blob: 19dec1b65d39065fcff5d88a8988619f3c08c1fc [file] [log] [blame]
use std::fmt;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use humantime::{
format_rfc3339_micros, format_rfc3339_millis, format_rfc3339_nanos, format_rfc3339_seconds,
use crate::fmt::{Formatter, TimestampPrecision};
pub(in crate::fmt) mod glob {
pub use super::*;
impl Formatter {
/// Get a [`Timestamp`] for the current date and time in UTC.
/// # Examples
/// Include the current timestamp with the log record:
/// ```
/// use std::io::Write;
/// let mut builder = env_logger::Builder::new();
/// builder.format(|buf, record| {
/// let ts = buf.timestamp();
/// writeln!(buf, "{}: {}: {}", ts, record.level(), record.args())
/// });
/// ```
/// [`Timestamp`]: struct.Timestamp.html
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> Timestamp {
Timestamp {
time: SystemTime::now(),
precision: TimestampPrecision::Seconds,
/// Get a [`Timestamp`] for the current date and time in UTC with full
/// second precision.
pub fn timestamp_seconds(&self) -> Timestamp {
Timestamp {
time: SystemTime::now(),
precision: TimestampPrecision::Seconds,
/// Get a [`Timestamp`] for the current date and time in UTC with
/// millisecond precision.
pub fn timestamp_millis(&self) -> Timestamp {
Timestamp {
time: SystemTime::now(),
precision: TimestampPrecision::Millis,
/// Get a [`Timestamp`] for the current date and time in UTC with
/// microsecond precision.
pub fn timestamp_micros(&self) -> Timestamp {
Timestamp {
time: SystemTime::now(),
precision: TimestampPrecision::Micros,
/// Get a [`Timestamp`] for the current date and time in UTC with
/// nanosecond precision.
pub fn timestamp_nanos(&self) -> Timestamp {
Timestamp {
time: SystemTime::now(),
precision: TimestampPrecision::Nanos,
/// An [RFC3339] formatted timestamp.
/// The timestamp implements [`Display`] and can be written to a [`Formatter`].
/// [RFC3339]:
/// [`Display`]:
/// [`Formatter`]: struct.Formatter.html
pub struct Timestamp {
time: SystemTime,
precision: TimestampPrecision,
impl fmt::Debug for Timestamp {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
/// A `Debug` wrapper for `Timestamp` that uses the `Display` implementation.
struct TimestampValue<'a>(&'a Timestamp);
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for TimestampValue<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl fmt::Display for Timestamp {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let formatter = match self.precision {
TimestampPrecision::Seconds => format_rfc3339_seconds,
TimestampPrecision::Millis => format_rfc3339_millis,
TimestampPrecision::Micros => format_rfc3339_micros,
TimestampPrecision::Nanos => format_rfc3339_nanos,