blob: ed202e7505fed9573b00f2d01342aafc1a790a61 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
* Changes are Copyright(C) 2007, 2008 by Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies), all rights reserved.
#ifndef _lucene_index_TermInfosReader_
#define _lucene_index_TermInfosReader_
#if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include "CLucene/store/Directory.h"
#include "CLucene/util/ThreadLocal.h"
#include "SegmentTermEnum.h"
class FieldInfos;
class Term;
class TermInfo;
class TermInfos;
class TermInfosWriter;
// PORT STATUS: 365707 (jlucene 1.9)
// This stores a monotonically increasing set of <Term, TermInfo> pairs in a
// Directory. Pairs are accessed either by Term or by ordinal position the set.
class TermInfosReader : LUCENE_BASE
CL_NS(store)::Directory* directory;
QString segment;
FieldInfos* fieldInfos;
CL_NS(util)::Deletor::Object<SegmentTermEnum> > enumerators;
SegmentTermEnum* getEnum();
SegmentTermEnum* origEnum;
SegmentTermEnum* indexEnum;
int64_t _size;
Term* indexTerms;
int32_t indexTermsLength;
TermInfo* indexInfos;
int64_t* indexPointers;
// Reads the TermInfos file(.tis) and eventually the Term Info Index(.tii)
TermInfosReader(CL_NS(store)::Directory* dir, const QString& segment,
FieldInfos* fis);
//Close the enumeration of TermInfos
void close();
//Return the size of the enumeration of TermInfos
int64_t size() const;
int32_t getSkipInterval() {
return origEnum->skipInterval; }
// Returns an enumeration of terms starting at or after the named term.
// If no term is specified, an enumeration of all the Terms
// and TermInfos in the set is returned.
SegmentTermEnum* terms(const Term* term = NULL);
// Returns the TermInfo for a Term in the set
// synchronized
TermInfo* get(const Term* term);
// Reads the term info index file or .tti file.
void ensureIndexIsRead();
// Returns the offset of the greatest index entry which is less than term.
int32_t getIndexOffset(const Term* term);
// Reposition the current Term and TermInfo to indexOffset
void seekEnum(const int32_t indexOffset);
// Scans the Enumeration of terms for term and returns the corresponding
// TermInfo instance if found. The search is started from the current term.
TermInfo* scanEnum(const Term* term);
// Scans the enumeration to the requested position and returns the Term
// located at that position
Term* scanEnum(const int32_t position);
// Returns the position of a Term in the set. synchronized
int64_t getPosition(const Term* term);
// Returns the nth term in the set. synchronized
Term* get(const int32_t position);