blob: 983bd68bee8cd96813e5454fa7831af8299d2dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::*;
static ARBITRARY_LIFETIME_NAME: &str = "'arbitrary";
pub fn derive_arbitrary(tokens: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let input = syn::parse_macro_input!(tokens as syn::DeriveInput);
let (lifetime_without_bounds, lifetime_with_bounds) =
let arbitrary_method = gen_arbitrary_method(&input, lifetime_without_bounds.clone());
let size_hint_method = gen_size_hint_method(&input);
let name = input.ident;
// Add a bound `T: Arbitrary` to every type parameter T.
let generics = add_trait_bounds(input.generics, lifetime_without_bounds.clone());
// Build ImplGeneric with a lifetime (
let mut generics_with_lifetime = generics.clone();
let (impl_generics, _, _) = generics_with_lifetime.split_for_impl();
// Build TypeGenerics and WhereClause without a lifetime
let (_, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
(quote! {
impl #impl_generics arbitrary::Arbitrary<#lifetime_without_bounds> for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
// Returns: (lifetime without bounds, lifetime with bounds)
// Example: ("'arbitrary", "'arbitrary: 'a + 'b")
fn build_arbitrary_lifetime(generics: Generics) -> (LifetimeDef, LifetimeDef) {
let lifetime_without_bounds =
LifetimeDef::new(Lifetime::new(ARBITRARY_LIFETIME_NAME, Span::call_site()));
let mut lifetime_with_bounds = lifetime_without_bounds.clone();
for param in generics.params.iter() {
if let GenericParam::Lifetime(lifetime_def) = param {
(lifetime_without_bounds, lifetime_with_bounds)
// Add a bound `T: Arbitrary` to every type parameter T.
fn add_trait_bounds(mut generics: Generics, lifetime: LifetimeDef) -> Generics {
for param in generics.params.iter_mut() {
if let GenericParam::Type(type_param) = param {
fn gen_arbitrary_method(input: &DeriveInput, lifetime: LifetimeDef) -> TokenStream {
let ident = &input.ident;
let arbitrary_structlike = |fields| {
let arbitrary = construct(fields, |_, _| quote!(arbitrary::Arbitrary::arbitrary(u)?));
let arbitrary_take_rest = construct_take_rest(fields);
quote! {
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<#lifetime>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
Ok(#ident #arbitrary)
fn arbitrary_take_rest(mut u: arbitrary::Unstructured<#lifetime>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
Ok(#ident #arbitrary_take_rest)
match & {
Data::Struct(data) => arbitrary_structlike(&data.fields),
Data::Union(data) => arbitrary_structlike(&Fields::Named(data.fields.clone())),
Data::Enum(data) => {
let variants = data.variants.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, variant)| {
let idx = i as u64;
let ctor = construct(&variant.fields, |_, _| {
let variant_name = &variant.ident;
quote! { #idx => #ident::#variant_name #ctor }
let variants_take_rest = data.variants.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, variant)| {
let idx = i as u64;
let ctor = construct_take_rest(&variant.fields);
let variant_name = &variant.ident;
quote! { #idx => #ident::#variant_name #ctor }
let count = data.variants.len() as u64;
quote! {
fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<#lifetime>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
// Use a multiply + shift to generate a ranged random number
// with slight bias. For details, see:
Ok(match (u64::from(<u32 as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::arbitrary(u)?) * #count) >> 32 {
_ => unreachable!()
fn arbitrary_take_rest(mut u: arbitrary::Unstructured<#lifetime>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
// Use a multiply + shift to generate a ranged random number
// with slight bias. For details, see:
Ok(match (u64::from(<u32 as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::arbitrary(&mut u)?) * #count) >> 32 {
_ => unreachable!()
fn construct(fields: &Fields, ctor: impl Fn(usize, &Field) -> TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
match fields {
Fields::Named(names) => {
let names = names.named.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, f)| {
let name = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let ctor = ctor(i, f);
quote! { #name: #ctor }
quote! { { #(#names,)* } }
Fields::Unnamed(names) => {
let names = names.unnamed.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, f)| {
let ctor = ctor(i, f);
quote! { #ctor }
quote! { ( #(#names),* ) }
Fields::Unit => quote!(),
fn construct_take_rest(fields: &Fields) -> TokenStream {
construct(fields, |idx, _| {
if idx + 1 == fields.len() {
quote! { arbitrary::Arbitrary::arbitrary_take_rest(u)? }
} else {
quote! { arbitrary::Arbitrary::arbitrary(&mut u)? }
fn gen_size_hint_method(input: &DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
let size_hint_fields = |fields: &Fields| {
let tys = fields.iter().map(|f| &f.ty);
quote! {
#( <#tys as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::size_hint(depth) ),*
let size_hint_structlike = |fields: &Fields| {
let hint = size_hint_fields(fields);
quote! {
fn size_hint(depth: usize) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
arbitrary::size_hint::recursion_guard(depth, |depth| #hint)
match & {
Data::Struct(data) => size_hint_structlike(&data.fields),
Data::Union(data) => size_hint_structlike(&Fields::Named(data.fields.clone())),
Data::Enum(data) => {
let variants = data.variants.iter().map(|v| size_hint_fields(&v.fields));
quote! {
fn size_hint(depth: usize) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
<u32 as arbitrary::Arbitrary>::size_hint(depth),
arbitrary::size_hint::recursion_guard(depth, |depth| {
arbitrary::size_hint::or_all(&[ #( #variants ),* ])