blob: bfb110c38e7107b402e45c761ed4c2b0e41f92bf [file] [log] [blame]
#![cfg(all(windows, feature = "clock", feature = "std"))]
use std::fs;
use windows_bindgen::bindgen;
fn gen_bindings() {
let input = "src/offset/local/win_bindings.txt";
let output = "src/offset/local/";
let existing = fs::read_to_string(output).unwrap();
let log = bindgen(["--etc", input]).unwrap();
eprintln!("{}", log);
// Check the output is the same as before.
// Depending on the git configuration the file may have been checked out with `\r\n` newlines or
// with `\n`. Compare line-by-line to ignore this difference.
let new = fs::read_to_string(output).unwrap();
if !new.lines().eq(existing.lines()) {
panic!("generated file `{}` is changed.", output);