blob: 46b9bb6e90d173a06486eafea50f389a34c6074f [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::protocol::common::hex::{decode_hex, decode_hex_buf};
use crate::util::no_panic_iter::SliceExt;
// Breakpoint packets are split up like this:
// Z0,addr,kind[;cond_list…][;cmds:persist,cmd_list…]
// \_________/
// |
// BasicBreakpoint
// \_______________________________________________/
// |
// BytecodeBreakpoint
// If the target does not implement the `Agent` extension, only the
// `BasicBreakpoint` part is parsed, which helps cut down on binary bloat.
pub struct BasicBreakpoint<'a> {
pub type_: u8,
pub addr: &'a [u8],
/// architecture dependent
pub kind: &'a [u8],
impl<'a> BasicBreakpoint<'a> {
pub fn from_slice(body: &'a mut [u8]) -> Option<BasicBreakpoint<'a>> {
let mut body = body.splitn_mut_no_panic(4, |b| matches!(*b, b',' | b';'));
let type_ = decode_hex(;
let addr = decode_hex_buf(;
let kind = decode_hex_buf(;
Some(BasicBreakpoint { type_, addr, kind })
pub struct BytecodeBreakpoint<'a> {
pub base: BasicBreakpoint<'a>,
pub conds: Option<BytecodeList<'a>>,
pub cmds_persist: Option<(BytecodeList<'a>, bool)>,
impl<'a> BytecodeBreakpoint<'a> {
pub fn from_slice(body: &'a mut [u8]) -> Option<BytecodeBreakpoint<'a>> {
let mut body = body.splitn_mut_no_panic(2, |b| *b == b';');
let base = BasicBreakpoint::from_slice(;
let mut conds = None;
let mut cmds_persist = None;
if let Some(rest) = {
let mut s = rest.split_mut(|b| *b == b':');
let (raw_conds, raw_cmds) = match (, {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => (Some(strip_suffix_mut(a, b";cmds")?), Some(b)),
(Some(a), None) => {
if a.starts_with(b"cmds") {
(None, Some(a))
} else {
(Some(a), None)
_ => return None,
if let Some(raw_conds) = raw_conds {
conds = Some(BytecodeList(raw_conds));
if let Some(raw_cmds) = raw_cmds {
let mut raw_cmds = raw_cmds.split_mut(|b| *b == b',');
let raw_persist = decode_hex::<u8>( != 0;
let raw_cmds =;
cmds_persist = Some((BytecodeList(raw_cmds), raw_persist));
Some(BytecodeBreakpoint {
fn strip_suffix_mut<'a, T>(slice: &'a mut [T], suffix: &[T]) -> Option<&'a mut [T]>
T: PartialEq,
let (len, n) = (slice.len(), suffix.len());
if n <= len {
let (head, tail) = slice.split_at_mut(len - n);
if tail == suffix {
return Some(head);
/// A lazily evaluated iterator over a series of bytecode expressions.
pub struct BytecodeList<'a>(&'a mut [u8]);
impl<'a> BytecodeList<'a> {
pub fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<&'a [u8]>> + 'a {
self.0.split_mut(|b| *b == b'X').skip(1).map(|s| {
let mut s = s.split_mut(|b| *b == b',');
let _len =;
let code = decode_hex_buf(;
Some(code as &[u8])