blob: c0c61a5d02b5a49890e62eb6469dcab02b8a6b43 [file] [log] [blame]
This package is imported to Android and uses Android's external/sqlite
header files and compilation flags to generate bindings.
Whenever this package is updated, the following common procedure
for external/rust/crates and special steps should be followed:
* Make sure that the files under android are still preserved.
* Check for changes in Cargo.toml and rerun
to verify impacts to Android.bp. The manually added modules
should be preserved and checked against any new changes from
Cargo.toml. Note that new/changed features can also affect and thus affect the flags passed to bindgen.
* Similar to Cargo.toml, changes could add/change
bindgen flags. Watch out for changes related to buildtime_bindgen
and match them with sqlite3_bindgen_{clang_flags, flags} in
* Make sure the clang flags are still valid w.r.t. external/sqlite,
see sqlite3_bindgen_clang_flags in Android.bp.
* Run at least the following tests locally:
* make with both aosp_x86_64-eng and aosp_arm64-eng
* atest -c --include-subdirs external/rust/crates/libsqlite3-sys
* If the make fails in genrule modules, follow the comments in
Android.bp to update the bindgen_post_edit_cmd or