blob: b6e599ae7c8bdafa7c9438f27c8d8a8aff3d3f5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
* Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
#ifndef _lucene_search_WildcardQuery_
#define _lucene_search_WildcardQuery_
#if defined(_LUCENE_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include "CLucene/index/IndexReader.h"
#include "CLucene/index/Term.h"
#include "MultiTermQuery.h"
#include "WildcardTermEnum.h"
/** Implements the wildcard search query. Supported wildcards are <code>*</code>, which
* matches any character sequence (including the empty one), and <code>?</code>,
* which matches any single character. Note this query can be slow, as it
* needs to iterate over all terms. In order to prevent extremely slow WildcardQueries,
* a Wildcard term must not start with one of the wildcards <code>*</code> or
* <code>?</code>.
* @see WildcardTermEnum
class WildcardQuery: public MultiTermQuery {
FilteredTermEnum* getEnum(CL_NS(index)::IndexReader* reader);
WildcardQuery(const WildcardQuery& clone);
WildcardQuery(CL_NS(index)::Term* term);
//Returns the string "WildcardQuery"
const TCHAR* getQueryName() const;
static const TCHAR* getClassName();
size_t hashCode() const;
bool equals(Query* other) const;
Query* clone() const;
class WildcardFilter: public Filter
CL_NS(index)::Term* term;
WildcardFilter( const WildcardFilter& copy );
WildcardFilter(CL_NS(index)::Term* term);
/** Returns a BitSet with true for documents which should be permitted in
search results, and false for those that should not. */
CL_NS(util)::BitSet* bits( CL_NS(index)::IndexReader* reader );
Filter* clone() const;
TCHAR* toString();