blob: 8302b086be76086860b7f712aa07742486f6432e [file] [log] [blame]
//! Generate Rust bindings for C and C++ libraries.
//! Provide a C/C++ header file, receive Rust FFI code to call into C/C++
//! functions and use types defined in the header.
//! See the [`Builder`](./struct.Builder.html) struct for usage.
//! See the [Users Guide]( for
//! additional documentation.
// To avoid rather annoying warnings when matching with CXCursor_xxx as a
// constant.
// `quote!` nests quite deeply.
#![recursion_limit = "128"]
extern crate bitflags;
extern crate cfg_if;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate quote;
#[cfg(feature = "logging")]
extern crate log;
#[cfg(not(feature = "logging"))]
mod log_stubs;
mod extra_assertions;
// A macro to declare an internal module for which we *must* provide
// documentation for. If we are building with the "testing_only_docs" feature,
// then the module is declared public, and our `#![deny(missing_docs)]` pragma
// applies to it. This feature is used in CI, so we won't let anything slip by
// undocumented. Normal builds, however, will leave the module private, so that
// we don't expose internals to library consumers.
macro_rules! doc_mod {
($m:ident, $doc_mod_name:ident) => {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "testing_only_docs")] {
pub mod $doc_mod_name {
//! Autogenerated documentation module.
pub use super::$m::*;
} else {
mod clang;
mod codegen;
mod features;
mod ir;
mod parse;
mod regex_set;
mod time;
pub mod callbacks;
doc_mod!(clang, clang_docs);
doc_mod!(features, features_docs);
doc_mod!(ir, ir_docs);
doc_mod!(parse, parse_docs);
doc_mod!(regex_set, regex_set_docs);
pub use crate::codegen::{AliasVariation, EnumVariation, MacroTypeVariation};
use crate::features::RustFeatures;
pub use crate::features::{
use crate::ir::context::{BindgenContext, ItemId};
use crate::ir::item::Item;
use crate::parse::{ClangItemParser, ParseError};
use crate::regex_set::RegexSet;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::{env, iter};
// Some convenient typedefs for a fast hash map and hash set.
type HashMap<K, V> = ::rustc_hash::FxHashMap<K, V>;
type HashSet<K> = ::rustc_hash::FxHashSet<K>;
pub(crate) use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
/// Default prefix for the anon fields.
pub const DEFAULT_ANON_FIELDS_PREFIX: &'static str = "__bindgen_anon_";
fn args_are_cpp(clang_args: &[String]) -> bool {
return clang_args
.any(|w| w[0] == "-xc++" || w[1] == "-xc++" || w == &["-x", "c++"]);
bitflags! {
/// A type used to indicate which kind of items we have to generate.
pub struct CodegenConfig: u32 {
/// Whether to generate functions.
const FUNCTIONS = 1 << 0;
/// Whether to generate types.
const TYPES = 1 << 1;
/// Whether to generate constants.
const VARS = 1 << 2;
/// Whether to generate methods.
const METHODS = 1 << 3;
/// Whether to generate constructors
const CONSTRUCTORS = 1 << 4;
/// Whether to generate destructors.
const DESTRUCTORS = 1 << 5;
impl CodegenConfig {
/// Returns true if functions should be generated.
pub fn functions(self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if types should be generated.
pub fn types(self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if constants should be generated.
pub fn vars(self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if methds should be generated.
pub fn methods(self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if constructors should be generated.
pub fn constructors(self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if destructors should be generated.
pub fn destructors(self) -> bool {
impl Default for CodegenConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Configure and generate Rust bindings for a C/C++ header.
/// This is the main entry point to the library.
/// ```ignore
/// use bindgen::builder;
/// // Configure and generate bindings.
/// let bindings = builder().header("path/to/input/header")
/// .whitelist_type("SomeCoolClass")
/// .whitelist_function("do_some_cool_thing")
/// .generate()?;
/// // Write the generated bindings to an output file.
/// bindings.write_to_file("path/to/")?;
/// ```
/// # Enums
/// Bindgen can map C/C++ enums into Rust in different ways. The way bindgen maps enums depends on
/// the pattern passed to several methods:
/// 1. [`constified_enum_module()`](#method.constified_enum_module)
/// 2. [`bitfield_enum()`](#method.bitfield_enum)
/// 3. [`newtype_enum()`](#method.newtype_enum)
/// 4. [`rustified_enum()`](#method.rustified_enum)
/// For each C enum, bindgen tries to match the pattern in the following order:
/// 1. Constified enum module
/// 2. Bitfield enum
/// 3. Newtype enum
/// 4. Rustified enum
/// If none of the above patterns match, then bindgen will generate a set of Rust constants.
/// # Clang arguments
/// Extra arguments can be passed to with clang:
/// 1. [`clang_arg()`](#method.clang_arg): takes a single argument
/// 2. [`clang_args()`](#method.clang_args): takes an iterator of arguments
/// 3. `BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS` environment variable: whitespace separate
/// environment variable of arguments
/// Clang arguments specific to your crate should be added via the
/// `clang_arg()`/`clang_args()` methods.
/// End-users of the crate may need to set the `BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS` environment variable to
/// add additional arguments. For example, to build against a different sysroot a user could set
/// `BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS` to `--sysroot=/path/to/sysroot`.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Builder {
options: BindgenOptions,
input_headers: Vec<String>,
// Tuples of unsaved file contents of the form (name, contents).
input_header_contents: Vec<(String, String)>,
/// Construct a new [`Builder`](./struct.Builder.html).
pub fn builder() -> Builder {
impl Builder {
/// Generates the command line flags use for creating `Builder`.
pub fn command_line_flags(&self) -> Vec<String> {
let mut output_vector: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
if let Some(header) = self.input_headers.last().cloned() {
// Positional argument 'header'
// FIXME(emilio): This is a bit hacky, maybe we should stop re-using the
// RustFeatures to store the "disable_untagged_union" call, and make it
// a different flag that we check elsewhere / in generate().
if !self.options.rust_features.untagged_union &&
if self.options.default_enum_style != Default::default() {
match self.options.default_enum_style {
codegen::EnumVariation::Rust {
non_exhaustive: false,
} => "rust",
codegen::EnumVariation::Rust {
non_exhaustive: true,
} => "rust_non_exhaustive",
codegen::EnumVariation::NewType { is_bitfield: true } => {
codegen::EnumVariation::NewType { is_bitfield: false } => {
codegen::EnumVariation::Consts => "consts",
codegen::EnumVariation::ModuleConsts => "moduleconsts",
if self.options.default_macro_constant_type != Default::default() {
if self.options.default_alias_style != Default::default() {
let regex_sets = &[
(&self.options.bitfield_enums, "--bitfield-enum"),
(&self.options.newtype_enums, "--newtype-enum"),
(&self.options.rustified_enums, "--rustified-enum"),
(&self.options.constified_enums, "--constified-enum"),
(&self.options.type_alias, "--type-alias"),
(&self.options.new_type_alias, "--new-type-alias"),
(&self.options.new_type_alias_deref, "--new-type-alias-deref"),
(&self.options.blacklisted_types, "--blacklist-type"),
(&self.options.blacklisted_functions, "--blacklist-function"),
(&self.options.blacklisted_items, "--blacklist-item"),
(&self.options.opaque_types, "--opaque-type"),
(&self.options.whitelisted_functions, "--whitelist-function"),
(&self.options.whitelisted_types, "--whitelist-type"),
(&self.options.whitelisted_vars, "--whitelist-var"),
(&self.options.no_partialeq_types, "--no-partialeq"),
(&self.options.no_copy_types, "--no-copy"),
(&self.options.no_debug_types, "--no-debug"),
(&self.options.no_hash_types, "--no-hash"),
for (set, flag) in regex_sets {
for item in set.get_items() {
if !self.options.layout_tests {
if self.options.impl_debug {
if self.options.impl_partialeq {
if !self.options.derive_copy {
if !self.options.derive_debug {
if !self.options.derive_default {
} else {
if self.options.derive_hash {
if self.options.derive_partialord {
if self.options.derive_ord {
if self.options.derive_partialeq {
if self.options.derive_eq {
if self.options.time_phases {
if !self.options.generate_comments {
if !self.options.whitelist_recursively {
if self.options.objc_extern_crate {
if self.options.generate_block {
if self.options.block_extern_crate {
if self.options.builtins {
if let Some(ref prefix) = self.options.ctypes_prefix {
if self.options.anon_fields_prefix != DEFAULT_ANON_FIELDS_PREFIX {
if self.options.emit_ast {
if self.options.emit_ir {
if let Some(ref graph) = self.options.emit_ir_graphviz {
if self.options.enable_cxx_namespaces {
if self.options.enable_function_attribute_detection {
if self.options.disable_name_namespacing {
if self.options.disable_nested_struct_naming {
if self.options.disable_header_comment {
if !self.options.codegen_config.functions() {
//Temporary placeholder for below 4 options
let mut options: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
if self.options.codegen_config.functions() {
if self.options.codegen_config.types() {
if self.options.codegen_config.vars() {
if self.options.codegen_config.methods() {
if self.options.codegen_config.constructors() {
if self.options.codegen_config.destructors() {
if !self.options.codegen_config.methods() {
if !self.options.convert_floats {
if !self.options.prepend_enum_name {
if self.options.array_pointers_in_arguments {
if let Some(ref wasm_import_module_name) =
for line in &self.options.raw_lines {
if self.options.use_core {
if self.options.conservative_inline_namespaces {
if self.options.generate_inline_functions {
if !self.options.record_matches {
if self.options.size_t_is_usize {
if !self.options.rustfmt_bindings {
if let Some(path) = self
.and_then(|f| f.to_str())
// Add clang arguments
if !self.options.clang_args.is_empty() {
if self.input_headers.len() > 1 {
// To pass more than one header, we need to pass all but the last
// header via the `-include` clang arg
for header in &self.input_headers[..self.input_headers.len() - 1] {
/// Add an input C/C++ header to generate bindings for.
/// This can be used to generate bindings to a single header:
/// ```ignore
/// let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
/// .header("input.h")
/// .generate()
/// .unwrap();
/// ```
/// Or you can invoke it multiple times to generate bindings to multiple
/// headers:
/// ```ignore
/// let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
/// .header("first.h")
/// .header("second.h")
/// .header("third.h")
/// .generate()
/// .unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn header<T: Into<String>>(mut self, header: T) -> Builder {
/// Add `contents` as an input C/C++ header named `name`.
/// The file `name` will be added to the clang arguments.
pub fn header_contents(mut self, name: &str, contents: &str) -> Builder {
.push((name.into(), contents.into()));
/// Specify the rust target
/// The default is the latest stable Rust version
pub fn rust_target(mut self, rust_target: RustTarget) -> Self {
/// Disable support for native Rust unions, if supported.
pub fn disable_untagged_union(mut self) -> Self {
self.options.rust_features.untagged_union = false;
/// Disable insertion of bindgen's version identifier into generated
/// bindings.
pub fn disable_header_comment(mut self) -> Self {
self.options.disable_header_comment = true;
/// Set the output graphviz file.
pub fn emit_ir_graphviz<T: Into<String>>(mut self, path: T) -> Builder {
let path = path.into();
self.options.emit_ir_graphviz = Some(path);
/// Whether the generated bindings should contain documentation comments
/// (docstrings) or not.
/// This ideally will always be true, but it may need to be false until we
/// implement some processing on comments to work around issues as described
/// in [rust-bindgen issue
/// #426](
/// Note that clang by default excludes comments from system headers, pass
/// `-fretain-comments-from-system-headers` as
/// [`clang_arg`][Builder::clang_arg] to include them. It can also be told
/// to process all comments (not just documentation ones) using the
/// `-fparse-all-comments` flag. See [slides on clang comment parsing](
/// for
/// background and examples.
pub fn generate_comments(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.generate_comments = doit;
/// Whether to whitelist recursively or not. Defaults to true.
/// Given that we have explicitly whitelisted the "initiate_dance_party"
/// function in this C header:
/// ```c
/// typedef struct MoonBoots {
/// int bouncy_level;
/// } MoonBoots;
/// void initiate_dance_party(MoonBoots* boots);
/// ```
/// We would normally generate bindings to both the `initiate_dance_party`
/// function and the `MoonBoots` struct that it transitively references. By
/// configuring with `whitelist_recursively(false)`, `bindgen` will not emit
/// bindings for anything except the explicitly whitelisted items, and there
/// would be no emitted struct definition for `MoonBoots`. However, the
/// `initiate_dance_party` function would still reference `MoonBoots`!
/// **Disabling this feature will almost certainly cause `bindgen` to emit
/// bindings that will not compile!** If you disable this feature, then it
/// is *your* responsibility to provide definitions for every type that is
/// referenced from an explicitly whitelisted item. One way to provide the
/// definitions is by using the [`Builder::raw_line`](#method.raw_line)
/// method, another would be to define them in Rust and then `include!(...)`
/// the bindings immediately afterwards.
pub fn whitelist_recursively(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.whitelist_recursively = doit;
/// Generate `#[macro_use] extern crate objc;` instead of `use objc;`
/// in the prologue of the files generated from objective-c files
pub fn objc_extern_crate(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.objc_extern_crate = doit;
/// Generate proper block signatures instead of void pointers.
pub fn generate_block(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.generate_block = doit;
/// Generate `#[macro_use] extern crate block;` instead of `use block;`
/// in the prologue of the files generated from apple block files
pub fn block_extern_crate(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.block_extern_crate = doit;
/// Whether to use the clang-provided name mangling. This is true by default
/// and probably needed for C++ features.
/// However, some old libclang versions seem to return incorrect results in
/// some cases for non-mangled functions, see [1], so we allow disabling it.
/// [1]:
pub fn trust_clang_mangling(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.enable_mangling = doit;
/// Hide the given type from the generated bindings. Regular expressions are
/// supported.
#[deprecated(note = "Use blacklist_type instead")]
pub fn hide_type<T: AsRef<str>>(self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Hide the given type from the generated bindings. Regular expressions are
/// supported.
/// To blacklist types prefixed with "mylib" use `"mylib_.*"`.
/// For more complicated expressions check
/// [regex](*/regex/) docs
pub fn blacklist_type<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Hide the given function from the generated bindings. Regular expressions
/// are supported.
/// To blacklist functions prefixed with "mylib" use `"mylib_.*"`.
/// For more complicated expressions check
/// [regex](*/regex/) docs
pub fn blacklist_function<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Hide the given item from the generated bindings, regardless of
/// whether it's a type, function, module, etc. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
/// To blacklist items prefixed with "mylib" use `"mylib_.*"`.
/// For more complicated expressions check
/// [regex](*/regex/) docs
pub fn blacklist_item<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Treat the given type as opaque in the generated bindings. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
/// To change types prefixed with "mylib" into opaque, use `"mylib_.*"`.
/// For more complicated expressions check
/// [regex](*/regex/) docs
pub fn opaque_type<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Whitelist the given type so that it (and all types that it transitively
/// refers to) appears in the generated bindings. Regular expressions are
/// supported.
#[deprecated(note = "use whitelist_type instead")]
pub fn whitelisted_type<T: AsRef<str>>(self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Whitelist the given type so that it (and all types that it transitively
/// refers to) appears in the generated bindings. Regular expressions are
/// supported.
/// To whitelist types prefixed with "mylib" use `"mylib_.*"`.
/// For more complicated expressions check
/// [regex](*/regex/) docs
pub fn whitelist_type<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Whitelist the given function so that it (and all types that it
/// transitively refers to) appears in the generated bindings. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
/// To whitelist functions prefixed with "mylib" use `"mylib_.*"`.
/// For more complicated expressions check
/// [regex](*/regex/) docs
pub fn whitelist_function<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Whitelist the given function.
/// Deprecated: use whitelist_function instead.
#[deprecated(note = "use whitelist_function instead")]
pub fn whitelisted_function<T: AsRef<str>>(self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Whitelist the given variable so that it (and all types that it
/// transitively refers to) appears in the generated bindings. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
/// To whitelist variables prefixed with "mylib" use `"mylib_.*"`.
/// For more complicated expressions check
/// [regex](*/regex/) docs
pub fn whitelist_var<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Whitelist the given variable.
/// Deprecated: use whitelist_var instead.
#[deprecated(note = "use whitelist_var instead")]
pub fn whitelisted_var<T: AsRef<str>>(self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Set the default style of code to generate for enums
pub fn default_enum_style(
mut self,
arg: codegen::EnumVariation,
) -> Builder {
self.options.default_enum_style = arg;
/// Mark the given enum (or set of enums, if using a pattern) as being
/// bitfield-like. Regular expressions are supported.
/// This makes bindgen generate a type that isn't a rust `enum`. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
/// This is similar to the newtype enum style, but with the bitwise
/// operators implemented.
pub fn bitfield_enum<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Mark the given enum (or set of enums, if using a pattern) as a newtype.
/// Regular expressions are supported.
/// This makes bindgen generate a type that isn't a Rust `enum`. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
pub fn newtype_enum<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Mark the given enum (or set of enums, if using a pattern) as a Rust
/// enum.
/// This makes bindgen generate enums instead of constants. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
/// **Use this with caution**, creating this in unsafe code
/// (including FFI) with an invalid value will invoke undefined behaviour.
/// You may want to use the newtype enum style instead.
pub fn rustified_enum<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Mark the given enum (or set of enums, if using a pattern) as a Rust
/// enum with the `#[non_exhaustive]` attribute.
/// This makes bindgen generate enums instead of constants. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
/// **Use this with caution**, creating this in unsafe code
/// (including FFI) with an invalid value will invoke undefined behaviour.
/// You may want to use the newtype enum style instead.
pub fn rustified_non_exhaustive_enum<T: AsRef<str>>(
mut self,
arg: T,
) -> Builder {
/// Mark the given enum (or set of enums, if using a pattern) as a set of
/// constants that are not to be put into a module.
pub fn constified_enum<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Mark the given enum (or set of enums, if using a pattern) as a set of
/// constants that should be put into a module.
/// This makes bindgen generate modules containing constants instead of
/// just constants. Regular expressions are supported.
pub fn constified_enum_module<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Set the default type for macro constants
pub fn default_macro_constant_type(
mut self,
arg: codegen::MacroTypeVariation,
) -> Builder {
self.options.default_macro_constant_type = arg;
/// Set the default style of code to generate for typedefs
pub fn default_alias_style(
mut self,
arg: codegen::AliasVariation,
) -> Builder {
self.options.default_alias_style = arg;
/// Mark the given typedef alias (or set of aliases, if using a pattern) to
/// use regular Rust type aliasing.
/// This is the default behavior and should be used if `default_alias_style`
/// was set to NewType or NewTypeDeref and you want to override it for a
/// set of typedefs.
pub fn type_alias<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Mark the given typedef alias (or set of aliases, if using a pattern) to
/// be generated as a new type by having the aliased type be wrapped in a
/// #[repr(transparent)] struct.
/// Used to enforce stricter type checking.
pub fn new_type_alias<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Mark the given typedef alias (or set of aliases, if using a pattern) to
/// be generated as a new type by having the aliased type be wrapped in a
/// #[repr(transparent)] struct and also have an automatically generated
/// impl's of `Deref` and `DerefMut` to their aliased type.
pub fn new_type_alias_deref<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Add a string to prepend to the generated bindings. The string is passed
/// through without any modification.
pub fn raw_line<T: Into<String>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Self {
/// Add a given line to the beginning of module `mod`.
pub fn module_raw_line<T, U>(mut self, mod_: T, line: U) -> Self
T: Into<String>,
U: Into<String>,
/// Add a given set of lines to the beginning of module `mod`.
pub fn module_raw_lines<T, I>(mut self, mod_: T, lines: I) -> Self
T: Into<String>,
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<String>,
/// Add an argument to be passed straight through to clang.
pub fn clang_arg<T: Into<String>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Add arguments to be passed straight through to clang.
pub fn clang_args<I>(mut self, iter: I) -> Builder
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: AsRef<str>,
for arg in iter {
self = self.clang_arg(arg.as_ref())
/// Emit bindings for builtin definitions (for example `__builtin_va_list`)
/// in the generated Rust.
pub fn emit_builtins(mut self) -> Builder {
self.options.builtins = true;
/// Avoid converting floats to `f32`/`f64` by default.
pub fn no_convert_floats(mut self) -> Self {
self.options.convert_floats = false;
/// Set whether layout tests should be generated.
pub fn layout_tests(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.layout_tests = doit;
/// Set whether `Debug` should be implemented, if it can not be derived automatically.
pub fn impl_debug(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.impl_debug = doit;
/// Set whether `PartialEq` should be implemented, if it can not be derived automatically.
pub fn impl_partialeq(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.impl_partialeq = doit;
/// Set whether `Copy` should be derived by default.
pub fn derive_copy(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.derive_copy = doit;
/// Set whether `Debug` should be derived by default.
pub fn derive_debug(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.derive_debug = doit;
/// Set whether `Default` should be derived by default.
pub fn derive_default(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.derive_default = doit;
/// Set whether `Hash` should be derived by default.
pub fn derive_hash(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.derive_hash = doit;
/// Set whether `PartialOrd` should be derived by default.
/// If we don't compute partialord, we also cannot compute
/// ord. Set the derive_ord to `false` when doit is `false`.
pub fn derive_partialord(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.derive_partialord = doit;
if !doit {
self.options.derive_ord = false;
/// Set whether `Ord` should be derived by default.
/// We can't compute `Ord` without computing `PartialOrd`,
/// so we set the same option to derive_partialord.
pub fn derive_ord(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.derive_ord = doit;
self.options.derive_partialord = doit;
/// Set whether `PartialEq` should be derived by default.
/// If we don't derive `PartialEq`, we also cannot derive `Eq`, so deriving
/// `Eq` is also disabled when `doit` is `false`.
pub fn derive_partialeq(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.derive_partialeq = doit;
if !doit {
self.options.derive_eq = false;
/// Set whether `Eq` should be derived by default.
/// We can't derive `Eq` without also deriving `PartialEq`, so we also
/// enable deriving `PartialEq` when `doit` is `true`.
pub fn derive_eq(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.derive_eq = doit;
if doit {
self.options.derive_partialeq = doit;
/// Set whether or not to time bindgen phases, and print information to
/// stderr.
pub fn time_phases(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.time_phases = doit;
/// Emit Clang AST.
pub fn emit_clang_ast(mut self) -> Builder {
self.options.emit_ast = true;
/// Emit IR.
pub fn emit_ir(mut self) -> Builder {
self.options.emit_ir = true;
/// Enable C++ namespaces.
pub fn enable_cxx_namespaces(mut self) -> Builder {
self.options.enable_cxx_namespaces = true;
/// Enable detecting must_use attributes on C functions.
/// This is quite slow in some cases (see #1465), so it's disabled by
/// default.
/// Note that for this to do something meaningful for now at least, the rust
/// target version has to have support for `#[must_use]`.
pub fn enable_function_attribute_detection(mut self) -> Self {
self.options.enable_function_attribute_detection = true;
/// Disable name auto-namespacing.
/// By default, bindgen mangles names like `foo::bar::Baz` to look like
/// `foo_bar_Baz` instead of just `Baz`.
/// This method disables that behavior.
/// Note that this intentionally does not change the names used for
/// whitelisting and blacklisting, which should still be mangled with the
/// namespaces.
/// Note, also, that this option may cause bindgen to generate duplicate
/// names.
pub fn disable_name_namespacing(mut self) -> Builder {
self.options.disable_name_namespacing = true;
/// Disable nested struct naming.
/// The following structs have different names for C and C++. In case of C
/// they are visible as `foo` and `bar`. In case of C++ they are visible as
/// `foo` and `foo::bar`.
/// ```c
/// struct foo {
/// struct bar {
/// } b;
/// };
/// ```
/// Bindgen wants to avoid duplicate names by default so it follows C++ naming
/// and it generates `foo`/`foo_bar` instead of just `foo`/`bar`.
/// This method disables this behavior and it is indented to be used only
/// for headers that were written for C.
pub fn disable_nested_struct_naming(mut self) -> Builder {
self.options.disable_nested_struct_naming = true;
/// Treat inline namespaces conservatively.
/// This is tricky, because in C++ is technically legal to override an item
/// defined in an inline namespace:
/// ```cpp
/// inline namespace foo {
/// using Bar = int;
/// }
/// using Bar = long;
/// ```
/// Even though referencing `Bar` is a compiler error.
/// We want to support this (arguably esoteric) use case, but we don't want
/// to make the rest of bindgen users pay an usability penalty for that.
/// To support this, we need to keep all the inline namespaces around, but
/// then bindgen usage is a bit more difficult, because you cannot
/// reference, e.g., `std::string` (you'd need to use the proper inline
/// namespace).
/// We could complicate a lot of the logic to detect name collisions, and if
/// not detected generate a `pub use inline_ns::*` or something like that.
/// That's probably something we can do if we see this option is needed in a
/// lot of cases, to improve it's usability, but my guess is that this is
/// not going to be too useful.
pub fn conservative_inline_namespaces(mut self) -> Builder {
self.options.conservative_inline_namespaces = true;
/// Whether inline functions should be generated or not.
/// Note that they will usually not work. However you can use
/// `-fkeep-inline-functions` or `-fno-inline-functions` if you are
/// responsible of compiling the library to make them callable.
pub fn generate_inline_functions(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.generate_inline_functions = doit;
/// Ignore functions.
pub fn ignore_functions(mut self) -> Builder {
/// Ignore methods.
pub fn ignore_methods(mut self) -> Builder {
/// Avoid generating any unstable Rust, such as Rust unions, in the generated bindings.
#[deprecated(note = "please use `rust_target` instead")]
pub fn unstable_rust(self, doit: bool) -> Self {
let rust_target = if doit {
} else {
/// Use core instead of libstd in the generated bindings.
pub fn use_core(mut self) -> Builder {
self.options.use_core = true;
/// Use the given prefix for the raw types instead of `::std::os::raw`.
pub fn ctypes_prefix<T: Into<String>>(mut self, prefix: T) -> Builder {
self.options.ctypes_prefix = Some(prefix.into());
/// Use the given prefix for the anon fields.
pub fn anon_fields_prefix<T: Into<String>>(mut self, prefix: T) -> Builder {
self.options.anon_fields_prefix = prefix.into();
/// Allows configuring types in different situations, see the
/// [`ParseCallbacks`](./callbacks/trait.ParseCallbacks.html) documentation.
pub fn parse_callbacks(
mut self,
cb: Box<dyn callbacks::ParseCallbacks>,
) -> Self {
self.options.parse_callbacks = Some(cb);
/// Choose what to generate using a
/// [`CodegenConfig`](./struct.CodegenConfig.html).
pub fn with_codegen_config(mut self, config: CodegenConfig) -> Self {
self.options.codegen_config = config;
/// Whether to detect include paths using clang_sys.
pub fn detect_include_paths(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.detect_include_paths = doit;
/// Prepend the enum name to constant or newtype variants.
pub fn prepend_enum_name(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.prepend_enum_name = doit;
/// Set whether `size_t` should be translated to `usize` automatically.
pub fn size_t_is_usize(mut self, is: bool) -> Self {
self.options.size_t_is_usize = is;
/// Set whether rustfmt should format the generated bindings.
pub fn rustfmt_bindings(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.rustfmt_bindings = doit;
/// Set whether we should record matched items in our regex sets.
pub fn record_matches(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.record_matches = doit;
/// Set the absolute path to the rustfmt configuration file, if None, the standard rustfmt
/// options are used.
pub fn rustfmt_configuration_file(mut self, path: Option<PathBuf>) -> Self {
self = self.rustfmt_bindings(true);
self.options.rustfmt_configuration_file = path;
/// Sets an explicit path to rustfmt, to be used when rustfmt is enabled.
pub fn with_rustfmt<P: Into<PathBuf>>(mut self, path: P) -> Self {
self.options.rustfmt_path = Some(path.into());
/// Generate the Rust bindings using the options built up thus far.
pub fn generate(mut self) -> Result<Bindings, ()> {
// Add any extra arguments from the environment to the clang command line.
if let Some(extra_clang_args) =
// Try to parse it with shell quoting. If we fail, make it one single big argument.
if let Some(strings) = shlex::split(&extra_clang_args) {
} else {
// Transform input headers to arguments on the clang command line.
self.options.input_header = self.input_headers.pop();
.extend(self.input_headers.drain(..).flat_map(|header| {
.map(|(name, contents)| {
clang::UnsavedFile::new(&name, &contents)
/// Preprocess and dump the input header files to disk.
/// This is useful when debugging bindgen, using C-Reduce, or when filing
/// issues. The resulting file will be named something like `__bindgen.i` or
/// `__bindgen.ii`
pub fn dump_preprocessed_input(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
fn check_is_cpp(name_file: &str) -> bool {
name_file.ends_with(".hpp") ||
name_file.ends_with(".hxx") ||
name_file.ends_with(".hh") ||
let clang =
clang_sys::support::Clang::find(None, &[]).ok_or_else(|| {
"Cannot find clang executable",
// The contents of a wrapper file that includes all the input header
// files.
let mut wrapper_contents = String::new();
// Whether we are working with C or C++ inputs.
let mut is_cpp = args_are_cpp(&self.options.clang_args);
// For each input header, add `#include "$header"`.
for header in &self.input_headers {
is_cpp |= check_is_cpp(header);
wrapper_contents.push_str("#include \"");
// For each input header content, add a prefix line of `#line 0 "$name"`
// followed by the contents.
for &(ref name, ref contents) in &self.input_header_contents {
is_cpp |= check_is_cpp(name);
wrapper_contents.push_str("#line 0 \"");
let wrapper_path = PathBuf::from(if is_cpp {
} else {
let mut wrapper_file = File::create(&wrapper_path)?;
let mut cmd = Command::new(&clang.path);
for a in &self.options.clang_args {
let mut child = cmd.spawn()?;
let mut preprocessed = child.stdout.take().unwrap();
let mut file = File::create(if is_cpp {
} else {
io::copy(&mut preprocessed, &mut file)?;
if child.wait()?.success() {
} else {
"clang exited with non-zero status",
/// Don't derive `PartialEq` for a given type. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
pub fn no_partialeq<T: Into<String>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Don't derive `Copy` for a given type. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
pub fn no_copy<T: Into<String>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Self {
/// Don't derive `Debug` for a given type. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
pub fn no_debug<T: Into<String>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Self {
/// Don't derive `Hash` for a given type. Regular
/// expressions are supported.
pub fn no_hash<T: Into<String>>(mut self, arg: T) -> Builder {
/// Set whether `arr[size]` should be treated as `*mut T` or `*mut [T; size]` (same for mut)
pub fn array_pointers_in_arguments(mut self, doit: bool) -> Self {
self.options.array_pointers_in_arguments = doit;
/// Set the wasm import module name
pub fn wasm_import_module_name<T: Into<String>>(
mut self,
import_name: T,
) -> Self {
self.options.wasm_import_module_name = Some(import_name.into());
/// Configuration options for generated bindings.
struct BindgenOptions {
/// The set of types that have been blacklisted and should not appear
/// anywhere in the generated code.
blacklisted_types: RegexSet,
/// The set of functions that have been blacklisted and should not appear
/// in the generated code.
blacklisted_functions: RegexSet,
/// The set of items, regardless of item-type, that have been
/// blacklisted and should not appear in the generated code.
blacklisted_items: RegexSet,
/// The set of types that should be treated as opaque structures in the
/// generated code.
opaque_types: RegexSet,
/// The explicit rustfmt path.
rustfmt_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// The set of types that we should have bindings for in the generated
/// code.
/// This includes all types transitively reachable from any type in this
/// set. One might think of whitelisted types/vars/functions as GC roots,
/// and the generated Rust code as including everything that gets marked.
whitelisted_types: RegexSet,
/// Whitelisted functions. See docs for `whitelisted_types` for more.
whitelisted_functions: RegexSet,
/// Whitelisted variables. See docs for `whitelisted_types` for more.
whitelisted_vars: RegexSet,
/// The default style of code to generate for enums
default_enum_style: codegen::EnumVariation,
/// The enum patterns to mark an enum as a bitfield
/// (newtype with bitwise operations).
bitfield_enums: RegexSet,
/// The enum patterns to mark an enum as a newtype.
newtype_enums: RegexSet,
/// The enum patterns to mark an enum as a Rust enum.
rustified_enums: RegexSet,
/// The enum patterns to mark an enum as a non-exhaustive Rust enum.
rustified_non_exhaustive_enums: RegexSet,
/// The enum patterns to mark an enum as a module of constants.
constified_enum_modules: RegexSet,
/// The enum patterns to mark an enum as a set of constants.
constified_enums: RegexSet,
/// The default type for C macro constants.
default_macro_constant_type: codegen::MacroTypeVariation,
/// The default style of code to generate for typedefs.
default_alias_style: codegen::AliasVariation,
/// Typedef patterns that will use regular type aliasing.
type_alias: RegexSet,
/// Typedef patterns that will be aliased by creating a new struct.
new_type_alias: RegexSet,
/// Typedef patterns that will be wrapped in a new struct and have
/// Deref and Deref to their aliased type.
new_type_alias_deref: RegexSet,
/// Whether we should generate builtins or not.
builtins: bool,
/// True if we should dump the Clang AST for debugging purposes.
emit_ast: bool,
/// True if we should dump our internal IR for debugging purposes.
emit_ir: bool,
/// Output graphviz dot file.
emit_ir_graphviz: Option<String>,
/// True if we should emulate C++ namespaces with Rust modules in the
/// generated bindings.
enable_cxx_namespaces: bool,
/// True if we should try to find unexposed attributes in functions, in
/// order to be able to generate #[must_use] attributes in Rust.
enable_function_attribute_detection: bool,
/// True if we should avoid mangling names with namespaces.
disable_name_namespacing: bool,
/// True if we should avoid generating nested struct names.
disable_nested_struct_naming: bool,
/// True if we should avoid embedding version identifiers into source code.
disable_header_comment: bool,
/// True if we should generate layout tests for generated structures.
layout_tests: bool,
/// True if we should implement the Debug trait for C/C++ structures and types
/// that do not support automatically deriving Debug.
impl_debug: bool,
/// True if we should implement the PartialEq trait for C/C++ structures and types
/// that do not support automatically deriving PartialEq.
impl_partialeq: bool,
/// True if we should derive Copy trait implementations for C/C++ structures
/// and types.
derive_copy: bool,
/// True if we should derive Debug trait implementations for C/C++ structures
/// and types.
derive_debug: bool,
/// True if we should derive Default trait implementations for C/C++ structures
/// and types.
derive_default: bool,
/// True if we should derive Hash trait implementations for C/C++ structures
/// and types.
derive_hash: bool,
/// True if we should derive PartialOrd trait implementations for C/C++ structures
/// and types.
derive_partialord: bool,
/// True if we should derive Ord trait implementations for C/C++ structures
/// and types.
derive_ord: bool,
/// True if we should derive PartialEq trait implementations for C/C++ structures
/// and types.
derive_partialeq: bool,
/// True if we should derive Eq trait implementations for C/C++ structures
/// and types.
derive_eq: bool,
/// True if we should avoid using libstd to use libcore instead.
use_core: bool,
/// An optional prefix for the "raw" types, like `c_int`, `c_void`...
ctypes_prefix: Option<String>,
/// The prefix for the anon fields.
anon_fields_prefix: String,
/// Whether to time the bindgen phases.
time_phases: bool,
/// True if we should generate constant names that are **directly** under
/// namespaces.
namespaced_constants: bool,
/// True if we should use MSVC name mangling rules.
msvc_mangling: bool,
/// Whether we should convert float types to f32/f64 types.
convert_floats: bool,
/// The set of raw lines to prepend to the top-level module of generated
/// Rust code.
raw_lines: Vec<String>,
/// The set of raw lines to prepend to each of the modules.
/// This only makes sense if the `enable_cxx_namespaces` option is set.
module_lines: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
/// The set of arguments to pass straight through to Clang.
clang_args: Vec<String>,
/// The input header file.
input_header: Option<String>,
/// Unsaved files for input.
input_unsaved_files: Vec<clang::UnsavedFile>,
/// A user-provided visitor to allow customizing different kinds of
/// situations.
parse_callbacks: Option<Box<dyn callbacks::ParseCallbacks>>,
/// Which kind of items should we generate? By default, we'll generate all
/// of them.
codegen_config: CodegenConfig,
/// Whether to treat inline namespaces conservatively.
/// See the builder method description for more details.
conservative_inline_namespaces: bool,
/// Whether to keep documentation comments in the generated output. See the
/// documentation for more details.
generate_comments: bool,
/// Whether to generate inline functions. Defaults to false.
generate_inline_functions: bool,
/// Whether to whitelist types recursively. Defaults to true.
whitelist_recursively: bool,
/// Instead of emitting 'use objc;' to files generated from objective c files,
/// generate '#[macro_use] extern crate objc;'
objc_extern_crate: bool,
/// Instead of emitting 'use block;' to files generated from objective c files,
/// generate '#[macro_use] extern crate block;'
generate_block: bool,
/// Instead of emitting 'use block;' to files generated from objective c files,
/// generate '#[macro_use] extern crate block;'
block_extern_crate: bool,
/// Whether to use the clang-provided name mangling. This is true and
/// probably needed for C++ features.
/// However, some old libclang versions seem to return incorrect results in
/// some cases for non-mangled functions, see [1], so we allow disabling it.
/// [1]:
enable_mangling: bool,
/// Whether to detect include paths using clang_sys.
detect_include_paths: bool,
/// Whether to prepend the enum name to constant or newtype variants.
prepend_enum_name: bool,
/// Version of the Rust compiler to target
rust_target: RustTarget,
/// Features to enable, derived from `rust_target`
rust_features: RustFeatures,
/// Whether we should record which items in the regex sets ever matched.
/// This may be a bit slower, but will enable reporting of unused whitelist
/// items via the `error!` log.
record_matches: bool,
/// Whether `size_t` should be translated to `usize` automatically.
size_t_is_usize: bool,
/// Whether rustfmt should format the generated bindings.
rustfmt_bindings: bool,
/// The absolute path to the rustfmt configuration file, if None, the standard rustfmt
/// options are used.
rustfmt_configuration_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// The set of types that we should not derive `PartialEq` for.
no_partialeq_types: RegexSet,
/// The set of types that we should not derive `Copy` for.
no_copy_types: RegexSet,
/// The set of types that we should not derive `Debug` for.
no_debug_types: RegexSet,
/// The set of types that we should not derive `Hash` for.
no_hash_types: RegexSet,
/// Decide if C arrays should be regular pointers in rust or array pointers
array_pointers_in_arguments: bool,
/// Wasm import module name.
wasm_import_module_name: Option<String>,
/// TODO(emilio): This is sort of a lie (see the error message that results from
/// removing this), but since we don't share references across panic boundaries
/// it's ok.
impl ::std::panic::UnwindSafe for BindgenOptions {}
impl BindgenOptions {
fn build(&mut self) {
let mut regex_sets = [
&mut self.whitelisted_vars,
&mut self.whitelisted_types,
&mut self.whitelisted_functions,
&mut self.blacklisted_types,
&mut self.blacklisted_functions,
&mut self.blacklisted_items,
&mut self.opaque_types,
&mut self.bitfield_enums,
&mut self.constified_enums,
&mut self.constified_enum_modules,
&mut self.newtype_enums,
&mut self.rustified_enums,
&mut self.rustified_non_exhaustive_enums,
&mut self.type_alias,
&mut self.new_type_alias,
&mut self.new_type_alias_deref,
&mut self.no_partialeq_types,
&mut self.no_copy_types,
&mut self.no_debug_types,
&mut self.no_hash_types,
let record_matches = self.record_matches;
for regex_set in &mut regex_sets {;
/// Update rust target version
pub fn set_rust_target(&mut self, rust_target: RustTarget) {
self.rust_target = rust_target;
// Keep rust_features synced with rust_target
self.rust_features = rust_target.into();
/// Get features supported by target Rust version
pub fn rust_features(&self) -> RustFeatures {
impl Default for BindgenOptions {
fn default() -> BindgenOptions {
let rust_target = RustTarget::default();
BindgenOptions {
rust_features: rust_target.into(),
blacklisted_types: Default::default(),
blacklisted_functions: Default::default(),
blacklisted_items: Default::default(),
opaque_types: Default::default(),
rustfmt_path: Default::default(),
whitelisted_types: Default::default(),
whitelisted_functions: Default::default(),
whitelisted_vars: Default::default(),
default_enum_style: Default::default(),
bitfield_enums: Default::default(),
newtype_enums: Default::default(),
rustified_enums: Default::default(),
rustified_non_exhaustive_enums: Default::default(),
constified_enums: Default::default(),
constified_enum_modules: Default::default(),
default_macro_constant_type: Default::default(),
default_alias_style: Default::default(),
type_alias: Default::default(),
new_type_alias: Default::default(),
new_type_alias_deref: Default::default(),
builtins: false,
emit_ast: false,
emit_ir: false,
emit_ir_graphviz: None,
layout_tests: true,
impl_debug: false,
impl_partialeq: false,
derive_copy: true,
derive_debug: true,
derive_default: false,
derive_hash: false,
derive_partialord: false,
derive_ord: false,
derive_partialeq: false,
derive_eq: false,
enable_cxx_namespaces: false,
enable_function_attribute_detection: false,
disable_name_namespacing: false,
disable_nested_struct_naming: false,
disable_header_comment: false,
use_core: false,
ctypes_prefix: None,
anon_fields_prefix: DEFAULT_ANON_FIELDS_PREFIX.into(),
namespaced_constants: true,
msvc_mangling: false,
convert_floats: true,
raw_lines: vec![],
module_lines: HashMap::default(),
clang_args: vec![],
input_header: None,
input_unsaved_files: vec![],
parse_callbacks: None,
codegen_config: CodegenConfig::all(),
conservative_inline_namespaces: false,
generate_comments: true,
generate_inline_functions: false,
whitelist_recursively: true,
generate_block: false,
objc_extern_crate: false,
block_extern_crate: false,
enable_mangling: true,
detect_include_paths: true,
prepend_enum_name: true,
time_phases: false,
record_matches: true,
rustfmt_bindings: true,
size_t_is_usize: false,
rustfmt_configuration_file: None,
no_partialeq_types: Default::default(),
no_copy_types: Default::default(),
no_debug_types: Default::default(),
no_hash_types: Default::default(),
array_pointers_in_arguments: false,
wasm_import_module_name: None,
#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
fn ensure_libclang_is_loaded() {
if clang_sys::is_loaded() {
// XXX (issue #350): Ensure that our dynamically loaded `libclang`
// doesn't get dropped prematurely, nor is loaded multiple times
// across different threads.
lazy_static! {
static ref LIBCLANG: std::sync::Arc<clang_sys::SharedLibrary> = {
clang_sys::load().expect("Unable to find libclang");
"We just loaded libclang and it had better still be \
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime"))]
fn ensure_libclang_is_loaded() {}
/// Generated Rust bindings.
pub struct Bindings {
options: BindgenOptions,
module: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
pub(crate) const HOST_TARGET: &'static str =
include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/host-target.txt"));
// Some architecture triplets are different between rust and libclang, see #1211
// and duplicates.
fn rust_to_clang_target(rust_target: &str) -> String {
if rust_target.starts_with("aarch64-apple-") {
let mut clang_target = "arm64-apple-".to_owned();
return clang_target;
/// Returns the effective target, and whether it was explicitly specified on the
/// clang flags.
fn find_effective_target(clang_args: &[String]) -> (String, bool) {
let mut args = clang_args.iter();
while let Some(opt) = {
if opt.starts_with("--target=") {
let mut split = opt.split('=');;
return (, true);
if opt == "-target" {
if let Some(target) = {
return (target.clone(), true);
// If we're running from a build script, try to find the cargo target.
if let Ok(t) = env::var("TARGET") {
return (rust_to_clang_target(&t), false);
(rust_to_clang_target(HOST_TARGET), false)
impl Bindings {
/// Generate bindings for the given options.
pub(crate) fn generate(
mut options: BindgenOptions,
) -> Result<Bindings, ()> {
#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
"Generating bindings, libclang at {}",
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime"))]
debug!("Generating bindings, libclang linked");;
let (effective_target, explicit_target) =
let is_host_build =
rust_to_clang_target(HOST_TARGET) == effective_target;
// NOTE: The is_host_build check wouldn't be sound normally in some
// cases if we were to call a binary (if you have a 32-bit clang and are
// building on a 64-bit system for example). But since we rely on
// opening, it has to be the same architecture and thus the
// check is fine.
if !explicit_target && !is_host_build {
.insert(0, format!("--target={}", effective_target));
fn detect_include_paths(options: &mut BindgenOptions) {
if !options.detect_include_paths {
// Filter out include paths and similar stuff, so we don't incorrectly
// promote them to `-isystem`.
let clang_args_for_clang_sys = {
let mut last_was_include_prefix = false;
.filter(|arg| {
if last_was_include_prefix {
last_was_include_prefix = false;
return false;
let arg = &**arg;
// -isystem and -isystem-after are harmless.
if arg == "-I" || arg == "--include-directory" {
last_was_include_prefix = true;
return false;
if arg.starts_with("-I") ||
return false;
"Trying to find clang with flags: {:?}",
let clang = match clang_sys::support::Clang::find(
) {
None => return,
Some(clang) => clang,
debug!("Found clang: {:?}", clang);
// Whether we are working with C or C++ inputs.
let is_cpp = args_are_cpp(&options.clang_args);
let search_paths = if is_cpp {
} else {
if let Some(search_paths) = search_paths {
for path in search_paths.into_iter() {
if let Ok(path) = path.into_os_string().into_string() {
detect_include_paths(&mut options);
fn can_read(perms: &std::fs::Permissions) -> bool {
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
perms.mode() & 0o444 > 0
fn can_read(_: &std::fs::Permissions) -> bool {
if let Some(h) = options.input_header.as_ref() {
if let Ok(md) = std::fs::metadata(h) {
if md.is_dir() {
eprintln!("error: '{}' is a folder", h);
return Err(());
if !can_read(&md.permissions()) {
"error: insufficient permissions to read '{}'",
return Err(());
} else {
eprintln!("error: header '{}' does not exist.", h);
return Err(());
for f in options.input_unsaved_files.iter() {
debug!("Fixed-up options: {:?}", options);
let time_phases = options.time_phases;
let mut context = BindgenContext::new(options);
if is_host_build {
std::mem::size_of::<*mut ()>(),
"{:?} {:?}",
let _t = time::Timer::new("parse").with_output(time_phases);
parse(&mut context)?;
let (items, options) = codegen::codegen(context);
Ok(Bindings {
module: quote! {
#( #items )*
/// Convert these bindings into source text (with raw lines prepended).
pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
let mut bytes = vec![];
self.write(Box::new(&mut bytes) as Box<dyn Write>)
.expect("writing to a vec cannot fail");
.expect("we should only write bindings that are valid utf-8")
/// Write these bindings as source text to a file.
pub fn write_to_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> io::Result<()> {
let file = OpenOptions::new()
/// Write these bindings as source text to the given `Write`able.
pub fn write<'a>(&self, mut writer: Box<dyn Write + 'a>) -> io::Result<()> {
if !self.options.disable_header_comment {
let version = Some("0.55.1");
let header = format!(
"/* automatically generated by rust-bindgen {} */\n\n",
version.unwrap_or("(unknown version)")
for line in self.options.raw_lines.iter() {
if !self.options.raw_lines.is_empty() {
let bindings = self.module.to_string();
match self.rustfmt_generated_string(&bindings) {
Ok(rustfmt_bindings) => {
Err(err) => {
"Failed to run rustfmt: {} (non-fatal, continuing)",
/// Gets the rustfmt path to rustfmt the generated bindings.
fn rustfmt_path<'a>(&'a self) -> io::Result<Cow<'a, PathBuf>> {
if let Some(ref p) = self.options.rustfmt_path {
return Ok(Cow::Borrowed(p));
if let Ok(rustfmt) = env::var("RUSTFMT") {
return Ok(Cow::Owned(rustfmt.into()));
#[cfg(feature = "which-rustfmt")]
match which::which("rustfmt") {
Ok(p) => Ok(Cow::Owned(p)),
Err(e) => {
Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("{}", e)))
#[cfg(not(feature = "which-rustfmt"))]
// No rustfmt binary was specified, so assume that the binary is called
// "rustfmt" and that it is in the user's PATH.
/// Checks if rustfmt_bindings is set and runs rustfmt on the string
fn rustfmt_generated_string<'a>(
source: &'a str,
) -> io::Result<Cow<'a, str>> {
let _t = time::Timer::new("rustfmt_generated_string")
if !self.options.rustfmt_bindings {
return Ok(Cow::Borrowed(source));
let rustfmt = self.rustfmt_path()?;
let mut cmd = Command::new(&*rustfmt);
if let Some(path) = self
.and_then(|f| f.to_str())
cmd.args(&["--config-path", path]);
let mut child = cmd.spawn()?;
let mut child_stdin = child.stdin.take().unwrap();
let mut child_stdout = child.stdout.take().unwrap();
let source = source.to_owned();
// Write to stdin in a new thread, so that we can read from stdout on this
// thread. This keeps the child from blocking on writing to its stdout which
// might block us from writing to its stdin.
let stdin_handle = ::std::thread::spawn(move || {
let _ = child_stdin.write_all(source.as_bytes());
let mut output = vec![];
io::copy(&mut child_stdout, &mut output)?;
let status = child.wait()?;
let source = stdin_handle.join().expect(
"The thread writing to rustfmt's stdin doesn't do \
anything that could panic",
match String::from_utf8(output) {
Ok(bindings) => match status.code() {
Some(0) => Ok(Cow::Owned(bindings)),
Some(2) => Err(io::Error::new(
"Rustfmt parsing errors.".to_string(),
Some(3) => {
warn!("Rustfmt could not format some lines.");
_ => Err(io::Error::new(
"Internal rustfmt error".to_string(),
_ => Ok(Cow::Owned(source)),
/// Determines whether the given cursor is in any of the files matched by the
/// options.
fn filter_builtins(ctx: &BindgenContext, cursor: &clang::Cursor) -> bool {
ctx.options().builtins || !cursor.is_builtin()
/// Parse one `Item` from the Clang cursor.
fn parse_one(
ctx: &mut BindgenContext,
cursor: clang::Cursor,
parent: Option<ItemId>,
) -> clang_sys::CXChildVisitResult {
if !filter_builtins(ctx, &cursor) {
return CXChildVisit_Continue;
use clang_sys::CXChildVisit_Continue;
match Item::parse(cursor, parent, ctx) {
Ok(..) => {}
Err(ParseError::Continue) => {}
Err(ParseError::Recurse) => {
cursor.visit(|child| parse_one(ctx, child, parent));
/// Parse the Clang AST into our `Item` internal representation.
fn parse(context: &mut BindgenContext) -> Result<(), ()> {
use clang_sys::*;
let mut any_error = false;
for d in context.translation_unit().diags().iter() {
let msg = d.format();
let is_err = d.severity() >= CXDiagnostic_Error;
eprintln!("{}, err: {}", msg, is_err);
any_error |= is_err;
if any_error {
return Err(());
let cursor = context.translation_unit().cursor();
if context.options().emit_ast {
fn dump_if_not_builtin(cur: &clang::Cursor) -> CXChildVisitResult {
if !cur.is_builtin() {
clang::ast_dump(&cur, 0)
} else {
cursor.visit(|cur| dump_if_not_builtin(&cur));
let root = context.root_module();
context.with_module(root, |context| {
cursor.visit(|cursor| parse_one(context, cursor, None))
context.current_module() == context.root_module(),
"How did this happen?"
/// Extracted Clang version data
pub struct ClangVersion {
/// Major and minor semver, if parsing was successful
pub parsed: Option<(u32, u32)>,
/// full version string
pub full: String,
/// Get the major and the minor semver numbers of Clang's version
pub fn clang_version() -> ClangVersion {
let raw_v: String = clang::extract_clang_version();
let split_v: Option<Vec<&str>> = raw_v
.map(|v| v.split('.').collect());
match split_v {
Some(v) => {
if v.len() >= 2 {
let maybe_major = v[0].parse::<u32>();
let maybe_minor = v[1].parse::<u32>();
match (maybe_major, maybe_minor) {
(Ok(major), Ok(minor)) => {
return ClangVersion {
parsed: Some((major, minor)),
full: raw_v.clone(),
_ => {}
None => {}
ClangVersion {
parsed: None,
full: raw_v.clone(),
/// A ParseCallbacks implementation that will act on file includes by echoing a rerun-if-changed
/// line
/// When running in side a `` script, this can be used to make cargo invalidate the
/// generated bindings whenever any of the files included from the header change:
/// ```
/// use bindgen::builder;
/// let bindings = builder()
/// .header("path/to/input/header")
/// .parse_callbacks(Box::new(bindgen::CargoCallbacks))
/// .generate();
/// ```
pub struct CargoCallbacks;
impl callbacks::ParseCallbacks for CargoCallbacks {
fn include_file(&self, filename: &str) {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", filename);
/// Test command_line_flag function.
fn commandline_flag_unit_test_function() {
//Test 1
let bindings = crate::builder();
let command_line_flags = bindings.command_line_flags();
let test_cases = vec![
.map(|&x| x.into())
.all(|ref x| command_line_flags.contains(x),));
//Test 2
let bindings = crate::builder()
let command_line_flags = bindings.command_line_flags();
let test_cases = vec![
.map(|&x| x.into())
println!("{:?}", command_line_flags);
.all(|ref x| command_line_flags.contains(x),));
fn test_rust_to_clang_target() {
assert_eq!(rust_to_clang_target("aarch64-apple-ios"), "arm64-apple-ios");