blob: 1d566ed3689c903be18fed847ba0296475e9f4cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Amari Robinson
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use crate::alloc::boxed::Box;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use crate::alloc::rc::Rc;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use crate::alloc::sync::Arc;
use crate::UnsafeRef;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use core::ops::Deref;
use core::pin::Pin;
/// Trait for pointer conversion operations.
/// `Value` is the actual object type managed by the collection. This type will
/// typically have a link as a struct field.
/// `Pointer` is a pointer type which "owns" an object of type `Value`.
/// Operations which insert an element into an intrusive collection will accept
/// such a pointer and operations which remove an element will return this type.
pub unsafe trait PointerOps {
/// Object type which is inserted into an intrusive collection.
type Value: ?Sized;
/// Pointer type which owns an instance of a value.
type Pointer;
/// Constructs an owned pointer from a raw pointer.
/// # Safety
/// The raw pointer must have been previously returned by `into_raw`.
/// An implementation of `from_raw` must not panic.
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, value: *const Self::Value) -> Self::Pointer;
/// Consumes the owned pointer and returns a raw pointer to the owned object.
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Self::Pointer) -> *const Self::Value;
/// The `PointerOps` type used by an `Adapter` generated by `intrusive_adapter!`.
pub struct DefaultPointerOps<Pointer>(PhantomData<Pointer>);
impl<Pointer> DefaultPointerOps<Pointer> {
/// Constructs an instance of `DefaultPointerOps`.
pub const fn new() -> DefaultPointerOps<Pointer> {
impl<Pointer> Clone for DefaultPointerOps<Pointer> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<Pointer> Copy for DefaultPointerOps<Pointer> {}
impl<Pointer> Default for DefaultPointerOps<Pointer> {
fn default() -> Self {
unsafe impl<'a, T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<&'a T> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = &'a T;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> &'a T {
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: &'a T) -> *const T {
unsafe impl<'a, T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<Pin<&'a T>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = Pin<&'a T>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> Pin<&'a T> {
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Pin<&'a T>) -> *const T {
unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(ptr) as *const T }
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<UnsafeRef<T>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = UnsafeRef<T>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> UnsafeRef<T> {
UnsafeRef::from_raw(raw as *mut T)
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: UnsafeRef<T>) -> *const T {
UnsafeRef::into_raw(ptr) as *const T
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<Pin<UnsafeRef<T>>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = Pin<UnsafeRef<T>>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> Pin<UnsafeRef<T>> {
Pin::new_unchecked(UnsafeRef::from_raw(raw as *mut T))
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Pin<UnsafeRef<T>>) -> *const T {
UnsafeRef::into_raw(unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(ptr) }) as *const T
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<Box<T>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = Box<T>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> Box<T> {
Box::from_raw(raw as *mut T)
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Box<T>) -> *const T {
Box::into_raw(ptr) as *const T
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<Pin<Box<T>>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = Pin<Box<T>>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> Pin<Box<T>> {
Pin::new_unchecked(Box::from_raw(raw as *mut T))
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Pin<Box<T>>) -> *const T {
Box::into_raw(unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(ptr) }) as *const T
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<Rc<T>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = Rc<T>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> Rc<T> {
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Rc<T>) -> *const T {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<Pin<Rc<T>>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = Pin<Rc<T>>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> Pin<Rc<T>> {
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Pin<Rc<T>>) -> *const T {
Rc::into_raw(unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(ptr) })
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<Arc<T>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = Arc<T>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> Arc<T> {
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Arc<T>) -> *const T {
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> PointerOps for DefaultPointerOps<Pin<Arc<T>>> {
type Value = T;
type Pointer = Pin<Arc<T>>;
unsafe fn from_raw(&self, raw: *const T) -> Pin<Arc<T>> {
fn into_raw(&self, ptr: Pin<Arc<T>>) -> *const T {
Arc::into_raw(unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(ptr) })
/// Clones a `PointerOps::Pointer` from a `*const PointerOps::Value`
/// This method is only safe to call if the raw pointer is known to be
/// managed by the provided `PointerOps` type.
pub(crate) unsafe fn clone_pointer_from_raw<T: PointerOps>(
pointer_ops: &T,
ptr: *const T::Value,
) -> T::Pointer
T::Pointer: Clone,
/// Guard which converts an pointer back into its raw version
/// when it gets dropped. This makes sure we also perform a full
/// `from_raw` and `into_raw` round trip - even in the case of panics.
struct PointerGuard<'a, T: PointerOps> {
pointer: ManuallyDrop<T::Pointer>,
pointer_ops: &'a T,
impl<'a, T: PointerOps> Drop for PointerGuard<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Prevent shared pointers from being released by converting them
// back into the raw pointers
// SAFETY: `pointer` is never dropped. `ManuallyDrop::take` is not stable until 1.42.0.
let _ = self
.into_raw(unsafe { core::ptr::read(&*self.pointer) });
let holder = PointerGuard {
pointer: ManuallyDrop::new(pointer_ops.from_raw(ptr)),
mod tests {
use super::{DefaultPointerOps, PointerOps};
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::mem;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;
fn test_box() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Box<_>>::new();
let p = Box::new(1);
let a: *const i32 = &*p;
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
let p2: Box<i32> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const i32 = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
fn test_rc() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Rc<_>>::new();
let p = Rc::new(1);
let a: *const i32 = &*p;
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
let p2: Rc<i32> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const i32 = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
fn test_arc() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Arc<_>>::new();
let p = Arc::new(1);
let a: *const i32 = &*p;
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
let p2: Arc<i32> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const i32 = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
fn test_box_unsized() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Box<_>>::new();
let p = Box::new(1) as Box<dyn Debug>;
let a: *const dyn Debug = &*p;
let b: (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(a);
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(r));
let p2: Box<dyn Debug> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const dyn Debug = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(a2));
fn test_rc_unsized() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Rc<_>>::new();
let p = Rc::new(1) as Rc<dyn Debug>;
let a: *const dyn Debug = &*p;
let b: (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(a);
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(r));
let p2: Rc<dyn Debug> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const dyn Debug = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(a2));
fn test_arc_unsized() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Arc<_>>::new();
let p = Arc::new(1) as Arc<dyn Debug>;
let a: *const dyn Debug = &*p;
let b: (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(a);
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(r));
let p2: Arc<dyn Debug> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const dyn Debug = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(a2));
fn clone_arc_from_raw() {
use super::clone_pointer_from_raw;
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Arc<_>>::new();
let p = Arc::new(1);
let raw = Arc::as_ptr(&p);
let p2: Arc<i32> = clone_pointer_from_raw(&pointer_ops, raw);
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&p2));
fn clone_rc_from_raw() {
use super::clone_pointer_from_raw;
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Rc<_>>::new();
let p = Rc::new(1);
let raw = Rc::as_ptr(&p);
let p2: Rc<i32> = clone_pointer_from_raw(&pointer_ops, raw);
assert_eq!(2, Rc::strong_count(&p2));
fn test_pin_box() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Pin<Box<_>>>::new();
let p = Pin::new(Box::new(1));
let a: *const i32 = &*p;
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
let p2: Pin<Box<i32>> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const i32 = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
fn test_pin_rc() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Pin<Rc<_>>>::new();
let p = Pin::new(Rc::new(1));
let a: *const i32 = &*p;
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
let p2: Pin<Rc<i32>> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const i32 = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
fn test_pin_arc() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Pin<Arc<_>>>::new();
let p = Pin::new(Arc::new(1));
let a: *const i32 = &*p;
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
let p2: Pin<Arc<i32>> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const i32 = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
fn test_pin_box_unsized() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Pin<Box<_>>>::new();
let p = Pin::new(Box::new(1)) as Pin<Box<dyn Debug>>;
let a: *const dyn Debug = &*p;
let b: (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(a);
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(r));
let p2: Pin<Box<dyn Debug>> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const dyn Debug = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(a2));
fn test_pin_rc_unsized() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Pin<Rc<_>>>::new();
let p = Pin::new(Rc::new(1)) as Pin<Rc<dyn Debug>>;
let a: *const dyn Debug = &*p;
let b: (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(a);
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(r));
let p2: Pin<Rc<dyn Debug>> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const dyn Debug = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(a2));
fn test_pin_arc_unsized() {
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Pin<Arc<_>>>::new();
let p = Pin::new(Arc::new(1)) as Pin<Arc<dyn Debug>>;
let a: *const dyn Debug = &*p;
let b: (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(a);
let r = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
assert_eq!(a, r);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(r));
let p2: Pin<Arc<dyn Debug>> = pointer_ops.from_raw(r);
let a2: *const dyn Debug = &*p2;
assert_eq!(a, a2);
assert_eq!(b, mem::transmute(a2));
fn clone_pin_arc_from_raw() {
use super::clone_pointer_from_raw;
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Pin<Arc<_>>>::new();
let p = Pin::new(Arc::new(1));
let raw = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
let p2: Pin<Arc<i32>> = clone_pointer_from_raw(&pointer_ops, raw);
let _p = pointer_ops.from_raw(raw);
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&Pin::into_inner(p2)));
fn clone_pin_rc_from_raw() {
use super::clone_pointer_from_raw;
unsafe {
let pointer_ops = DefaultPointerOps::<Pin<Rc<_>>>::new();
let p = Pin::new(Rc::new(1));
let raw = pointer_ops.into_raw(p);
let p2: Pin<Rc<i32>> = clone_pointer_from_raw(&pointer_ops, raw);
let _p = pointer_ops.from_raw(raw);
assert_eq!(2, Rc::strong_count(&Pin::into_inner(p2)));