blob: 7c95822b66e41b31bf98c6d1e79e65935eb486b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
#ifndef _lucene_search_Explanation
#define _lucene_search_Explanation
#if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
class Explanation :LUCENE_BASE {
qreal value; // the value of this node
TCHAR description[LUCENE_SEARCH_EXPLANATION_DESC_LEN]; // what it represents
CL_NS(util)::CLArrayList<Explanation*,CL_NS(util)::Deletor::Object<Explanation> > details; // sub-explanations
TCHAR* toString(int32_t depth);
Explanation(const Explanation& copy);
Explanation(qreal value, const TCHAR* description);
void set(const Explanation& other);
Explanation* clone() const;
/** The value assigned to this explanation node. */
qreal getValue() const;
/** Sets the value assigned to this explanation node. */
void setValue(qreal value);
/** A description of this explanation node. */
const TCHAR* getDescription() const; ///<returns reference
/** Sets the description of this explanation node. */
void setDescription(const TCHAR* description);
/** The sub-nodes of this explanation node.
* @param ret this array of Explanations should be getDetailsLength()+1 in size.
The array will be null terminated.
void getDetails(Explanation** ret);
int getDetailsLength();
Explanation* getDetail(int i);
/** Adds a sub-node to this explanation node. */
void addDetail(Explanation* detail);
/** Render an explanation as text. */
TCHAR* toString();
/** Render an explanation as HTML. */
TCHAR* toHtml();