blob: dcc5f8d771ba5967282577f73f73ba008c22c108 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.xtremelabs.robolectric.res;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.preference.PreferenceScreen;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import com.xtremelabs.robolectric.util.I18nException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.xtremelabs.robolectric.Robolectric.shadowOf;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
public class ResourceLoader {
private List<ResourcePath> resourcePaths;
private final ResourceExtractor resourceExtractor;
private final ViewLoader viewLoader;
private final MenuLoader menuLoader;
private final PreferenceLoader preferenceLoader;
private final XmlFileLoader xmlFileLoader;
protected final AttrResourceLoader attrResourceLoader;
private final DrawableResourceLoader drawableResourceLoader;
private final List<RawResourceLoader> rawResourceLoaders = new ArrayList<RawResourceLoader>();
private final RoboLayoutInflater roboLayoutInflater;
private boolean isInitialized = false;
private boolean strictI18n = false;
private final Resolver<Boolean> booleanResolver = new BooleanResolver();
private final Resolver<Integer> colorResolver = new ColorResolver();
private final Resolver<Float> dimenResolver = new DimenResolver();
private final Resolver<Integer> integerResolver = new IntegerResolver();
private final PluralsResolver pluralsResolver = new PluralsResolver();
private final Resolver<String> stringResolver = new StringResolver();
private final ResBundle<ViewNode> viewNodes = new ResBundle<ViewNode>();
private final Set<Integer> ninePatchDrawableIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
private String qualifiers = "";
public ResourceLoader(ResourcePath... resourcePaths) {
public ResourceLoader(List<ResourcePath> resourcePaths) {
this.resourceExtractor = new ResourceExtractor(resourcePaths);
this.resourcePaths = Collections.unmodifiableList(resourcePaths);
attrResourceLoader = new AttrResourceLoader();
drawableResourceLoader = new DrawableResourceLoader(resourceExtractor);
viewLoader = new ViewLoader(viewNodes);
menuLoader = new MenuLoader(resourceExtractor, attrResourceLoader);
preferenceLoader = new PreferenceLoader(resourceExtractor);
xmlFileLoader = new XmlFileLoader(resourceExtractor);
roboLayoutInflater = new RoboLayoutInflater(resourceExtractor, viewNodes);
public void setStrictI18n(boolean strict) {
this.strictI18n = strict;
public boolean getStrictI18n() {
return strictI18n;
private void init() {
if (isInitialized) return;
try {
} catch (I18nException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void loadEverything(String qualifiers) throws Exception {
for (ResourcePath resourcePath : resourcePaths) {
System.out.println("DEBUG: Loading resources for " + resourcePath.getPackageName() + " from " + resourcePath.resourceBase + "...");
validateQualifiers(resourcePath, qualifiers);
DocumentLoader valuesDocumentLoader = new DocumentLoader(
new ValueResourceLoader(booleanResolver, "bool", false),
new ValueResourceLoader(colorResolver, "color", false),
new ValueResourceLoader(dimenResolver, "dimen", false),
new ValueResourceLoader(integerResolver, "integer", true),
new PluralResourceLoader(resourceExtractor, pluralsResolver),
new ValueResourceLoader(stringResolver, "string", true),
loadValueResourcesFromDirs(valuesDocumentLoader, resourcePath, qualifiers);
loadResourceXmlSubDirs(new DocumentLoader(viewLoader), resourcePath, "layout");
loadResourceXmlSubDirs(new DocumentLoader(menuLoader), resourcePath, "menu");
loadResourceXmlSubDirs(new DocumentLoader(drawableResourceLoader), resourcePath, "drawable");
loadResourceXmlSubDirs(new DocumentLoader(preferenceLoader), resourcePath, "xml");
loadResourceXmlSubDirs(new DocumentLoader(xmlFileLoader), resourcePath, "xml");
listNinePatchResources(ninePatchDrawableIds, resourcePath);
rawResourceLoaders.add(new RawResourceLoader(resourceExtractor, resourcePath.resourceBase));
isInitialized = true;
* Reload values resources, include String, Plurals, Dimen, Prefs, Menu
* @param qualifiers
public void reloadValuesResources(String qualifiers) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void setQualifiers(String qualifiers) {
if (qualifiers == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (!this.qualifiers.equals(qualifiers)) {
System.out.println("switching from '" + this.qualifiers + "' to '" + qualifiers + "'");
this.qualifiers = qualifiers;
this.isInitialized = false;
protected void loadOtherResources(ResourcePath resourcePath) {
private void loadResourceXmlSubDirs(DocumentLoader documentLoader, ResourcePath resourcePath, final String folderBaseName) throws Exception {
documentLoader.loadResourceXmlDirs(resourcePath, resourcePath.resourceBase.listFiles(new DirectoryMatchingFileFilter(folderBaseName)));
private void loadValueResourcesFromDirs(DocumentLoader documentLoader, ResourcePath resourcePath, String qualifiers) throws Exception {
File qualifiedValuesDir = new File(resourcePath.resourceBase, "".equals(qualifiers) ? "values" : "values-" + qualifiers);
if (qualifiedValuesDir.exists()) {
documentLoader.loadResourceXmlDirs(resourcePath, qualifiedValuesDir);
private void validateQualifiers(ResourcePath resourcePath, String qualifiers) {
String valuesDir = "values";
if (qualifiers != null && !qualifiers.isEmpty()) {
valuesDir += "-" + qualifiers;
File result = new File(resourcePath.resourceBase, valuesDir);
if (!result.exists()) {
System.out.println("WARN: Couldn't find value resource directory: " + result.getAbsolutePath());
private File getPreferenceResourceDir(File xmlResourceDir) {
return xmlResourceDir != null ? new File(xmlResourceDir, "xml") : null;
public String getQualifiers() {
return qualifiers;
public TestAttributeSet createAttributeSet(List<Attribute> attributes, Class<? extends View> viewClass) {
TestAttributeSet attributeSet = new TestAttributeSet(attributes, resourceExtractor, attrResourceLoader, viewClass);
if (strictI18n) {
return attributeSet;
public static ResourceLoader getFrom(Context context) {
ResourceLoader resourceLoader = shadowOf(context.getApplicationContext()).getResourceLoader();
return resourceLoader;
public String getNameForId(int viewId) {
return resourceExtractor.getResourceName(viewId);
public int getColorValue(int id) {
Integer value = colorResolver.resolve(resourceExtractor.getResName(id), qualifiers);
return value == null ? -1 : value;
public String getStringValue(int id) {
return stringResolver.resolve(resourceExtractor.getResName(id), qualifiers);
public String getPluralStringValue(int id, int quantity) {
ResName resName = resourceExtractor.getResName(id);
PluralResourceLoader.PluralRules pluralRules = pluralsResolver.get(resName, qualifiers);
if (pluralRules == null) return null;
PluralResourceLoader.Plural plural = pluralRules.find(quantity);
if (plural == null) return null;
return stringResolver.resolveValue(qualifiers, plural.string, resName.namespace);
public float getDimenValue(int id) {
return dimenResolver.resolve(resourceExtractor.getResName(id), qualifiers);
public int getIntegerValue(int id) {
return integerResolver.resolve(resourceExtractor.getResName(id), qualifiers);
public boolean getBooleanValue(int id) {
return booleanResolver.resolve(resourceExtractor.getResName(id), qualifiers);
public XmlResourceParser getXml(int id) {
return xmlFileLoader.getXml(id);
public boolean isDrawableXml(int resourceId) {
return drawableResourceLoader.isXml(resourceId);
public boolean isAnimatableXml(int resourceId) {
return drawableResourceLoader.isAnimationDrawable(resourceId);
public int[] getDrawableIds(int resourceId) {
return drawableResourceLoader.getDrawableIds(resourceId);
public Drawable getDrawable(int resourceId, Resources realResources) {
// todo: this: String resourceName = resourceExtractor.getResourceName(resourceId);
Drawable xmlDrawable = getXmlDrawable(resourceId);
if (xmlDrawable != null) {
return xmlDrawable;
Drawable animDrawable = getAnimDrawable(resourceId);
if (animDrawable != null) {
return animDrawable;
Drawable colorDrawable = getColorDrawable(resourceId);
if (colorDrawable != null) {
return colorDrawable;
if (this.isNinePatchDrawable(resourceId)) {
return new NinePatchDrawable(realResources, null);
return new BitmapDrawable(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(realResources, resourceId));
public Drawable getXmlDrawable(int resourceId) {
return drawableResourceLoader.getXmlDrawable(resourceId);
public Drawable getAnimDrawable(int resourceId) {
return getInnerRClassDrawable(resourceId, "$anim", AnimationDrawable.class);
public Drawable getColorDrawable(int resourceId) {
return getInnerRClassDrawable(resourceId, "$color", ColorDrawable.class);
private Drawable getInnerRClassDrawable(int drawableResourceId, String suffix, Class returnClass) {
for (ResourcePath resourcePath : resourcePaths) {
// Load the Inner Class for interrogation
Class animClass;
try {
animClass = Class.forName(resourcePath.rClass.getCanonicalName() + suffix);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;
// Try to find the passed in resource ID
try {
for (Field field : animClass.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (field.getInt(animClass) == drawableResourceId) {
return (Drawable) returnClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public boolean isNinePatchDrawable(int drawableResourceId) {
return ninePatchDrawableIds.contains(drawableResourceId);
* Returns a collection of resource IDs for all nine-patch drawables
* in the project.
* @param resourceIds
* @param resourcePath
private void listNinePatchResources(Set<Integer> resourceIds, ResourcePath resourcePath) {
listNinePatchResources(resourceIds, resourcePath, resourcePath.resourceBase);
private void listNinePatchResources(Set<Integer> resourceIds, ResourcePath resourcePath, File dir) {
DirectoryMatchingFileFilter drawableFilter = new DirectoryMatchingFileFilter("drawable");
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File f : files) {
if (f.isDirectory() && drawableFilter.accept(f)) {
listNinePatchResources(resourceIds, resourcePath, f);
} else {
String name = f.getName();
if (name.endsWith(".9.png")) {
String[] tokens = name.split("\\.9\\.png$");
resourceIds.add(resourceExtractor.getResourceId(resourcePath.getPackageName() + ":drawable/" + tokens[0], ""));
public InputStream getRawValue(int id) {
for (RawResourceLoader rawResourceLoader : rawResourceLoaders) {
InputStream stream = rawResourceLoader.getValue(id);
if (stream != null) return stream;
return null;
public String[] getStringArrayValue(int id) {
ResName resName = resourceExtractor.getResName(id);
if (resName == null) return null;
resName = new ResName(resName.namespace, "string-array",; // ugh
List<String> strings = stringResolver.resolveArray(resName, qualifiers);
return strings == null ? null : strings.toArray(new String[strings.size()]);
public int[] getIntegerArrayValue(int id) {
ResName resName = resourceExtractor.getResName(id);
if (resName == null) return null;
resName = new ResName(resName.namespace, "integer-array",; // ugh
List<Integer> ints = integerResolver.resolveArray(resName, qualifiers);
return ints == null ? null : toIntArray(ints);
private int[] toIntArray(List<Integer> ints) {
int num = ints.size();
int[] array = new int[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
array[i] = ints.get(i);
return array;
public void inflateMenu(Context context, int resource, Menu root) {
if (menuLoader.inflateMenu(context, resource, root)) return;
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find menu " + resourceExtractor.getResourceName(resource));
public PreferenceScreen inflatePreferences(Context context, int resourceId) {
return preferenceLoader.inflatePreferences(context, resourceId);
public File getAssetsBase() {
return resourcePaths.get(0).assetsDir; // todo: do something better
ViewNode getLayoutViewNode(String layoutName) {
return viewNodes.get(new ResName(layoutName), qualifiers);
public ResourceExtractor getResourceExtractor() {
return resourceExtractor;
ViewLoader getViewLoader() {
return viewLoader;
public RoboLayoutInflater getRoboLayoutInflater() {
return roboLayoutInflater;
private static class DirectoryMatchingFileFilter implements FileFilter {
private final String folderBaseName;
public DirectoryMatchingFileFilter(String folderBaseName) {
this.folderBaseName = folderBaseName;
public boolean accept(File file) {
return file.getPath().contains(File.separator + folderBaseName);
abstract static class Resolver<T> extends ResBundle<String> {
public T resolve(ResName resName, String qualifiers) {
Value<String> value = getValue(resName, qualifiers);
if (value == null) return null;
return resolveValue(qualifiers, value.value, value.xmlContext.packageName);
public List<T> resolveArray(ResName resName, String qualifiers) {
Value<List<String>> value = getListValue(resName, qualifiers);
if (value == null) return null;
List<T> items = new ArrayList<T>();
for (String v : value.value) {
items.add(resolveValue(qualifiers, v, value.xmlContext.packageName));
return items;
T resolveValue(String qualifiers, String value, String packageName) {
if (value == null) return null;
if (value.startsWith("@")) {
ResName resName = new ResName(ResourceExtractor.qualifyResourceName(value.substring(1), packageName));
return resolve(resName, qualifiers);
} else {
return convert(value);
abstract T convert(String rawValue);
private static class BooleanResolver extends Resolver<Boolean> {
Boolean convert(String rawValue) {
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(rawValue)) {
return true;
} else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(rawValue)) {
return false;
int intValue = Integer.parseInt(rawValue);
if (intValue == 0) {
return false;
return true;
private static class ColorResolver extends Resolver<Integer> {
Integer convert(String rawValue) {
if (rawValue.startsWith("#")) {
long color = Long.parseLong(rawValue.substring(1), 16);
return (int) color;
return null;
private static class DimenResolver extends Resolver<Float> {
private static final String[] UNITS = { "dp", "dip", "pt", "px", "sp" };
Float convert(String rawValue) {
int end = rawValue.length();
for ( int i = 0; i < UNITS.length; i++ ) {
int index = rawValue.indexOf(UNITS[i]);
if ( index >= 0 && end > index ) {
end = index;
return Float.parseFloat(rawValue.substring(0, end));
private static class IntegerResolver extends Resolver<Integer> {
Integer convert(String rawValue) {
try {
// Decode into long, because there are some large hex values in the android resource files
// (e.g. config_notificationsBatteryLowARGB = 0xFFFF0000 in sdk 14).
// Integer.decode() does not support large, i.e. negative values in hex numbers.
return (int) Long.decode(rawValue).longValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new RuntimeException(rawValue + " is not an integer.", nfe);
private static class PluralsResolver extends ResBundle<PluralResourceLoader.PluralRules> {
static class StringResolver extends Resolver<String> {
String convert(String rawValue) {
return rawValue;
private static class StringArrayResolver extends Resolver<String[]> {
String[] convert(String rawValue) {
return new String[0];