blob: eec0e6270cea79d8227d010d34b11fb189b29b98 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.robolectric.shadows;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.M;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N_MR1;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.Q;
import static org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow.directlyOn;
import android.Manifest.permission;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IUserManager;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.os.UserManager;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.robolectric.annotation.HiddenApi;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements;
import org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Resetter;
import org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.ClassParameter;
* Robolectric implementation of {@link android.os.UserManager}.
@Implements(value = UserManager.class, minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR1)
public class ShadowUserManager {
* The default user ID user for secondary user testing, when the ID is not otherwise specified.
public static final int DEFAULT_SECONDARY_USER_ID = 10;
public static final int FLAG_PRIMARY = UserInfo.FLAG_PRIMARY;
public static final int FLAG_ADMIN = UserInfo.FLAG_ADMIN;
public static final int FLAG_GUEST = UserInfo.FLAG_GUEST;
public static final int FLAG_RESTRICTED = UserInfo.FLAG_RESTRICTED;
public static final int FLAG_DEMO = UserInfo.FLAG_DEMO;
public static final int FLAG_MANAGED_PROFILE = UserInfo.FLAG_MANAGED_PROFILE;
private static boolean isMultiUserSupported = false;
private static Map<Integer, Integer> userPidMap = new HashMap<>();
@RealObject private UserManager realObject;
private boolean userUnlocked = true;
private boolean managedProfile = false;
private boolean isSystemUser = true;
private Map<Integer, Bundle> userRestrictions = new HashMap<>();
/** Holds the serial numbers for all users and profiles, indexed by */
private BiMap<Integer, Long> userSerialNumbers = HashBiMap.create();
private Map<String, Bundle> applicationRestrictions = new HashMap<>();
/** Holds all UserStates, indexed by */
private Map<Integer, UserState> userState = new HashMap<>();
/** Holds the UserInfo for all registered users and profiles, indexed by */
private Map<Integer, UserInfo> userInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
* Holds whether or not a managed profile can be unlocked. If a profile is not in this map, it is
* assume it can be unlocked.
private final Map<Integer, Boolean> profileIsLocked = new HashMap<>();
* Each user holds a list of UserHandles of assocated profiles and user itself. User is indexed by
* See UserManager.getProfiles(userId).
private Map<Integer, List<UserHandle>> userProfilesListMap = new HashMap<>();
private String seedAccountType;
private Context context;
private boolean enforcePermissions;
private int userSwitchability = UserManager.SWITCHABILITY_STATUS_OK;
protected void __constructor__(Context context, IUserManager service) {
this.context = context;
addUser(UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, "system_user", UserInfo.FLAG_PRIMARY | UserInfo.FLAG_ADMIN);
* Compared to real Android, there is no check that the package name matches the application
* package name and the method returns instantly.
* @see #setApplicationRestrictions(String, Bundle)
@Implementation(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
protected Bundle getApplicationRestrictions(String packageName) {
Bundle bundle = applicationRestrictions.get(packageName);
return bundle != null ? bundle : new Bundle();
* Sets the value returned by {@link UserManager#getApplicationRestrictions(String)}.
public void setApplicationRestrictions(String packageName, Bundle restrictions) {
applicationRestrictions.put(packageName, restrictions);
* Adds a profile associated for the user that the calling process is running on.
* <p>The user is assigned an arbitrary unique serial number.
* @return the user's serial number
* @deprecated use either addUser() or addProfile()
public long addUserProfile(UserHandle userHandle) {
addProfile(UserHandle.myUserId(), userHandle.getIdentifier(), "", 0);
return userSerialNumbers.get(userHandle.getIdentifier());
@Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
protected List<UserHandle> getUserProfiles() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(userProfilesListMap.get(UserHandle.myUserId()));
* If any profiles have been added using {@link #addProfile}, return those profiles.
* Otherwise follow real android behaviour.
@Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
protected List<UserInfo> getProfiles(int userHandle) {
if (userProfilesListMap.containsKey(userHandle)) {
ArrayList<UserInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>();
for (UserHandle profileHandle : userProfilesListMap.get(userHandle)) {
return infos;
return directlyOn(
realObject, UserManager.class, "getProfiles", ClassParameter.from(int.class, userHandle));
@Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
protected UserInfo getProfileParent(int userId) {
if (enforcePermissions && !hasManageUsersPermission()) {
throw new SecurityException("Requires MANAGE_USERS permission");
UserInfo profile = getUserInfo(userId);
if (profile == null) {
return null;
int parentUserId = profile.profileGroupId;
if (parentUserId == userId || parentUserId == UserInfo.NO_PROFILE_GROUP_ID) {
return null;
} else {
return getUserInfo(parentUserId);
/** Add a profile to be returned by {@link #getProfiles(int)}.**/
public void addProfile(
int userHandle, int profileUserHandle, String profileName, int profileFlags) {
// Don't override serial number set by setSerialNumberForUser()
if (!userSerialNumbers.containsKey(profileUserHandle)) {
// use UserHandle id as serial number unless setSerialNumberForUser() is used
userSerialNumbers.put(profileUserHandle, (long) profileUserHandle);
userInfoMap.put(profileUserHandle, new UserInfo(profileUserHandle, profileName, profileFlags));
// Insert profile to the belonging user's userProfilesList
userProfilesListMap.putIfAbsent(userHandle, new ArrayList<>());
List<UserHandle> list = userProfilesListMap.get(userHandle);
UserHandle handle = new UserHandle(profileUserHandle);
if (!list.contains(handle)) {
/** Setter for {@link UserManager#isUserUnlocked()} */
public void setUserUnlocked(boolean userUnlocked) {
this.userUnlocked = userUnlocked;
@Implementation(minSdk = N)
protected boolean isUserUnlocked() {
return userUnlocked;
/** @see #setUserState(UserHandle, UserState) */
@Implementation(minSdk = 24)
protected boolean isUserUnlocked(UserHandle handle) {
UserState state = userState.get(handle.getIdentifier());
return state == UserState.STATE_RUNNING_UNLOCKED;
* If permissions are enforced (see {@link #enforcePermissionChecks(boolean)}) and the application
* doesn't have the {@link android.Manifest.permission#MANAGE_USERS} permission, throws a
* {@link SecurityManager} exception.
* @return `false` by default, or the value specified via {@link #setManagedProfile(boolean)}
* @see #enforcePermissionChecks(boolean)
* @see #setManagedProfile(boolean)
@Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
protected boolean isManagedProfile() {
if (enforcePermissions && !hasManageUsersPermission()) {
throw new SecurityException(
"You need MANAGE_USERS permission to: check if specified user a " +
"managed profile outside your profile group");
return managedProfile;
* If permissions are enforced (see {@link #enforcePermissionChecks(boolean)}) and the application
* doesn't have the {@link android.Manifest.permission#MANAGE_USERS} permission, throws a {@link
* SecurityManager} exception.
* @return true if the profile added has FLAG_MANAGED_PROFILE
* @see #enforcePermissionChecks(boolean)
* @see #addProfile(int, int, String, int)
* @see #addUser(int, String, int)
@Implementation(minSdk = N)
protected boolean isManagedProfile(int userHandle) {
if (enforcePermissions && !hasManageUsersPermission()) {
throw new SecurityException(
"You need MANAGE_USERS permission to: check if specified user a "
+ "managed profile outside your profile group");
UserInfo info = getUserInfo(userHandle);
return info != null && ((info.flags & FLAG_MANAGED_PROFILE) == FLAG_MANAGED_PROFILE);
public void enforcePermissionChecks(boolean enforcePermissions) {
this.enforcePermissions = enforcePermissions;
* Setter for {@link UserManager#isManagedProfile()}.
public void setManagedProfile(boolean managedProfile) {
this.managedProfile = managedProfile;
@Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
protected boolean hasUserRestriction(String restrictionKey, UserHandle userHandle) {
Bundle bundle = userRestrictions.get(userHandle.getIdentifier());
return bundle != null && bundle.getBoolean(restrictionKey);
public void setUserRestriction(UserHandle userHandle, String restrictionKey, boolean value) {
Bundle bundle = getUserRestrictionsForUser(userHandle);
bundle.putBoolean(restrictionKey, value);
* Removes all user restrictions set of a user identified by {@code userHandle}.
public void clearUserRestrictions(UserHandle userHandle) {
@Implementation(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
protected Bundle getUserRestrictions(UserHandle userHandle) {
return new Bundle(getUserRestrictionsForUser(userHandle));
private Bundle getUserRestrictionsForUser(UserHandle userHandle) {
Bundle bundle = userRestrictions.get(userHandle.getIdentifier());
if (bundle == null) {
bundle = new Bundle();
userRestrictions.put(userHandle.getIdentifier(), bundle);
return bundle;
* @see #addProfile(int, int, String, int)
* @see #addUser(int, String, int)
protected long getSerialNumberForUser(UserHandle userHandle) {
Long result = userSerialNumbers.get(userHandle.getIdentifier());
return result == null ? -1L : result;
* {@link #addUser} uses UserHandle for serialNumber. setSerialNumberForUser() allows assigning an
* arbitary serialNumber. Some test use serialNumber!=0 as secondary user check, so it's necessary
* to "fake" the serialNumber to a non-zero value.
public void setSerialNumberForUser(UserHandle userHandle, long serialNumber) {
userSerialNumbers.put(userHandle.getIdentifier(), serialNumber);
* @see #addProfile(int, int, String, int)
* @see #addUser(int, String, int)
protected UserHandle getUserForSerialNumber(long serialNumber) {
Integer userHandle = userSerialNumbers.inverse().get(serialNumber);
return userHandle == null ? null : new UserHandle(userHandle);
* @see #addProfile(int, int, String, int)
* @see #addUser(int, String, int)
protected int getUserSerialNumber(@UserIdInt int userHandle) {
Long result = userSerialNumbers.get(userHandle);
return result != null ? result.intValue() : -1;
* Returns the name of the user.
* On real Android, if a UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM user is found but does not have a name, it will
* return a name like "Owner". In Robolectric, the USER_SYSTEM user always has a name.
@Implementation(minSdk = Q)
protected String getUserName() {
UserInfo user = getUserInfo(UserHandle.myUserId());
return user == null ? "" :;
/** @return user id for given user serial number. */
@Implementation(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR1)
protected int getUserHandle(int serialNumber) {
Integer userHandle = userSerialNumbers.inverse().get((long) serialNumber);
return userHandle == null ? -1 : userHandle;
private boolean hasManageUsersPermission() {
return context.getPackageManager().checkPermission(permission.MANAGE_USERS, context.getPackageName()) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
private boolean hasModifyQuietModePermission() {
return context
.checkPermission(permission.MODIFY_QUIET_MODE, context.getPackageName())
private void checkPermissions() {
// TODO Ensure permisions
// throw new SecurityException("You need INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS or MANAGE_USERS
// permission "
// + "to: check " + name);throw new SecurityException();
* @return `false` by default, or the value specified via {@link #setIsDemoUser(boolean)}
@Implementation(minSdk = N_MR1)
protected boolean isDemoUser() {
return getUserInfo(UserHandle.myUserId()).isDemo();
* Sets that the current user is a demo user; controls the return value of {@link
* UserManager#isDemoUser()}.
* @deprecated Use {@link ShadowUserManager#addUser(int, String, int)} to create a demo user
* instead of changing default user flags.
public void setIsDemoUser(boolean isDemoUser) {
UserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo(UserHandle.myUserId());
if (isDemoUser) {
userInfo.flags |= UserInfo.FLAG_DEMO;
} else {
userInfo.flags &= ~UserInfo.FLAG_DEMO;
* @return 'true' by default, or the value specified via {@link #setIsSystemUser(boolean)}
@Implementation(minSdk = M)
protected boolean isSystemUser() {
if (isSystemUser == false) {
return false;
} else {
return directlyOn(realObject, UserManager.class, "isSystemUser");
* Sets that the current user is the system user; controls the return value of {@link
* UserManager#isSystemUser()}.
* @deprecated Use {@link ShadowUserManager#addUser(int, String, int)} to create a system user
* instead of changing default user flags.
public void setIsSystemUser(boolean isSystemUser) {
this.isSystemUser = isSystemUser;
* Sets that the current user is the primary user; controls the return value of {@link
* UserManager#isPrimaryUser()}.
* @deprecated Use {@link ShadowUserManager#addUser(int, String, int)} to create a primary user
* instead of changing default user flags.
public void setIsPrimaryUser(boolean isPrimaryUser) {
UserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo(UserHandle.myUserId());
if (isPrimaryUser) {
userInfo.flags |= UserInfo.FLAG_PRIMARY;
} else {
userInfo.flags &= ~UserInfo.FLAG_PRIMARY;
* @return 'false' by default, or the value specified via {@link #setIsLinkedUser(boolean)}
@Implementation(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
protected boolean isLinkedUser() {
return isRestrictedProfile();
* Sets that the current user is the linked user; controls the return value of {@link
* UserManager#isLinkedUser()}.
* @deprecated Use {@link ShadowUserManager#addUser(int, String, int)} to create a linked user
* instead of changing default user flags.
public void setIsLinkedUser(boolean isLinkedUser) {
* Returns 'false' by default, or the value specified via {@link
* #setIsRestrictedProfile(boolean)}.
public boolean isRestrictedProfile() {
return getUserInfo(UserHandle.myUserId()).isRestricted();
* Sets this process running under a restricted profile; controls the return value of {@link
* UserManager#isRestrictedProfile()}.
public void setIsRestrictedProfile(boolean isRestrictedProfile) {
UserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo(UserHandle.myUserId());
if (isRestrictedProfile) {
userInfo.flags |= UserInfo.FLAG_RESTRICTED;
} else {
userInfo.flags &= ~UserInfo.FLAG_RESTRICTED;
* Sets that the current user is the guest user; controls the return value of {@link
* UserManager#isGuestUser()}.
* @deprecated Use {@link ShadowUserManager#addUser(int, String, int)} to create a guest user
* instead of changing default user flags.
public void setIsGuestUser(boolean isGuestUser) {
UserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo(UserHandle.myUserId());
if (isGuestUser) {
userInfo.flags |= UserInfo.FLAG_GUEST;
} else {
userInfo.flags &= ~UserInfo.FLAG_GUEST;
* @see #setUserState(UserHandle, UserState)
protected boolean isUserRunning(UserHandle handle) {
UserState state = userState.get(handle.getIdentifier());
if (state == UserState.STATE_RUNNING_LOCKED
|| state == UserState.STATE_RUNNING_UNLOCKED
|| state == UserState.STATE_RUNNING_UNLOCKING) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @see #setUserState(UserHandle, UserState)
protected boolean isUserRunningOrStopping(UserHandle handle) {
UserState state = userState.get(handle.getIdentifier());
if (state == UserState.STATE_RUNNING_LOCKED
|| state == UserState.STATE_RUNNING_UNLOCKED
|| state == UserState.STATE_STOPPING) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Describes the current state of the user. State can be set using {@link
* #setUserState(UserHandle, UserState)}.
public enum UserState {
// User is first coming up.
// User is in the locked state.
// User is in the unlocking state.
// User is in the running state.
// User is in the initial process of being stopped.
// User is in the final phase of stopping, sending Intent.ACTION_SHUTDOWN.
* Sets the current state for a given user, see {@link UserManager#isUserRunning(UserHandle)}
* and {@link UserManager#isUserRunningOrStopping(UserHandle)}
public void setUserState(UserHandle handle, UserState state) {
userState.put(handle.getIdentifier(), state);
* Query whether the quiet mode is enabled for a managed profile.
* <p>This method checks whether the user handle corresponds to a managed profile, and then query
* its state. When quiet, the user is not running.
@Implementation(minSdk = O)
protected boolean isQuietModeEnabled(UserHandle userHandle) {
// Return false if this is not a managed profile (this is the OS's behavior).
if (!isManagedProfileWithoutPermission(userHandle)) {
return false;
UserInfo info = getUserInfo(userHandle.getIdentifier());
return (info.flags & UserInfo.FLAG_QUIET_MODE) == UserInfo.FLAG_QUIET_MODE;
* Request the quiet mode.
* This will succeed unless {@link #setProfileIsLocked(UserHandle, boolean)} is called with
* {@code true} for the managed profile, in which case it will always fail.
@Implementation(minSdk = Q)
protected boolean requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean enableQuietMode, UserHandle userHandle) {
if (enforcePermissions && !hasManageUsersPermission() && !hasModifyQuietModePermission()) {
throw new SecurityException("Requires MANAGE_USERS or MODIFY_QUIET_MODE permission");
int userProfileHandle = userHandle.getIdentifier();
UserInfo info = getUserInfo(userHandle.getIdentifier());
if (enableQuietMode) {
userState.put(userProfileHandle, UserState.STATE_SHUTDOWN);
info.flags |= UserInfo.FLAG_QUIET_MODE;
} else {
if (profileIsLocked.getOrDefault(userProfileHandle, false)) {
return true;
userState.put(userProfileHandle, UserState.STATE_RUNNING_UNLOCKED);
info.flags &= ~UserInfo.FLAG_QUIET_MODE;
return false;
* If the current application has the necessary rights, it will receive the background action too.
protected void sendQuietModeBroadcast(String action, UserHandle profileHandle) {
Intent intent = new Intent(action);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER, profileHandle);
// Send the broadcast to the context-registered receivers.
* Check if a profile is managed, not checking permissions.
* <p>This is useful to implement other methods.
private boolean isManagedProfileWithoutPermission(UserHandle userHandle) {
UserInfo info = getUserInfo(userHandle.getIdentifier());
return (info != null && ((info.flags & FLAG_MANAGED_PROFILE) == FLAG_MANAGED_PROFILE));
public void setProfileIsLocked(UserHandle profileHandle, boolean isLocked) {
profileIsLocked.put(profileHandle.getIdentifier(), isLocked);
protected List<UserInfo> getUsers() {
return new ArrayList<>(userInfoMap.values());
protected UserInfo getUserInfo(int userHandle) {
return userInfoMap.get(userHandle);
* Sets whether switching users is allowed or not; controls the return value of {@link
* UserManager#canSwitchUser()}
* @deprecated use {@link #setUserSwitchability} instead
public void setCanSwitchUser(boolean canSwitchUser) {
@Implementation(minSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.Q)
protected String getSeedAccountType() {
return seedAccountType;
/** Setter for {@link UserManager#getSeedAccountType()} */
public void setSeedAccountType(String seedAccountType) {
this.seedAccountType = seedAccountType;
@Implementation(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR1)
protected boolean removeUser(int userHandle) {
// if it's a profile, remove from the belong list in userProfilesListMap
UserHandle profielHandle = new UserHandle(userHandle);
for (List<UserHandle> list : userProfilesListMap.values()) {
if (list.remove(profielHandle)) {
return true;
@Implementation(minSdk = Q)
protected boolean removeUser(UserHandle user) {
return removeUser(user.getIdentifier());
@Implementation(minSdk = N)
protected static boolean supportsMultipleUsers() {
return isMultiUserSupported;
* Sets whether multiple users are supported; controls the return value of {@link
* UserManager#supportsMultipleUser}.
public void setSupportsMultipleUsers(boolean isMultiUserSupported) {
ShadowUserManager.isMultiUserSupported = isMultiUserSupported;
* Switches the current user to {@code userHandle}.
* @param userId the integer handle of the user, where 0 is the primary user.
public void switchUser(int userId) {
if (!userInfoMap.containsKey(userId)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Must add user before switching to it");
* Creates a user with the specified name, userId and flags.
* @param id the unique id of user
* @param name name of the user
* @param flags 16 bits for user type. See {@link UserInfo#flags}
* @return a handle to the new user
public UserHandle addUser(int id, String name, int flags) {
UserHandle userHandle =
id == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM ? Process.myUserHandle() : new UserHandle(id);
// Don't override serial number set by setSerialNumberForUser()
if (!userSerialNumbers.containsKey(id)) {
// use UserHandle id as serial number unless setSerialNumberForUser() is used
userSerialNumbers.put(id, (long) id);
// Start the user as shut down.
userState.put(id, UserState.STATE_SHUTDOWN);
// Update UserInfo regardless if was added or not
userInfoMap.put(id, new UserInfo(id, name, flags));
if (!userProfilesListMap.containsKey(id)) {
userProfilesListMap.put(id, new ArrayList<>());
// getUserProfiles() includes user's handle
userProfilesListMap.get(id).add(new UserHandle(id));
id == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM
? Process.myUid()
: id * UserHandle.PER_USER_RANGE + ShadowProcess.getRandomApplicationUid());
return userHandle;
* Returns {@code true} by default, or the value specified via {@link #setCanSwitchUser(boolean)}.
@Implementation(minSdk = N, maxSdk = Q)
protected boolean canSwitchUsers() {
return getUserSwitchability() == UserManager.SWITCHABILITY_STATUS_OK;
@Implementation(minSdk = Q)
protected int getUserSwitchability() {
return userSwitchability;
/** Sets the user switchability for all users. */
public void setUserSwitchability(int switchability) {
this.userSwitchability = switchability;
public static void reset() {
if (userPidMap != null && userPidMap.isEmpty() == false) {
userPidMap.put(UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM, Process.myUid());