blob: baeaaf644d41f0c0a193c1d4b0feecfc6ba4f4dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The gRPC Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Local copy of Envoy xDS proto file, used for testing only.
syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.config.route.v3;
import "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/base.proto";
import "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/regex.proto";
import "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/percent.proto";
import "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/range.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// [#protodoc-title: HTTP route components]
// * Routing :ref:`architecture overview <arch_overview_http_routing>`
// * HTTP :ref:`router filter <config_http_filters_router>`
// The top level element in the routing configuration is a virtual host. Each virtual host has
// a logical name as well as a set of domains that get routed to it based on the incoming request's
// host header. This allows a single listener to service multiple top level domain path trees. Once
// a virtual host is selected based on the domain, the routes are processed in order to see which
// upstream cluster to route to or whether to perform a redirect.
// [#next-free-field: 21]
message VirtualHost {
// The logical name of the virtual host. This is used when emitting certain
// statistics but is not relevant for routing.
string name = 1;
// A list of domains (host/authority header) that will be matched to this
// virtual host. Wildcard hosts are supported in the suffix or prefix form.
// Domain search order:
// 1. Exact domain names: ````.
// 2. Suffix domain wildcards: ``*`` or ``*``.
// 3. Prefix domain wildcards: ``foo.*`` or ``foo-*``.
// 4. Special wildcard ``*`` matching any domain.
// .. note::
// The wildcard will not match the empty string.
// e.g. ``*`` will match ```` but not ````.
// The longest wildcards match first.
// Only a single virtual host in the entire route configuration can match on ``*``. A domain
// must be unique across all virtual hosts or the config will fail to load.
// Domains cannot contain control characters. This is validated by the well_known_regex HTTP_HEADER_VALUE.
repeated string domains = 2;
// The list of routes that will be matched, in order, for incoming requests.
// The first route that matches will be used.
repeated Route routes = 3;
// The per_filter_config field can be used to provide virtual host-specific
// configurations for filters. The key should match the filter name, such as
// *envoy.filters.http.buffer* for the HTTP buffer filter. Use of this field is filter
// specific; see the :ref:`HTTP filter documentation <config_http_filters>`
// for if and how it is utilized.
map<string, google.protobuf.Any> typed_per_filter_config = 15;
// A route is both a specification of how to match a request as well as an indication of what to do
// next (e.g., redirect, forward, rewrite, etc.).
// .. attention::
// Envoy supports routing on HTTP method via :ref:`header matching
// <envoy_api_msg_config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher>`.
// [#next-free-field: 18]
message Route {
// Name for the route.
string name = 14;
// Route matching parameters.
RouteMatch match = 1;
oneof action {
// Route request to some upstream cluster.
RouteAction route = 2;
// Return a redirect.
RedirectAction redirect = 3;
// The typed_per_filter_config field can be used to provide route-specific
// configurations for filters. The key should match the filter name, such as
// *envoy.filters.http.buffer* for the HTTP buffer filter. Use of this field is filter
// specific; see the :ref:`HTTP filter documentation <config_http_filters>` for
// if and how it is utilized.
map<string, google.protobuf.Any> typed_per_filter_config = 13;
// Compared to the :ref:`cluster <envoy_api_field_config.route.v3.RouteAction.cluster>` field that specifies a
// single upstream cluster as the target of a request, the :ref:`weighted_clusters
// <envoy_api_field_config.route.v3.RouteAction.weighted_clusters>` option allows for specification of
// multiple upstream clusters along with weights that indicate the percentage of
// traffic to be forwarded to each cluster. The router selects an upstream cluster based on the
// weights.
message WeightedCluster {
// [#next-free-field: 11]
message ClusterWeight {
// Name of the upstream cluster. The cluster must exist in the
// :ref:`cluster manager configuration <config_cluster_manager>`.
string name = 1;
// An integer between 0 and :ref:`total_weight
// <envoy_api_field_config.route.v3.WeightedCluster.total_weight>`. When a request matches the route,
// the choice of an upstream cluster is determined by its weight. The sum of weights across all
// entries in the clusters array must add up to the total_weight, which defaults to 100.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value weight = 2;
// The per_filter_config field can be used to provide weighted cluster-specific
// configurations for filters. The key should match the filter name, such as
// *envoy.filters.http.buffer* for the HTTP buffer filter. Use of this field is filter
// specific; see the :ref:`HTTP filter documentation <config_http_filters>`
// for if and how it is utilized.
map<string, google.protobuf.Any> typed_per_filter_config = 10;
// Specifies one or more upstream clusters associated with the route.
repeated ClusterWeight clusters = 1;
// Specifies the total weight across all clusters. The sum of all cluster weights must equal this
// value, which must be greater than 0. Defaults to 100.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value total_weight = 3;
// [#next-free-field: 13]
message RouteMatch {
oneof path_specifier {
// If specified, the route is a prefix rule meaning that the prefix must
// match the beginning of the *:path* header.
string prefix = 1;
// If specified, the route is an exact path rule meaning that the path must
// exactly match the *:path* header once the query string is removed.
string path = 2;
// If specified, the route is a regular expression rule meaning that the
// regex must match the *:path* header once the query string is removed. The entire path
// (without the query string) must match the regex. The rule will not match if only a
// subsequence of the *:path* header matches the regex.
// [#next-major-version: In the v3 API we should redo how path specification works such
// that we utilize StringMatcher, and additionally have consistent options around whether we
// strip query strings, do a case sensitive match, etc. In the interim it will be too disruptive
// to deprecate the existing options. We should even consider whether we want to do away with
// path_specifier entirely and just rely on a set of header matchers which can already match
// on :path, etc. The issue with that is it is unclear how to generically deal with query string
// stripping. This needs more thought.]
type.matcher.v3.RegexMatcher safe_regex = 10;
// Indicates that prefix/path matching should be case insensitive. The default
// is true.
google.protobuf.BoolValue case_sensitive = 4;
// Indicates that the route should additionally match on a runtime key. Every time the route
// is considered for a match, it must also fall under the percentage of matches indicated by
// this field. For some fraction N/D, a random number in the range [0,D) is selected. If the
// number is <= the value of the numerator N, or if the key is not present, the default
// value, the router continues to evaluate the remaining match criteria. A runtime_fraction
// route configuration can be used to roll out route changes in a gradual manner without full
// code/config deploys. Refer to the :ref:`traffic shifting
// <config_http_conn_man_route_table_traffic_splitting_shift>` docs for additional documentation.
// .. note::
// Parsing this field is implemented such that the runtime key's data may be represented
// as a FractionalPercent proto represented as JSON/YAML and may also be represented as an
// integer with the assumption that the value is an integral percentage out of 100. For
// instance, a runtime key lookup returning the value "42" would parse as a FractionalPercent
// whose numerator is 42 and denominator is HUNDRED. This preserves legacy semantics.
core.v3.RuntimeFractionalPercent runtime_fraction = 9;
// Specifies a set of headers that the route should match on. The router will
// check the request’s headers against all the specified headers in the route
// config. A match will happen if all the headers in the route are present in
// the request with the same values (or based on presence if the value field
// is not in the config).
repeated HeaderMatcher headers = 6;
// Specifies a set of URL query parameters on which the route should
// match. The router will check the query string from the *path* header
// against all the specified query parameters. If the number of specified
// query parameters is nonzero, they all must match the *path* header's
// query string for a match to occur.
repeated QueryParameterMatcher query_parameters = 7;
message MaxStreamDuration {
// Specifies the maximum duration allowed for streams on the route. If not specified, the value
// from the :ref:`max_stream_duration
// <envoy_api_field_config.core.v3.HttpProtocolOptions.max_stream_duration>` field in
// :ref:`HttpConnectionManager.common_http_protocol_options
// <>`
// is used. If this field is set explicitly to zero, any
// HttpConnectionManager max_stream_duration timeout will be disabled for
// this route.
google.protobuf.Duration max_stream_duration = 1;
// If present, and the request contains a `grpc-timeout header
// <>`_, use that value as the
// *max_stream_duration*, but limit the applied timeout to the maximum value specified here.
// If set to 0, the `grpc-timeout` header is used without modification.
google.protobuf.Duration grpc_timeout_header_max = 2;
// [#next-free-field: 37]
message RouteAction {
oneof cluster_specifier {
// Indicates the upstream cluster to which the request should be routed
// to.
string cluster = 1;
// Envoy will determine the cluster to route to by reading the value of the
// HTTP header named by cluster_header from the request headers. If the
// header is not found or the referenced cluster does not exist, Envoy will
// return a 404 response.
// .. attention::
// Internally, Envoy always uses the HTTP/2 *:authority* header to represent the HTTP/1
// *Host* header. Thus, if attempting to match on *Host*, match on *:authority* instead.
string cluster_header = 2;
// Multiple upstream clusters can be specified for a given route. The
// request is routed to one of the upstream clusters based on weights
// assigned to each cluster. See
// :ref:`traffic splitting <config_http_conn_man_route_table_traffic_splitting_split>`
// for additional documentation.
WeightedCluster weighted_clusters = 3;
// Specifies the maximum stream duration for this route.
MaxStreamDuration max_stream_duration = 36;
// .. attention::
// Internally, Envoy always uses the HTTP/2 *:authority* header to represent the HTTP/1 *Host*
// header. Thus, if attempting to match on *Host*, match on *:authority* instead.
// .. attention::
// To route on HTTP method, use the special HTTP/2 *:method* header. This works for both
// HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 as Envoy normalizes headers. E.g.,
// .. code-block:: json
// {
// "name": ":method",
// "exact_match": "POST"
// }
// .. attention::
// In the absence of any header match specifier, match will default to :ref:`present_match
// <envoy_api_field_config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher.present_match>`. i.e, a request that has the :ref:`name
// <>` header will match, regardless of the header's
// value.
// [#next-major-version: HeaderMatcher should be refactored to use StringMatcher.]
// [#next-free-field: 12]
message HeaderMatcher {
// Specifies the name of the header in the request.
string name = 1;
// Specifies how the header match will be performed to route the request.
oneof header_match_specifier {
// If specified, header match will be performed based on the value of the header.
string exact_match = 4;
// If specified, this regex string is a regular expression rule which implies the entire request
// header value must match the regex. The rule will not match if only a subsequence of the
// request header value matches the regex.
type.matcher.v3.RegexMatcher safe_regex_match = 11;
// If specified, header match will be performed based on range.
// The rule will match if the request header value is within this range.
// The entire request header value must represent an integer in base 10 notation: consisting of
// an optional plus or minus sign followed by a sequence of digits. The rule will not match if
// the header value does not represent an integer. Match will fail for empty values, floating
// point numbers or if only a subsequence of the header value is an integer.
// Examples:
// * For range [-10,0), route will match for header value -1, but not for 0, "somestring", 10.9,
// "-1somestring"
type.v3.Int64Range range_match = 6;
// If specified, header match will be performed based on whether the header is in the
// request.
bool present_match = 7;
// If specified, header match will be performed based on the prefix of the header value.
// Note: empty prefix is not allowed, please use present_match instead.
// Examples:
// * The prefix *abcd* matches the value *abcdxyz*, but not for *abcxyz*.
string prefix_match = 9;
// If specified, header match will be performed based on the suffix of the header value.
// Note: empty suffix is not allowed, please use present_match instead.
// Examples:
// * The suffix *abcd* matches the value *xyzabcd*, but not for *xyzbcd*.
string suffix_match = 10;
// If specified, the match result will be inverted before checking. Defaults to false.
// Examples:
// * The regex ``\d{3}`` does not match the value *1234*, so it will match when inverted.
// * The range [-10,0) will match the value -1, so it will not match when inverted.
bool invert_match = 8;
// Query parameter matching treats the query string of a request's :path header
// as an ampersand-separated list of keys and/or key=value elements.
// [#next-free-field: 7]
message QueryParameterMatcher {
// [#protodoc-title: HTTP route configuration]
// * Routing :ref:`architecture overview <arch_overview_http_routing>`
// * HTTP :ref:`router filter <config_http_filters_router>`
// [#next-free-field: 11]
message RouteConfiguration {
// The name of the route configuration. For example, it might match
// :ref:`route_config_name
// <>` in
// :ref:``.
string name = 1;
// An array of virtual hosts that make up the route table.
repeated VirtualHost virtual_hosts = 2;
message RedirectAction {
message FilterConfig {
// The filter config.
google.protobuf.Any config = 1;
// If true, the filter is optional, meaning that if the client does
// not support the specified filter, it may ignore the map entry rather
// than rejecting the config.
bool is_optional = 2;