blob: eba9d797d40992bc292d45bb164fdf9e051b93c7 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Base debugging operations for multi threaded targets.
use crate::arch::Arch;
use crate::common::*;
use crate::target::ext::breakpoints::WatchKind;
use crate::target::{Target, TargetResult};
use super::{ReplayLogPosition, SingleRegisterAccessOps};
// Convenient re-exports
pub use super::{GdbInterrupt, ResumeAction};
/// Base debugging operations for multi threaded targets.
pub trait MultiThreadOps: Target {
/// Resume execution on the target.
/// Prior to calling `resume`, `gdbstub` will call `clear_resume_actions`,
/// followed by zero or more calls to `set_resume_action`, specifying any
/// thread-specific resume actions.
/// The `default_action` parameter specifies the "fallback" resume action
/// for any threads that did not have a specific resume action set via
/// `set_resume_action`. The GDB client typically sets this to
/// `ResumeAction::Continue`, though this is not guaranteed.
/// The `check_gdb_interrupt` callback can be invoked to check if GDB sent
/// an Interrupt packet (i.e: the user pressed Ctrl-C). It's recommended to
/// invoke this callback every-so-often while the system is running (e.g:
/// every X cycles/milliseconds). Periodically checking for incoming
/// interrupt packets is _not_ required, but it is _recommended_.
/// # Implementation requirements
/// These requirements cannot be satisfied by `gdbstub` internally, and must
/// be handled on a per-target basis.
/// ### Adjusting PC after a breakpoint is hit
/// The [GDB remote serial protocol documentation](
/// notes the following:
/// > On some architectures, such as x86, at the architecture level, when a
/// > breakpoint instruction executes the program counter points at the
/// > breakpoint address plus an offset. On such targets, the stub is
/// > responsible for adjusting the PC to point back at the breakpoint
/// > address.
/// Omitting PC adjustment may result in unexpected execution flow and/or
/// breakpoints not working correctly.
/// # Additional Considerations
/// ### Bare-Metal Targets
/// On bare-metal targets (such as microcontrollers or emulators), it's
/// common to treat individual _CPU cores_ as a separate "threads". e.g:
/// in a dual-core system, [CPU0, CPU1] might be mapped to [TID1, TID2]
/// (note that TIDs cannot be zero).
/// In this case, the `Tid` argument of `read/write_addrs` becomes quite
/// relevant, as different cores may have different memory maps.
/// ### Running in "Non-stop" mode
/// At the moment, `gdbstub` only supports GDB's
/// ["All-Stop" mode](,
/// whereby _all_ threads must be stopped when returning from `resume`
/// (not just the thread associated with the `ThreadStopReason`).
fn resume(
&mut self,
default_resume_action: ResumeAction,
gdb_interrupt: GdbInterrupt<'_>,
) -> Result<ThreadStopReason<<Self::Arch as Arch>::Usize>, Self::Error>;
/// Clear all previously set resume actions.
fn clear_resume_actions(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Specify what action each thread should take when
/// [`resume`](Self::resume) is called.
/// A simple implementation of this method would simply update an internal
/// `HashMap<Tid, ResumeAction>`.
/// Aside from the four "base" resume actions handled by this method (i.e:
/// `Step`, `Continue`, `StepWithSignal`, and `ContinueWithSignal`),
/// there are also two additional resume actions which are only set if the
/// target implements their corresponding protocol extension:
/// Action | Protocol Extension
/// ---------------------------|---------------------------
/// Optimized [Range Stepping] | See [`support_range_step()`]
/// "Stop" | Used in "Non-Stop" mode \*
/// \* "Non-Stop" mode is currently unimplemented
/// [Range Stepping]:
/// [`support_range_step()`]: Self::support_range_step
fn set_resume_action(&mut self, tid: Tid, action: ResumeAction) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Support for the optimized [range stepping] resume action.
/// [range stepping]:
fn support_range_step(&mut self) -> Option<MultiThreadRangeSteppingOps<Self>> {
/// Support for [reverse stepping] a target.
/// [reverse stepping]:
fn support_reverse_step(&mut self) -> Option<MultiThreadReverseStepOps<Self>> {
/// Support for [reverse continuing] a target.
/// [reverse continuing]:
fn support_reverse_cont(&mut self) -> Option<MultiThreadReverseContOps<Self>> {
/// Read the target's registers.
/// If the registers could not be accessed, an appropriate non-fatal error
/// should be returned.
fn read_registers(
&mut self,
regs: &mut <Self::Arch as Arch>::Registers,
tid: Tid,
) -> TargetResult<(), Self>;
/// Write the target's registers.
/// If the registers could not be accessed, an appropriate non-fatal error
/// should be returned.
fn write_registers(
&mut self,
regs: &<Self::Arch as Arch>::Registers,
tid: Tid,
) -> TargetResult<(), Self>;
/// Support for single-register access.
/// See [`SingleRegisterAccess`](super::SingleRegisterAccess) for more
/// details.
/// While this is an optional feature, it is **highly recommended** to
/// implement it when possible, as it can significantly improve performance
/// on certain architectures.
fn single_register_access(&mut self) -> Option<SingleRegisterAccessOps<Tid, Self>> {
/// Read bytes from the specified address range.
/// If the requested address range could not be accessed (e.g: due to
/// MMU protection, unhanded page fault, etc...), an appropriate non-fatal
/// error should be returned.
fn read_addrs(
&mut self,
start_addr: <Self::Arch as Arch>::Usize,
data: &mut [u8],
tid: Tid,
) -> TargetResult<(), Self>;
/// Write bytes to the specified address range.
/// If the requested address range could not be accessed (e.g: due to
/// MMU protection, unhanded page fault, etc...), an appropriate non-fatal
/// error should be returned.
fn write_addrs(
&mut self,
start_addr: <Self::Arch as Arch>::Usize,
data: &[u8],
tid: Tid,
) -> TargetResult<(), Self>;
/// List all currently active threads.
/// See [the section above](#bare-metal-targets) on implementing
/// thread-related methods on bare-metal (threadless) targets.
fn list_active_threads(
&mut self,
thread_is_active: &mut dyn FnMut(Tid),
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Check if the specified thread is alive.
/// As a convenience, this method provides a default implementation which
/// uses `list_active_threads` to do a linear-search through all active
/// threads. On thread-heavy systems, it may be more efficient
/// to override this method with a more direct query.
fn is_thread_alive(&mut self, tid: Tid) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
let mut found = false;
self.list_active_threads(&mut |active_tid| {
if tid == active_tid {
found = true;
/// Target Extension - [Reverse continue] for multi threaded targets.
/// Reverse continue allows the target to run backwards until it reaches the end
/// of the replay log.
/// [Reverse continue]:
pub trait MultiThreadReverseCont: Target + MultiThreadOps {
/// Reverse-continue the target.
fn reverse_cont(
&mut self,
gdb_interrupt: GdbInterrupt<'_>,
) -> Result<ThreadStopReason<<Self::Arch as Arch>::Usize>, Self::Error>;
define_ext!(MultiThreadReverseContOps, MultiThreadReverseCont);
/// Target Extension - [Reverse stepping] for multi threaded targets.
/// Reverse stepping allows the target to run backwards by one step.
/// [Reverse stepping]:
pub trait MultiThreadReverseStep: Target + MultiThreadOps {
/// Reverse-step the specified [`Tid`].
fn reverse_step(
&mut self,
tid: Tid,
gdb_interrupt: GdbInterrupt<'_>,
) -> Result<ThreadStopReason<<Self::Arch as Arch>::Usize>, Self::Error>;
define_ext!(MultiThreadReverseStepOps, MultiThreadReverseStep);
/// Target Extension - Optimized [range stepping] for multi threaded targets.
/// See [`MultiThreadOps::support_range_step`].
/// Range Stepping will step the target once, and keep stepping the target as
/// long as execution remains between the specified start (inclusive) and end
/// (exclusive) addresses, or another stop condition is met (e.g: a breakpoint
/// it hit).
/// If the range is empty (`start` == `end`), then the action becomes
/// equivalent to the ā€˜sā€™ action. In other words, single-step once, and
/// report the stop (even if the stepped instruction jumps to start).
/// _Note:_ A stop reply may be sent at any point even if the PC is still
/// within the stepping range; for example, it is valid to implement range
/// stepping in a degenerate way as a single instruction step operation.
/// [range stepping]:
pub trait MultiThreadRangeStepping: Target + MultiThreadOps {
/// See [`MultiThreadOps::set_resume_action`].
fn set_resume_action_range_step(
&mut self,
tid: Tid,
start: <Self::Arch as Arch>::Usize,
end: <Self::Arch as Arch>::Usize,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
define_ext!(MultiThreadRangeSteppingOps, MultiThreadRangeStepping);
/// Describes why a thread stopped.
/// Targets MUST only respond with stop reasons that correspond to IDETs that
/// target has implemented.
/// e.g: A target which has not implemented the [`HwBreakpoint`] IDET must not
/// return a `HwBreak` stop reason. While this is not enforced at compile time,
/// doing so will result in a runtime `UnsupportedStopReason` error.
/// [`HwBreakpoint`]: crate::target::ext::breakpoints::HwBreakpoint
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ThreadStopReason<U> {
/// Completed the single-step request.
/// `check_gdb_interrupt` returned `true`.
/// The process exited with the specified exit status.
/// The process terminated with the specified signal number.
/// The program received a signal.
/// A thread hit a software breakpoint (e.g. due to a trap instruction).
/// Requires: [`SwBreakpoint`].
/// NOTE: This does not necessarily have to be a breakpoint configured by
/// the client/user of the current GDB session.
/// [`SwBreakpoint`]: crate::target::ext::breakpoints::SwBreakpoint
/// A thread hit a hardware breakpoint.
/// Requires: [`HwBreakpoint`].
/// [`HwBreakpoint`]: crate::target::ext::breakpoints::HwBreakpoint
/// A thread hit a watchpoint.
/// Requires: [`HwWatchpoint`].
/// [`HwWatchpoint`]: crate::target::ext::breakpoints::HwWatchpoint
Watch {
/// Which thread hit the watchpoint
tid: Tid,
/// Kind of watchpoint that was hit
kind: WatchKind,
/// Address of watched memory
addr: U,
/// The program has reached the end of the logged replay events.
/// Requires: [`MultiThreadReverseCont`] or [`MultiThreadReverseStep`].
/// This is used for GDB's reverse execution. When playing back a recording,
/// you may hit the end of the buffer of recorded events, and as such no
/// further execution can be done. This stop reason tells GDB that this has
/// occurred.