blob: 43979247ca5b66d677e35fb1f5d59686d010f7c9 [file] [log] [blame]
Disabling parts of the default format.
Before running this example, try setting the `MY_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to `info`:
$ export MY_LOG_LEVEL='info'
Also try setting the `MY_LOG_STYLE` environment variable to `never` to disable colors
or `auto` to enable them:
$ export MY_LOG_STYLE=never
If you want to control the logging output completely, see the `custom_logger` example.
extern crate log;
use env_logger::{Builder, Env};
fn init_logger() {
let env = Env::default()
let mut builder = Builder::from_env(env);
fn main() {
info!("a log from `MyLogger`");