blob: 667992ce6ff1fbf85cc945bfd72f0b6a136f1d41 [file] [log] [blame]
use proc_macro2::{Literal, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
use syn::{
parse::ParseStream, parse_quote, spanned::Spanned, Attribute, DataStruct, DeriveInput, Field,
Fields, Ident, Lifetime, LitInt, Meta, Type, WherePredicate,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ContainerType {
impl ToTokens for ContainerType {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let s = match self {
ContainerType::Alias => quote! {},
ContainerType::Sequence => quote! { asn1_rs::Tag::Sequence },
ContainerType::Set => quote! { asn1_rs::Tag::Set },
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Asn1Type {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Asn1TagKind {
impl ToTokens for Asn1TagKind {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let s = match self {
Asn1TagKind::Explicit => quote! { asn1_rs::Explicit },
Asn1TagKind::Implicit => quote! { asn1_rs::Implicit },
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Asn1TagClass {
impl ToTokens for Asn1TagClass {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let s = match self {
Asn1TagClass::Application => quote! { asn1_rs::Class::APPLICATION },
Asn1TagClass::ContextSpecific => quote! { asn1_rs::Class::CONTEXT_SPECIFIC },
Asn1TagClass::Private => quote! { asn1_rs::Class::PRIVATE },
Asn1TagClass::Universal => quote! { asn1_rs::Class::UNIVERSAL },
pub struct Container {
pub container_type: ContainerType,
pub fields: Vec<FieldInfo>,
pub where_predicates: Vec<WherePredicate>,
pub error: Option<Attribute>,
is_any: bool,
impl Container {
pub fn from_datastruct(
ds: &DataStruct,
ast: &DeriveInput,
container_type: ContainerType,
) -> Self {
let mut is_any = false;
match (container_type, &ds.fields) {
(ContainerType::Alias, Fields::Unnamed(f)) => {
if f.unnamed.len() != 1 {
panic!("Alias: only tuple fields with one element are supported");
match &f.unnamed[0].ty {
if type_path
.starts_with("Any") =>
is_any = true;
_ => (),
(ContainerType::Alias, _) => panic!("BER/DER alias must be used with tuple strucs"),
(_, Fields::Unnamed(_)) => panic!("BER/DER sequence cannot be used on tuple structs"),
_ => (),
let fields = ds.fields.iter().map(FieldInfo::from).collect();
// get lifetimes from generics
let lfts: Vec<_> = ast.generics.lifetimes().collect();
let mut where_predicates = Vec::new();
if !lfts.is_empty() {
// input slice must outlive all lifetimes from Self
let lft = Lifetime::new("'ber", Span::call_site());
let wh: WherePredicate = parse_quote! { #lft: #(#lfts)+* };
// get custom attributes on container
let error = ast
.find(|attr| attr.path.is_ident(&Ident::new("error", Span::call_site())))
Container {
pub fn gen_tryfrom(&self) -> TokenStream {
let field_names = &self.fields.iter().map(|f| &<Vec<_>>();
let parse_content =
derive_ber_sequence_content(&self.fields, Asn1Type::Ber, self.error.is_some());
let lifetime = Lifetime::new("'ber", Span::call_site());
let wh = &self.where_predicates;
let error = if let Some(attr) = &self.error {
get_attribute_meta(attr).expect("Invalid error attribute format")
} else {
quote! { asn1_rs::Error }
let fn_content = if self.container_type == ContainerType::Alias {
// special case: is this an alias for Any
if self.is_any {
quote! { Ok(Self(any)) }
} else {
quote! {
let res = TryFrom::try_from(any)?;
} else {
quote! {
use asn1_rs::nom::*;
// no need to parse sequence, we already have content
let i =;
let _ = i; // XXX check if empty?
// note: `gen impl` in synstructure takes care of appending extra where clauses if any, and removing
// the `where` statement if there are none.
quote! {
use asn1_rs::{Any, FromBer};
use core::convert::TryFrom;
gen impl<#lifetime> TryFrom<Any<#lifetime>> for @Self where #(#wh)+* {
type Error = #error;
fn try_from(any: Any<#lifetime>) -> asn1_rs::Result<Self, #error> {
pub fn gen_tagged(&self) -> TokenStream {
let tag = if self.container_type == ContainerType::Alias {
// special case: is this an alias for Any
if self.is_any {
return quote! {};
// find type of sub-item
let ty = &self.fields[0].type_;
quote! { <#ty as asn1_rs::Tagged>::TAG }
} else {
let container_type = self.container_type;
quote! { #container_type }
quote! {
gen impl<'ber> asn1_rs::Tagged for @Self {
const TAG: asn1_rs::Tag = #tag;
pub fn gen_checkconstraints(&self) -> TokenStream {
let lifetime = Lifetime::new("'ber", Span::call_site());
let wh = &self.where_predicates;
// let parse_content = derive_ber_sequence_content(&field_names, Asn1Type::Der);
let fn_content = if self.container_type == ContainerType::Alias {
// special case: is this an alias for Any
if self.is_any {
return quote! {};
let ty = &self.fields[0].type_;
quote! {
} else {
let check_fields: Vec<_> = self
.map(|field| {
let ty = &field.type_;
quote! {
let (rem, any) = Any::from_der(rem)?;
<#ty as CheckDerConstraints>::check_constraints(&any)?;
quote! {
let rem = &;
// note: `gen impl` in synstructure takes care of appending extra where clauses if any, and removing
// the `where` statement if there are none.
quote! {
use asn1_rs::{CheckDerConstraints, Tagged};
gen impl<#lifetime> CheckDerConstraints for @Self where #(#wh)+* {
fn check_constraints(any: &Any) -> asn1_rs::Result<()> {
pub fn gen_fromder(&self) -> TokenStream {
let lifetime = Lifetime::new("'ber", Span::call_site());
let wh = &self.where_predicates;
let field_names = &self.fields.iter().map(|f| &<Vec<_>>();
let parse_content =
derive_ber_sequence_content(&self.fields, Asn1Type::Der, self.error.is_some());
let error = if let Some(attr) = &self.error {
get_attribute_meta(attr).expect("Invalid error attribute format")
} else {
quote! { asn1_rs::Error }
let fn_content = if self.container_type == ContainerType::Alias {
// special case: is this an alias for Any
if self.is_any {
quote! {
let (rem, any) = asn1_rs::Any::from_der(bytes).map_err(asn1_rs::nom::Err::convert)?;
} else {
quote! {
let (rem, any) = asn1_rs::Any::from_der(bytes).map_err(asn1_rs::nom::Err::convert)?;
any.header.assert_tag(Self::TAG).map_err(|e| asn1_rs::nom::Err::Error(e.into()))?;
let res = TryFrom::try_from(any)?;
} else {
quote! {
let (rem, any) = asn1_rs::Any::from_der(bytes).map_err(asn1_rs::nom::Err::convert)?;
any.header.assert_tag(Self::TAG).map_err(|e| asn1_rs::nom::Err::Error(e.into()))?;
let i =;
// let _ = i; // XXX check if empty?
// note: `gen impl` in synstructure takes care of appending extra where clauses if any, and removing
// the `where` statement if there are none.
quote! {
use asn1_rs::FromDer;
gen impl<#lifetime> asn1_rs::FromDer<#lifetime, #error> for @Self where #(#wh)+* {
fn from_der(bytes: &#lifetime [u8]) -> asn1_rs::ParseResult<#lifetime, Self, #error> {
pub struct FieldInfo {
pub name: Ident,
pub type_: Type,
pub default: Option<TokenStream>,
pub optional: bool,
pub tag: Option<(Asn1TagKind, Asn1TagClass, u16)>,
pub map_err: Option<TokenStream>,
impl From<&Field> for FieldInfo {
fn from(field: &Field) -> Self {
// parse attributes and keep supported ones
let mut optional = false;
let mut tag = None;
let mut map_err = None;
let mut default = None;
let name = field
.map_or_else(|| Ident::new("_", Span::call_site()), |s| s.clone());
for attr in &field.attrs {
let ident = match attr.path.get_ident() {
Some(ident) => ident.to_string(),
None => continue,
match ident.as_str() {
"map_err" => {
let expr: syn::Expr = attr.parse_args().expect("could not parse map_err");
map_err = Some(quote! { #expr });
"default" => {
let expr: syn::Expr = attr.parse_args().expect("could not parse default");
default = Some(quote! { #expr });
optional = true;
"optional" => optional = true,
"tag_explicit" => {
if tag.is_some() {
panic!("tag cannot be set twice!");
let (class, value) = attr.parse_args_with(parse_tag_args).unwrap();
tag = Some((Asn1TagKind::Explicit, class, value));
"tag_implicit" => {
if tag.is_some() {
panic!("tag cannot be set twice!");
let (class, value) = attr.parse_args_with(parse_tag_args).unwrap();
tag = Some((Asn1TagKind::Implicit, class, value));
// ignore unknown attributes
_ => (),
FieldInfo {
type_: field.ty.clone(),
fn parse_tag_args(stream: ParseStream) -> Result<(Asn1TagClass, u16), syn::Error> {
let tag_class: Option<Ident> = stream.parse()?;
let tag_class = if let Some(ident) = tag_class {
let s = ident.to_string().to_uppercase();
match s.as_str() {
"UNIVERSAL" => Asn1TagClass::Universal,
"CONTEXT-SPECIFIC" => Asn1TagClass::ContextSpecific,
"APPLICATION" => Asn1TagClass::Application,
"PRIVATE" => Asn1TagClass::Private,
_ => {
return Err(syn::Error::new(stream.span(), "Invalid tag class"));
} else {
let lit: LitInt = stream.parse()?;
let value = lit.base10_parse::<u16>()?;
Ok((tag_class, value))
fn derive_ber_sequence_content(
fields: &[FieldInfo],
asn1_type: Asn1Type,
custom_errors: bool,
) -> TokenStream {
let field_parsers: Vec<_> = fields
.map(|f| get_field_parser(f, asn1_type, custom_errors))
quote! {
fn get_field_parser(f: &FieldInfo, asn1_type: Asn1Type, custom_errors: bool) -> TokenStream {
let from = match asn1_type {
Asn1Type::Ber => quote! {FromBer::from_ber},
Asn1Type::Der => quote! {FromDer::from_der},
let name = &;
let default = f
// use a type hint, otherwise compiler will not know what type provides .unwrap_or
.map(|x| quote! {let #name: Option<_> = #name; let #name = #name.unwrap_or(#x);});
let map_err = if let Some(tt) = f.map_err.as_ref() {
if asn1_type == Asn1Type::Ber {
Some(quote! { .finish().map_err(#tt) })
} else {
// Some(quote! { .map_err(|err| nom::Err::convert(#tt)) })
Some(quote! { .map_err(|err| })
} else {
// add mapping functions only if custom errors are used
if custom_errors {
if asn1_type == Asn1Type::Ber {
Some(quote! { .finish() })
} else {
Some(quote! { .map_err(nom::Err::convert) })
} else {
if let Some((tag_kind, class, n)) = f.tag {
let tag = Literal::u16_unsuffixed(n);
// test if tagged + optional
if f.optional {
return quote! {
let (i, #name) = {
if i.is_empty() {
(i, None)
} else {
let (_, header): (_, asn1_rs::Header) = #from(i)#map_err?;
if header.tag().0 == #tag {
let (i, t): (_, asn1_rs::TaggedValue::<_, _, #tag_kind, {#class}, #tag>) = #from(i)#map_err?;
(i, Some(t.into_inner()))
} else {
(i, None)
} else {
// tagged, but not OPTIONAL
return quote! {
let (i, #name) = {
let (i, t): (_, asn1_rs::TaggedValue::<_, _, #tag_kind, {#class}, #tag>) = #from(i)#map_err?;
(i, t.into_inner())
} else {
// neither tagged nor optional
quote! {
let (i, #name) = #from(i)#map_err?;
fn get_attribute_meta(attr: &Attribute) -> Result<TokenStream, syn::Error> {
if let Ok(Meta::List(meta)) = attr.parse_meta() {
let content = &meta.nested;
Ok(quote! { #content })
} else {
"Invalid error attribute format",