blob: a1ccd97417d3ad869c3b291eeae8d354e32683b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The aarch64-paging Authors.
// This project is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms.
// See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for details.
//! A library to manipulate AArch64 VMSA page tables.
//! Currently it only supports:
//! - stage 1 page tables
//! - EL1
//! - 4 KiB pages
//! Full support is provided for identity mapping ([`IdMap`](idmap::IdMap)) and linear mapping
//! ([`LinearMap`](linearmap::LinearMap)). If you want to use a different mapping scheme, you must
//! provide an implementation of the [`Translation`](paging::Translation) trait and then use
//! [`Mapping`] directly.
//! # Example
//! ```no_run
//! # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
//! use aarch64_paging::{
//! idmap::IdMap,
//! paging::{Attributes, MemoryRegion},
//! };
//! const ASID: usize = 1;
//! const ROOT_LEVEL: usize = 1;
//! // Create a new page table with identity mapping.
//! let mut idmap = IdMap::new(ASID, ROOT_LEVEL);
//! // Map a 2 MiB region of memory as read-write.
//! idmap.map_range(
//! &MemoryRegion::new(0x80200000, 0x80400000),
//! Attributes::NORMAL | Attributes::NON_GLOBAL | Attributes::VALID,
//! ).unwrap();
//! // SAFETY: Everything the program uses is within the 2 MiB region mapped above.
//! unsafe {
//! // Set `TTBR0_EL1` to activate the page table.
//! idmap.activate();
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub mod idmap;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub mod linearmap;
pub mod paging;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
extern crate alloc;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
use core::arch::asm;
use core::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use paging::{
Attributes, Constraints, Descriptor, MemoryRegion, PhysicalAddress, RootTable, Translation,
VaRange, VirtualAddress,
/// An error attempting to map some range in the page table.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum MapError {
/// The address requested to be mapped was out of the range supported by the page table
/// configuration.
/// The address requested to be mapped was not valid for the mapping in use.
/// The end of the memory region is before the start.
/// There was an error while updating a page table entry.
/// The requested flags are not supported for this mapping
/// Updating the range violates break-before-make rules and the mapping is live
impl Display for MapError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::AddressRange(va) => write!(f, "Virtual address {} out of range", va),
Self::InvalidVirtualAddress(va) => {
write!(f, "Invalid virtual address {} for mapping", va)
Self::RegionBackwards(region) => {
write!(f, "End of memory region {} is before start.", region)
Self::PteUpdateFault(desc) => {
write!(f, "Error updating page table entry {:?}", desc)
Self::InvalidFlags(flags) => {
write!(f, "Flags {flags:?} unsupported for mapping.")
Self::BreakBeforeMakeViolation(region) => {
write!(f, "Cannot remap region {region} while translation is live.")
/// Manages a level 1 page table and associated state.
/// Mappings should be added with [`map_range`](Self::map_range) before calling
/// [`activate`](Self::activate) to start using the new page table. To make changes which may
/// require break-before-make semantics you must first call [`deactivate`](Self::deactivate) to
/// switch back to a previous static page table, and then `activate` again after making the desired
/// changes.
pub struct Mapping<T: Translation + Clone> {
root: RootTable<T>,
asid: usize,
previous_ttbr: Option<usize>,
impl<T: Translation + Clone> Mapping<T> {
/// Creates a new page table with the given ASID, root level and translation mapping.
pub fn new(translation: T, asid: usize, rootlevel: usize, va_range: VaRange) -> Self {
Self {
root: RootTable::new(translation, rootlevel, va_range),
previous_ttbr: None,
/// Returns whether this mapping is currently active.
pub fn active(&self) -> bool {
/// Activates the page table by setting `TTBRn_EL1` to point to it, and saves the previous value
/// of `TTBRn_EL1` so that it may later be restored by [`deactivate`](Self::deactivate).
/// Panics if a previous value of `TTBRn_EL1` is already saved and not yet used by a call to
/// `deactivate`.
/// In test builds or builds that do not target aarch64, the `TTBRn_EL1` access is omitted.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that the page table doesn't unmap any memory which the program is
/// using, or introduce aliases which break Rust's aliasing rules. The page table must not be
/// dropped as long as its mappings are required, as it will automatically be deactivated when
/// it is dropped.
pub unsafe fn activate(&mut self) {
let mut previous_ttbr = usize::MAX;
#[cfg(all(not(test), target_arch = "aarch64"))]
// SAFETY: Safe because we trust that self.root.to_physical() returns a valid physical
// address of a page table, and the `Drop` implementation will reset `TTBRn_EL1` before it
// becomes invalid.
unsafe {
match self.root.va_range() {
VaRange::Lower => asm!(
"mrs {previous_ttbr}, ttbr0_el1",
"msr ttbr0_el1, {ttbrval}",
ttbrval = in(reg) self.root.to_physical().0 | (self.asid << 48),
previous_ttbr = out(reg) previous_ttbr,
VaRange::Upper => asm!(
"mrs {previous_ttbr}, ttbr1_el1",
"msr ttbr1_el1, {ttbrval}",
ttbrval = in(reg) self.root.to_physical().0 | (self.asid << 48),
previous_ttbr = out(reg) previous_ttbr,
self.previous_ttbr = Some(previous_ttbr);
/// Deactivates the page table, by setting `TTBRn_EL1` back to the value it had before
/// [`activate`](Self::activate) was called, and invalidating the TLB for this page table's
/// configured ASID.
/// Panics if there is no saved `TTBRn_EL1` value because `activate` has not previously been
/// called.
/// In test builds or builds that do not target aarch64, the `TTBRn_EL1` access is omitted.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that the previous page table which this is switching back to doesn't
/// unmap any memory which the program is using.
pub unsafe fn deactivate(&mut self) {
#[cfg(all(not(test), target_arch = "aarch64"))]
// SAFETY: Safe because this just restores the previously saved value of `TTBRn_EL1`, which
// must have been valid.
unsafe {
match self.root.va_range() {
VaRange::Lower => asm!(
"msr ttbr0_el1, {ttbrval}",
"tlbi aside1, {asid}",
"dsb nsh",
asid = in(reg) self.asid << 48,
ttbrval = in(reg) self.previous_ttbr.unwrap(),
VaRange::Upper => asm!(
"msr ttbr1_el1, {ttbrval}",
"tlbi aside1, {asid}",
"dsb nsh",
asid = in(reg) self.asid << 48,
ttbrval = in(reg) self.previous_ttbr.unwrap(),
self.previous_ttbr = None;
/// Checks whether the given range can be mapped or updated while the translation is live,
/// without violating architectural break-before-make (BBM) requirements.
fn check_range_bbm<F>(&self, range: &MemoryRegion, updater: &F) -> Result<(), MapError>
F: Fn(&MemoryRegion, &mut Descriptor, usize) -> Result<(), ()> + ?Sized,
&mut |mr: &MemoryRegion, d: &Descriptor, level: usize| {
if d.is_valid() {
if !mr.is_block(level) {
// Cannot split a live block mapping
return Err(());
// Get the new flags and output address for this descriptor by applying
// the updater function to a copy
let (flags, oa) = {
let mut dd = *d;
updater(mr, &mut dd, level)?;
(dd.flags().ok_or(())?, dd.output_address())
if !flags.contains(Attributes::VALID) {
// Removing the valid bit is always ok
return Ok(());
if oa != d.output_address() {
// Cannot change output address on a live mapping
return Err(());
let desc_flags = d.flags().unwrap();
if (desc_flags ^ flags).intersects(Attributes::NORMAL) {
// Cannot change memory type
return Err(());
if (desc_flags - flags).contains(Attributes::NON_GLOBAL) {
// Cannot convert from non-global to global
return Err(());
.map_err(|_| MapError::BreakBeforeMakeViolation(range.clone()))?;
/// Maps the given range of virtual addresses to the corresponding range of physical addresses
/// starting at `pa`, with the given flags, taking the given constraints into account.
/// This should generally only be called while the page table is not active. In particular, any
/// change that may require break-before-make per the architecture must be made while the page
/// table is inactive. Mapping a previously unmapped memory range may be done while the page
/// table is active. This function writes block and page entries, but only maps them if `flags`
/// contains `Attributes::VALID`, otherwise the entries remain invalid.
/// # Errors
/// Returns [`MapError::RegionBackwards`] if the range is backwards.
/// Returns [`MapError::AddressRange`] if the largest address in the `range` is greater than the
/// largest virtual address covered by the page table given its root level.
/// Returns [`MapError::InvalidFlags`] if the `flags` argument has unsupported attributes set.
/// Returns [`MapError::BreakBeforeMakeViolation'] if the range intersects with live mappings,
/// and modifying those would violate architectural break-before-make (BBM) requirements.
pub fn map_range(
&mut self,
range: &MemoryRegion,
pa: PhysicalAddress,
flags: Attributes,
constraints: Constraints,
) -> Result<(), MapError> {
if {
let c = |mr: &MemoryRegion, d: &mut Descriptor, lvl: usize| {
let mask = !(paging::granularity_at_level(lvl) - 1);
let pa = (mr.start() - range.start() + pa.0) & mask;
d.set(PhysicalAddress(pa), flags);
self.check_range_bbm(range, &c)?;
self.root.map_range(range, pa, flags, constraints)?;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
// SAFETY: Safe because this is just a memory barrier.
unsafe {
asm!("dsb ishst");
/// Applies the provided updater function to a number of PTEs corresponding to a given memory range.
/// This may involve splitting block entries if the provided range is not currently mapped
/// down to its precise boundaries. For visiting all the descriptors covering a memory range
/// without potential splitting (and no descriptor updates), use
/// [`walk_range`](Self::walk_range) instead.
/// This should generally only be called while the page table is not active. In particular, any
/// change that may require break-before-make per the architecture must be made while the page
/// table is inactive. Mapping a previously unmapped memory range may be done while the page
/// table is active.
/// # Errors
/// Returns [`MapError::PteUpdateFault`] if the updater function returns an error.
/// Returns [`MapError::RegionBackwards`] if the range is backwards.
/// Returns [`MapError::AddressRange`] if the largest address in the `range` is greater than the
/// largest virtual address covered by the page table given its root level.
/// Returns [`MapError::BreakBeforeMakeViolation'] if the range intersects with live mappings,
/// and modifying those would violate architectural break-before-make (BBM) requirements.
pub fn modify_range<F>(&mut self, range: &MemoryRegion, f: &F) -> Result<(), MapError>
F: Fn(&MemoryRegion, &mut Descriptor, usize) -> Result<(), ()> + ?Sized,
if {
self.check_range_bbm(range, f)?;
self.root.modify_range(range, f)?;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
// SAFETY: Safe because this is just a memory barrier.
unsafe {
asm!("dsb ishst");
/// Applies the provided function to a number of PTEs corresponding to a given memory range.
/// The virtual address range passed to the callback function may be expanded compared to the
/// `range` parameter, due to alignment to block boundaries.
/// # Errors
/// Returns [`MapError::PteUpdateFault`] if the callback function returns an error.
/// Returns [`MapError::RegionBackwards`] if the range is backwards.
/// Returns [`MapError::AddressRange`] if the largest address in the `range` is greater than the
/// largest virtual address covered by the page table given its root level.
pub fn walk_range<F>(&self, range: &MemoryRegion, f: &mut F) -> Result<(), MapError>
F: FnMut(&MemoryRegion, &Descriptor, usize) -> Result<(), ()>,
self.root.walk_range(range, f)
impl<T: Translation + Clone> Drop for Mapping<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.previous_ttbr.is_some() {
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
// SAFETY: When activate was called the caller promised that they wouldn't drop the page
// table until its mappings were no longer needed.
unsafe {