blob: 3623d4d96aedbf610267e99fbbef42da4e73bc21 [file] [log] [blame]
source: codespan-reporting/tests/
expression: TEST_DATA.emit_no_color(&config)
error[E0308]: match arms have incompatible types
--> codespan/src/
1 | / match {
2 | | Ordering::Less => Ok(self.line_starts()[line_index.to_usize()]),
| | --------------------------------------------- this is found to be of type `Result<ByteIndex, LineIndexOutOfBoundsError>`
3 | | Ordering::Equal => Ok(self.source_span().end()),
| | ---------------------------- this is found to be of type `Result<ByteIndex, LineIndexOutOfBoundsError>`
4 | | Ordering::Greater => LineIndexOutOfBoundsError {
| /-|----------------------------------^
5 | | | given: line_index,
6 | | | max: self.last_line_index(),
7 | | | },
| \-|-------------^ expected enum `Result`, found struct `LineIndexOutOfBoundsError`
8 | | }
| \---------' `match` arms have incompatible types
= expected type `Result<ByteIndex, LineIndexOutOfBoundsError>`
found type `LineIndexOutOfBoundsError`