blob: 0153f599738707ecd6f0ccf857ed333f0e67d079 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.robolectric.shadows;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N;
import static org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowVirtualRefBasePtr.get;
import static org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowVirtualRefBasePtr.put;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements;
@Implements(value = VectorDrawable.class, minSdk = N)
public class ShadowVectorDrawable extends ShadowDrawable {
// private static native long nCreateTree(long rootGroupPtr);
// private static native long nCreateTreeFromCopy(long treeToCopy, long rootGroupPtr);
// private static native void nSetRendererViewportSize(long rendererPtr, float viewportWidth,
// float viewportHeight);
// private static native boolean nSetRootAlpha(long rendererPtr, float alpha);
// private static native float nGetRootAlpha(long rendererPtr);
// private static native void nSetAllowCaching(long rendererPtr, boolean allowCaching);
// private static native int nDraw(long rendererPtr, long canvasWrapperPtr,
// long colorFilterPtr, Rect bounds, boolean needsMirroring, boolean canReuseCache);
private static final int STROKE_WIDTH_INDEX = 0;
private static final int STROKE_COLOR_INDEX = 1;
private static final int STROKE_ALPHA_INDEX = 2;
private static final int FILL_COLOR_INDEX = 3;
private static final int FILL_ALPHA_INDEX = 4;
private static final int TRIM_PATH_START_INDEX = 5;
private static final int TRIM_PATH_END_INDEX = 6;
private static final int TRIM_PATH_OFFSET_INDEX = 7;
private static final int STROKE_LINE_CAP_INDEX = 8;
private static final int STROKE_LINE_JOIN_INDEX = 9;
private static final int STROKE_MITER_LIMIT_INDEX = 10;
private static final int FILL_TYPE_INDEX = 11;
private static final int TOTAL_PROPERTY_COUNT = 12;
private static class Path implements Cloneable {
float strokeWidth;
int strokeColor;
float strokeAlpha;
int fillColor;
float fillAlpha;
float trimPathStart;
float trimPathEnd;
float trimPathOffset;
int strokeLineCap;
int strokeLineJoin;
float strokeMiterLimit;
int fillType;
protected Object clone() {
try {
return super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static Path getPath(long pathPtr) {
return get(pathPtr, Path.class);
protected static long nCreateFullPath() {
return put(new Path());
protected static long nCreateFullPath(long nativeFullPathPtr) {
return put(getPath(nativeFullPathPtr).clone());
protected static boolean nGetFullPathProperties(long pathPtr, byte[] properties, int length) {
if (length != TOTAL_PROPERTY_COUNT * 4) return false;
Path path = getPath(pathPtr);
ByteBuffer propertiesBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(properties);
propertiesBB.putFloat(STROKE_WIDTH_INDEX * 4, path.strokeWidth);
propertiesBB.putInt(STROKE_COLOR_INDEX * 4, path.strokeColor);
propertiesBB.putFloat(STROKE_ALPHA_INDEX * 4, path.strokeAlpha);
propertiesBB.putInt(FILL_COLOR_INDEX * 4, path.fillColor);
propertiesBB.putFloat(FILL_ALPHA_INDEX * 4, path.fillAlpha);
propertiesBB.putFloat(TRIM_PATH_START_INDEX * 4, path.trimPathStart);
propertiesBB.putFloat(TRIM_PATH_END_INDEX * 4, path.trimPathEnd);
propertiesBB.putFloat(TRIM_PATH_OFFSET_INDEX * 4, path.trimPathOffset);
propertiesBB.putInt(STROKE_LINE_CAP_INDEX * 4, path.strokeLineCap);
propertiesBB.putInt(STROKE_LINE_JOIN_INDEX * 4, path.strokeLineJoin);
propertiesBB.putFloat(STROKE_MITER_LIMIT_INDEX * 4, path.strokeMiterLimit);
propertiesBB.putInt(FILL_TYPE_INDEX * 4, path.fillType);
return true;
protected static void nUpdateFullPathProperties(
long pathPtr,
float strokeWidth,
int strokeColor,
float strokeAlpha,
int fillColor,
float fillAlpha,
float trimPathStart,
float trimPathEnd,
float trimPathOffset,
float strokeMiterLimit,
int strokeLineCap,
int strokeLineJoin,
int fillType) {
Path path = getPath(pathPtr);
path.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;
path.strokeColor = strokeColor;
path.strokeAlpha = strokeAlpha;
path.fillColor = fillColor;
path.fillAlpha = fillAlpha;
path.trimPathStart = trimPathStart;
path.trimPathEnd = trimPathEnd;
path.trimPathOffset = trimPathOffset;
path.strokeLineCap = strokeLineCap;
path.strokeLineJoin = strokeLineJoin;
path.strokeMiterLimit = strokeMiterLimit;
path.fillType = fillType;
// @Implementation
// public static void nUpdateFullPathFillGradient(long pathPtr, long fillGradientPtr) {
// }
// @Implementation
// public static void nUpdateFullPathStrokeGradient(long pathPtr, long strokeGradientPtr) {
// }
// private static native long nCreateClipPath();
// private static native long nCreateClipPath(long clipPathPtr);
static class Group implements Cloneable {
float rotation;
float pivotX;
float pivotY;
float scaleX;
float scaleY;
float translateX;
float translateY;
protected Object clone() {
try {
return super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static Group getGroup(long groupPtr) {
return get(groupPtr, Group.class);
protected static long nCreateGroup() {
return put(new Group());
protected static long nCreateGroup(long groupPtr) {
return put(getGroup(groupPtr).clone());
// public static void nSetName(long nodePtr, String name) {
// }
protected static boolean nGetGroupProperties(long groupPtr, float[] properties, int length) {
if (length != 7) return false;
Group group = getGroup(groupPtr);
properties[0] = group.rotation;
properties[1] = group.pivotX;
properties[2] = group.pivotY;
properties[3] = group.scaleX;
properties[4] = group.scaleY;
properties[5] = group.translateX;
properties[6] = group.translateY;
return true;
protected static void nUpdateGroupProperties(
long groupPtr,
float rotate,
float pivotX,
float pivotY,
float scaleX,
float scaleY,
float translateX,
float translateY) {
Group group = getGroup(groupPtr);
group.rotation = rotate;
group.pivotX = pivotX;
group.pivotY = pivotY;
group.scaleX = scaleX;
group.scaleY = scaleY;
group.translateX = translateX;
group.translateY = translateY;
// private static native void nAddChild(long groupPtr, long nodePtr);
// private static native void nSetPathString(long pathPtr, String pathString, int length);
// /**
// * The setters and getters below for paths and groups are here temporarily, and will be
// * removed once the animation in AVD is replaced with RenderNodeAnimator, in which case the
// * animation will modify these properties in native. By then no JNI hopping would be necessary
// * for VD during animation, and these setters and getters will be obsolete.
// */
// // Setters and getters during animation.
// private static native float nGetRotation(long groupPtr);
// private static native void nSetRotation(long groupPtr, float rotation);
// private static native float nGetPivotX(long groupPtr);
// private static native void nSetPivotX(long groupPtr, float pivotX);
// private static native float nGetPivotY(long groupPtr);
// private static native void nSetPivotY(long groupPtr, float pivotY);
// private static native float nGetScaleX(long groupPtr);
// private static native void nSetScaleX(long groupPtr, float scaleX);
// private static native float nGetScaleY(long groupPtr);
// private static native void nSetScaleY(long groupPtr, float scaleY);
// private static native float nGetTranslateX(long groupPtr);
// private static native void nSetTranslateX(long groupPtr, float translateX);
// private static native float nGetTranslateY(long groupPtr);
// private static native void nSetTranslateY(long groupPtr, float translateY);
// // Setters and getters for VPath during animation.
// private static native void nSetPathData(long pathPtr, long pathDataPtr);
// private static native float nGetStrokeWidth(long pathPtr);
// private static native void nSetStrokeWidth(long pathPtr, float width);
// private static native int nGetStrokeColor(long pathPtr);
// private static native void nSetStrokeColor(long pathPtr, int strokeColor);
// private static native float nGetStrokeAlpha(long pathPtr);
// private static native void nSetStrokeAlpha(long pathPtr, float alpha);
// private static native int nGetFillColor(long pathPtr);
// private static native void nSetFillColor(long pathPtr, int fillColor);
// private static native float nGetFillAlpha(long pathPtr);
// private static native void nSetFillAlpha(long pathPtr, float fillAlpha);
// private static native float nGetTrimPathStart(long pathPtr);
// private static native void nSetTrimPathStart(long pathPtr, float trimPathStart);
// private static native float nGetTrimPathEnd(long pathPtr);
// private static native void nSetTrimPathEnd(long pathPtr, float trimPathEnd);
// private static native float nGetTrimPathOffset(long pathPtr);
// private static native void nSetTrimPathOffset(long pathPtr, float trimPathOffset);