blob: f600bfefb2ab6d242a8bf2d2de07eb490ea696b9 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.robolectric;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP;
import static org.robolectric.annotation.LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY;
import static org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowLooper.assertLooperMode;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import org.robolectric.res.ResourceTable;
import org.robolectric.util.Scheduler;
import org.robolectric.util.TempDirectory;
public class RuntimeEnvironment {
* @deprecated Use {@link #getApplication} instead. Note that unlike the alternative, this field
* is inherently incompatible with {@link
* org.robolectric.annotation.experimental.LazyApplication}. This field may be removed in a
* later release
@Deprecated public static Context systemContext;
* @deprecated Please use {#getApplication} instead. Accessing this field directly is inherently
* incompatible with {@link org.robolectric.annotation.experimental.LazyApplication} and
* Robolectric makes no guarantees if a test *modifies* this field during execution.
@Deprecated public static Application application;
private static volatile Thread mainThread;
private static Object activityThread;
private static int apiLevel;
private static Scheduler masterScheduler;
private static ResourceTable systemResourceTable;
private static ResourceTable appResourceTable;
private static ResourceTable compileTimeResourceTable;
private static TempDirectory tempDirectory = new TempDirectory("no-test-yet");
private static Path androidFrameworkJar;
public static Path compileTimeSystemResourcesFile;
private static boolean useLegacyResources;
private static Supplier<Application> applicationSupplier;
private static final Object supplierLock = new Object();
* Get a reference to the {@link Application} under test.
* <p>The Application may be created a test setup time or created lazily at call time, based on
* the test's {@link org.robolectric.annotation.experimental.LazyApplication} setting. If lazy
* loading is enabled, this method must be called on the main/test thread.
* <p>An alternate API outside of Robolectric is {@link
*}, which is preferable if you
* desire cross platform tests that work on the JVM and real Android devices.
public static Application getApplication() {
// IMPORTANT NOTE: Given the order in which these are nulled out when cleaning up in
// AndroidTestEnvironment, the application null check must happen before the supplier null
// check. Otherwise the get() call can try to load an application that has already been
// loaded and cleaned up (as well as race with other threads trying to load the "correct"
// application)
if (application == null) {
synchronized (supplierLock) {
if (applicationSupplier != null) {
application = applicationSupplier.get();
return application;
/** internal use only */
public static void setApplicationSupplier(Supplier<Application> applicationSupplier) {
synchronized (supplierLock) {
RuntimeEnvironment.applicationSupplier = applicationSupplier;
private static Class<? extends Application> applicationClass;
public static Class<? extends Application> getConfiguredApplicationClass() {
return applicationClass;
public static void setConfiguredApplicationClass(Class<? extends Application> clazz) {
applicationClass = clazz;
* Tests if the given thread is currently set as the main thread.
* @param thread the thread to test.
* @return true if the specified thread is the main thread, false otherwise.
* @see #isMainThread()
public static boolean isMainThread(Thread thread) {
return thread == mainThread;
* Tests if the current thread is currently set as the main thread.
* <p>Not supported in realistic looper mode.
* @return true if the current thread is the main thread, false otherwise.
public static boolean isMainThread() {
return isMainThread(Thread.currentThread());
* Retrieves the main thread. The main thread is the thread to which the main looper is attached.
* Defaults to the thread that initialises the {@link RuntimeEnvironment} class.
* <p>Not supported in realistic looper mode.
* @return The main thread.
* @see #setMainThread(Thread)
* @see #isMainThread()
public static Thread getMainThread() {
return mainThread;
* Sets the main thread. The main thread is the thread to which the main looper is attached.
* Defaults to the thread that initialises the {@link RuntimeEnvironment} class.
* <p>Not supported in realistic looper mode.
* @param newMainThread the new main thread.
* @see #setMainThread(Thread)
* @see #isMainThread()
public static void setMainThread(Thread newMainThread) {
mainThread = newMainThread;
public static Object getActivityThread() {
return activityThread;
public static void setActivityThread(Object newActivityThread) {
activityThread = newActivityThread;
* Returns a qualifier string describing the current {@link Configuration} of the system
* resources.
* @return a qualifier string as described
* ([here].
public static String getQualifiers() {
Resources systemResources = Resources.getSystem();
return getQualifiers(systemResources.getConfiguration(), systemResources.getDisplayMetrics());
* Returns a qualifier string describing the given configuration and display metrics.
* @param configuration the configuration.
* @param displayMetrics the display metrics.
* @return a qualifier string as described
* ([here].
public static String getQualifiers(Configuration configuration, DisplayMetrics displayMetrics) {
return ConfigurationV25.resourceQualifierString(configuration, displayMetrics);
* Overrides the current device configuration.
* <p>If {@param newQualifiers} starts with a plus ('+'), the prior configuration is used as the
* base configuration, with the given changes applied additively. Otherwise, default values are
* used for unspecified properties, as described <a
* href="">here</a>.
* @param newQualifiers the qualifiers to apply
public static void setQualifiers(String newQualifiers) {
Configuration configuration;
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
if (newQualifiers.startsWith("+")) {
configuration = new Configuration(Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration());
} else {
configuration = new Configuration();
Bootstrap.applyQualifiers(newQualifiers, getApiLevel(), configuration, displayMetrics);
if (Boolean.getBoolean("robolectric.nativeruntime.enableGraphics")) {
// Update the resources last so that listeners will have a consistent environment.
Resources systemResources = Resources.getSystem();
systemResources.updateConfiguration(configuration, displayMetrics);
if (RuntimeEnvironment.application != null) {
getApplication().getResources().updateConfiguration(configuration, displayMetrics);
} else {
// if application is not yet loaded, update the configuration in Bootstrap so that the
// changes will be propagated once the application is finally loaded
Bootstrap.updateDisplayResources(configuration, displayMetrics);
public static int getApiLevel() {
return apiLevel;
public static Number castNativePtr(long ptr) {
// Weird, using a ternary here doesn't work, there's some auto promotion of boxed types
// happening.
if (getApiLevel() >= LOLLIPOP) {
return ptr;
} else {
return (int) ptr;
* Retrieves the current master scheduler. This scheduler is always used by the main {@link
* android.os.Looper Looper}, and if the global scheduler option is set it is also used for the
* background scheduler and for all other {@link android.os.Looper Looper}s
* @return The current master scheduler.
* @see #setMasterScheduler(Scheduler) see
* org.robolectric.Robolectric#getForegroundThreadScheduler() see
* org.robolectric.Robolectric#getBackgroundThreadScheduler()
public static Scheduler getMasterScheduler() {
return masterScheduler;
* Sets the current master scheduler. See {@link #getMasterScheduler()} for details. Note that
* this method is primarily intended to be called by the Robolectric core setup code. Changing the
* master scheduler during a test will have unpredictable results.
* @param masterScheduler the new master scheduler.
* @see #getMasterScheduler() see org.robolectric.Robolectric#getForegroundThreadScheduler() see
* org.robolectric.Robolectric#getBackgroundThreadScheduler()
public static void setMasterScheduler(Scheduler masterScheduler) {
RuntimeEnvironment.masterScheduler = masterScheduler;
public static void setSystemResourceTable(ResourceTable systemResourceTable) {
RuntimeEnvironment.systemResourceTable = systemResourceTable;
public static void setAppResourceTable(ResourceTable appResourceTable) {
RuntimeEnvironment.appResourceTable = appResourceTable;
public static ResourceTable getSystemResourceTable() {
return systemResourceTable;
public static ResourceTable getAppResourceTable() {
return appResourceTable;
public static void setCompileTimeResourceTable(ResourceTable compileTimeResourceTable) {
RuntimeEnvironment.compileTimeResourceTable = compileTimeResourceTable;
public static ResourceTable getCompileTimeResourceTable() {
return compileTimeResourceTable;
public static void setTempDirectory(TempDirectory tempDirectory) {
RuntimeEnvironment.tempDirectory = tempDirectory;
public static TempDirectory getTempDirectory() {
return tempDirectory;
public static void setAndroidFrameworkJarPath(Path localArtifactPath) {
RuntimeEnvironment.androidFrameworkJar = localArtifactPath;
public static Path getAndroidFrameworkJarPath() {
return RuntimeEnvironment.androidFrameworkJar;
* Internal only.
* @deprecated Do not use.
public static boolean useLegacyResources() {
return useLegacyResources;
* Internal only.
* @deprecated Do not use.
public static void setUseLegacyResources(boolean useLegacyResources) {
RuntimeEnvironment.useLegacyResources = useLegacyResources;