blob: 230843b00ec82ef86d58d3f637181f60e9b48814 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
* Changes are Copyright(C) 2007, 2008 by Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies), all rights reserved.
#ifndef _lucene_index_SegmentMerger_
#define _lucene_index_SegmentMerger_
#if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include "CLucene/store/Directory.h"
#include "CLucene/store/RAMDirectory.h"
#include "CLucene/util/VoidList.h"
#include "SegmentMergeInfo.h"
#include "SegmentMergeQueue.h"
#include "IndexWriter.h"
#include "FieldInfos.h"
#include "FieldsWriter.h"
#include "TermInfosWriter.h"
* The SegmentMerger class combines two or more Segments, represented by an IndexReader ({@link #add},
* into a single Segment. After adding the appropriate readers, call the merge method to combine the
* segments.
* If the compoundFile flag is set, then the segments will be merged into a compound file.
* @see #merge
* @see #add
class SegmentMerger : LUCENE_BASE
bool useCompoundFile;
CL_NS(store)::RAMIndexOutput* skipBuffer;
int32_t lastSkipDoc;
int64_t lastSkipFreqPointer;
int64_t lastSkipProxPointer;
void resetSkip();
void bufferSkip(int32_t doc);
int64_t writeSkip();
//Directory of the segment
CL_NS(store)::Directory* directory;
//name of the new segment
QString segment;
//Set of IndexReaders
CL_NS(util)::Deletor::Object<IndexReader> > readers;
//Field Infos for t he FieldInfo instances of all fields
FieldInfos* fieldInfos;
//The queue that holds SegmentMergeInfo instances
SegmentMergeQueue* queue;
//IndexOutput to the new Frequency File
CL_NS(store)::IndexOutput* freqOutput;
//IndexOutput to the new Prox File
CL_NS(store)::IndexOutput* proxOutput;
//Writes Terminfos that have been merged
TermInfosWriter* termInfosWriter;
TermInfo termInfo; //(new) minimize consing
int32_t termIndexInterval;
int32_t skipInterval;
* @param dir The Directory to merge the other segments into
* @param name The name of the new segment
* @param compoundFile true if the new segment should use a compoundFile
SegmentMerger( IndexWriter* writer, const QString& name );
* Add an IndexReader to the collection of readers that are to be merged
* @param reader
void add(IndexReader* reader);
* @param i The index of the reader to return
* @return The ith reader to be merged
IndexReader* segmentReader(const int32_t i);
* Merges the readers specified by the {@link #add} method into the
* directory passed to the constructor
* @return The number of documents that were merged
* @throws IOException
int32_t merge();
* close all IndexReaders that have been added.
* Should not be called before merge().
* @throws IOException
void closeReaders();
void addIndexed(IndexReader* reader, FieldInfos* fieldInfos,
CL_NS(util)::StringArrayWithDeletor& names,
bool storeTermVectors, bool storePositionWithTermVector,
bool storeOffsetWithTermVector);
* Merge the fields of all segments
* @return The number of documents in all of the readers
* @throws IOException
int32_t mergeFields();
* Merge the TermVectors from each of the segments into the new one.
* @throws IOException
void mergeVectors();
/** Merge the terms of all segments */
void mergeTerms();
/** Merges all TermInfos into a single segment */
void mergeTermInfos();
/** Merge one term found in one or more segments. The array <code>smis</code>
* contains segments that are positioned at the same term. <code>N</code>
* is the number of cells in the array actually occupied.
* @param smis array of segments
* @param n number of cells in the array actually occupied
void mergeTermInfo( SegmentMergeInfo** smis);
/** Process postings from multiple segments all positioned on the
* same term. Writes out merged entries into freqOutput and
* the proxOutput streams.
* @param smis array of segments
* @param n number of cells in the array actually occupied
* @return number of documents across all segments where this term was found
int32_t appendPostings(SegmentMergeInfo** smis);
//Merges the norms for all fields
void mergeNorms();
void createCompoundFile(const QString& filename, QStringList& files);
friend class IndexWriter; //allow IndexWriter to use createCompoundFile