blob: 53f20f67fe22af8e4165b652269a015394976f30 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.xtremelabs.robolectric.shadows;
import android.R;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Adapter;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ListAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import com.xtremelabs.robolectric.Robolectric;
import com.xtremelabs.robolectric.internal.Implementation;
import com.xtremelabs.robolectric.internal.Implements;
import com.xtremelabs.robolectric.internal.RealObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import static com.xtremelabs.robolectric.Robolectric.getShadowApplication;
import static com.xtremelabs.robolectric.Robolectric.shadowOf;
public class ShadowAlertDialog extends ShadowDialog {
private AlertDialog realAlertDialog;
private CharSequence[] items;
private String message;
private DialogInterface.OnClickListener clickListener;
private boolean isMultiItem;
private boolean isSingleItem;
private DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener multiChoiceClickListener;
private boolean[] checkedItems;
private int checkedItemIndex;
private Button positiveButton;
private Button negativeButton;
private Button neutralButton;
private View view;
private View customTitleView;
private ListAdapter adapter;
private ListView listView;
* Non-Android accessor.
* @return the most recently created {@code AlertDialog}, or null if none has been created during this test run
public static AlertDialog getLatestAlertDialog() {
ShadowAlertDialog dialog = Robolectric.getShadowApplication().getLatestAlertDialog();
return dialog == null ? null : dialog.realAlertDialog;
public View findViewById(int viewId) {
if(view == null) {
return super.findViewById(viewId);
return view.findViewById(viewId);
public void setView(View view) {
this.view = view;
* Resets the tracking of the most recently created {@code AlertDialog}
public static void reset() {
* Simulates a click on the {@code Dialog} item indicated by {@code index}. Handles both multi- and single-choice dialogs, tracks which items are currently
* checked and calls listeners appropriately.
* @param index the index of the item to click on
public void clickOnItem(int index) {
public Button getButton(int whichButton) {
switch (whichButton) {
case AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE:
return positiveButton;
case AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE:
return negativeButton;
case AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL:
return neutralButton;
throw new RuntimeException("Only positive, negative, or neutral button choices are recognized");
public void setButton(int whichButton, CharSequence text, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
switch (whichButton) {
case AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE:
positiveButton = createButton(context, realAlertDialog, whichButton, text, listener);
case AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE:
negativeButton = createButton(context, realAlertDialog, whichButton, text, listener);
case AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL:
neutralButton = createButton(context, realAlertDialog, whichButton, text, listener);
throw new RuntimeException("Only positive, negative, or neutral button choices are recognized");
private static Button createButton(final Context context, final DialogInterface dialog, final int which, CharSequence text, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
if (text == null && listener == null) {
return null;
Button button = new Button(context);
Robolectric.shadowOf(button).setText(text); // use shadow to skip
// i18n-strict checking
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (listener != null) {
listener.onClick(dialog, which);
return button;
public ListView getListView() {
if (listView == null) {
listView = new ListView(context);
listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
if (isMultiItem) {
checkedItems[position] = !checkedItems[position];
multiChoiceClickListener.onClick(realAlertDialog, position, checkedItems[position]);
} else {
if (isSingleItem) {
checkedItemIndex = position;
clickListener.onClick(realAlertDialog, position);
return listView;
* Non-Android accessor.
* @return the items that are available to be clicked on
public CharSequence[] getItems() {
return items;
public Adapter getAdapter() {
return adapter;
* Non-Android accessor.
* @return the message displayed in the dialog
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(CharSequence message) {
this.message = (message == null ? null : message.toString());
* Non-Android accessor.
* @return an array indicating which items are and are not clicked on a multi-choice dialog
public boolean[] getCheckedItems() {
return checkedItems;
* Non-Android accessor.
* @return return the index of the checked item clicked on a single-choice dialog
public int getCheckedItemIndex() {
return checkedItemIndex;
public void show() {;
if (items != null) {
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<CharSequence>(context, R.layout.simple_list_item_checked,, items);
if (adapter != null) {
* Non-Android accessor.
* @return return the view set with {@link ShadowAlertDialog.ShadowBuilder#setView(View)}
public View getView() {
return view;
* Non-Android accessor.
* @return return the view set with {@link ShadowAlertDialog.ShadowBuilder#setCustomTitle(View)}
public View getCustomTitleView() {
return customTitleView;
* Shadows the {@code} class.
public static class ShadowBuilder {
private AlertDialog.Builder realBuilder;
private CharSequence[] items;
private ListAdapter adapter;
private DialogInterface.OnClickListener clickListener;
private DialogInterface.OnCancelListener cancelListener;
private String title;
private String message;
private Context context;
private boolean isMultiItem;
private DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener multiChoiceClickListener;
private boolean[] checkedItems;
private CharSequence positiveText;
private DialogInterface.OnClickListener positiveListener;
private CharSequence negativeText;
private DialogInterface.OnClickListener negativeListener;
private CharSequence neutralText;
private DialogInterface.OnClickListener neutralListener;
private boolean isCancelable;
private boolean isSingleItem;
private int checkedItem;
private View view;
private View customTitleView;
* just stashes the context for later use
* @param context the context
public void __constructor__(Context context) {
this.context = context;
* Set a list of items to be displayed in the dialog as the content, you will be notified of the selected item via the supplied listener. This should be
* an array type i.e.
* @return This Builder object to allow for chaining of calls to set methods
public AlertDialog.Builder setItems(int itemsId, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
this.isMultiItem = false;
this.items = context.getResources().getTextArray(itemsId);
this.clickListener = listener;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setItems(CharSequence[] items, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
this.isMultiItem = false;
this.items = items;
this.clickListener = listener;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setSingleChoiceItems(CharSequence[] items, int checkedItem, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
this.isSingleItem = true;
this.checkedItem = checkedItem;
this.items = items;
this.clickListener = listener;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setSingleChoiceItems(ListAdapter adapter, int checkedItem, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
this.isSingleItem = true;
this.checkedItem = checkedItem;
this.items = null;
this.adapter = adapter;
this.clickListener = listener;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setMultiChoiceItems(CharSequence[] items, boolean[] checkedItems, final DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener listener) {
this.isMultiItem = true;
this.items = items;
this.multiChoiceClickListener = listener;
if (checkedItems == null) {
checkedItems = new boolean[items.length];
} else if (checkedItems.length != items.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("checkedItems must be the same length as items, or pass null to specify no checked items");
this.checkedItems = checkedItems;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setTitle(CharSequence title) {
this.title = title.toString();
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setCustomTitle(android.view.View customTitleView) {
this.customTitleView = customTitleView;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setTitle(int titleId) {
return setTitle(context.getResources().getString(titleId));
public AlertDialog.Builder setMessage(CharSequence message) {
this.message = message.toString();
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setMessage(int messageId) {
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setIcon(int iconId) {
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setView(View view) {
this.view = view;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setPositiveButton(CharSequence text, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
this.positiveText = text;
this.positiveListener = listener;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setPositiveButton(int positiveTextId, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
return setPositiveButton(context.getResources().getText(positiveTextId), listener);
public AlertDialog.Builder setNegativeButton(CharSequence text, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
this.negativeText = text;
this.negativeListener = listener;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setNegativeButton(int negativeTextId, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
return setNegativeButton(context.getResources().getString(negativeTextId), listener);
public AlertDialog.Builder setNeutralButton(CharSequence text, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
this.neutralText = text;
this.neutralListener = listener;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setNeutralButton(int neutralTextId, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
return setNeutralButton(context.getResources().getText(neutralTextId), listener);
public AlertDialog.Builder setCancelable(boolean cancelable) {
this.isCancelable = cancelable;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog.Builder setOnCancelListener(DialogInterface.OnCancelListener listener) {
this.cancelListener = listener;
return realBuilder;
public AlertDialog create() {
AlertDialog realDialog;
try {
Constructor<AlertDialog> c = AlertDialog.class.getDeclaredConstructor(Context.class);
realDialog = c.newInstance((Context) null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
ShadowAlertDialog latestAlertDialog = shadowOf(realDialog);
latestAlertDialog.context = context;
latestAlertDialog.items = items;
latestAlertDialog.adapter = adapter;
latestAlertDialog.message = message;
latestAlertDialog.clickListener = clickListener;
latestAlertDialog.isMultiItem = isMultiItem;
latestAlertDialog.isSingleItem = isSingleItem;
latestAlertDialog.checkedItemIndex = checkedItem;
latestAlertDialog.multiChoiceClickListener = multiChoiceClickListener;
latestAlertDialog.checkedItems = checkedItems;
latestAlertDialog.positiveButton = createButton(context, realDialog, AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE, positiveText, positiveListener);
latestAlertDialog.negativeButton = createButton(context, realDialog, AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, negativeText, negativeListener);
latestAlertDialog.neutralButton = createButton(context, realDialog, AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL, neutralText, neutralListener);
latestAlertDialog.customTitleView = customTitleView;
return realDialog;
public AlertDialog show() {
AlertDialog dialog = realBuilder.create();;
return dialog;
public Context getContext() {
return context;