blob: 99e8cd36be76d5233f18d18fc34b815ad4c1f9d2 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.robolectric.shadows;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.UserManager;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment;
import org.robolectric.Shadows;
import org.robolectric.TestRunners;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
/** Unit tests for {@link ShadowDevicePolicyManager}. */
public final class ShadowDevicePolicyManagerTest {
private DevicePolicyManager devicePolicyManager;
private ShadowDevicePolicyManager shadowDevicePolicyManager;
private UserManager userManager;
private ComponentName testComponent;
public void setUp() {
devicePolicyManager =
shadowDevicePolicyManager = Shadows.shadowOf(devicePolicyManager);
userManager =
(UserManager) RuntimeEnvironment.application.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE);
testComponent = new ComponentName("", "DeviceAdminReceiver");
@Config(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
public void isDeviceOwnerAppShouldReturnFalseForNonDeviceOwnerApp() {
// GIVEN an test package which is not the device owner app of the device
String testPackage = testComponent.getPackageName();
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isDeviceOwnerApp is called with it
// THEN the method should return false
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isDeviceOwnerShouldReturnFalseForProfileOwner() {
// GIVEN an test package which is the profile owner app of the device
String testPackage = testComponent.getPackageName();
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isDeviceOwnerApp is called with it
// THEN the method should return false
@Config(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
public void isDeviceOwnerShouldReturnTrueForDeviceOwner() {
// GIVEN an test package which is the device owner app of the device
String testPackage = testComponent.getPackageName();
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isDeviceOwnerApp is called with it
// THEN the method should return true
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isProfileOwnerAppShouldReturnFalseForNonProfileOwnerApp() {
// GIVEN an test package which is not the profile owner app of the device
String testPackage = testComponent.getPackageName();
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isProfileOwnerApp is called with it
// THEN the method should return false
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isProfileOwnerShouldReturnFalseForDeviceOwner() {
// GIVEN an test package which is the device owner app of the device
String testPackage = testComponent.getPackageName();
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isProfileOwnerApp is called with it
// THEN the method should return false
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isProfileOwnerShouldReturnTrueForProfileOwner() {
// GIVEN an test package which is the profile owner app of the device
String testPackage = testComponent.getPackageName();
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isProfileOwnerApp is called with it
// THEN the method should return true
@Config(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
public void getActiveAdminsShouldReturnDeviceOwner() {
// GIVEN an test package which is the device owner app of the device
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#getActiveAdmins is called
// THEN the return of the method should include the device owner app
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void getActiveAdminsShouldReturnProfileOwner() {
// GIVEN an test package which is the profile owner app of the device
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#getActiveAdmins is called
// THEN the return of the method should include the profile owner app
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void addUserRestrictionShouldWorkAsIntendedForDeviceOwner() {
// GIVEN a user restriction to set
String restrictionKey = "restriction key";
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#addUserRestriction is called with the key
devicePolicyManager.addUserRestriction(testComponent, restrictionKey);
// THEN the restriction should be set for the current user
Bundle restrictions = userManager.getUserRestrictions();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void addUserRestrictionShouldWorkAsIntendedForProfileOwner() {
// GIVEN a user restriction to set
String restrictionKey = "restriction key";
// GIVEN the caller is the profile owner
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#addUserRestriction is called with the key
devicePolicyManager.addUserRestriction(testComponent, restrictionKey);
// THEN the restriction should be set for the current user
Bundle restrictions = userManager.getUserRestrictions();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void clearUserRestrictionShouldWorkAsIntendedForActiveAdmins() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN a user restriction has set
String restrictionKey = "restriction key";
devicePolicyManager.addUserRestriction(testComponent, restrictionKey);
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#clearUserRestriction is called with the key
devicePolicyManager.clearUserRestriction(testComponent, restrictionKey);
// THEN the restriction should be cleared for the current user
Bundle restrictions = userManager.getUserRestrictions();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isApplicationHiddenShouldReturnFalseForAppsByDefault() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app and it's never be set hidden or non hidden
String app = "com.example.non.hidden";
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isApplicationHidden is called on the app
// THEN it should return false
assertThat(devicePolicyManager.isApplicationHidden(testComponent, app)).isFalse();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isApplicationHiddenShouldReturnTrueForHiddenApps() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app and it is hidden
String hiddenApp = "com.example.hidden";
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationHidden(testComponent, hiddenApp, true);
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isApplicationHidden is called on the app
// THEN it should return true
assertThat(devicePolicyManager.isApplicationHidden(testComponent, hiddenApp)).isTrue();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isApplicationHiddenShouldReturnFalseForNonHiddenApps() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app and it is not hidden
String nonHiddenApp = "com.example.non.hidden";
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationHidden(testComponent, nonHiddenApp, false);
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isApplicationHidden is called on the app
// THEN it should return false
assertThat(devicePolicyManager.isApplicationHidden(testComponent, nonHiddenApp)).isFalse();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void setApplicationHiddenShouldBeAbleToUnhideHiddenApps() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app and it is hidden
String app = "com.example.hidden";
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationHidden(testComponent, app, true);
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#setApplicationHidden is called on the app to unhide it
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationHidden(testComponent, app, false);
// THEN the app shouldn't be hidden anymore
assertThat(devicePolicyManager.isApplicationHidden(testComponent, app)).isFalse();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void wasPackageEverHiddenShouldReturnFalseForPackageNeverHidden() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app and it's never be set hidden or non hidden
String app = "com.example.non.hidden";
// WHEN ShadowDevicePolicyManager#wasPackageEverHidden is called with the app
// THEN it should return false
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void wasPackageEverHiddenShouldReturnTrueForPackageWhichIsHidden() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app and it's hidden
String hiddenApp = "com.example.hidden";
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationHidden(testComponent, hiddenApp, true);
// WHEN ShadowDevicePolicyManager#wasPackageEverHidden is called with the app
// THEN it should return true
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void wasPackageEverHiddenShouldReturnTrueForPackageWhichWasHidden() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app and it was hidden
String app = "com.example.hidden";
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationHidden(testComponent, app, true);
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationHidden(testComponent, app, false);
// WHEN ShadowDevicePolicyManager#wasPackageEverHidden is called with the app
// THEN it should return true
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void enableSystemAppShouldWorkForActiveAdmins() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN a system app
String app = "com.example.system";
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#enableSystemApp is called with the app
devicePolicyManager.enableSystemApp(testComponent, app);
// THEN the app should be enabled
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isUninstallBlockedShouldReturnFalseForAppsNeverBeingBlocked() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app
String app = "";
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#isUninstallBlocked is called with the app
// THEN it should return false
assertThat(devicePolicyManager.isUninstallBlocked(testComponent, app)).isFalse();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isUninstallBlockedShouldReturnTrueForAppsBeingUnblocked() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app which is blocked from being uninstalled
String app = "";
devicePolicyManager.setUninstallBlocked(testComponent, app, true);
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#UninstallBlocked is called with the app
// THEN it should return true
assertThat(devicePolicyManager.isUninstallBlocked(testComponent, app)).isTrue();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void isUninstallBlockedShouldReturnFalseForAppsBeingBlocked() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner, and thus an active admin
// GIVEN an app which is unblocked from being uninstalled
String app = "";
devicePolicyManager.setUninstallBlocked(testComponent, app, true);
devicePolicyManager.setUninstallBlocked(testComponent, app, false);
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#UninstallBlocked is called with the app
// THEN it should return false
assertThat(devicePolicyManager.isUninstallBlocked(testComponent, app)).isFalse();
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void setApplicationRestrictionsShouldWorkAsIntendedForDeviceOwner() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner
// GIVEN an application restriction bundle
Bundle restrictions = new Bundle();
restrictions.putString("key", "value");
// GIVEN an app which the restriction is set to
String app = "";
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#setApplicationRestrictions is called to set the restrictions to the
// app
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationRestrictions(testComponent, app, restrictions);
// THEN the restrictions should be set correctly
Bundle actualRestrictions = devicePolicyManager.getApplicationRestrictions(testComponent, app);
assertThat(actualRestrictions.getString("key", "default value")).isEqualTo("value");
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void setApplicationRestrictionsShouldWorkAsIntendedForProfileOwner() {
// GIVEN the caller is the profile owner
// GIVEN an application restriction bundle
Bundle restrictions = new Bundle();
restrictions.putString("key", "value");
// GIVEN an app which the restriction is set to
String app = "";
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#setApplicationRestrictions is called to set the restrictions to the
// app
devicePolicyManager.setApplicationRestrictions(testComponent, app, restrictions);
// THEN the restrictions should be set correctly
Bundle actualRestrictions = devicePolicyManager.getApplicationRestrictions(testComponent, app);
assertThat(actualRestrictions.getString("key", "default value")).isEqualTo("value");
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void getApplicationRestrictionsShouldReturnEmptyBundleIfAppHasNone() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner
// GIVEN an app has no restrictions
String app = "";
// WHEN DevicePolicyManager#getApplicationRestrictions is called to get the restrictions of the
// app
// THEN it should return the empty bundle
assertThat(devicePolicyManager.getApplicationRestrictions(testComponent, app))
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void getAccountTypesWithManagementDisabledShouldReturnNothingWhenNoAccountIsDislabed() {
// GIVEN no account type has ever been disabled
// WHEN get disabled account types using
// DevicePolicyManager#getAccountTypesWithManagementDisabled
// THEN it should be empty
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void getAccountTypesWithManagementDisabledShouldReturnDisabledAccountTypesIfAny() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner
// GIVEN a disabled account type
String disabledAccountType = "com.example.account.type";
devicePolicyManager.setAccountManagementDisabled(testComponent, disabledAccountType, true);
// WHEN get disabled account types using
// DevicePolicyManager#getAccountTypesWithManagementDisabled
// THEN it should contain the disabled account type
.isEqualTo(new String[] {disabledAccountType});
@Config(minSdk = LOLLIPOP)
public void getAccountTypesWithManagementDisabledShouldNotReturnReenabledAccountTypesIfAny() {
// GIVEN the caller is the device owner
// GIVEN a re-enabled account type
String reenabledAccountType = "com.example.account.type";
devicePolicyManager.setAccountManagementDisabled(testComponent, reenabledAccountType, true);
devicePolicyManager.setAccountManagementDisabled(testComponent, reenabledAccountType, false);
// WHEN get disabled account types using
// DevicePolicyManager#getAccountTypesWithManagementDisabled
// THEN it should not contain the re-enabled account type