blob: 865c8c1c69095b0669e4a636b12b083d6a5c9fad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
#ifndef _lucene_search_WildcardTermEnum_
#define _lucene_search_WildcardTermEnum_
#if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include "CLucene/index/IndexReader.h"
#include "CLucene/index/Term.h"
#include "CLucene/index/Terms.h"
#include "FilteredTermEnum.h"
* Subclass of FilteredTermEnum for enumerating all terms that match the
* specified wildcard filter term->
* <p>
* Term enumerations are always ordered by term->compareTo(). Each term in
* the enumeration is greater than all that precede it.
class WildcardTermEnum: public FilteredTermEnum {
CL_NS(index)::Term* __term;
TCHAR* pre;
int32_t preLen;
bool fieldMatch;
bool _endEnum;
* const TCHAR* equality with support for wildcards
bool termCompare(CL_NS(index)::Term* term) ;
* Creates a new <code>WildcardTermEnum</code>. Passing in a
* {@link Term Term} that does not contain a
* <code>LUCENE_WILDCARDTERMENUM_WILDCARD_CHAR</code> will cause an exception to be thrown.
WildcardTermEnum(CL_NS(index)::IndexReader* reader, CL_NS(index)::Term* term);
qreal difference() ;
bool endEnum() ;
* Determines if a word matches a wildcard pattern.
static bool wildcardEquals(const TCHAR* pattern, int32_t patternLen, int32_t patternIdx, const TCHAR* str, int32_t strLen, int32_t stringIdx);
void close();
const char* getObjectName(){ return WildcardTermEnum::getClassName(); }
static const char* getClassName(){ return "WildcardTermEnum"; }