blob: c0d8cd75443844e177890aa75d553561858c7cb3 [file] [log] [blame]
buildscript {
repositories { jcenter() }
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath 'ch.raffael.pegdown-doclet:pegdown-doclet:1.3'
plugins {
id "net.ltgt.apt" version "0.12" // automatic annotation processing
allprojects {
repositories {
group = "org.robolectric"
version = thisVersion
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'net.ltgt.apt-idea'
idea {
project {
// experimental: whether annotation processing will be configured in the IDE; only actually used with the 'idea' task.
configureAnnotationProcessing = true
apply plugin: 'nebula-aggregate-javadocs'
apply plugin: 'ch.raffael.pegdown-doclet'
rootProject.gradle.projectsEvaluated {
rootProject.tasks['aggregateJavadocs'].failOnError = false
task aggregateTestReports(type: TestReport) {
def jobNumber = System.getenv('TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER')
if (jobNumber == null) {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/allTests")
} else {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/allTests/$jobNumber")
task prefetchSdks() {
def sdkConfigurations = []
AndroidSdk.ALL_SDKS.each { androidSdk ->
sdkConfigurations << configurations.create("sdk${androidSdk.apiLevel}")
dependencies.add("sdk${androidSdk.apiLevel}", androidSdk.coordinates)
task prefetchDependencies(dependsOn: allprojects.collect { p -> "${p.path}:dependencies" }) {
dependsOn "prefetchSdks"
// for use of external initialization scripts...
project.ext.allSdks = AndroidSdk.ALL_SDKS