blob: 38c489f44fbb4540c268f9db86d46b738226db64 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
#include "CLucene/StdHeader.h"
#include "SearchHeader.h"
#include "CLucene/document/Document.h"
#include "CLucene/index/IndexReader.h"
#include "Filter.h"
#include "CLucene/search/SearchHeader.h"
HitDoc::HitDoc(const qreal s, const int32_t i)
//Func - Constructor
//Pre - true
//Post - The instance has been created
next = NULL;
prev = NULL;
doc = NULL;
score = s;
id = i;
//Func - Destructor
//Pre - true
//Post - The instance has been destroyed
Hits::Hits(Searcher* s, Query* q, Filter* f, const Sort* _sort):
query(q), searcher(s), filter(f), sort(_sort)
//Func - Constructor
//Pre - s contains a valid reference to a searcher s
// q contains a valid reference to a Query
// f is NULL or contains a pointer to a filter
//Post - The instance has been created
_length = 0;
first = NULL;
last = NULL;
numDocs = 0;
maxDocs = 200;
//retrieve 100 initially
int32_t Hits::length() const {
return _length;
Document& Hits::doc(const int32_t n){
HitDoc* hitDoc = getHitDoc(n);
// Update LRU cache of documents
remove(hitDoc); // remove from list, if there
addToFront(hitDoc); // add to front of list
if (numDocs > maxDocs) { // if cache is full
HitDoc* oldLast = last;
remove(last); // flush last
_CLDELETE( oldLast->doc );
oldLast->doc = NULL;
if (hitDoc->doc == NULL){
hitDoc->doc = _CLNEW Document;
searcher->doc(hitDoc->id, hitDoc->doc); // cache miss: read document
return *hitDoc->doc;
int32_t Hits::id (const int32_t n){
return getHitDoc(n)->id;
qreal Hits::score(const int32_t n){
return getHitDoc(n)->score;
void Hits::getMoreDocs(const size_t m){
size_t _min = m;
size_t nHits = hitDocs.size();
if ( nHits > _min)
_min = nHits;
size_t n = _min * 2; // double # retrieved
TopDocs* topDocs = NULL;
if ( sort==NULL )
topDocs = (TopDocs*)((Searchable*)searcher)->_search(query, filter, n);
topDocs = (TopDocs*)((Searchable*)searcher)->_search(query, filter, n, sort);
_length = topDocs->totalHits;
ScoreDoc* scoreDocs = topDocs->scoreDocs;
int32_t scoreDocsLength = topDocs->scoreDocsLength;
qreal scoreNorm = 1.0f;
//Check that scoreDocs is a valid pointer before using it
if (scoreDocs != NULL){
if (_length > 0 && scoreDocs[0].score > 1.0f){
scoreNorm = 1.0f / scoreDocs[0].score;
int32_t end = scoreDocsLength < _length ? scoreDocsLength : _length;
for (int32_t i = hitDocs.size(); i < end; i++) {
hitDocs.push_back(_CLNEW HitDoc(scoreDocs[i].score*scoreNorm, scoreDocs[i].doc));
HitDoc* Hits::getHitDoc(const size_t n){
if (n >= _length){
TCHAR buf[100];
_sntprintf(buf, 100,_T("Not a valid hit number: %d"),n);
_CLTHROWT(CL_ERR_IndexOutOfBounds, buf );
if (n >= hitDocs.size())
return hitDocs[n];
void Hits::addToFront(HitDoc* hitDoc) { // insert at front of cache
if (first == NULL)
last = hitDoc;
first->prev = hitDoc;
hitDoc->next = first;
first = hitDoc;
hitDoc->prev = NULL;
void Hits::remove(const HitDoc* hitDoc) { // remove from cache
if (hitDoc->doc == NULL) // it's not in the list
return; // abort
if (hitDoc->next == NULL)
last = hitDoc->prev;
hitDoc->next->prev = hitDoc->prev;
if (hitDoc->prev == NULL)
first = hitDoc->next;
hitDoc->prev->next = hitDoc->next;