blob: 54f8b6da9ac860ccd8f1d4d111b9b46f93399259 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::convert::*;
use crate::operations::*;
#[cfg(feature = "specialize")]
use crate::HasherExt;
use core::hash::Hasher;
use crate::RandomState;
/// A `Hasher` for hashing an arbitrary stream of bytes.
/// Instances of [`AHasher`] represent state that is updated while hashing data.
/// Each method updates the internal state based on the new data provided. Once
/// all of the data has been provided, the resulting hash can be obtained by calling
/// `finish()`
/// [Clone] is also provided in case you wish to calculate hashes for two different items that
/// start with the same data.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct AHasher {
enc: u128,
sum: u128,
key: u128,
impl AHasher {
/// Creates a new hasher keyed to the provided keys.
/// Normally hashers are created via `AHasher::default()` for fixed keys or `RandomState::new()` for randomly
/// generated keys and `RandomState::with_seeds(a,b)` for seeds that are set and can be reused. All of these work at
/// map creation time (and hence don't have any overhead on a per-item bais).
/// This method directly creates the hasher instance and performs no transformation on the provided seeds. This may
/// be useful where a HashBuilder is not desired, such as for testing purposes.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::hash::Hasher;
/// use ahash::AHasher;
/// let mut hasher = AHasher::new_with_keys(1234, 5678);
/// hasher.write_u32(1989);
/// hasher.write_u8(11);
/// hasher.write_u8(9);
/// hasher.write(b"Huh?");
/// println!("Hash is {:x}!", hasher.finish());
/// ```
pub fn new_with_keys(key1: u128, key2: u128) -> Self {
Self {
enc: key1,
sum: key2,
key: key1 ^ key2,
pub(crate) fn from_random_state(rand_state: &RandomState) -> Self {
let key1 = [rand_state.k0, rand_state.k1].convert();
let key2 = [rand_state.k2, rand_state.k3].convert();
Self {
enc: key1,
sum: key2,
key: key1 ^ key2,
fn add_in_length(&mut self, length: u64) {
//This will be scrambled by the next AES round.
let mut enc: [u64; 2] = self.enc.convert();
enc[0] = enc[0].wrapping_add(length);
self.enc = enc.convert();
fn hash_in(&mut self, new_value: u128) {
self.enc = aesenc(self.enc, new_value);
self.sum = shuffle_and_add(self.sum, new_value);
fn hash_in_2(&mut self, v1: u128, v2: u128) {
self.enc = aesenc(self.enc, v1);
self.sum = shuffle_and_add(self.sum, v1);
self.enc = aesenc(self.enc, v2);
self.sum = shuffle_and_add(self.sum, v2);
#[cfg(feature = "specialize")]
impl HasherExt for AHasher {
fn hash_u64(self, value: u64) -> u64 {
let mask = self.sum as u64;
let rot = (self.enc & 64) as u32;
folded_multiply(value ^ mask, crate::fallback_hash::MULTIPLE).rotate_left(rot)
fn short_finish(&self) -> u64 {
let combined = aesdec(self.sum, self.enc);
let result: [u64; 2] = aesenc(combined, combined).convert();
/// Provides [Hasher] methods to hash all of the primitive types.
/// [Hasher]: core::hash::Hasher
impl Hasher for AHasher {
fn write_u8(&mut self, i: u8) {
self.write_u64(i as u64);
fn write_u16(&mut self, i: u16) {
self.write_u64(i as u64);
fn write_u32(&mut self, i: u32) {
self.write_u64(i as u64);
fn write_u128(&mut self, i: u128) {
fn write_usize(&mut self, i: usize) {
self.write_u64(i as u64);
fn write_u64(&mut self, i: u64) {
self.write_u128(i as u128);
fn write(&mut self, input: &[u8]) {
let mut data = input;
let length = data.len();
self.add_in_length(length as u64);
//A 'binary search' on sizes reduces the number of comparisons.
if data.len() < 8 {
let value: [u64; 2] = if data.len() >= 2 {
if data.len() >= 4 {
//len 4-8
[data.read_u32().0 as u64, data.read_last_u32() as u64]
} else {
//len 2-3
[data.read_u16().0 as u64, data[data.len() - 1] as u64]
} else {
if data.len() > 0 {
[data[0] as u64, 0]
} else {
[0, 0]
} else {
if data.len() > 32 {
if data.len() > 64 {
let tail = data.read_last_u128x4();
let mut current: [u128; 4] = [self.key; 4];
current[0] = aesenc(current[0], tail[0]);
current[1] = aesenc(current[1], tail[1]);
current[2] = aesenc(current[2], tail[2]);
current[3] = aesenc(current[3], tail[3]);
let mut sum: [u128; 2] = [self.key, self.key];
sum[0] = add_by_64s(sum[0].convert(), tail[0].convert()).convert();
sum[1] = add_by_64s(sum[1].convert(), tail[1].convert()).convert();
sum[0] = shuffle_and_add(sum[0], tail[2]);
sum[1] = shuffle_and_add(sum[1], tail[3]);
while data.len() > 64 {
let (blocks, rest) = data.read_u128x4();
current[0] = aesenc(current[0], blocks[0]);
current[1] = aesenc(current[1], blocks[1]);
current[2] = aesenc(current[2], blocks[2]);
current[3] = aesenc(current[3], blocks[3]);
sum[0] = shuffle_and_add(sum[0], blocks[0]);
sum[1] = shuffle_and_add(sum[1], blocks[1]);
sum[0] = shuffle_and_add(sum[0], blocks[2]);
sum[1] = shuffle_and_add(sum[1], blocks[3]);
data = rest;
self.hash_in_2(aesenc(current[0], current[1]), aesenc(current[2], current[3]));
self.hash_in(add_by_64s(sum[0].convert(), sum[1].convert()).convert());
} else {
//len 33-64
let (head, _) = data.read_u128x2();
let tail = data.read_last_u128x2();
self.hash_in_2(head[0], head[1]);
self.hash_in_2(tail[0], tail[1]);
} else {
if data.len() > 16 {
//len 17-32
self.hash_in_2(data.read_u128().0, data.read_last_u128());
} else {
//len 9-16
let value: [u64; 2] = [data.read_u64().0, data.read_last_u64()];
fn finish(&self) -> u64 {
let combined = aesdec(self.sum, self.enc);
let result: [u64; 2] = aesenc(aesenc(combined, self.key), combined).convert();
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::convert::Convert;
use crate::operations::aesenc;
use crate::RandomState;
use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hasher};
fn test_sanity() {
let mut hasher = RandomState::with_seeds(1, 2, 3,4).build_hasher();
let h1 = hasher.finish();
hasher.write(&[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let h2 = hasher.finish();
assert_ne!(h1, h2);
#[cfg(feature = "compile-time-rng")]
fn test_builder() {
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
let mut map = HashMap::<u32, u64, BuildHasherDefault<AHasher>>::default();
map.insert(1, 3);
#[cfg(feature = "compile-time-rng")]
fn test_default() {
let hasher_a = AHasher::default();
let a_enc: [u64; 2] = hasher_a.enc.convert();
let a_sum: [u64; 2] = hasher_a.sum.convert();
assert_ne!(0, a_enc[0]);
assert_ne!(0, a_enc[1]);
assert_ne!(0, a_sum[0]);
assert_ne!(0, a_sum[1]);
assert_ne!(a_enc[0], a_enc[1]);
assert_ne!(a_sum[0], a_sum[1]);
assert_ne!(a_enc[0], a_sum[0]);
assert_ne!(a_enc[1], a_sum[1]);
let hasher_b = AHasher::default();
let b_enc: [u64; 2] = hasher_b.enc.convert();
let b_sum: [u64; 2] = hasher_b.sum.convert();
assert_eq!(a_enc[0], b_enc[0]);
assert_eq!(a_enc[1], b_enc[1]);
assert_eq!(a_sum[0], b_sum[0]);
assert_eq!(a_sum[1], b_sum[1]);
fn test_hash() {
let mut result: [u64; 2] = [0x6c62272e07bb0142, 0x62b821756295c58d];
let value: [u64; 2] = [1 << 32, 0xFEDCBA9876543210];
result = aesenc(value.convert(), result.convert()).convert();
result = aesenc(result.convert(), result.convert()).convert();
let mut result2: [u64; 2] = [0x6c62272e07bb0142, 0x62b821756295c58d];
let value2: [u64; 2] = [1, 0xFEDCBA9876543210];
result2 = aesenc(value2.convert(), result2.convert()).convert();
result2 = aesenc(result2.convert(), result.convert()).convert();
let result: [u8; 16] = result.convert();
let result2: [u8; 16] = result2.convert();
assert_ne!(hex::encode(result), hex::encode(result2));
fn test_conversion() {
let input: &[u8] = "dddddddd".as_bytes();
let bytes: u64 = as_array!(input, 8).convert();
assert_eq!(bytes, 0x6464646464646464);