blob: dec178815447ce25991df8bd57de50d501964694 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::*;
use half::f16;
/// A semantic representation of a CBOR item header
/// This structure represents the valid values of a CBOR item header and is
/// used extensively when serializing or deserializing CBOR items. Note well
/// that this structure **DOES NOT** represent the body (i.e. suffix) of the
/// CBOR item. You must parse the body yourself based on the contents of the
/// `Header`. However, utility functions are provided for this (see:
/// `Decoder::bytes()` and `Decoder::text()`).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Header {
/// A positive integer
/// A negative integer
/// Note well that this value has all bits inverted from a normal signed
/// integer. For example, to convert the `u64` to a `i128` you would do
/// this: `neg as i128 ^ !0`.
/// A floating point value
/// A "simple" value
/// A tag
/// The "break" value
/// This value is used to terminate indefinite length arrays and maps,
/// as well as segmented byte or text items.
/// A bytes item
/// The value contained in this variant indicates the length of the bytes
/// which follow or, if `None`, segmented bytes input.
/// A best practice is to call `Decoder::bytes()` immediately after
/// first pulling a bytes item header since this utility function
/// encapsulates all the logic needed to handle segmentation.
/// A text item
/// The value contained in this variant indicates the length of the text
/// which follows (in bytes) or, if `None`, segmented text input.
/// A best practice is to call `Decoder::text()` immediately after
/// first pulling a text item header since this utility function
/// encapsulates all the logic needed to handle segmentation.
/// An array item
/// The value contained in this variant indicates the length of the array
/// which follows (in items) or, if `None`, an indefinite length array
/// terminated by a "break" value.
/// An map item
/// The value contained in this variant indicates the length of the map
/// which follows (in item pairs) or, if `None`, an indefinite length map
/// terminated by a "break" value.
impl TryFrom<Title> for Header {
type Error = InvalidError;
fn try_from(title: Title) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let opt = |minor| {
Some(match minor {
Minor::This(x) => x.into(),
Minor::Next1(x) => u8::from_be_bytes(x).into(),
Minor::Next2(x) => u16::from_be_bytes(x).into(),
Minor::Next4(x) => u32::from_be_bytes(x).into(),
Minor::Next8(x) => u64::from_be_bytes(x),
Minor::More => return None,
let int = |m| opt(m).ok_or(InvalidError(()));
let len = |m| {
Ok(match title {
Title(Major::Positive, minor) => Self::Positive(int(minor)?),
Title(Major::Negative, minor) => Self::Negative(int(minor)?),
Title(Major::Bytes, minor) => Self::Bytes(len(minor)?),
Title(Major::Text, minor) => Self::Text(len(minor)?),
Title(Major::Array, minor) => Self::Array(len(minor)?),
Title(Major::Map, minor) => Self::Map(len(minor)?),
Title(Major::Tag, minor) => Self::Tag(int(minor)?),
Title(Major::Other, Minor::More) => Self::Break,
Title(Major::Other, Minor::This(x)) => Self::Simple(x),
Title(Major::Other, Minor::Next1(x)) => Self::Simple(x[0]),
Title(Major::Other, Minor::Next2(x)) => Self::Float(f16::from_be_bytes(x).into()),
Title(Major::Other, Minor::Next4(x)) => Self::Float(f32::from_be_bytes(x).into()),
Title(Major::Other, Minor::Next8(x)) => Self::Float(f64::from_be_bytes(x)),
impl From<Header> for Title {
fn from(header: Header) -> Self {
let int = |i: u64| match i {
x if x <= 23 => Minor::This(i as u8),
x if x <= core::u8::MAX as u64 => Minor::Next1([i as u8]),
x if x <= core::u16::MAX as u64 => Minor::Next2((i as u16).to_be_bytes()),
x if x <= core::u32::MAX as u64 => Minor::Next4((i as u32).to_be_bytes()),
x => Minor::Next8(x.to_be_bytes()),
let len = |l: Option<usize>||x| int(x as u64)).unwrap_or(Minor::More);
match header {
Header::Positive(x) => Title(Major::Positive, int(x)),
Header::Negative(x) => Title(Major::Negative, int(x)),
Header::Bytes(x) => Title(Major::Bytes, len(x)),
Header::Text(x) => Title(Major::Text, len(x)),
Header::Array(x) => Title(Major::Array, len(x)),
Header::Map(x) => Title(Major::Map, len(x)),
Header::Tag(x) => Title(Major::Tag, int(x)),
Header::Break => Title(Major::Other, Minor::More),
Header::Simple(x) => match x {
x @ 0..=23 => Title(Major::Other, Minor::This(x)),
x => Title(Major::Other, Minor::Next1([x])),
Header::Float(n64) => {
let n16 = f16::from_f64(n64);
let n32 = n64 as f32;
if f64::from(n16).to_bits() == n64.to_bits() {
} else if f64::from(n32).to_bits() == n64.to_bits() {
} else {