blob: 7880d1348d4aeae629d790a21cea842b6befb324 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::io;
use automaton::Automaton;
use buffer::Buffer;
use dfa::{self, DFA};
use error::Result;
use nfa::{self, NFA};
use packed;
use prefilter::PrefilterState;
use state_id::StateID;
use Match;
/// An automaton for searching multiple strings in linear time.
/// The `AhoCorasick` type supports a few basic ways of constructing an
/// automaton, including
/// [`AhoCorasick::new`](
/// and
/// [`AhoCorasick::new_auto_configured`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.new_auto_configured).
/// However, there are a fair number of configurable options that can be set
/// by using
/// [`AhoCorasickBuilder`](struct.AhoCorasickBuilder.html)
/// instead. Such options include, but are not limited to, how matches are
/// determined, simple case insensitivity, whether to use a DFA or not and
/// various knobs for controlling the space-vs-time trade offs taken when
/// building the automaton.
/// If you aren't sure where to start, try beginning with
/// [`AhoCorasick::new_auto_configured`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.new_auto_configured).
/// # Resource usage
/// Aho-Corasick automatons are always constructed in `O(p)` time, where `p`
/// is the combined length of all patterns being searched. With that said,
/// building an automaton can be fairly costly because of high constant
/// factors, particularly when enabling the
/// [DFA](struct.AhoCorasickBuilder.html#method.dfa)
/// option (which is disabled by default). For this reason, it's generally a
/// good idea to build an automaton once and reuse it as much as possible.
/// Aho-Corasick automatons can also use a fair bit of memory. To get a
/// concrete idea of how much memory is being used, try using the
/// [`AhoCorasick::heap_bytes`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.heap_bytes)
/// method.
/// # Examples
/// This example shows how to search for occurrences of multiple patterns
/// simultaneously in a case insensitive fashion. Each match includes the
/// pattern that matched along with the byte offsets of the match.
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasickBuilder;
/// let patterns = &["apple", "maple", "snapple"];
/// let haystack = "Nobody likes maple in their apple flavored Snapple.";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .ascii_case_insensitive(true)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mut matches = vec![];
/// for mat in ac.find_iter(haystack) {
/// matches.push((mat.pattern(), mat.start(), mat.end()));
/// }
/// assert_eq!(matches, vec![
/// (1, 13, 18),
/// (0, 28, 33),
/// (2, 43, 50),
/// ]);
/// ```
/// This example shows how to replace matches with some other string:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// let patterns = &["fox", "brown", "quick"];
/// let haystack = "The quick brown fox.";
/// let replace_with = &["sloth", "grey", "slow"];
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(patterns);
/// let result = ac.replace_all(haystack, replace_with);
/// assert_eq!(result, "The slow grey sloth.");
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AhoCorasick<S: StateID = usize> {
imp: Imp<S>,
match_kind: MatchKind,
impl AhoCorasick {
/// Create a new Aho-Corasick automaton using the default configuration.
/// The default configuration optimizes for less space usage, but at the
/// expense of longer search times. To change the configuration, use
/// [`AhoCorasickBuilder`](struct.AhoCorasickBuilder.html)
/// for fine-grained control, or
/// [`AhoCorasick::new_auto_configured`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.new_auto_configured)
/// for automatic configuration if you aren't sure which settings to pick.
/// This uses the default
/// [`MatchKind::Standard`](enum.MatchKind.html#variant.Standard)
/// match semantics, which reports a match as soon as it is found. This
/// corresponds to the standard match semantics supported by textbook
/// descriptions of the Aho-Corasick algorithm.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(&[
/// "foo", "bar", "baz",
/// ]);
/// assert_eq!(Some(1), ac.find("xxx bar xxx").map(|m| m.pattern()));
/// ```
pub fn new<I, P>(patterns: I) -> AhoCorasick
I: IntoIterator<Item = P>,
P: AsRef<[u8]>,
/// Build an Aho-Corasick automaton with an automatically determined
/// configuration.
/// Specifically, this requires a slice of patterns instead of an iterator
/// since the configuration is determined by looking at the patterns before
/// constructing the automaton. The idea here is to balance space and time
/// automatically. That is, when searching a small number of patterns, this
/// will attempt to use the fastest possible configuration since the total
/// space required will be small anyway. As the number of patterns grows,
/// this will fall back to slower configurations that use less space.
/// If you want auto configuration but with match semantics different from
/// the default `MatchKind::Standard`, then use
/// [`AhoCorasickBuilder::auto_configure`](struct.AhoCorasickBuilder.html#method.auto_configure).
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage is just like `new`, except you must provide a slice:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new_auto_configured(&[
/// "foo", "bar", "baz",
/// ]);
/// assert_eq!(Some(1), ac.find("xxx bar xxx").map(|m| m.pattern()));
/// ```
pub fn new_auto_configured<B>(patterns: &[B]) -> AhoCorasick
B: AsRef<[u8]>,
impl<S: StateID> AhoCorasick<S> {
/// Returns true if and only if this automaton matches the haystack at any
/// position.
/// `haystack` may be any type that is cheaply convertible to a `&[u8]`.
/// This includes, but is not limited to, `String`, `&str`, `Vec<u8>`, and
/// `&[u8]` itself.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(&[
/// "foo", "bar", "quux", "baz",
/// ]);
/// assert!(ac.is_match("xxx bar xxx"));
/// assert!(!ac.is_match("xxx qux xxx"));
/// ```
pub fn is_match<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, haystack: B) -> bool {
/// Returns the location of the first detected match in `haystack`.
/// This method has the same behavior regardless of the
/// [`MatchKind`](enum.MatchKind.html)
/// of this automaton.
/// `haystack` may be any type that is cheaply convertible to a `&[u8]`.
/// This includes, but is not limited to, `String`, `&str`, `Vec<u8>`, and
/// `&[u8]` itself.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(&[
/// "abc", "b",
/// ]);
/// let mat = ac.earliest_find("abcd").expect("should have match");
/// assert_eq!(1, mat.pattern());
/// assert_eq!((1, 2), (mat.start(), mat.end()));
/// ```
pub fn earliest_find<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, haystack: B) -> Option<Match> {
let mut prestate = PrefilterState::new(self.max_pattern_len());
let mut start = self.imp.start_state();
&mut prestate,
&mut start,
/// Returns the location of the first match according to the match
/// semantics that this automaton was constructed with.
/// When using `MatchKind::Standard`, this corresponds precisely to the
/// same behavior as
/// [`earliest_find`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.earliest_find).
/// Otherwise, match semantics correspond to either
/// [leftmost-first](enum.MatchKind.html#variant.LeftmostFirst)
/// or
/// [leftmost-longest](enum.MatchKind.html#variant.LeftmostLongest).
/// `haystack` may be any type that is cheaply convertible to a `&[u8]`.
/// This includes, but is not limited to, `String`, `&str`, `Vec<u8>`, and
/// `&[u8]` itself.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage, with standard semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["b", "abc", "abcd"];
/// let haystack = "abcd";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::Standard) // default, not necessary
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mat = ac.find(haystack).expect("should have a match");
/// assert_eq!("b", &haystack[mat.start()..mat.end()]);
/// ```
/// Now with leftmost-first semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["b", "abc", "abcd"];
/// let haystack = "abcd";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mat = ac.find(haystack).expect("should have a match");
/// assert_eq!("abc", &haystack[mat.start()..mat.end()]);
/// ```
/// And finally, leftmost-longest semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["b", "abc", "abcd"];
/// let haystack = "abcd";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostLongest)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mat = ac.find(haystack).expect("should have a match");
/// assert_eq!("abcd", &haystack[mat.start()..mat.end()]);
/// ```
pub fn find<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, haystack: B) -> Option<Match> {
let mut prestate = PrefilterState::new(self.max_pattern_len());
self.imp.find_at_no_state(&mut prestate, haystack.as_ref(), 0)
/// Returns an iterator of non-overlapping matches, using the match
/// semantics that this automaton was constructed with.
/// `haystack` may be any type that is cheaply convertible to a `&[u8]`.
/// This includes, but is not limited to, `String`, `&str`, `Vec<u8>`, and
/// `&[u8]` itself.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage, with standard semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = "append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::Standard) // default, not necessary
/// .build(patterns);
/// let matches: Vec<usize> = ac
/// .find_iter(haystack)
/// .map(|mat| mat.pattern())
/// .collect();
/// assert_eq!(vec![2, 2, 2], matches);
/// ```
/// Now with leftmost-first semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = "append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let matches: Vec<usize> = ac
/// .find_iter(haystack)
/// .map(|mat| mat.pattern())
/// .collect();
/// assert_eq!(vec![0, 2, 0], matches);
/// ```
/// And finally, leftmost-longest semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = "append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostLongest)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let matches: Vec<usize> = ac
/// .find_iter(haystack)
/// .map(|mat| mat.pattern())
/// .collect();
/// assert_eq!(vec![0, 2, 1], matches);
/// ```
pub fn find_iter<'a, 'b, B: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>>(
&'a self,
haystack: &'b B,
) -> FindIter<'a, 'b, S> {
FindIter::new(self, haystack.as_ref())
/// Returns an iterator of overlapping matches in the given `haystack`.
/// Overlapping matches can _only_ be detected using
/// `MatchKind::Standard` semantics. If this automaton was constructed with
/// leftmost semantics, then this method will panic. To determine whether
/// this will panic at runtime, use the
/// [`AhoCorasick::supports_overlapping`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.supports_overlapping)
/// method.
/// `haystack` may be any type that is cheaply convertible to a `&[u8]`.
/// This includes, but is not limited to, `String`, `&str`, `Vec<u8>`, and
/// `&[u8]` itself.
/// # Panics
/// This panics when `AhoCorasick::supports_overlapping` returns `false`.
/// That is, this panics when this automaton's match semantics are not
/// `MatchKind::Standard`.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage, with standard semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = "append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(patterns);
/// let matches: Vec<usize> = ac
/// .find_overlapping_iter(haystack)
/// .map(|mat| mat.pattern())
/// .collect();
/// assert_eq!(vec![2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1], matches);
/// ```
pub fn find_overlapping_iter<'a, 'b, B: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>>(
&'a self,
haystack: &'b B,
) -> FindOverlappingIter<'a, 'b, S> {
FindOverlappingIter::new(self, haystack.as_ref())
/// Replace all matches with a corresponding value in the `replace_with`
/// slice given. Matches correspond to the same matches as reported by
/// [`find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_iter).
/// Replacements are determined by the index of the matching pattern.
/// For example, if the pattern with index `2` is found, then it is
/// replaced by `replace_with[2]`.
/// # Panics
/// This panics when `replace_with.len()` does not equal the total number
/// of patterns that are matched by this automaton.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = "append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let result = ac.replace_all(haystack, &["x", "y", "z"]);
/// assert_eq!("x the z to the xage", result);
/// ```
pub fn replace_all<B>(&self, haystack: &str, replace_with: &[B]) -> String
B: AsRef<str>,
"replace_all requires a replacement for every pattern \
in the automaton"
let mut dst = String::with_capacity(haystack.len());
self.replace_all_with(haystack, &mut dst, |mat, _, dst| {
/// Replace all matches using raw bytes with a corresponding value in the
/// `replace_with` slice given. Matches correspond to the same matches as
/// reported by [`find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_iter).
/// Replacements are determined by the index of the matching pattern.
/// For example, if the pattern with index `2` is found, then it is
/// replaced by `replace_with[2]`.
/// # Panics
/// This panics when `replace_with.len()` does not equal the total number
/// of patterns that are matched by this automaton.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = b"append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let result = ac.replace_all_bytes(haystack, &["x", "y", "z"]);
/// assert_eq!(b"x the z to the xage".to_vec(), result);
/// ```
pub fn replace_all_bytes<B>(
haystack: &[u8],
replace_with: &[B],
) -> Vec<u8>
B: AsRef<[u8]>,
"replace_all_bytes requires a replacement for every pattern \
in the automaton"
let mut dst = Vec::with_capacity(haystack.len());
self.replace_all_with_bytes(haystack, &mut dst, |mat, _, dst| {
/// Replace all matches using a closure called on each match.
/// Matches correspond to the same matches as reported by
/// [`find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_iter).
/// The closure accepts three parameters: the match found, the text of
/// the match and a string buffer with which to write the replaced text
/// (if any). If the closure returns `true`, then it continues to the next
/// match. If the closure returns `false`, then searching is stopped.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = "append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mut result = String::new();
/// ac.replace_all_with(haystack, &mut result, |mat, _, dst| {
/// dst.push_str(&mat.pattern().to_string());
/// true
/// });
/// assert_eq!("0 the 2 to the 0age", result);
/// ```
/// Stopping the replacement by returning `false` (continued from the
/// example above):
/// ```
/// # use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// # let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// # let haystack = "append the app to the appendage";
/// # let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// # .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// # .build(patterns);
/// let mut result = String::new();
/// ac.replace_all_with(haystack, &mut result, |mat, _, dst| {
/// dst.push_str(&mat.pattern().to_string());
/// mat.pattern() != 2
/// });
/// assert_eq!("0 the 2 to the appendage", result);
/// ```
pub fn replace_all_with<F>(
haystack: &str,
dst: &mut String,
mut replace_with: F,
) where
F: FnMut(&Match, &str, &mut String) -> bool,
let mut last_match = 0;
for mat in self.find_iter(haystack) {
last_match = mat.end();
if !replace_with(&mat, &haystack[mat.start()..mat.end()], dst) {
/// Replace all matches using raw bytes with a closure called on each
/// match. Matches correspond to the same matches as reported by
/// [`find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_iter).
/// The closure accepts three parameters: the match found, the text of
/// the match and a byte buffer with which to write the replaced text
/// (if any). If the closure returns `true`, then it continues to the next
/// match. If the closure returns `false`, then searching is stopped.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = b"append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mut result = vec![];
/// ac.replace_all_with_bytes(haystack, &mut result, |mat, _, dst| {
/// dst.extend(mat.pattern().to_string().bytes());
/// true
/// });
/// assert_eq!(b"0 the 2 to the 0age".to_vec(), result);
/// ```
/// Stopping the replacement by returning `false` (continued from the
/// example above):
/// ```
/// # use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// # let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// # let haystack = b"append the app to the appendage";
/// # let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// # .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// # .build(patterns);
/// let mut result = vec![];
/// ac.replace_all_with_bytes(haystack, &mut result, |mat, _, dst| {
/// dst.extend(mat.pattern().to_string().bytes());
/// mat.pattern() != 2
/// });
/// assert_eq!(b"0 the 2 to the appendage".to_vec(), result);
/// ```
pub fn replace_all_with_bytes<F>(
haystack: &[u8],
dst: &mut Vec<u8>,
mut replace_with: F,
) where
F: FnMut(&Match, &[u8], &mut Vec<u8>) -> bool,
let mut last_match = 0;
for mat in self.find_iter(haystack) {
last_match = mat.end();
if !replace_with(&mat, &haystack[mat.start()..mat.end()], dst) {
/// Returns an iterator of non-overlapping matches in the given
/// stream. Matches correspond to the same matches as reported by
/// [`find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_iter).
/// The matches yielded by this iterator use absolute position offsets in
/// the stream given, where the first byte has index `0`. Matches are
/// yieled until the stream is exhausted.
/// Each item yielded by the iterator is an `io::Result<Match>`, where an
/// error is yielded if there was a problem reading from the reader given.
/// When searching a stream, an internal buffer is used. Therefore, callers
/// should avoiding providing a buffered reader, if possible.
/// Searching a stream requires that the automaton was built with
/// `MatchKind::Standard` semantics. If this automaton was constructed
/// with leftmost semantics, then this method will panic. To determine
/// whether this will panic at runtime, use the
/// [`AhoCorasick::supports_stream`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.supports_stream)
/// method.
/// # Memory usage
/// In general, searching streams will use a constant amount of memory for
/// its internal buffer. The one requirement is that the internal buffer
/// must be at least the size of the longest possible match. In most use
/// cases, the default buffer size will be much larger than any individual
/// match.
/// # Panics
/// This panics when `AhoCorasick::supports_stream` returns `false`.
/// That is, this panics when this automaton's match semantics are not
/// `MatchKind::Standard`. This restriction may be lifted in the future.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// # fn example() -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
/// let patterns = &["append", "appendage", "app"];
/// let haystack = "append the app to the appendage";
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(patterns);
/// let mut matches = vec![];
/// for result in ac.stream_find_iter(haystack.as_bytes()) {
/// let mat = result?;
/// matches.push(mat.pattern());
/// }
/// assert_eq!(vec![2, 2, 2], matches);
/// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
/// ```
pub fn stream_find_iter<'a, R: io::Read>(
&'a self,
rdr: R,
) -> StreamFindIter<'a, R, S> {
StreamFindIter::new(self, rdr)
/// Search for and replace all matches of this automaton in
/// the given reader, and write the replacements to the given
/// writer. Matches correspond to the same matches as reported by
/// [`find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_iter).
/// Replacements are determined by the index of the matching pattern.
/// For example, if the pattern with index `2` is found, then it is
/// replaced by `replace_with[2]`.
/// After all matches are replaced, the writer is _not_ flushed.
/// If there was a problem reading from the given reader or writing to the
/// given writer, then the corresponding `io::Error` is returned and all
/// replacement is stopped.
/// When searching a stream, an internal buffer is used. Therefore, callers
/// should avoiding providing a buffered reader, if possible. However,
/// callers may want to provide a buffered writer.
/// Searching a stream requires that the automaton was built with
/// `MatchKind::Standard` semantics. If this automaton was constructed
/// with leftmost semantics, then this method will panic. To determine
/// whether this will panic at runtime, use the
/// [`AhoCorasick::supports_stream`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.supports_stream)
/// method.
/// # Memory usage
/// In general, searching streams will use a constant amount of memory for
/// its internal buffer. The one requirement is that the internal buffer
/// must be at least the size of the longest possible match. In most use
/// cases, the default buffer size will be much larger than any individual
/// match.
/// # Panics
/// This panics when `AhoCorasick::supports_stream` returns `false`.
/// That is, this panics when this automaton's match semantics are not
/// `MatchKind::Standard`. This restriction may be lifted in the future.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// # fn example() -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
/// let patterns = &["fox", "brown", "quick"];
/// let haystack = "The quick brown fox.";
/// let replace_with = &["sloth", "grey", "slow"];
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(patterns);
/// let mut result = vec![];
/// ac.stream_replace_all(haystack.as_bytes(), &mut result, replace_with)?;
/// assert_eq!(b"The slow grey sloth.".to_vec(), result);
/// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
/// ```
pub fn stream_replace_all<R, W, B>(
rdr: R,
wtr: W,
replace_with: &[B],
) -> io::Result<()>
R: io::Read,
W: io::Write,
B: AsRef<[u8]>,
"stream_replace_all requires a replacement for every pattern \
in the automaton"
self.stream_replace_all_with(rdr, wtr, |mat, _, wtr| {
/// Search the given reader and replace all matches of this automaton
/// using the given closure. The result is written to the given
/// writer. Matches correspond to the same matches as reported by
/// [`find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_iter).
/// The closure accepts three parameters: the match found, the text of
/// the match and the writer with which to write the replaced text (if any).
/// After all matches are replaced, the writer is _not_ flushed.
/// If there was a problem reading from the given reader or writing to the
/// given writer, then the corresponding `io::Error` is returned and all
/// replacement is stopped.
/// When searching a stream, an internal buffer is used. Therefore, callers
/// should avoiding providing a buffered reader, if possible. However,
/// callers may want to provide a buffered writer.
/// Searching a stream requires that the automaton was built with
/// `MatchKind::Standard` semantics. If this automaton was constructed
/// with leftmost semantics, then this method will panic. To determine
/// whether this will panic at runtime, use the
/// [`AhoCorasick::supports_stream`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.supports_stream)
/// method.
/// # Memory usage
/// In general, searching streams will use a constant amount of memory for
/// its internal buffer. The one requirement is that the internal buffer
/// must be at least the size of the longest possible match. In most use
/// cases, the default buffer size will be much larger than any individual
/// match.
/// # Panics
/// This panics when `AhoCorasick::supports_stream` returns `false`.
/// That is, this panics when this automaton's match semantics are not
/// `MatchKind::Standard`. This restriction may be lifted in the future.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use std::io::Write;
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// # fn example() -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
/// let patterns = &["fox", "brown", "quick"];
/// let haystack = "The quick brown fox.";
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(patterns);
/// let mut result = vec![];
/// ac.stream_replace_all_with(
/// haystack.as_bytes(),
/// &mut result,
/// |mat, _, wtr| {
/// wtr.write_all(mat.pattern().to_string().as_bytes())
/// },
/// )?;
/// assert_eq!(b"The 2 1 0.".to_vec(), result);
/// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
/// ```
pub fn stream_replace_all_with<R, W, F>(
rdr: R,
mut wtr: W,
mut replace_with: F,
) -> io::Result<()>
R: io::Read,
W: io::Write,
F: FnMut(&Match, &[u8], &mut W) -> io::Result<()>,
let mut it = StreamChunkIter::new(self, rdr);
while let Some(result) = {
let chunk = result?;
match chunk {
StreamChunk::NonMatch { bytes, .. } => {
StreamChunk::Match { bytes, mat } => {
replace_with(&mat, bytes, &mut wtr)?;
/// Returns the match kind used by this automaton.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasick, MatchKind};
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(&[
/// "foo", "bar", "quux", "baz",
/// ]);
/// assert_eq!(&MatchKind::Standard, ac.match_kind());
/// ```
pub fn match_kind(&self) -> &MatchKind {
/// Returns the length of the longest pattern matched by this automaton.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(&[
/// "foo", "bar", "quux", "baz",
/// ]);
/// assert_eq!(4, ac.max_pattern_len());
/// ```
pub fn max_pattern_len(&self) -> usize {
/// Return the total number of patterns matched by this automaton.
/// This includes patterns that may never participate in a match. For
/// example, if
/// [`MatchKind::LeftmostFirst`](enum.MatchKind.html#variant.LeftmostFirst)
/// match semantics are used, and the patterns `Sam` and `Samwise` were
/// used to build the automaton, then `Samwise` can never participate in a
/// match because `Sam` will always take priority.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasick;
/// let ac = AhoCorasick::new(&[
/// "foo", "bar", "baz",
/// ]);
/// assert_eq!(3, ac.pattern_count());
/// ```
pub fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns true if and only if this automaton supports reporting
/// overlapping matches.
/// If this returns false and overlapping matches are requested, then it
/// will result in a panic.
/// Since leftmost matching is inherently incompatible with overlapping
/// matches, only
/// [`MatchKind::Standard`](enum.MatchKind.html#variant.Standard)
/// supports overlapping matches. This is unlikely to change in the future.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::Standard)
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert!(ac.supports_overlapping());
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert!(!ac.supports_overlapping());
/// ```
pub fn supports_overlapping(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if and only if this automaton supports stream searching.
/// If this returns false and stream searching (or replacing) is attempted,
/// then it will result in a panic.
/// Currently, only
/// [`MatchKind::Standard`](enum.MatchKind.html#variant.Standard)
/// supports streaming. This may be expanded in the future.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::Standard)
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert!(ac.supports_stream());
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert!(!ac.supports_stream());
/// ```
pub fn supports_stream(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the approximate total amount of heap used by this automaton, in
/// units of bytes.
/// # Examples
/// This example shows the difference in heap usage between a few
/// configurations:
/// ```ignore
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .dfa(false) // default
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert_eq!(10_336, ac.heap_bytes());
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .dfa(false) // default
/// .ascii_case_insensitive(true)
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert_eq!(10_384, ac.heap_bytes());
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .dfa(true)
/// .byte_classes(false)
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert_eq!(20_768, ac.heap_bytes());
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .dfa(true)
/// .byte_classes(true) // default
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert_eq!(1_248, ac.heap_bytes());
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .dfa(true)
/// .ascii_case_insensitive(true)
/// .build(&["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
/// assert_eq!(1_248, ac.heap_bytes());
/// ```
pub fn heap_bytes(&self) -> usize {
match self.imp {
Imp::NFA(ref nfa) => nfa.heap_bytes(),
Imp::DFA(ref dfa) => dfa.heap_bytes(),
/// The internal implementation of Aho-Corasick, which is either an NFA or
/// a DFA. The NFA is slower but uses less memory. The DFA is faster but uses
/// more memory.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Imp<S: StateID> {
impl<S: StateID> Imp<S> {
/// Returns the type of match semantics implemented by this automaton.
fn match_kind(&self) -> &MatchKind {
match *self {
Imp::NFA(ref nfa) => nfa.match_kind(),
Imp::DFA(ref dfa) => dfa.match_kind(),
/// Returns the identifier of the start state.
fn start_state(&self) -> S {
match *self {
Imp::NFA(ref nfa) => nfa.start_state(),
Imp::DFA(ref dfa) => dfa.start_state(),
/// The length, in bytes, of the longest pattern in this automaton. This
/// information is useful for maintaining correct buffer sizes when
/// searching on streams.
fn max_pattern_len(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Imp::NFA(ref nfa) => nfa.max_pattern_len(),
Imp::DFA(ref dfa) => dfa.max_pattern_len(),
/// The total number of patterns added to this automaton. This includes
/// patterns that may never match. The maximum matching pattern that can be
/// reported is exactly one less than this number.
fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Imp::NFA(ref nfa) => nfa.pattern_count(),
Imp::DFA(ref dfa) => dfa.pattern_count(),
fn overlapping_find_at(
prestate: &mut PrefilterState,
haystack: &[u8],
at: usize,
state_id: &mut S,
match_index: &mut usize,
) -> Option<Match> {
match *self {
Imp::NFA(ref nfa) => nfa.overlapping_find_at(
Imp::DFA(ref dfa) => dfa.overlapping_find_at(
fn earliest_find_at(
prestate: &mut PrefilterState,
haystack: &[u8],
at: usize,
state_id: &mut S,
) -> Option<Match> {
match *self {
Imp::NFA(ref nfa) => {
nfa.earliest_find_at(prestate, haystack, at, state_id)
Imp::DFA(ref dfa) => {
dfa.earliest_find_at(prestate, haystack, at, state_id)
fn find_at_no_state(
prestate: &mut PrefilterState,
haystack: &[u8],
at: usize,
) -> Option<Match> {
match *self {
Imp::NFA(ref nfa) => nfa.find_at_no_state(prestate, haystack, at),
Imp::DFA(ref dfa) => dfa.find_at_no_state(prestate, haystack, at),
/// An iterator of non-overlapping matches in a particular haystack.
/// This iterator yields matches according to the
/// [`MatchKind`](enum.MatchKind.html)
/// used by this automaton.
/// This iterator is constructed via the
/// [`AhoCorasick::find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_iter)
/// method.
/// The type variable `S` refers to the representation used for state
/// identifiers. (By default, this is `usize`.)
/// The lifetime `'a` refers to the lifetime of the `AhoCorasick` automaton.
/// The lifetime `'b` refers to the lifetime of the haystack being searched.
pub struct FindIter<'a, 'b, S: 'a + StateID> {
fsm: &'a Imp<S>,
prestate: PrefilterState,
haystack: &'b [u8],
pos: usize,
impl<'a, 'b, S: StateID> FindIter<'a, 'b, S> {
fn new(ac: &'a AhoCorasick<S>, haystack: &'b [u8]) -> FindIter<'a, 'b, S> {
let prestate = PrefilterState::new(ac.max_pattern_len());
FindIter { fsm: &ac.imp, prestate, haystack, pos: 0 }
impl<'a, 'b, S: StateID> Iterator for FindIter<'a, 'b, S> {
type Item = Match;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Match> {
if self.pos > self.haystack.len() {
return None;
let result = self.fsm.find_at_no_state(
&mut self.prestate,
let mat = match result {
None => return None,
Some(mat) => mat,
if mat.end() == self.pos {
// If the automaton can match the empty string and if we found an
// empty match, then we need to forcefully move the position.
self.pos += 1;
} else {
self.pos = mat.end();
/// An iterator of overlapping matches in a particular haystack.
/// This iterator will report all possible matches in a particular haystack,
/// even when the matches overlap.
/// This iterator is constructed via the
/// [`AhoCorasick::find_overlapping_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.find_overlapping_iter)
/// method.
/// The type variable `S` refers to the representation used for state
/// identifiers. (By default, this is `usize`.)
/// The lifetime `'a` refers to the lifetime of the `AhoCorasick` automaton.
/// The lifetime `'b` refers to the lifetime of the haystack being searched.
pub struct FindOverlappingIter<'a, 'b, S: 'a + StateID> {
fsm: &'a Imp<S>,
prestate: PrefilterState,
haystack: &'b [u8],
pos: usize,
last_match_end: usize,
state_id: S,
match_index: usize,
impl<'a, 'b, S: StateID> FindOverlappingIter<'a, 'b, S> {
fn new(
ac: &'a AhoCorasick<S>,
haystack: &'b [u8],
) -> FindOverlappingIter<'a, 'b, S> {
"automaton does not support overlapping searches"
let prestate = PrefilterState::new(ac.max_pattern_len());
FindOverlappingIter {
fsm: &ac.imp,
pos: 0,
last_match_end: 0,
state_id: ac.imp.start_state(),
match_index: 0,
impl<'a, 'b, S: StateID> Iterator for FindOverlappingIter<'a, 'b, S> {
type Item = Match;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Match> {
let result = self.fsm.overlapping_find_at(
&mut self.prestate,
&mut self.state_id,
&mut self.match_index,
match result {
None => return None,
Some(m) => {
self.pos = m.end();
/// An iterator that reports Aho-Corasick matches in a stream.
/// This iterator yields elements of type `io::Result<Match>`, where an error
/// is reported if there was a problem reading from the underlying stream.
/// The iterator terminates only when the underlying stream reaches `EOF`.
/// This iterator is constructed via the
/// [`AhoCorasick::stream_find_iter`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.stream_find_iter)
/// method.
/// The type variable `R` refers to the `io::Read` stream that is being read
/// from.
/// The type variable `S` refers to the representation used for state
/// identifiers. (By default, this is `usize`.)
/// The lifetime `'a` refers to the lifetime of the `AhoCorasick` automaton.
pub struct StreamFindIter<'a, R, S: 'a + StateID> {
it: StreamChunkIter<'a, R, S>,
impl<'a, R: io::Read, S: StateID> StreamFindIter<'a, R, S> {
fn new(ac: &'a AhoCorasick<S>, rdr: R) -> StreamFindIter<'a, R, S> {
StreamFindIter { it: StreamChunkIter::new(ac, rdr) }
impl<'a, R: io::Read, S: StateID> Iterator for StreamFindIter<'a, R, S> {
type Item = io::Result<Match>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<io::Result<Match>> {
loop {
match {
None => return None,
Some(Err(err)) => return Some(Err(err)),
Some(Ok(StreamChunk::NonMatch { .. })) => {}
Some(Ok(StreamChunk::Match { mat, .. })) => {
return Some(Ok(mat));
/// An iterator over chunks in an underlying reader. Each chunk either
/// corresponds to non-matching bytes or matching bytes, but all bytes from
/// the underlying reader are reported in sequence. There may be an arbitrary
/// number of non-matching chunks before seeing a matching chunk.
/// N.B. This does not actually implement Iterator because we need to borrow
/// from the underlying reader. But conceptually, it's still an iterator.
struct StreamChunkIter<'a, R, S: 'a + StateID> {
/// The AC automaton.
fsm: &'a Imp<S>,
/// State associated with this automaton's prefilter. It is a heuristic
/// for stopping the prefilter if it's deemed ineffective.
prestate: PrefilterState,
/// The source of bytes we read from.
rdr: R,
/// A fixed size buffer. This is what we actually search. There are some
/// invariants around the buffer's size, namely, it must be big enough to
/// contain the longest possible match.
buf: Buffer,
/// The ID of the FSM state we're currently in.
state_id: S,
/// The current position at which to start the next search in `buf`.
search_pos: usize,
/// The absolute position of `search_pos`, where `0` corresponds to the
/// position of the first byte read from `rdr`.
absolute_pos: usize,
/// The ending position of the last StreamChunk that was returned to the
/// caller. This position is used to determine whether we need to emit
/// non-matching bytes before emitting a match.
report_pos: usize,
/// A match that should be reported on the next call.
pending_match: Option<Match>,
/// Enabled only when the automaton can match the empty string. When
/// enabled, we need to execute one final search after consuming the
/// reader to find the trailing empty match.
has_empty_match_at_end: bool,
/// A single chunk yielded by the stream chunk iterator.
/// The `'r` lifetime refers to the lifetime of the stream chunk iterator.
enum StreamChunk<'r> {
/// A chunk that does not contain any matches.
NonMatch { bytes: &'r [u8], start: usize },
/// A chunk that precisely contains a match.
Match { bytes: &'r [u8], mat: Match },
impl<'a, R: io::Read, S: StateID> StreamChunkIter<'a, R, S> {
fn new(ac: &'a AhoCorasick<S>, rdr: R) -> StreamChunkIter<'a, R, S> {
"stream searching is only supported for Standard match semantics"
let prestate = PrefilterState::new(ac.max_pattern_len());
let buf = Buffer::new(ac.imp.max_pattern_len());
let state_id = ac.imp.start_state();
StreamChunkIter {
fsm: &ac.imp,
absolute_pos: 0,
report_pos: 0,
search_pos: 0,
pending_match: None,
has_empty_match_at_end: ac.is_match(""),
fn next<'r>(&'r mut self) -> Option<io::Result<StreamChunk<'r>>> {
loop {
if let Some(mut mat) = self.pending_match.take() {
let bytes = &self.buf.buffer()[mat.start()..mat.end()];
self.report_pos = mat.end();
mat = mat.increment(self.absolute_pos);
return Some(Ok(StreamChunk::Match { bytes, mat }));
if self.search_pos >= self.buf.len() {
if let Some(end) = self.unreported() {
let bytes = &self.buf.buffer()[self.report_pos..end];
let start = self.absolute_pos + self.report_pos;
self.report_pos = end;
return Some(Ok(StreamChunk::NonMatch { bytes, start }));
if self.buf.len() >= self.buf.min_buffer_len() {
// This is the point at which we roll our buffer, which we
// only do if our buffer has at least the minimum amount of
// bytes in it. Before rolling, we update our various
// positions to be consistent with the buffer after it has
// been rolled.
self.report_pos -=
self.buf.len() - self.buf.min_buffer_len();
self.absolute_pos +=
self.search_pos - self.buf.min_buffer_len();
self.search_pos = self.buf.min_buffer_len();
match self.buf.fill(&mut self.rdr) {
Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
Ok(false) => {
// We've hit EOF, but if there are still some
// unreported bytes remaining, return them now.
if self.report_pos < self.buf.len() {
let bytes = &self.buf.buffer()[self.report_pos..];
let start = self.absolute_pos + self.report_pos;
self.report_pos = self.buf.len();
let chunk = StreamChunk::NonMatch { bytes, start };
return Some(Ok(chunk));
} else {
// We've reported everything, but there might still
// be a match at the very last position.
if !self.has_empty_match_at_end {
return None;
// fallthrough for another search to get trailing
// empty matches
self.has_empty_match_at_end = false;
Ok(true) => {}
let result = self.fsm.earliest_find_at(
&mut self.prestate,
&mut self.state_id,
match result {
None => {
self.search_pos = self.buf.len();
Some(mat) => {
self.state_id = self.fsm.start_state();
if mat.end() == self.search_pos {
// If the automaton can match the empty string and if
// we found an empty match, then we need to forcefully
// move the position.
self.search_pos += 1;
} else {
self.search_pos = mat.end();
self.pending_match = Some(mat.clone());
if self.report_pos < mat.start() {
let bytes =
let start = self.absolute_pos + self.report_pos;
self.report_pos = mat.start();
let chunk = StreamChunk::NonMatch { bytes, start };
return Some(Ok(chunk));
fn unreported(&self) -> Option<usize> {
let end = self.search_pos.saturating_sub(self.buf.min_buffer_len());
if self.report_pos < end {
} else {
/// A builder for configuring an Aho-Corasick automaton.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AhoCorasickBuilder {
nfa_builder: nfa::Builder,
dfa_builder: dfa::Builder,
dfa: bool,
impl Default for AhoCorasickBuilder {
fn default() -> AhoCorasickBuilder {
impl AhoCorasickBuilder {
/// Create a new builder for configuring an Aho-Corasick automaton.
/// If you don't need fine grained configuration or aren't sure which knobs
/// to set, try using
/// [`AhoCorasick::new_auto_configured`](struct.AhoCorasick.html#method.new_auto_configured)
/// instead.
pub fn new() -> AhoCorasickBuilder {
AhoCorasickBuilder {
nfa_builder: nfa::Builder::new(),
dfa_builder: dfa::Builder::new(),
dfa: false,
/// Build an Aho-Corasick automaton using the configuration set on this
/// builder.
/// A builder may be reused to create more automatons.
/// This method will use the default for representing internal state
/// identifiers, which is `usize`. This guarantees that building the
/// automaton will succeed and is generally a good default, but can make
/// the size of the automaton 2-8 times bigger than it needs to be,
/// depending on your target platform.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasickBuilder;
/// let patterns = &["foo", "bar", "baz"];
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .build(patterns);
/// assert_eq!(Some(1), ac.find("xxx bar xxx").map(|m| m.pattern()));
/// ```
pub fn build<I, P>(&self, patterns: I) -> AhoCorasick
I: IntoIterator<Item = P>,
P: AsRef<[u8]>,
// The builder only returns an error if the chosen state ID
// representation is too small to fit all of the given patterns. In
// this case, since we fix the representation to usize, it will always
// work because it's impossible to overflow usize since the underlying
// storage would OOM long before that happens.
self.build_with_size::<usize, I, P>(patterns)
.expect("usize state ID type should always work")
/// Build an Aho-Corasick automaton using the configuration set on this
/// builder with a specific state identifier representation. This only has
/// an effect when the `dfa` option is enabled.
/// Generally, the choices for a state identifier representation are
/// `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64` or `usize`, with `usize` being the default.
/// The advantage of choosing a smaller state identifier representation
/// is that the automaton produced will be smaller. This might be
/// beneficial for just generally using less space, or might even allow it
/// to fit more of the automaton in your CPU's cache, leading to overall
/// better search performance.
/// Unlike the standard `build` method, this can report an error if the
/// state identifier representation cannot support the size of the
/// automaton.
/// Note that the state identifier representation is determined by the
/// `S` type variable. This requires a type hint of some sort, either
/// by specifying the return type or using the turbofish, e.g.,
/// `build_with_size::<u16, _, _>(...)`.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasick, AhoCorasickBuilder};
/// # fn example() -> Result<(), ::aho_corasick::Error> {
/// let patterns = &["foo", "bar", "baz"];
/// let ac: AhoCorasick<u8> = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .build_with_size(patterns)?;
/// assert_eq!(Some(1), ac.find("xxx bar xxx").map(|m| m.pattern()));
/// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
/// ```
/// Or alternatively, with turbofish:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasickBuilder;
/// # fn example() -> Result<(), ::aho_corasick::Error> {
/// let patterns = &["foo", "bar", "baz"];
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .build_with_size::<u8, _, _>(patterns)?;
/// assert_eq!(Some(1), ac.find("xxx bar xxx").map(|m| m.pattern()));
/// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
/// ```
pub fn build_with_size<S, I, P>(
patterns: I,
) -> Result<AhoCorasick<S>>
S: StateID,
I: IntoIterator<Item = P>,
P: AsRef<[u8]>,
let nfa =;
let match_kind = nfa.match_kind().clone();
let imp = if self.dfa {
let dfa =;
} else {
Ok(AhoCorasick { imp, match_kind })
/// Automatically configure the settings on this builder according to the
/// patterns that will be used to construct the automaton.
/// The idea here is to balance space and time automatically. That is, when
/// searching a small number of patterns, this will attempt to use the
/// fastest possible configuration since the total space required will be
/// small anyway. As the number of patterns grows, this will fall back to
/// slower configurations that use less space.
/// This is guaranteed to never set `match_kind`, but any other option may
/// be overridden.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasickBuilder;
/// let patterns = &["foo", "bar", "baz"];
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .auto_configure(patterns)
/// .build(patterns);
/// assert_eq!(Some(1), ac.find("xxx bar xxx").map(|m| m.pattern()));
/// ```
pub fn auto_configure<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(
&mut self,
patterns: &[B],
) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
// N.B. Currently we only use the length of `patterns` to make a
// decision here, and could therefore ask for an `ExactSizeIterator`
// instead. But it's conceivable that we might adapt this to look at
// the total number of bytes, which would requires a second pass.
// The logic here is fairly rudimentary at the moment, but probably
// OK. The idea here is to use the fastest thing possible for a small
// number of patterns. That is, a DFA with no byte classes, since byte
// classes require an extra indirection for every byte searched. With a
// moderate number of patterns, we still want a DFA, but save on both
// space and compilation time by enabling byte classes. Finally, fall
// back to the slower but smaller NFA.
if patterns.len() <= 100 {
// N.B. Using byte classes can actually be faster by improving
// locality, but this only really applies for multi-megabyte
// automata (i.e., automata that don't fit in your CPU's cache).
} else if patterns.len() <= 5000 {
/// Set the desired match semantics.
/// The default is `MatchKind::Standard`, which corresponds to the match
/// semantics supported by the standard textbook description of the
/// Aho-Corasick algorithm. Namely, matches are reported as soon as they
/// are found. Moreover, this is the only way to get overlapping matches
/// or do stream searching.
/// The other kinds of match semantics that are supported are
/// `MatchKind::LeftmostFirst` and `MatchKind::LeftmostLongest`. The former
/// corresponds to the match you would get if you were to try to match
/// each pattern at each position in the haystack in the same order that
/// you give to the automaton. That is, it returns the leftmost match
/// corresponding the earliest pattern given to the automaton. The latter
/// corresponds to finding the longest possible match among all leftmost
/// matches.
/// For more details on match semantics, see the
/// [documentation for `MatchKind`](enum.MatchKind.html).
/// # Examples
/// In these examples, we demonstrate the differences between match
/// semantics for a particular set of patterns in a specific order:
/// `b`, `abc`, `abcd`.
/// Standard semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["b", "abc", "abcd"];
/// let haystack = "abcd";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::Standard) // default, not necessary
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mat = ac.find(haystack).expect("should have a match");
/// assert_eq!("b", &haystack[mat.start()..mat.end()]);
/// ```
/// Leftmost-first semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["b", "abc", "abcd"];
/// let haystack = "abcd";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mat = ac.find(haystack).expect("should have a match");
/// assert_eq!("abc", &haystack[mat.start()..mat.end()]);
/// ```
/// Leftmost-longest semantics:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind};
/// let patterns = &["b", "abc", "abcd"];
/// let haystack = "abcd";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostLongest)
/// .build(patterns);
/// let mat = ac.find(haystack).expect("should have a match");
/// assert_eq!("abcd", &haystack[mat.start()..mat.end()]);
/// ```
pub fn match_kind(&mut self, kind: MatchKind) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
/// Enable anchored mode, which requires all matches to start at the
/// first position in a haystack.
/// This option is disabled by default.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasickBuilder;
/// let patterns = &["foo", "bar"];
/// let haystack = "foobar";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .anchored(true)
/// .build(patterns);
/// assert_eq!(1, ac.find_iter(haystack).count());
/// ```
/// When searching for overlapping matches, all matches that start at
/// the beginning of a haystack will be reported:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasickBuilder;
/// let patterns = &["foo", "foofoo"];
/// let haystack = "foofoo";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .anchored(true)
/// .build(patterns);
/// assert_eq!(2, ac.find_overlapping_iter(haystack).count());
/// // A non-anchored search would return 3 matches.
/// ```
pub fn anchored(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
/// Enable ASCII-aware case insensitive matching.
/// When this option is enabled, searching will be performed without
/// respect to case for ASCII letters (`a-z` and `A-Z`) only.
/// Enabling this option does not change the search algorithm, but it may
/// increase the size of the automaton.
/// **NOTE:** In the future, support for full Unicode case insensitivity
/// may be added, but ASCII case insensitivity is comparatively much
/// simpler to add.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use aho_corasick::AhoCorasickBuilder;
/// let patterns = &["FOO", "bAr", "BaZ"];
/// let haystack = "foo bar baz";
/// let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
/// .ascii_case_insensitive(true)
/// .build(patterns);
/// assert_eq!(3, ac.find_iter(haystack).count());
/// ```
pub fn ascii_case_insensitive(
&mut self,
yes: bool,
) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
/// Set the limit on how many NFA states use a dense representation for
/// their transitions.
/// A dense representation uses more space, but supports faster access to
/// transitions at search time. Thus, this setting permits the control of a
/// space vs time trade off when using the NFA variant of Aho-Corasick.
/// This limit is expressed in terms of the depth of a state, i.e., the
/// number of transitions from the starting state of the NFA. The idea is
/// that most of the time searching will be spent near the starting state
/// of the automaton, so states near the start state should use a dense
/// representation. States further away from the start state would then use
/// a sparse representation, which uses less space but is slower to access
/// transitions at search time.
/// By default, this is set to a low but non-zero number.
/// This setting has no effect if the `dfa` option is enabled.
pub fn dense_depth(&mut self, depth: usize) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
/// Compile the standard Aho-Corasick automaton into a deterministic finite
/// automaton (DFA).
/// When this is disabled (which is the default), then a non-deterministic
/// finite automaton (NFA) is used instead.
/// The main benefit to a DFA is that it can execute searches more quickly
/// than a DFA (perhaps 2-4 times as fast). The main drawback is that the
/// DFA uses more space and can take much longer to build.
/// Enabling this option does not change the time complexity for
/// constructing the Aho-Corasick automaton (which is `O(p)` where
/// `p` is the total number of patterns being compiled). Enabling this
/// option does however reduce the time complexity of non-overlapping
/// searches from `O(n + p)` to `O(n)`, where `n` is the length of the
/// haystack.
/// In general, it's a good idea to enable this if you're searching a
/// small number of fairly short patterns (~1000), or if you want the
/// fastest possible search without regard to compilation time or space
/// usage.
pub fn dfa(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
self.dfa = yes;
/// Enable heuristic prefilter optimizations.
/// When enabled, searching will attempt to quickly skip to match
/// candidates using specialized literal search routines. A prefilter
/// cannot always be used, and is generally treated as a heuristic. It
/// can be useful to disable this if the prefilter is observed to be
/// sub-optimal for a particular workload.
/// This is enabled by default.
pub fn prefilter(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
/// Shrink the size of the transition alphabet by mapping bytes to their
/// equivalence classes. This only has an effect when the `dfa` option is
/// enabled.
/// When enabled, each a DFA will use a map from all possible bytes
/// to their corresponding equivalence class. Each equivalence class
/// represents a set of bytes that does not discriminate between a match
/// and a non-match in the DFA. For example, the patterns `bar` and `baz`
/// have at least five equivalence classes: singleton sets of `b`, `a`, `r`
/// and `z`, and a final set that contains every other byte.
/// The advantage of this map is that the size of the transition table can
/// be reduced drastically from `#states * 256 * sizeof(id)` to
/// `#states * k * sizeof(id)` where `k` is the number of equivalence
/// classes. As a result, total space usage can decrease substantially.
/// Moreover, since a smaller alphabet is used, compilation becomes faster
/// as well.
/// The disadvantage of this map is that every byte searched must be
/// passed through this map before it can be used to determine the next
/// transition. This has a small match time performance cost. However, if
/// the DFA is otherwise very large without byte classes, then using byte
/// classes can greatly improve memory locality and thus lead to better
/// overall performance.
/// This option is enabled by default.
pub fn byte_classes(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
/// Premultiply state identifiers in the transition table. This only has
/// an effect when the `dfa` option is enabled.
/// When enabled, state identifiers are premultiplied to point to their
/// corresponding row in the transition table. That is, given the `i`th
/// state, its corresponding premultiplied identifier is `i * k` where `k`
/// is the alphabet size of the automaton. (The alphabet size is at most
/// 256, but is in practice smaller if byte classes is enabled.)
/// When state identifiers are not premultiplied, then the identifier of
/// the `i`th state is `i`.
/// The advantage of premultiplying state identifiers is that is saves a
/// multiplication instruction per byte when searching with a DFA. This has
/// been observed to lead to a 20% performance benefit in micro-benchmarks.
/// The primary disadvantage of premultiplying state identifiers is
/// that they require a larger integer size to represent. For example,
/// if the DFA has 200 states, then its premultiplied form requires 16
/// bits to represent every possible state identifier, where as its
/// non-premultiplied form only requires 8 bits.
/// This option is enabled by default.
pub fn premultiply(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut AhoCorasickBuilder {
/// A knob for controlling the match semantics of an Aho-Corasick automaton.
/// There are two generally different ways that Aho-Corasick automatons can
/// report matches. The first way is the "standard" approach that results from
/// implementing most textbook explanations of Aho-Corasick. The second way is
/// to report only the leftmost non-overlapping matches. The leftmost approach
/// is in turn split into two different ways of resolving ambiguous matches:
/// leftmost-first and leftmost-longest.
/// The `Standard` match kind is the default and is the only one that supports
/// overlapping matches and stream searching. (Trying to find overlapping
/// or streaming matches using leftmost match semantics will result in a
/// panic.) The `Standard` match kind will report matches as they are seen.
/// When searching for overlapping matches, then all possible matches are
/// reported. When searching for non-overlapping matches, the first match seen
/// is reported. For example, for non-overlapping matches, given the patterns
/// `abcd` and `b` and the subject string `abcdef`, only a match for `b` is
/// reported since it is detected first. The `abcd` match is never reported
/// since it overlaps with the `b` match.
/// In contrast, the leftmost match kind always prefers the leftmost match
/// among all possible matches. Given the same example as above with `abcd` and
/// `b` as patterns and `abcdef` as the subject string, the leftmost match is
/// `abcd` since it begins before the `b` match, even though the `b` match is
/// detected before the `abcd` match. In this case, the `b` match is not
/// reported at all since it overlaps with the `abcd` match.
/// The difference between leftmost-first and leftmost-longest is in how they
/// resolve ambiguous matches when there are multiple leftmost matches to
/// choose from. Leftmost-first always chooses the pattern that was provided
/// earliest, where as leftmost-longest always chooses the longest matching
/// pattern. For example, given the patterns `a` and `ab` and the subject
/// string `ab`, the leftmost-first match is `a` but the leftmost-longest match
/// is `ab`. Conversely, if the patterns were given in reverse order, i.e.,
/// `ab` and `a`, then both the leftmost-first and leftmost-longest matches
/// would be `ab`. Stated differently, the leftmost-first match depends on the
/// order in which the patterns were given to the Aho-Corasick automaton.
/// Because of that, when leftmost-first matching is used, if a pattern `A`
/// that appears before a pattern `B` is a prefix of `B`, then it is impossible
/// to ever observe a match of `B`.
/// If you're not sure which match kind to pick, then stick with the standard
/// kind, which is the default. In particular, if you need overlapping or
/// streaming matches, then you _must_ use the standard kind. The leftmost
/// kinds are useful in specific circumstances. For example, leftmost-first can
/// be very useful as a way to implement match priority based on the order of
/// patterns given and leftmost-longest can be useful for dictionary searching
/// such that only the longest matching words are reported.
/// # Relationship with regular expression alternations
/// Understanding match semantics can be a little tricky, and one easy way
/// to conceptualize non-overlapping matches from an Aho-Corasick automaton
/// is to think about them as a simple alternation of literals in a regular
/// expression. For example, let's say we wanted to match the strings
/// `Sam` and `Samwise`, which would turn into the regex `Sam|Samwise`. It
/// turns out that regular expression engines have two different ways of
/// matching this alternation. The first way, leftmost-longest, is commonly
/// found in POSIX compatible implementations of regular expressions (such as
/// `grep`). The second way, leftmost-first, is commonly found in backtracking
/// implementations such as Perl. (Some regex engines, such as RE2 and Rust's
/// regex engine do not use backtracking, but still implement leftmost-first
/// semantics in an effort to match the behavior of dominant backtracking
/// regex engines such as those found in Perl, Ruby, Python, Javascript and
/// PHP.)
/// That is, when matching `Sam|Samwise` against `Samwise`, a POSIX regex
/// will match `Samwise` because it is the longest possible match, but a
/// Perl-like regex will match `Sam` since it appears earlier in the
/// alternation. Indeed, the regex `Sam|Samwise` in a Perl-like regex engine
/// will never match `Samwise` since `Sam` will always have higher priority.
/// Conversely, matching the regex `Samwise|Sam` against `Samwise` will lead to
/// a match of `Samwise` in both POSIX and Perl-like regexes since `Samwise` is
/// still longest match, but it also appears earlier than `Sam`.
/// The "standard" match semantics of Aho-Corasick generally don't correspond
/// to the match semantics of any large group of regex implementations, so
/// there's no direct analogy that can be made here. Standard match semantics
/// are generally useful for overlapping matches, or if you just want to see
/// matches as they are detected.
/// The main conclusion to draw from this section is that the match semantics
/// can be tweaked to precisely match either Perl-like regex alternations or
/// POSIX regex alternations.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum MatchKind {
/// Use standard match semantics, which support overlapping matches. When
/// used with non-overlapping matches, matches are reported as they are
/// seen.
/// Use leftmost-first match semantics, which reports leftmost matches.
/// When there are multiple possible leftmost matches, the match
/// corresponding to the pattern that appeared earlier when constructing
/// the automaton is reported.
/// This does **not** support overlapping matches or stream searching. If
/// this match kind is used, attempting to find overlapping matches or
/// stream matches will panic.
/// Use leftmost-longest match semantics, which reports leftmost matches.
/// When there are multiple possible leftmost matches, the longest match
/// is chosen.
/// This does **not** support overlapping matches or stream searching. If
/// this match kind is used, attempting to find overlapping matches or
/// stream matches will panic.
/// Hints that destructuring should not be exhaustive.
/// This enum may grow additional variants, so this makes sure clients
/// don't count on exhaustive matching. (Otherwise, adding a new variant
/// could break existing code.)
/// The default match kind is `MatchKind::Standard`.
impl Default for MatchKind {
fn default() -> MatchKind {
impl MatchKind {
fn supports_overlapping(&self) -> bool {
fn supports_stream(&self) -> bool {
// TODO: It may be possible to support this. It's hard.
// See:
pub(crate) fn is_standard(&self) -> bool {
*self == MatchKind::Standard
pub(crate) fn is_leftmost(&self) -> bool {
*self == MatchKind::LeftmostFirst
|| *self == MatchKind::LeftmostLongest
pub(crate) fn is_leftmost_first(&self) -> bool {
*self == MatchKind::LeftmostFirst
/// Convert this match kind into a packed match kind. If this match kind
/// corresponds to standard semantics, then this returns None, since
/// packed searching does not support standard semantics.
pub(crate) fn as_packed(&self) -> Option<packed::MatchKind> {
match *self {
MatchKind::Standard => None,
MatchKind::LeftmostFirst => Some(packed::MatchKind::LeftmostFirst),
MatchKind::LeftmostLongest => {
MatchKind::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn oibits() {
use std::panic::{RefUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe};
fn assert_send<T: Send>() {}
fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}
fn assert_unwind_safe<T: RefUnwindSafe + UnwindSafe>() {}