blob: 67f5704a6249bc7c5468e02e525afe63a6896f99 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <grpc/status.h>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/strings/strip.h"
#include "opencensus/context/context.h"
#include "opencensus/tags/tag_map.h"
#include "opencensus/trace/context_util.h"
#include "opencensus/trace/span.h"
#include "opencensus/trace/span_context.h"
#include "opencensus/trace/trace_params.h"
#include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_internal.h"
#include "src/cpp/common/channel_filter.h"
#include "src/cpp/ext/filters/census/rpc_encoding.h"
// This is needed because grpc has hardcoded CensusContext with a
// forward declaration of 'struct census_context;'
struct census_context;
namespace grpc {
// Thread compatible.
class CensusContext {
CensusContext() : span_(::opencensus::trace::Span::BlankSpan()), tags_({}) {}
explicit CensusContext(absl::string_view name,
const ::opencensus::tags::TagMap& tags)
: span_(::opencensus::trace::Span::StartSpan(name)), tags_(tags) {}
CensusContext(absl::string_view name, const ::opencensus::trace::Span* parent,
const ::opencensus::tags::TagMap& tags)
: span_(::opencensus::trace::Span::StartSpan(name, parent)),
tags_(tags) {}
CensusContext(absl::string_view name,
const ::opencensus::trace::SpanContext& parent_ctxt)
: span_(::opencensus::trace::Span::StartSpanWithRemoteParent(
name, parent_ctxt)),
tags_({}) {}
const ::opencensus::trace::Span& Span() const { return span_; }
const ::opencensus::tags::TagMap& tags() const { return tags_; }
::opencensus::trace::SpanContext Context() const { return Span().context(); }
void EndSpan() { Span().End(); }
::opencensus::trace::Span span_;
::opencensus::tags::TagMap tags_;
// Serializes the outgoing trace context. tracing_buf must be
// opencensus::trace::propagation::kGrpcTraceBinHeaderLen bytes long.
size_t TraceContextSerialize(const ::opencensus::trace::SpanContext& context,
char* tracing_buf, size_t tracing_buf_size);
// Serializes the outgoing stats context. Field IDs are 1 byte followed by
// field data. A 1 byte version ID is always encoded first. Tags are directly
// serialized into the given grpc_slice.
size_t StatsContextSerialize(size_t max_tags_len, grpc_slice* tags);
// Serialize outgoing server stats. Returns the number of bytes serialized.
size_t ServerStatsSerialize(uint64_t server_elapsed_time, char* buf,
size_t buf_size);
// Deserialize incoming server stats. Returns the number of bytes deserialized.
size_t ServerStatsDeserialize(const char* buf, size_t buf_size,
uint64_t* server_elapsed_time);
// Deserialize the incoming SpanContext and generate a new server context based
// on that. This new span will never be a root span. This should only be called
// with a blank CensusContext as it overwrites it.
void GenerateServerContext(absl::string_view tracing, absl::string_view method,
CensusContext* context);
// Creates a new client context that is by default a new root context.
// If the current context is the default context then the newly created
// span automatically becomes a root span. This should only be called with a
// blank CensusContext as it overwrites it.
void GenerateClientContext(absl::string_view method, CensusContext* ctxt,
CensusContext* parent_ctx);
// Returns the incoming data size from the grpc call final info.
uint64_t GetIncomingDataSize(const grpc_call_final_info* final_info);
// Returns the outgoing data size from the grpc call final info.
uint64_t GetOutgoingDataSize(const grpc_call_final_info* final_info);
// These helper functions return the SpanContext and Span, respectively
// associated with the census_context* stored by grpc. The user will need to
// call this for manual propagation of tracing data.
::opencensus::trace::SpanContext SpanContextFromCensusContext(
const census_context* ctxt);
::opencensus::trace::Span SpanFromCensusContext(const census_context* ctxt);
// Returns a string representation of the StatusCode enum.
absl::string_view StatusCodeToString(grpc_status_code code);
inline absl::string_view GetMethod(const grpc_slice* path) {
if (GRPC_SLICE_IS_EMPTY(*path)) {
return "";
// Check for leading '/' and trim it if present.
return absl::StripPrefix(absl::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
} // namespace grpc