blob: e7bf1cd14e5d2d1d3e9d6c5397ead476b8e4e9df [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
#include "upb/def.hpp"
#include <grpc/slice_buffer.h>
#include "envoy/admin/v3/config_dump.upb.h"
#include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/server_address.h"
#include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_bootstrap.h"
#include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_client_stats.h"
#include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_http_filters.h"
#include "src/core/lib/matchers/matchers.h"
namespace grpc_core {
// TODO(yashykt): Check to see if xDS security is enabled. This will be
// removed once this feature is fully integration-tested and enabled by
// default.
bool XdsSecurityEnabled();
class XdsClient;
class XdsApi {
static const char* kLdsTypeUrl;
static const char* kRdsTypeUrl;
static const char* kCdsTypeUrl;
static const char* kEdsTypeUrl;
struct Duration {
int64_t seconds = 0;
int32_t nanos = 0;
bool operator==(const Duration& other) const {
return seconds == other.seconds && nanos == other.nanos;
std::string ToString() const {
return absl::StrFormat("Duration seconds: %ld, nanos %d", seconds, nanos);
using TypedPerFilterConfig =
std::map<std::string, XdsHttpFilterImpl::FilterConfig>;
// TODO(donnadionne): When we can use absl::variant<>, consider using that
// for: PathMatcher, HeaderMatcher, cluster_name and weighted_clusters
struct Route {
// Matchers for this route.
struct Matchers {
StringMatcher path_matcher;
std::vector<HeaderMatcher> header_matchers;
absl::optional<uint32_t> fraction_per_million;
bool operator==(const Matchers& other) const {
return path_matcher == other.path_matcher &&
header_matchers == other.header_matchers &&
fraction_per_million == other.fraction_per_million;
std::string ToString() const;
struct HashPolicy {
enum Type { HEADER, CHANNEL_ID };
Type type;
bool terminal = false;
// Fields used for type HEADER.
std::string header_name;
std::unique_ptr<RE2> regex = nullptr;
std::string regex_substitution;
HashPolicy() {}
// Copyable.
HashPolicy(const HashPolicy& other);
HashPolicy& operator=(const HashPolicy& other);
// Moveable.
HashPolicy(HashPolicy&& other) noexcept;
HashPolicy& operator=(HashPolicy&& other) noexcept;
bool operator==(const HashPolicy& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
Matchers matchers;
std::vector<HashPolicy> hash_policies;
// Action for this route.
// TODO(roth): When we can use absl::variant<>, consider using that
// here, to enforce the fact that only one of the two fields can be set.
std::string cluster_name;
struct ClusterWeight {
std::string name;
uint32_t weight;
TypedPerFilterConfig typed_per_filter_config;
bool operator==(const ClusterWeight& other) const {
return name == && weight == other.weight &&
typed_per_filter_config == other.typed_per_filter_config;
std::string ToString() const;
std::vector<ClusterWeight> weighted_clusters;
// Storing the timeout duration from route action:
// RouteAction.max_stream_duration.grpc_timeout_header_max or
// RouteAction.max_stream_duration.max_stream_duration if the former is
// not set.
absl::optional<Duration> max_stream_duration;
TypedPerFilterConfig typed_per_filter_config;
bool operator==(const Route& other) const {
return matchers == other.matchers && cluster_name == other.cluster_name &&
weighted_clusters == other.weighted_clusters &&
max_stream_duration == other.max_stream_duration &&
typed_per_filter_config == other.typed_per_filter_config;
std::string ToString() const;
struct RdsUpdate {
struct VirtualHost {
std::vector<std::string> domains;
std::vector<Route> routes;
TypedPerFilterConfig typed_per_filter_config;
bool operator==(const VirtualHost& other) const {
return domains == && routes == other.routes &&
typed_per_filter_config == other.typed_per_filter_config;
std::vector<VirtualHost> virtual_hosts;
bool operator==(const RdsUpdate& other) const {
return virtual_hosts == other.virtual_hosts;
std::string ToString() const;
VirtualHost* FindVirtualHostForDomain(const std::string& domain);
struct CommonTlsContext {
struct CertificateValidationContext {
std::vector<StringMatcher> match_subject_alt_names;
bool operator==(const CertificateValidationContext& other) const {
return match_subject_alt_names == other.match_subject_alt_names;
std::string ToString() const;
bool Empty() const;
struct CertificateProviderInstance {
std::string instance_name;
std::string certificate_name;
bool operator==(const CertificateProviderInstance& other) const {
return instance_name == other.instance_name &&
certificate_name == other.certificate_name;
std::string ToString() const;
bool Empty() const;
struct CombinedCertificateValidationContext {
CertificateValidationContext default_validation_context;
bool operator==(const CombinedCertificateValidationContext& other) const {
return default_validation_context == other.default_validation_context &&
validation_context_certificate_provider_instance ==
std::string ToString() const;
bool Empty() const;
CertificateProviderInstance tls_certificate_certificate_provider_instance;
CombinedCertificateValidationContext combined_validation_context;
bool operator==(const CommonTlsContext& other) const {
return tls_certificate_certificate_provider_instance ==
other.tls_certificate_certificate_provider_instance &&
combined_validation_context == other.combined_validation_context;
std::string ToString() const;
bool Empty() const;
struct DownstreamTlsContext {
CommonTlsContext common_tls_context;
bool require_client_certificate = false;
bool operator==(const DownstreamTlsContext& other) const {
return common_tls_context == other.common_tls_context &&
require_client_certificate == other.require_client_certificate;
std::string ToString() const;
bool Empty() const;
// TODO(roth): When we can use absl::variant<>, consider using that
// here, to enforce the fact that only one of the two fields can be set.
struct LdsUpdate {
enum class ListenerType {
kTcpListener = 0,
} type;
struct HttpConnectionManager {
// The name to use in the RDS request.
std::string route_config_name;
// Storing the Http Connection Manager Common Http Protocol Option
// max_stream_duration
Duration http_max_stream_duration;
// The RouteConfiguration to use for this listener.
// Present only if it is inlined in the LDS response.
absl::optional<RdsUpdate> rds_update;
struct HttpFilter {
std::string name;
XdsHttpFilterImpl::FilterConfig config;
bool operator==(const HttpFilter& other) const {
return name == && config == other.config;
std::string ToString() const;
std::vector<HttpFilter> http_filters;
bool operator==(const HttpConnectionManager& other) const {
return route_config_name == other.route_config_name &&
http_max_stream_duration == other.http_max_stream_duration &&
rds_update == other.rds_update &&
http_filters == other.http_filters;
std::string ToString() const;
// Populated for type=kHttpApiListener.
HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager;
// Populated for type=kTcpListener.
// host:port listening_address set when type is kTcpListener
std::string address;
struct FilterChainData {
DownstreamTlsContext downstream_tls_context;
// This is in principle the filter list.
// We currently require exactly one filter, which is the HCM.
HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager;
bool operator==(const FilterChainData& other) const {
return downstream_tls_context == other.downstream_tls_context &&
http_connection_manager == other.http_connection_manager;
std::string ToString() const;
} filter_chain_data;
// A multi-level map used to determine which filter chain to use for a given
// incoming connection. Determining the right filter chain for a given
// connection checks the following properties, in order:
// - destination port (never matched, so not present in map)
// - destination IP address
// - server name (never matched, so not present in map)
// - transport protocol (allows only "raw_buffer" or unset, prefers the
// former, so only one of those two types is present in map)
// - application protocol (never matched, so not present in map)
// - connection source type (any, local or external)
// - source IP address
// - source port
// for more details
struct FilterChainMap {
struct FilterChainDataSharedPtr {
std::shared_ptr<FilterChainData> data;
bool operator==(const FilterChainDataSharedPtr& other) const {
return *data == *;
struct CidrRange {
grpc_resolved_address address;
uint32_t prefix_len;
bool operator==(const CidrRange& other) const {
return memcmp(&address, &other.address, sizeof(address)) == 0 &&
prefix_len == other.prefix_len;
std::string ToString() const;
using SourcePortsMap = std::map<uint16_t, FilterChainDataSharedPtr>;
struct SourceIp {
absl::optional<CidrRange> prefix_range;
SourcePortsMap ports_map;
bool operator==(const SourceIp& other) const {
return prefix_range == other.prefix_range &&
ports_map == other.ports_map;
using SourceIpVector = std::vector<SourceIp>;
enum class ConnectionSourceType {
kAny = 0,
using ConnectionSourceTypesArray = std::array<SourceIpVector, 3>;
struct DestinationIp {
absl::optional<CidrRange> prefix_range;
// We always fail match on server name, so those filter chains are not
// included here.
ConnectionSourceTypesArray source_types_array;
bool operator==(const DestinationIp& other) const {
return prefix_range == other.prefix_range &&
source_types_array == other.source_types_array;
// We always fail match on destination ports map
using DestinationIpVector = std::vector<DestinationIp>;
DestinationIpVector destination_ip_vector;
bool operator==(const FilterChainMap& other) const {
return destination_ip_vector == other.destination_ip_vector;
std::string ToString() const;
} filter_chain_map;
absl::optional<FilterChainData> default_filter_chain;
bool operator==(const LdsUpdate& other) const {
return http_connection_manager == other.http_connection_manager &&
address == other.address &&
filter_chain_map == other.filter_chain_map &&
default_filter_chain == other.default_filter_chain;
std::string ToString() const;
struct LdsResourceData {
LdsUpdate resource;
std::string serialized_proto;
using LdsUpdateMap = std::map<std::string /*server_name*/, LdsResourceData>;
struct RdsResourceData {
RdsUpdate resource;
std::string serialized_proto;
using RdsUpdateMap =
std::map<std::string /*route_config_name*/, RdsResourceData>;
struct CdsUpdate {
enum ClusterType { EDS, LOGICAL_DNS, AGGREGATE };
ClusterType cluster_type;
// For cluster type EDS.
// The name to use in the EDS request.
// If empty, the cluster name will be used.
std::string eds_service_name;
// Tls Context used by clients
CommonTlsContext common_tls_context;
// The LRS server to use for load reporting.
// If not set, load reporting will be disabled.
// If set to the empty string, will use the same server we obtained the CDS
// data from.
absl::optional<std::string> lrs_load_reporting_server_name;
// The LB policy to use (e.g., "ROUND_ROBIN" or "RING_HASH").
std::string lb_policy;
// Used for RING_HASH LB policy only.
uint64_t min_ring_size = 1024;
uint64_t max_ring_size = 8388608;
enum HashFunction { XX_HASH, MURMUR_HASH_2 };
HashFunction hash_function;
// Maximum number of outstanding requests can be made to the upstream
// cluster.
uint32_t max_concurrent_requests = 1024;
// For cluster type AGGREGATE.
// The prioritized list of cluster names.
std::vector<std::string> prioritized_cluster_names;
bool operator==(const CdsUpdate& other) const {
return cluster_type == other.cluster_type &&
eds_service_name == other.eds_service_name &&
common_tls_context == other.common_tls_context &&
lrs_load_reporting_server_name ==
other.lrs_load_reporting_server_name &&
prioritized_cluster_names == other.prioritized_cluster_names &&
max_concurrent_requests == other.max_concurrent_requests;
std::string ToString() const;
struct CdsResourceData {
CdsUpdate resource;
std::string serialized_proto;
using CdsUpdateMap = std::map<std::string /*cluster_name*/, CdsResourceData>;
struct EdsUpdate {
struct Priority {
struct Locality {
RefCountedPtr<XdsLocalityName> name;
uint32_t lb_weight;
ServerAddressList endpoints;
bool operator==(const Locality& other) const {
return *name == * && lb_weight == other.lb_weight &&
endpoints == other.endpoints;
bool operator!=(const Locality& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
std::string ToString() const;
std::map<XdsLocalityName*, Locality, XdsLocalityName::Less> localities;
bool operator==(const Priority& other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
using PriorityList = absl::InlinedVector<Priority, 2>;
// There are two phases of accessing this class's content:
// 1. to initialize in the control plane combiner;
// 2. to use in the data plane combiner.
// So no additional synchronization is needed.
class DropConfig : public RefCounted<DropConfig> {
struct DropCategory {
bool operator==(const DropCategory& other) const {
return name == &&
parts_per_million == other.parts_per_million;
std::string name;
const uint32_t parts_per_million;
using DropCategoryList = absl::InlinedVector<DropCategory, 2>;
void AddCategory(std::string name, uint32_t parts_per_million) {
DropCategory{std::move(name), parts_per_million});
if (parts_per_million == 1000000) drop_all_ = true;
// The only method invoked from outside the WorkSerializer (used in
// the data plane).
bool ShouldDrop(const std::string** category_name) const;
const DropCategoryList& drop_category_list() const {
return drop_category_list_;
bool drop_all() const { return drop_all_; }
bool operator==(const DropConfig& other) const {
return drop_category_list_ == other.drop_category_list_;
bool operator!=(const DropConfig& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
std::string ToString() const;
DropCategoryList drop_category_list_;
bool drop_all_ = false;
PriorityList priorities;
RefCountedPtr<DropConfig> drop_config;
bool operator==(const EdsUpdate& other) const {
return priorities == other.priorities &&
*drop_config == *other.drop_config;
std::string ToString() const;
struct EdsResourceData {
EdsUpdate resource;
std::string serialized_proto;
using EdsUpdateMap =
std::map<std::string /*eds_service_name*/, EdsResourceData>;
struct ClusterLoadReport {
XdsClusterDropStats::Snapshot dropped_requests;
std::map<RefCountedPtr<XdsLocalityName>, XdsClusterLocalityStats::Snapshot,
grpc_millis load_report_interval;
using ClusterLoadReportMap = std::map<
std::pair<std::string /*cluster_name*/, std::string /*eds_service_name*/>,
// The metadata of the xDS resource; used by the xDS config dump.
struct ResourceMetadata {
// Resource status from the view of a xDS client, which tells the
// synchronization status between the xDS client and the xDS server.
enum ClientResourceStatus {
// Client requested this resource but hasn't received any update from
// management server. The client will not fail requests, but will queue
// them
// until update arrives or the client times out waiting for the resource.
// This resource has been requested by the client but has either not been
// delivered by the server or was previously delivered by the server and
// then subsequently removed from resources provided by the server.
// Client received this resource and replied with ACK.
// Client received this resource and replied with NACK.
// The client status of this resource.
ClientResourceStatus client_status = REQUESTED;
// The serialized bytes of the last successfully updated raw xDS resource.
std::string serialized_proto;
// The timestamp when the resource was last successfully updated.
grpc_millis update_time = 0;
// The last successfully updated version of the resource.
std::string version;
// The rejected version string of the last failed update attempt.
std::string failed_version;
// Details about the last failed update attempt.
std::string failed_details;
// Timestamp of the last failed update attempt.
grpc_millis failed_update_time = 0;
using ResourceMetadataMap =
std::map<absl::string_view /*resource_name*/, const ResourceMetadata*>;
struct ResourceTypeMetadata {
absl::string_view version;
ResourceMetadataMap resource_metadata_map;
using ResourceTypeMetadataMap =
std::map<absl::string_view /*type_url*/, ResourceTypeMetadata>;
envoy_admin_v3_REQUESTED) ==
envoy_admin_v3_DOES_NOT_EXIST) ==
envoy_admin_v3_ACKED) ==
envoy_admin_v3_NACKED) ==
// If the response can't be parsed at the top level, the resulting
// type_url will be empty.
// If there is any other type of validation error, the parse_error
// field will be set to something other than GRPC_ERROR_NONE and the
// resource_names_failed field will be populated.
// Otherwise, one of the *_update_map fields will be populated, based
// on the type_url field.
struct AdsParseResult {
grpc_error_handle parse_error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE;
std::string version;
std::string nonce;
std::string type_url;
LdsUpdateMap lds_update_map;
RdsUpdateMap rds_update_map;
CdsUpdateMap cds_update_map;
EdsUpdateMap eds_update_map;
std::set<std::string> resource_names_failed;
XdsApi(XdsClient* client, TraceFlag* tracer, const XdsBootstrap::Node* node);
// Creates an ADS request.
// Takes ownership of \a error.
grpc_slice CreateAdsRequest(const XdsBootstrap::XdsServer& server,
const std::string& type_url,
const std::set<absl::string_view>& resource_names,
const std::string& version,
const std::string& nonce, grpc_error_handle error,
bool populate_node);
// Parses an ADS response.
AdsParseResult ParseAdsResponse(
const XdsBootstrap::XdsServer& server, const grpc_slice& encoded_response,
const std::set<absl::string_view>& expected_listener_names,
const std::set<absl::string_view>& expected_route_configuration_names,
const std::set<absl::string_view>& expected_cluster_names,
const std::set<absl::string_view>& expected_eds_service_names);
// Creates an initial LRS request.
grpc_slice CreateLrsInitialRequest(const XdsBootstrap::XdsServer& server);
// Creates an LRS request sending a client-side load report.
grpc_slice CreateLrsRequest(ClusterLoadReportMap cluster_load_report_map);
// Parses the LRS response and returns \a
// load_reporting_interval for client-side load reporting. If there is any
// error, the output config is invalid.
grpc_error_handle ParseLrsResponse(const grpc_slice& encoded_response,
bool* send_all_clusters,
std::set<std::string>* cluster_names,
grpc_millis* load_reporting_interval);
// Assemble the client config proto message and return the serialized result.
std::string AssembleClientConfig(
const ResourceTypeMetadataMap& resource_type_metadata_map);
XdsClient* client_;
TraceFlag* tracer_;
const XdsBootstrap::Node* node_; // Do not own.
upb::SymbolTable symtab_;
const std::string build_version_;
const std::string user_agent_name_;
} // namespace grpc_core