blob: 3bfdc98905981e81bd046e6896f55237c52dd827 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <string>
#include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_stack.h"
#include "src/cpp/common/channel_filter.h"
namespace grpc {
class ServerLoadReportingChannelData : public ChannelData {
grpc_error* Init(grpc_channel_element* elem,
grpc_channel_element_args* args) override;
// Getters.
const char* peer_identity() { return peer_identity_; }
size_t peer_identity_len() { return peer_identity_len_; }
// The peer's authenticated identity.
char* peer_identity_ = nullptr;
size_t peer_identity_len_ = 0;
class ServerLoadReportingCallData : public CallData {
grpc_error* Init(grpc_call_element* elem,
const grpc_call_element_args* args) override;
void Destroy(grpc_call_element* elem, const grpc_call_final_info* final_info,
grpc_closure* then_call_closure) override;
void StartTransportStreamOpBatch(grpc_call_element* elem,
TransportStreamOpBatch* op) override;
// From the peer_string_ in calld, extracts the client IP string (owned by
// caller), e.g., "01020a0b". Upon failure, returns empty string.
std::string GetCensusSafeClientIpString();
// Concatenates the client IP address and the load reporting token, then
// stores the result into the call data.
void StoreClientIpAndLrToken(const char* lr_token, size_t lr_token_len);
// This matches the classification of the status codes in
// googleapis/google/rpc/code.proto.
static const char* GetStatusTagForStatus(grpc_status_code status);
// Records the call start.
static void RecvInitialMetadataReady(void* arg, grpc_error* err);
// From the initial metadata, extracts the service_method_, target_host_, and
// client_ip_and_lr_token_.
static grpc_filtered_mdelem RecvInitialMetadataFilter(void* user_data,
grpc_mdelem md);
// Records the other call metrics.
static grpc_filtered_mdelem SendTrailingMetadataFilter(void* user_data,
grpc_mdelem md);
// The peer string (a member of the recv_initial_metadata op). Note that
// gpr_atm itself is a pointer type here, making "peer_string_" effectively a
// double pointer.
const gpr_atm* peer_string_;
// The received initial metadata (a member of the recv_initial_metadata op).
// When it is ready, we will extract some data from it via
// recv_initial_metadata_ready_ closure, before the original
// recv_initial_metadata_ready closure.
grpc_metadata_batch* recv_initial_metadata_;
// The original recv_initial_metadata closure, which is wrapped by our own
// closure (recv_initial_metadata_ready_) to capture the incoming initial
// metadata.
grpc_closure* original_recv_initial_metadata_ready_;
// The closure that wraps the original closure. Scheduled when
// recv_initial_metadata_ is ready.
grpc_closure recv_initial_metadata_ready_;
// Corresponds to the :path header.
grpc_slice service_method_;
// The backend host that the client thinks it's talking to. This may be
// different from the actual backend in the case of, for example,
// load-balanced targets. We store a copy of the metadata slice in order to
// lowercase it. */
char* target_host_;
size_t target_host_len_;
// The client IP address (including a length prefix) and the load reporting
// token.
char* client_ip_and_lr_token_;
size_t client_ip_and_lr_token_len_;
} // namespace grpc