blob: b834a2af3cbc549dd147de796be266a3f1762a44 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.robolectric.annotation.processing.validator;
import static org.robolectric.annotation.processing.validator.ImplementationValidator.METHODS_ALLOWED_TO_BE_PUBLIC;
import com.sun.source.tree.ImportTree;
import com.sun.source.util.Trees;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.annotation.processing.Messager;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation;
import org.robolectric.annotation.processing.DocumentedMethod;
import org.robolectric.annotation.processing.Helpers;
import org.robolectric.annotation.processing.RobolectricModel;
* Validator that checks usages of {@link org.robolectric.annotation.Implements}.
public class ImplementsValidator extends Validator {
public static final String IMPLEMENTS_CLASS = "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements";
public static final int MAX_SUPPORTED_ANDROID_SDK = 10000; // Now == Build.VERSION_CODES.O
public static final String STATIC_INITIALIZER_METHOD_NAME = "__staticInitializer__";
public static final String CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD_NAME = "__constructor__";
private final ProcessingEnvironment env;
private final SdkCheckMode sdkCheckMode;
private final SdkStore sdkStore;
* Supported modes for validation of {@link Implementation} methods against SDKs.
public enum SdkCheckMode {
public ImplementsValidator(RobolectricModel.Builder modelBuilder, ProcessingEnvironment env,
SdkCheckMode sdkCheckMode, SdkStore sdkStore) {
super(modelBuilder, env, IMPLEMENTS_CLASS);
this.env = env;
this.sdkCheckMode = sdkCheckMode;
this.sdkStore = sdkStore;
private TypeElement getClassNameTypeElement(AnnotationValue cv) {
String className = Helpers.getAnnotationStringValue(cv);
return elements.getTypeElement(className.replace('$', '.'));
public Void visitType(TypeElement shadowType, Element parent) {
// inner class shadows must be static
if (shadowType.getEnclosingElement().getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS
&& !shadowType.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) {
error("inner shadow classes must be static");
// Don't import nested classes because some of them have the same name.
AnnotationMirror am = getCurrentAnnotation();
AnnotationValue av = Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(am, "value");
AnnotationValue cv = Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(am, "className");
AnnotationValue minSdkVal = Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(am, "minSdk");
int minSdk = minSdkVal == null ? -1 : Helpers.getAnnotationIntValue(minSdkVal);
AnnotationValue maxSdkVal = Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(am, "maxSdk");
int maxSdk = maxSdkVal == null ? -1 : Helpers.getAnnotationIntValue(maxSdkVal);
AnnotationValue shadowPickerValue =
Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(am, "shadowPicker");
TypeMirror shadowPickerTypeMirror = shadowPickerValue == null
? null
: Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(shadowPickerValue);
// This shadow doesn't apply to the current SDK. todo: check each SDK.
if (maxSdk != -1 && maxSdk < MAX_SUPPORTED_ANDROID_SDK) {
addShadowNotInSdk(shadowType, av, cv);
return null;
TypeElement actualType = null;
if (av == null) {
if (cv == null) {
error("@Implements: must specify <value> or <className>");
return null;
actualType = getClassNameTypeElement(cv);
if (actualType == null
&& !suppressWarnings(shadowType, "robolectric.internal.IgnoreMissingClass")) {
error("@Implements: could not resolve class <" + AnnotationValues.toString(cv) + '>', cv);
return null;
} else {
TypeMirror value = Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(av);
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (cv != null) {
error("@Implements: cannot specify both <value> and <className> attributes");
} else {
actualType = Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(types.asElement(value));
if (actualType == null) {
addShadowNotInSdk(shadowType, av, cv);
return null;
final List<? extends TypeParameterElement> typeTP = actualType.getTypeParameters();
final List<? extends TypeParameterElement> elemTP = shadowType.getTypeParameters();
if (!helpers.isSameParameterList(typeTP, elemTP)) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
if (elemTP.isEmpty()) {
message.append("Shadow type is missing type parameters, expected <");
helpers.appendParameterList(message, actualType.getTypeParameters());
} else if (typeTP.isEmpty()) {
message.append("Shadow type has type parameters but real type does not");
} else {
"Shadow type must have same type parameters as its real counterpart: expected <");
helpers.appendParameterList(message, actualType.getTypeParameters());
message.append(">, was <");
helpers.appendParameterList(message, shadowType.getTypeParameters());
messager.printMessage(Kind.ERROR, message, shadowType);
return null;
AnnotationValue looseSignaturesAttr =
Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(am, "looseSignatures");
boolean looseSignatures =
looseSignaturesAttr != null && (Boolean) looseSignaturesAttr.getValue();
validateShadowMethods(actualType, shadowType, minSdk, maxSdk, looseSignatures);
modelBuilder.addShadowType(shadowType, actualType,
shadowPickerTypeMirror == null
? null
: (TypeElement) types.asElement(shadowPickerTypeMirror));
return null;
private void addShadowNotInSdk(
TypeElement shadowType, AnnotationValue valueAttr, AnnotationValue classNameAttr) {
String sdkClassName;
if (valueAttr == null) {
sdkClassName = Helpers.getAnnotationStringValue(classNameAttr).replace('$', '.');
} else {
sdkClassName = Helpers.getAnnotationTypeMirrorValue(valueAttr).toString();
// there's no such type at the current SDK level, so just use strings...
// getQualifiedName() uses Outer.Inner and we want Outer$Inner, so:
String name = getClassFQName(shadowType);
modelBuilder.addExtraShadow(sdkClassName, name);
private static boolean suppressWarnings(Element element, String warningName) {
SuppressWarnings[] suppressWarnings = element.getAnnotationsByType(SuppressWarnings.class);
for (SuppressWarnings suppression : suppressWarnings) {
for (String name : suppression.value()) {
if (warningName.equals(name)) {
return true;
return false;
static String getClassFQName(TypeElement elem) {
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
while (isClassy(elem.getEnclosingElement().getKind())) {
name.insert(0, "$" + elem.getSimpleName());
elem = (TypeElement) elem.getEnclosingElement();
name.insert(0, elem.getQualifiedName());
return name.toString();
private static boolean isClassy(ElementKind kind) {
return kind == ElementKind.CLASS || kind == ElementKind.INTERFACE;
private void validateShadowMethods(TypeElement sdkClassElem, TypeElement shadowClassElem,
int classMinSdk, int classMaxSdk, boolean looseSignatures) {
for (Element memberElement : ElementFilter.methodsIn(shadowClassElem.getEnclosedElements())) {
ExecutableElement methodElement = MoreElements.asExecutable(memberElement);
// equals, hashCode, and toString are exempt, because of Robolectric's weird special behavior
if (METHODS_ALLOWED_TO_BE_PUBLIC.contains(methodElement.getSimpleName().toString())) {
verifySdkMethod(sdkClassElem, methodElement, classMinSdk, classMaxSdk, looseSignatures);
if (shadowClassElem.getQualifiedName().toString().startsWith("org.robolectric")
&& !methodElement.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT)) {
sdkClassElem, methodElement, classMinSdk, classMaxSdk, looseSignatures);
String methodName = methodElement.getSimpleName().toString();
if (methodName.equals(CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD_NAME)
Implementation implementation = memberElement.getAnnotation(Implementation.class);
if (implementation == null) {
Kind.ERROR, "Shadow methods must be annotated @Implementation", methodElement);
private void verifySdkMethod(TypeElement sdkClassElem, ExecutableElement methodElement,
int classMinSdk, int classMaxSdk, boolean looseSignatures) {
if (sdkCheckMode == SdkCheckMode.OFF) {
Implementation implementation = methodElement.getAnnotation(Implementation.class);
if (implementation != null) {
Kind kind = sdkCheckMode == SdkCheckMode.WARN
: Kind.ERROR;
Problems problems = new Problems(kind);
for (SdkStore.Sdk sdk : sdkStore.sdksMatching(implementation, classMinSdk, classMaxSdk)) {
String problem = sdk.verifyMethod(sdkClassElem, methodElement, looseSignatures);
if (problem != null) {
problems.add(problem, sdk.sdkInt);
if (problems.any()) {
problems.recount(messager, methodElement);
* For the given {@link ExecutableElement}, check to see if it should have a {@link
* Implementation} tag but is missing one
private void checkForMissingImplementationAnnotation(
TypeElement sdkClassElem,
ExecutableElement methodElement,
int classMinSdk,
int classMaxSdk,
boolean looseSignatures) {
if (sdkCheckMode == SdkCheckMode.OFF) {
Implementation implementation = methodElement.getAnnotation(Implementation.class);
if (implementation == null) {
Kind kind = sdkCheckMode == SdkCheckMode.WARN ? Kind.WARNING : Kind.ERROR;
Problems problems = new Problems(kind);
for (SdkStore.Sdk sdk : sdkStore.sdksMatching(implementation, classMinSdk, classMaxSdk)) {
String problem = sdk.verifyMethod(sdkClassElem, methodElement, looseSignatures);
if (problem == null) {
"Missing @Implementation on method " + methodElement.getSimpleName(), sdk.sdkInt);
if (problems.any()) {
problems.recount(messager, methodElement);
private void captureJavadoc(TypeElement elem) {
List<String> imports = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<? extends ImportTree> importLines =
for (ImportTree importLine : importLines) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Trees relies on javac APIs and is not available in all annotation processing
// implementations
List<TypeElement> enclosedTypes = ElementFilter.typesIn(elem.getEnclosedElements());
for (TypeElement enclosedType : enclosedTypes) {
Elements elementUtils = env.getElementUtils();
modelBuilder.documentType(elem, elementUtils.getDocComment(elem), imports);
for (Element memberElement : ElementFilter.methodsIn(elem.getEnclosedElements())) {
try {
ExecutableElement methodElement = (ExecutableElement) memberElement;
Implementation implementation = memberElement.getAnnotation(Implementation.class);
DocumentedMethod documentedMethod = new DocumentedMethod(memberElement.toString());
for (Modifier modifier : memberElement.getModifiers()) {
documentedMethod.isImplementation = implementation != null;
if (implementation != null) {
documentedMethod.minSdk = sdkOrNull(implementation.minSdk());
documentedMethod.maxSdk = sdkOrNull(implementation.maxSdk());
for (VariableElement variableElement : methodElement.getParameters()) {
documentedMethod.returnType = methodElement.getReturnType().toString();
for (TypeMirror typeMirror : methodElement.getThrownTypes()) {
String docMd = elementUtils.getDocComment(methodElement);
if (docMd != null) {
modelBuilder.documentMethod(elem, documentedMethod);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"failed to capture javadoc for " + elem + "." + memberElement, e);
private Integer sdkOrNull(int sdk) {
return sdk == -1 ? null : sdk;
private static class Problems {
private final Kind kind;
private final Map<String, Set<Integer>> problems = new HashMap<>();
public Problems(Kind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
void add(String problem, int sdkInt) {
Set<Integer> sdks = problems.get(problem);
if (sdks == null) {
problems.put(problem, sdks = new TreeSet<>());
boolean any() {
return !problems.isEmpty();
void recount(Messager messager, Element element) {
for (Entry<String, Set<Integer>> e : problems.entrySet()) {
String problem = e.getKey();
Set<Integer> sdks = e.getValue();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
.append(" for ")
.append(sdks.size() == 1 ? "SDK " : "SDKs ");
Integer previousSdk = null;
Integer lastSdk = null;
for (Integer sdk : sdks) {
if (previousSdk == null) {
} else {
if (previousSdk != sdk - 1) {
lastSdk = null;
} else {
lastSdk = sdk;
previousSdk = sdk;
if (lastSdk != null) {
messager.printMessage(kind, buf.toString(), element);