = negate_carry(*ai, &mut carry_a);
let twos_b = !0;
*ai = twos_a ^ twos_b;
debug_assert!(carry_a == 0);
Equal => {}
Less => {
let extra = &b[a.len()..];
a.extend(extra.iter().map(|&bi| {
let twos_a = !0;
let twos_b = negate_carry(bi, &mut carry_b);
twos_a ^ twos_b
debug_assert!(carry_b == 0);
forward_all_binop_to_val_ref_commutative!(impl BitXor for BigInt, bitxor);
impl<'a> BitXor<&'a BigInt> for BigInt {
type Output = BigInt;
fn bitxor(mut self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
self ^= other;
forward_val_assign!(impl BitXorAssign for BigInt, bitxor_assign);
impl<'a> BitXorAssign<&'a BigInt> for BigInt {
fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: &BigInt) {
match (self.sign, other.sign) {
(_, NoSign) => {}
(NoSign, _) => self.clone_from(other),
(Plus, Plus) => { ^= &;
if {
self.sign = NoSign;
(Plus, Minus) => {
bitxor_pos_neg(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
self.sign = Minus;
(Minus, Plus) => {
bitxor_neg_pos(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
(Minus, Minus) => {
bitxor_neg_neg(self.digits_mut(), other.digits());
self.sign = Plus;
pub(super) fn set_negative_bit(x: &mut BigInt, bit: u64, value: bool) {
debug_assert_eq!(x.sign, Minus);
let data = &mut;
let bits_per_digit = u64::from(big_digit::BITS);
if bit >= bits_per_digit * data.len() as u64 {
if !value {
data.set_bit(bit, true);
} else {
// If the Uint number is
// ... 0 x 1 0 ... 0
// then the two's complement is
// ... 1 !x 1 0 ... 0
// |-- bit at position 'trailing_zeros'
// where !x is obtained from x by flipping each bit
let trailing_zeros = data.trailing_zeros().unwrap();
if bit > trailing_zeros {
data.set_bit(bit, !value);
} else if bit == trailing_zeros && !value {
// Clearing the bit at position `trailing_zeros` is dealt with by doing
// similarly to what `bitand_neg_pos` does, except we start at digit
// `bit_index`. All digits below `bit_index` are guaranteed to be zero,
// so initially we have `carry_in` = `carry_out` = 1. Furthermore, we
// stop traversing the digits when there are no more carries.
let bit_index = (bit / bits_per_digit).to_usize().unwrap();
let bit_mask = (1 as BigDigit) << (bit % bits_per_digit);
let mut digit_iter = data.digits_mut().iter_mut().skip(bit_index);
let mut carry_in = 1;
let mut carry_out = 1;
let digit =;
let twos_in = negate_carry(*digit, &mut carry_in);
let twos_out = twos_in & !bit_mask;
*digit = negate_carry(twos_out, &mut carry_out);
for digit in digit_iter {
if carry_in == 0 && carry_out == 0 {
// Exit the loop since no more digits can change
let twos = negate_carry(*digit, &mut carry_in);
*digit = negate_carry(twos, &mut carry_out);
if carry_out != 0 {
// All digits have been traversed and there is a carry
debug_assert_eq!(carry_in, 0);
} else if bit < trailing_zeros && value {
// Flip each bit from position 'bit' to 'trailing_zeros', both inclusive
// ... 1 !x 1 0 ... 0 ... 0
// |-- bit at position 'bit'
// |-- bit at position 'trailing_zeros'
// bit_mask: 1 1 ... 1 0 .. 0
// This is done by xor'ing with the bit_mask
let index_lo = (bit / bits_per_digit).to_usize().unwrap();
let index_hi = (trailing_zeros / bits_per_digit).to_usize().unwrap();
let bit_mask_lo = big_digit::MAX << (bit % bits_per_digit);
let bit_mask_hi =
big_digit::MAX >> (bits_per_digit - 1 - (trailing_zeros % bits_per_digit));
let digits = data.digits_mut();
if index_lo == index_hi {
digits[index_lo] ^= bit_mask_lo & bit_mask_hi;
} else {
digits[index_lo] = bit_mask_lo;
for digit in &mut digits[index_lo + 1..index_hi] {
*digit = big_digit::MAX;
digits[index_hi] ^= bit_mask_hi;
} else {
// We end up here in two cases:
// bit == trailing_zeros && value: Bit is already set
// bit < trailing_zeros && !value: Bit is already cleared