blob: be44d025262487e52eaeaa3d633025c7756e180b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
/* This is the source code to the tiny "emulator" launcher program
* that is in charge of starting the target-specific emulator binary
* for a given AVD, i.e. either 'emulator-arm' or 'emulator-x86'
* This program will be replaced in the future by what is currently
* known as 'emulator-ui', but is a good placeholder until this
* migration is completed.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include "msvc-posix.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string_view>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "android/HostHwInfo.h"
#include "aemu/base/ArraySize.h"
#include "aemu/base/ProcessControl.h"
#include "android/avd/info.h"
#include "android/avd/scanner.h"
#include "android/avd/util.h"
#include "aemu/base/Debug.h"
#include "aemu/base/Version.h"
#include "aemu/base/files/PathUtils.h"
#include "aemu/base/memory/ScopedPtr.h"
#include "android/base/files/IniFile.h"
#include "android/base/system/System.h"
#include "android/camera/camera-list.h"
#include "android/emulation/ConfigDirs.h"
#include "android/emulation/USBAssist.h"
#include "android/main-emugl.h"
#include "android/main-help.h"
#include "android/qt/qt_setup.h"
#include "android/utils/bufprint.h"
#include "android/utils/compiler.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "android/utils/exec.h"
#include "android/utils/panic.h"
#include "android/utils/path.h"
#include "android/utils/win32_cmdline_quote.h"
#include "android/version.h"
#include "host-common/opengl/emugl_config.h"
#include "android/crashreport/crash-initializer.h"
#ifdef __linux__
#include <fcntl.h>
#if defined(__aarch64__)
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <sched.h>
#endif // __linux__
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
static constexpr bool HAS_GFXSTREAM = true;
static constexpr bool HAS_GFXSTREAM = false;
using android::ConfigDirs;
using android::base::PathUtils;
using android::base::RunOptions;
using android::base::ScopedCPtr;
using android::base::System;
// -verbose does not work on launcher anymore
// so use one local static to enable verbose
// print in launcher
static bool s_enable_verbose_launcher = false;
#define DEBUG 1
#define D(...) \
do { \
if (s_enable_verbose_launcher) \
dinfo(__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define D(...) \
do { \
} while (0)
/* The extension used by dynamic libraries on the host platform */
#ifdef _WIN32
#define DLL_EXTENSION ".dll"
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#define DLL_EXTENSION ".dylib"
#define DLL_EXTENSION ".so"
/* Forward declarations */
static char* getClassicEmulatorPath(const char* progDir,
const char* avdArch,
int* wantedBitness);
static char* getQemuExecutablePath(const char* programPath,
const char* avdArch,
bool force64bitTarget,
int wantedBitness,
bool isHeadless);
static void updateLibrarySearchPath(bool isHeadless,
int wantedBitness,
bool useSystemLibs,
const char* launcherDir,
const char* gpu);
static bool is32bitImageOn64bitRanchuKernel(const char* avdName,
const char* avdArch,
const char* sysDir,
const char* androidOut);
static std::string getAvdSystemPath(const char* avdName,
const char* optionalSysPath);
#ifdef _WIN32
static const char kExeExtension[] = ".exe";
static const char kExeExtension[] = "";
// Return true if string |str| is in |list|, which is an array of string
// pointers of |listSize| elements.
static bool isStringInList(const char* str,
const char* const* list,
size_t listSize) {
size_t n = 0;
for (n = 0; n < listSize; ++n) {
if (!strcmp(str, list[n])) {
return true;
return false;
// Return true if the CPU architecture |avdArch| is supported by QEMU2,
// i.e. the 'ranchu' virtual board.
static bool isCpuArchSupportedByRanchu(const char* avdArch) {
static const char* const kSupported[] = {"arm", "arm64", "mips",
"mips64", "x86", "x86_64"};
return isStringInList(avdArch, kSupported, ARRAY_SIZE(kSupported));
static std::string emulator_dirname(const std::string& launcherDir) {
char* cstr1 = path_parent(launcherDir.c_str(), 1);
char* cstr2 = path_join(cstr1, "emulator");
std::string cppstr(cstr2);
return cppstr;
static void delete_files(const std::string_view file_dir,
const std::string_view files_to_delete[],
unsigned int num_files) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_files; ++i) {
std::string file =
PathUtils::join(, files_to_delete[i].data());
APosixStatus ret;
if (path_is_dir(file.c_str())) {
ret = path_delete_dir(file.c_str());
} else {
ret = path_delete_file(file.c_str());
if (ret == 0) {
D("Deleting %s done", file.c_str());
} else {
D("Deleting %s failed", file.c_str());
static void clean_up_avd_contents_except_config_ini(const char* avd_folder) {
// sdcard.img should not be deleted, because it is created by sdk manager
// and we dont know how to re-create it from emulator yet
// TODO: fixit
static constexpr std::string_view files_to_delete[] = {
delete_files(avd_folder, files_to_delete, ARRAY_SIZE(files_to_delete));
static void clean_up_android_out(const char* android_out) {
// note: we should not delete 'userdata.img' otherwise, we will have to run
// make again to create it; in avd/ folder, it can be copied from
// system-images/.../<arch>/ directory.
static constexpr std::string_view files_to_delete[] = {
"system.img.qcow2", "vendor.img.qcow2",
"userdata-qemu.img", "userdata-qemu.img.qcow2",
"userdata.img.qcow2", "cache.img.qcow2",
"version_num.cache", "hardware-qemu.ini",
delete_files(android_out, files_to_delete, ARRAY_SIZE(files_to_delete));
static void delete_snapshots_at(const char* content) {
if (char* const snapshotDir = path_join(content, "snapshots")) {
if (!path_delete_dir(snapshotDir)) {
D("Removed snapshot directory '%s'", snapshotDir);
} else {
D("Failed to remove snapshot directory '%s'", snapshotDir);
static void delete_adbCmds_at(const char* content) {
if (char* const cmdFolder =
path_join(content, ANDROID_AVD_TMP_ADB_COMMAND_DIR)) {
if (!path_delete_dir(cmdFolder)) {
D("Removed ADB command directory '%s'", cmdFolder);
} else {
D("Failed to remove ADB command directory '%s'", cmdFolder);
static bool checkOsVersion() {
#ifndef _WIN32
return true;
#else // _WIN32
// Make sure OS is Win7+ - otherwise the emulation engine just won't start.
OSVERSIONINFOW ver = {sizeof(ver)};
if (!::GetVersionExW(&ver)) {
const auto err = (unsigned)::GetLastError();
"failed to get operating system version.\n"
"The Android Emulator may not run properly on Windows Vista "
"won't run on Windows XP (error code %d [0x%x]).",
err, err);
} else {
// Windows 7 is 6.1
if (ver.dwMajorVersion < 6 ||
(ver.dwMajorVersion == 6 && ver.dwMinorVersion < 1)) {
derror("Windows 7 or newer is required to run the Android "
"Please upgrade your operating system.");
return false;
return true;
#endif // _WIN32
#ifdef __linux__
#if defined(__aarch64__)
static void setupCpuAffinity(
const android::HostHwInfo::ArmCpuInfo& armCpuInfo) {
cpu_set_t mycpus;
CPU_SET(0, &mycpus);
for (size_t i = 1; i < armCpuInfo.cpumodels.size(); ++i) {
if (armCpuInfo.cpumodels[i] != armCpuInfo.cpumodels[0]) {
CPU_SET(i, &mycpus);
sched_setaffinity(getpid(), sizeof(mycpus), &mycpus);
static void doLauncherTest(const char* launcherTestArg);
bool handle_kill_command(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc < 3)
return false;
bool hasKill = false;
bool hasSleep = false;
bool hasLockFile = false;
int killPid = 0;
int sleepSecond = 0;
const char* lockfilename = NULL;
for (int nn = 1; nn < argc; nn++) {
const char* opt = argv[nn];
if (!strcmp(opt, "-kill")) {
hasKill = true;
if (nn + 1 < argc) {
killPid = atoi(argv[nn + 1]);
if (!strcmp(opt, "-sleep")) {
hasSleep = true;
if (nn + 1 < argc) {
sleepSecond = atoi(argv[nn + 1]);
if (hasKill) {
if (hasSleep) {
for (int i = 0; i < sleepSecond; ++i) {
const bool isAlive = System::get()->isPidAlive(killPid);
if (isAlive) {
} else {
// process already dead, no need to kill
return hasKill;
// after waiting, the process seems hanging, kill it;
return hasKill;
android::base::Version getRequiredEmulatorVersion(
const std::string& config,
android::base::Version defaultVersion) {
android::base::IniFile configIni(config);
if (! /* don't keep comments */)) {
dwarning("could not read %s at %s %d", config.c_str(), __FILE__,
return defaultVersion;
const std::string key = "requires.emulator.version";
if (!configIni.hasKey(key)) {
return defaultVersion;
std::string ret = configIni.getString(key, "");
return android::base::Version(ret);
/* Main routine */
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
crashhandler_init(argc, argv);
const char* avdName = NULL;
const char* avdArch = NULL;
const char* engine = NULL;
const char* sysDir = NULL;
const char* gpu = NULL;
bool doAccelCheck = false;
bool doListAvds = false;
bool doListSnapshots = false;
bool doListUSB = false;
bool force32bit = false;
bool isHeadless = false;
bool useSystemLibs = false;
bool forceEngineLaunch = false;
bool isFuchsia = false;
bool queryVersion = false;
bool doListWebcams = false;
bool cleanUpAvdContent = false;
bool isRestart = false;
int restartPid = -1;
bool doDeleteTempDir = false;
bool checkLoadable = false;
bool use_virtio_console = false;
LoggingFlags logFlags = kLogEnableDuplicateFilter;
if (1) {
const char* debugger =
if (debugger != NULL && *debugger && *debugger != '0') {
"Waiting for a debugger to attach to emulator pid %d\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Debugger has attached, resuming\n");
if (handle_kill_command(argc, argv)) {
return 0;
const char* qemu_top_dir = nullptr;
for (int nn = 1; nn < argc; nn++) {
const char* opt = argv[nn];
#ifdef __linux__
#if defined(__aarch64__)
if (!strcmp(opt, "-virtio-console")) {
use_virtio_console = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-verbose")) {
s_enable_verbose_launcher = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-qemu-top-dir") && nn + 1 < argc) {
qemu_top_dir = argv[nn + 1];
// shuffle up the arguments
for (int jj = nn + 2; jj < argc; nn++, jj++) {
argv[nn] = argv[jj];
argc -= 2;
argv[argc] = nullptr;
// quick check for qemu1
if (!strcmp(opt, "-engine") && nn + 1 < argc &&
!strcmp(argv[nn + 1], "classic")) {
std::string qemu1path = std::string(path_dirname(argv[0])) +
PATH_SEP + "qemu1" + PATH_SEP + "emulator";
if (path_exists(qemu1path.c_str())) {
qemu_top_dir = "qemu1";
if (qemu_top_dir) {
char mybuf[1024];
char* c_argv0_dir_name = path_dirname(argv[0]);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s" PATH_SEP "%s" PATH_SEP "emulator",
c_argv0_dir_name, qemu_top_dir);
char* emulatorPath = mybuf;
if (!path_exists(emulatorPath)) {
// try absolute path
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s" PATH_SEP "emulator",
emulatorPath = mybuf;
if (!path_exists(emulatorPath)) {
fprintf(stderr, "emulator: Cannot find %s\n", emulatorPath);
return -1;
argv[0] = emulatorPath;
printf("emulator: INFO: launch %s ... \n", emulatorPath);
safe_execv(emulatorPath, argv);
return errno;
/* Test-only actions */
bool isLauncherTest = false;
const char* launcherTestArg = nullptr;
* Always override LC_ALL = C. Fixes b/123689918
System::get()->envSet("LC_ALL", "C");
/* Set MESA_RGB_VISUAL to something that will work on Linux */
System::get()->envSet("MESA_RGB_VISUAL", "TrueColor 24");
/* Define ANDROID_EMULATOR_DEBUG to 1 in your environment if you want to
* see the debug messages from this launcher program.
const char* debug = getenv("ANDROID_EMULATOR_DEBUG");
if (debug != NULL && *debug && *debug != '0') {
if (!checkOsVersion()) {
return 1;
#ifdef __linux__
/* Define ANDROID_EMULATOR_USE_SYSTEM_LIBS to 1 in your environment if you
* want the effect of -use-system-libs to be permanent.
const char* system_libs = getenv("ANDROID_EMULATOR_USE_SYSTEM_LIBS");
if (system_libs && system_libs[0] && system_libs[0] != '0') {
useSystemLibs = true;
const char* stdouterr_file = nullptr;
#if defined(__aarch64__)
// check big-little
const android::HostHwInfo::ArmCpuInfo& armCpuInfo =
if (android::HostHwInfo::queryArmCpuInfo().is_big_little) {
// set up cpu affinity
if (use_virtio_console) {
System::get()->envSet("ANDROID_EMULATOR_USE_VIRTIO_CONSOLE", "1");
#endif // __linux__
/* Parse command-line and look for
* 1) an avd name either in the form or '-avd <name>' or '@<name>'
* 2) '-force-32bit' which always use 32-bit emulator on 64-bit platforms
* 3) '-verbose'/'-debug-all'/'-debug all'/'-debug-init'/'-debug init'
* to enable verbose mode.
for (int nn = 1; nn < argc; nn++) {
const char* opt = argv[nn];
if (!strcmp(opt, "-accel-check")) {
doAccelCheck = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-qemu")) {
forceEngineLaunch = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-fuchsia")) {
forceEngineLaunch = true;
isFuchsia = true;
#ifdef __linux__
if (!strcmp(opt, "-stdouterr-file")) {
stdouterr_file = argv[nn + 1];
#endif // __linux__
// NOTE: Process -help options immediately, ignoring all other
// parameters.
int helpStatus = emulator_parseHelpOption(opt);
if (helpStatus >= 0) {
return helpStatus;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-version")) {
queryVersion = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-wipe-data")) {
cleanUpAvdContent = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-read-only")) {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-is-restart")) {
isRestart = true;
if (nn + 1 < argc) {
restartPid = atoi(argv[nn + 1]);
if (!strcmp(opt, "-verbose") || !strcmp(opt, "-debug-all") ||
!strcmp(opt, "-debug-init")) {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-debug") && nn + 1 < argc &&
(!strcmp(argv[nn + 1], "all") || !strcmp(argv[nn + 1], "init"))) {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-debug-log")) {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-gpu") && nn + 1 < argc) {
gpu = argv[nn + 1];
if (!strcmp(opt, "-allow-host-audio")) {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-restart-when-stalled")) {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-ranchu")) {
// Nothing: the option is deprecated and defaults to auto-detect.
if (!strcmp(opt, "-engine") && nn + 1 < argc) {
engine = argv[nn + 1];
if (!strcmp(opt, "-force-32bit")) {
force32bit = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-no-qt")) {
isHeadless = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-no-window")) {
isHeadless = true;
#ifdef __linux__
if (!strcmp(opt, "-use-system-libs")) {
useSystemLibs = true;
#endif // __linux__
if (!strcmp(opt, "-list-avds")) {
doListAvds = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-snapshot-list")) {
doListSnapshots = true;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!strcmp(opt, "-list-usb")) {
doListUSB = true;
#endif // _WIN32
if (!strcmp(opt, "-launcher-test")) {
isLauncherTest = true;
launcherTestArg = nullptr;
if (nn + 1 < argc) {
launcherTestArg = argv[nn + 1];
if (!strcmp(opt, "--restart")) {
isRestart = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-webcam-list")) {
doListWebcams = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-sysdir") && nn + 1 < argc) {
sysDir = argv[nn + 1];
if (!strcmp(opt, "-avd-arch") && nn + 1 < argc) {
avdArch = argv[nn + 1];
if (!avdName) {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-avd") && nn + 1 < argc) {
avdName = argv[nn + 1];
} else if (opt[0] == '@' && opt[1] != '\0') {
avdName = opt + 1;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-delete-temp-dir")) {
doDeleteTempDir = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-check-snapshot-loadable")) {
checkLoadable = true;
if (!strcmp(opt, "-log-nofilter")) {
logFlags = static_cast<LoggingFlags>(logFlags &
if (!strcmp(opt, "-log-detailed") || !strcmp(opt, "-debug-log")) {
logFlags = static_cast<LoggingFlags>(logFlags | kLogEnableVerbose);
if (!strcmp(opt, "-debug-time")) {
logFlags = static_cast<LoggingFlags>(logFlags | kLogEnableTime);
// Parsing complete, initialize the proper logging config.
if (checkLoadable) {
cleanUpAvdContent = false;
#ifdef __linux__
if (stdouterr_file) {
int myfd = open(stdouterr_file, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY);
if (myfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s\n", stdouterr_file);
return -1;
if (dup2(myfd, 1) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot dup stdout\n");
return -1;
if (dup2(myfd, 2) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot dup stderr\n");
return -1;
fprintf(stderr, "emulator: Redirecting stdout/stderr to %s\n",
#endif // __linux__
if (doAccelCheck) {
// forward the option to our answering machine
auto& sys = *System::get();
const auto path = sys.findBundledExecutable("emulator-check");
if (path.empty()) {
derror("can't find the emulator-check executable "
"(corrupted tools installation?)");
return -1;
System::ProcessExitCode exit_code;
bool ret = sys.runCommand(
{path, "accel"},
RunOptions::WaitForCompletion | RunOptions::ShowOutput,
System::kInfinite, &exit_code);
return ret ? exit_code : -1;
/* If the AVD name is given, we depend on qemu for the list of snapshots.
* Otherwise we do the next best thing by scanning the file system and
* iterating on all the available AVDs.
doListSnapshots = avdName ? false : doListSnapshots;
if (doListAvds || doListSnapshots) {
AvdScanner* scanner = avdScanner_new(NULL);
for (;;) {
const char* name = avdScanner_next(scanner, doListSnapshots);
if (!name) {
printf("%s\n", name);
return 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (doListUSB) {
return 0;
#endif //_WIN32
if (isLauncherTest) {
if (!launcherTestArg) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Launcher test not specified\n");
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Launcher test complete.\n");
return 0;
if (doListWebcams) {
return 0;
if (doDeleteTempDir) {
return 0;
/* If ANDROID_EMULATOR_FORCE_32BIT is set to 'true' or '1' in the
* environment, set -force-32bit automatically.
const char kEnvVar[] = "ANDROID_EMULATOR_FORCE_32BIT";
const char* val = getenv(kEnvVar);
if (val && (!strcmp(val, "true") || !strcmp(val, "1"))) {
if (!force32bit) {
D("Auto-config: -force-32bit (%s=%s)", kEnvVar, val);
force32bit = true;
static_assert(sizeof(void*) == 8, "We only support 64 bit binaries.");
int hostBitness = 64;
int wantedBitness = hostBitness;
#if defined(__linux__)
// Linux binaries are compiled for 64 bit, so none of the 32 bit settings
// will make any sense.
force32bit = false;
#endif // __linux__
if (force32bit) {
wantedBitness = 32;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
// Not sure when the android_getHostBitness will break again
// but we are not shiping 32bit for OSX long time ago.
if (force32bit) {
"WARNING: 32-bit OSX Android emulator binaries are not "
"supported, use 64bit.\n");
wantedBitness = 64;
// When running in a platform build environment, point to the output
// directory where image partition files are located.
const char* androidOut = NULL;
// print a version string and build id for easier debugging
dinfo("Android emulator version %s (CL:%s)",
dinfo("Graphics backend: %s",
HAS_GFXSTREAM ? "gfxstream" : "non-gfxstream");
// check version requirement in avd's config.ini file and make
// sure curent version >= the required version;
if (avdName) {
char* avd_folder = path_getAvdContentPath(avdName);
if (avd_folder) {
const std::string configIniPath =
PathUtils::join(avd_folder, "config.ini");
if (path_exists(configIniPath.c_str())) {
const auto myVersion =
const auto requiredVersion =
getRequiredEmulatorVersion(configIniPath, myVersion);
if (myVersion < requiredVersion) {
derror("Current emulator version %s is less than the "
"required version %s, quit.",
return 1;
} else if (myVersion == requiredVersion) {
dprint("Current emulator version %s is the same as the "
"required version %s.",
} else {
"Current emulator version %s is higher than the "
"required version %s, could lead to cold boot.",
// delete bootcompleted.ini if it is there
if (avdName) {
const char* avd_folder = path_getAvdContentPath(avdName);
if (avd_folder) {
const std::vector<std::string> files_to_delete{"bootcompleted.ini",
for (const auto& filename : files_to_delete) {
const std::string file =
PathUtils::join(avd_folder, filename.c_str());
if (path_exists(file.c_str())) {
const auto ret = path_delete_file(file.c_str());
if (ret == 0) {
D("Deleting %s done", file.c_str());
} else {
dwarning("Deleting %s failed", file.c_str());
// If this is a restart, wait for the restartPid to exit.
if (isRestart && restartPid > -1) {
10000 /* maximum of 10 seconds */);
/* If there is an AVD name, we're going to extract its target architecture
* by looking at its config.ini
if (avdName != NULL) {
D("Found AVD name '%s'", avdName);
ScopedCPtr<const char> rootIni(path_getRootIniPath(avdName));
if (!rootIni) {
D("path_getRootIniPath(%s) returned NULL", avdName);
static const char kHomeSearchDir[] =
"$HOME" PATH_SEP ".android" PATH_SEP "avd";
static const char kSdkHomeSearchDir[] =
const char* envName = "HOME";
const char* searchDir = kHomeSearchDir;
if (getenv("ANDROID_AVD_HOME")) {
searchDir = "$ANDROID_AVD_HOME";
} else if (getenv("ANDROID_SDK_HOME")) {
searchDir = kSdkHomeSearchDir;
derror("Unknown AVD name [%s], use -list-avds to see valid list.",
derror("%s is defined but there is no file %s.ini in %s", envName,
avdName, searchDir);
derror("(Note: Directories are searched in the order "
"$ANDROID_AVD_HOME, %s and %s)",
kSdkHomeSearchDir, kHomeSearchDir);
return 1;
avdArch = path_getAvdTargetArch(avdName);
D("Found AVD target architecture: %s", avdArch);
} else if (avdArch != NULL) {
D("Using provided target architecture: %s", avdArch);
} else {
if (!isFuchsia) {
/* Otherwise, using the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT directory */
androidOut = getenv("ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT");
if (androidOut != NULL) {
D("Found ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT: %s", androidOut);
avdArch = path_getBuildTargetArch(androidOut);
D("Found build target architecture: %s",
avdArch ? avdArch : "<NULL>");
if (!avdName && !avdArch && !androidOut && !forceEngineLaunch &&
!queryVersion) {
derror("No AVD specified. Use '@foo' or '-avd foo' to launch a virtual"
" device named 'foo'\n");
return 1;
if (cleanUpAvdContent) {
if (avdName) {
char* avd_folder = path_getAvdContentPath(avdName);
if (avd_folder) {
} else if (androidOut) {
if (avdArch == NULL) {
#ifdef __aarch64__
avdArch = "arm64";
avdArch = "x86_64";
D("Can't determine target AVD architecture: defaulting to %s", avdArch);
/* Find program directory. */
const auto progDirSystem =
D("argv[0]: '%s'; program directory: '%s'", argv[0], progDirSystem.c_str());
enum RanchuState {
} ranchu = RANCHU_ON;
if (engine) {
if (!strcmp(engine, "classic")) {
ranchu = RANCHU_OFF;
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: engine selection is deprecated.\n");
// Sanity checks.
if (avdName) {
if (!isCpuArchSupportedByRanchu(avdArch)) {
APANIC("CPU Architecture '%s' is not supported by the QEMU2 "
"emulator, (the classic engine is deprecated!)",
std::string systemPath = getAvdSystemPath(avdName, sysDir);
if (systemPath.empty()) {
const char* env = getenv("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT");
if (!env || !env[0]) {
APANIC("Cannot find AVD system path. Please define "
} else {
APANIC("Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT "
"value [%s]!\n",
// in some cases, progDirSystem is incorrect, so we have to
// search from the folder from the command line
// more info can be found at b/65257562
char* c_argv0_dir_name = path_dirname(argv[0]);
std::string argv0DirName(c_argv0_dir_name);
std::string emuDirName = emulator_dirname(progDirSystem);
D("emuDirName: '%s'", emuDirName.c_str());
if (avdName) {
AvdInfoParams myparams;
AvdInfo* myavdinfo = avdInfo_new(avdName, &myparams, sysDir);
if (avdInfo_getAvdFlavor(myavdinfo) == AVD_ANDROID_AUTO) {
const char* forge = getenv("TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR");
if (forge != NULL && *forge && *forge != '0') {
isHeadless = true;
D("force headless for auto on forge");
const int apiLevel = avdInfo_getApiLevel(myavdinfo);
char* avdarch = avdInfo_getTargetCpuArch(myavdinfo);
const std::string sarch(avdarch);
#ifdef __x86_64__
if (sarch == "arm64" && apiLevel >= 28) {
APANIC("Avd's CPU Architecture '%s' is not supported by the "
"QEMU2 emulator on x86_64 host.\n",
#if defined(__aarch64__)
if (sarch != "arm64" && sarch != "arm") {
APANIC("Avd's CPU Architecture '%s' is not supported by the "
"QEMU2 emulator on aarch64 host.\n",
bool force64bitTarget = is32bitImageOn64bitRanchuKernel(avdName, avdArch,
sysDir, androidOut);
const std::string_view candidates[] = {progDirSystem, emuDirName,
char* emulatorPath = nullptr;
std::string_view progDir;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(candidates); ++i) {
D("try dir %s", candidates[i].data());
progDir = candidates[i];
if (ranchu == RANCHU_ON) {
emulatorPath = getQemuExecutablePath(, avdArch,
wantedBitness, isHeadless);
} else {
emulatorPath = getClassicEmulatorPath(, avdArch,
D("Trying emulator path '%s'", emulatorPath);
if (path_exists(emulatorPath)) {
emulatorPath = nullptr;
if (emulatorPath == nullptr) {
derror("can't find the emulator executable.\n");
return -1;
D("Found target-specific %d-bit emulator binary: %s", wantedBitness,
if (avdName || androidOut) {
/* Save restart parameters before we modify argv */
argc, argv,
avdName ? path_getAvdContentPath(avdName) : androidOut);
/* Replace it in our command-line */
argv[0] = emulatorPath;
/* setup launcher dir */
/* Setup library paths so that bundled standard shared libraries are picked
* up by the re-exec'ed emulator
updateLibrarySearchPath(isHeadless, wantedBitness, useSystemLibs,, gpu);
/* We need to find the location of the GLES emulation shared libraries
* and modify either LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH accordingly
if (!isHeadless) {
/* Add <lib>/qt/ to the library search path. */
#ifdef _WIN32
// Take care of quoting all parameters before sending them to execv().
// See the "Eveyone quotes command line arguments the wrong way" on
// MSDN.
int n;
for (n = 0; n < argc; ++n) {
// Technically, this leaks the quoted strings, but we don't care
// since this process will terminate after the execv() anyway.
argv[n] = win32_cmdline_quote(argv[n]);
D("Quoted param: [%s]", argv[n]);
if (s_enable_verbose_launcher) {
int i;
dprint("emulator: Running :%s", emulatorPath);
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
dprint("qemu backend: argv[%02d] = \"%s\"", i, argv[i]);
std::string concat;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
/* To make it easier to copy-paste the output to a command-line,
* quote anything that contains spaces.
if (strchr(argv[i], ' ') != NULL) {
concat += " '" + std::string(argv[i]) + " '";
} else {
concat += " " + std::string(argv[i]);
/* Dump final command-line parameters to make debugging easier */
dprint("Concatenated backend parameters: %s", concat);
// Launch it with the same set of options !
// Note that on Windows, the first argument must _not_ be quoted or
// Windows will fail to find the program.
safe_execv(emulatorPath, argv);
/* We could not launch the program ! */
fprintf(stderr, "Could not launch '%s': %s\n", emulatorPath,
return errno;
static char* bufprint_emulatorName(char* p,
char* end,
const char* progDir,
const char* prefix,
const char* archSuffix) {
if (progDir) {
p = bufprint(p, end, "%s" PATH_SEP, progDir);
p = bufprint(p, end, "%s%s%s", prefix, archSuffix, kExeExtension);
return p;
/* Probe the filesystem to check if an emulator executable named like
* <progDir>/<prefix><arch> exists.
* |progDir| is an optional program directory. If NULL, the executable
* will be searched in the current directory.
* |archSuffix| is an architecture-specific suffix, like "arm", or 'x86"
* |wantedBitness| points to an integer describing the wanted bitness of
* the program. The function might modify it, in the case where it is 64
* but only 32-bit versions of the executables are found (in this case,
* |*wantedBitness| is set to 32).
* On success, returns the absolute path of the executable (string must
* be freed by the caller). On failure, return NULL.
static char* probeTargetEmulatorPath(const char* progDir,
const char* archSuffix,
int* wantedBitness) {
char path[PATH_MAX], *pathEnd = path + sizeof(path), *p;
static const char kEmulatorPrefix[] = "emulator-";
static const char kEmulator64Prefix[] = "emulator64-";
// First search for the 64-bit emulator binary.
if (*wantedBitness == 64) {
p = bufprint_emulatorName(path, pathEnd, progDir, kEmulator64Prefix,
D("Probing program: %s", path);
if (p < pathEnd && path_exists(path)) {
return strdup(path);
// Then for the 32-bit one.
p = bufprint_emulatorName(path, pathEnd, progDir, kEmulatorPrefix,
D("Probing program: %s", path);
if (p < pathEnd && path_exists(path)) {
*wantedBitness = 32;
return path_get_absolute(path);
return NULL;
// Find the absolute path to the classic emulator binary that supports CPU
// architecture |avdArch|. |progDir| is the program's directory.
static char* getClassicEmulatorPath(const char* progDir,
const char* avdArch,
int* wantedBitness) {
const char* emulatorSuffix = emulator_getBackendSuffix(avdArch);
if (!emulatorSuffix) {
APANIC("This emulator cannot emulate %s CPUs!\n", avdArch);
D("Looking for emulator-%s to emulate '%s' CPU", emulatorSuffix, avdArch);
char* result =
probeTargetEmulatorPath(progDir, emulatorSuffix, wantedBitness);
if (!result) {
APANIC("Missing emulator engine program for '%s' CPU.\n", avdArch);
D("return result: %s", result);
return result;
// Convert an emulator-specific CPU architecture name |avdArch| into the
// corresponding QEMU one. Return NULL if unknown.
static const char* getQemuArch(const char* avdArch, bool force64bitTarget) {
static const struct {
const char* arch;
const char* qemuArch;
} kQemuArchs[] = {
{"arm", "armel"}, {"arm64", "aarch64"}, {"arm64", "aarch64"},
{"mips", "mipsel"}, {"mips64", "mips64el"}, {"mips64", "mips64el"},
{"x86", "i386"}, {"x86_64", "x86_64"}, {"x86_64", "x86_64"},
size_t n;
for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(kQemuArchs); ++n) {
if (!strcmp(avdArch, kQemuArchs[n].arch)) {
if (force64bitTarget) {
return kQemuArchs[n + 1].qemuArch;
} else {
return kQemuArchs[n].qemuArch;
return NULL;
// Return the path of the QEMU executable. |progDir| is the directory
// containing the current program. |avdArch| is the CPU architecture name.
// of the current program (i.e. the 'emulator' launcher).
// Return NULL in case of error.
static char* getQemuExecutablePath(const char* progDir,
const char* avdArch,
bool force64bitTarget,
int wantedBitness,
bool isHeadless) {
// The host operating system name.
#ifdef __linux__
static const char kHostOs[] = "linux";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
static const char kHostOs[] = "darwin";
#elif defined(_WIN32)
static const char kHostOs[] = "windows";
#if defined(__aarch64__)
const char* hostArch = "aarch64";
const char* hostArch = (wantedBitness == 64) ? "x86_64" : "x86";
const char* qemuArch = getQemuArch(avdArch, force64bitTarget);
if (!qemuArch) {
APANIC("QEMU2 emulator does not support %s CPU architecture", avdArch);
#define QEMU_BINARY_PATTERN_HEADLESS "qemu-system-%s-headless%s"
#define QEMU_BINARY_PATTERN "qemu-system-%s%s"
char fullPath[PATH_MAX];
char* fullPathEnd = fullPath + sizeof(fullPath);
const char* qemuStandardPath =
const char* qemuHeadlessPath =
"%s" PATH_SEP "qemu" PATH_SEP
char* tail = bufprint(fullPath, fullPathEnd,
isHeadless ? qemuHeadlessPath : qemuStandardPath,
progDir, kHostOs, hostArch, qemuArch, kExeExtension);
if (tail >= fullPathEnd) {
APANIC("QEMU executable path too long (clipped) [%s]. "
"Can not use QEMU2 emulator. ",
return path_get_absolute(fullPath);
static void appendPreloadLib(const char* fullLibPath) {
if (!fullLibPath)
std::string real_preload(fullLibPath);
const char* current_preload = getenv("LD_PRELOAD");
if (current_preload) {
real_preload = real_preload + " " + std::string(fullLibPath);
System::get()->envSet("LD_PRELOAD", real_preload.c_str());
static void updateLibrarySearchPath(bool isHeadless,
int wantedBitness,
bool useSystemLibs,
const char* launcherDir,
const char* gpu) {
const char* libSubDir = (wantedBitness == 64) ? "lib64" : "lib";
char fullPath[PATH_MAX];
char* tail = fullPath;
tail = bufprint(fullPath, fullPath + sizeof(fullPath), "%s" PATH_SEP "%s",
launcherDir, libSubDir);
if (tail >= fullPath + sizeof(fullPath)) {
APANIC("Custom library path too long (clipped) [%s]. "
"Can not use bundled libraries. ",
D("Adding library search path: '%s'", fullPath);
bool forceSwAngle = false;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
forceSwAngle = true;
if ((gpu && strstr(gpu, "angle") != NULL) || forceSwAngle) {
bufprint(fullPath, fullPath + sizeof(fullPath),
"%s" PATH_SEP "%s" PATH_SEP "%s", launcherDir, libSubDir,
D("Adding library search path: '%s'", fullPath);
bufprint(fullPath, fullPath + sizeof(fullPath),
"%s" PATH_SEP "%s" PATH_SEP "%s", launcherDir, libSubDir,
D("Adding library search path: '%s'", fullPath);
bufprint(fullPath, fullPath + sizeof(fullPath),
"%s" PATH_SEP "%s" PATH_SEP "%s", launcherDir, libSubDir,
D("Adding library search path: '%s'", fullPath);
} else {
// We add this last so Win32 can resolve LIBGLESV2 from swiftshader for
bufprint(fullPath, fullPath + sizeof(fullPath),
"%s" PATH_SEP "%s" PATH_SEP "%s", launcherDir, libSubDir,
D("Adding library search path: '%s'", fullPath);
#ifdef __linux__
if (!useSystemLibs) {
// Use bundled libstdc++
tail = bufprint(fullPath, fullPath + sizeof(fullPath),
"%s/%s/libstdc++", launcherDir, libSubDir);
if (tail >= fullPath + sizeof(fullPath)) {
APANIC("Custom library path too long (clipped) [%s]. "
"Can not use bundled libraries. ",
D("Adding library search path: '%s'", fullPath);
#if defined(__aarch64__)
if (isHeadless) {
// for headless mode on linux, uses stub xlib
bufprint(fullPath, fullPath + sizeof(fullPath),
"%s" PATH_SEP "%s" PATH_SEP "%s", launcherDir, libSubDir,
D("Preload stub xlib: %s", fullPath);
} else {
// not headless, append pulse sound if it exists
const char* pulse_lib_path = "/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/";
if (path_exists(pulse_lib_path)) {
D("Preload pulse lib %s", pulse_lib_path);
// do not use glib in qt
System::get()->envSet("QT_NO_GLIB", "1");
#else // !__linux__
#endif // !__linux__
#else // !__linux__
#endif // !__linux__
// Return the system directory path of a given AVD named |avdName|.
// If |optionalSysPath| is non-null, this simply returns that. Otherwise
// this searches for a valid path.
// Return empty string on failure.
static std::string getAvdSystemPath(const char* avdName,
const char* optionalSysPath) {
std::string result;
if (!avdName) {
printf("emulator: WARN: AVD name is empty\n");
return result;
if (optionalSysPath) {
result = optionalSysPath;
printf("emulator: INFO: Use user provided system path %s\n",
return result;
char* sdkRootPath = path_getSdkRoot();
if (!sdkRootPath) {
// do a verbose probe to help debug
printf("emulator: WARN: Cannot find valid sdk root path.\n");
return result;
char* systemPath = path_getAvdSystemPath(avdName, sdkRootPath, false);
if (systemPath != nullptr) {
dinfo("Found systemPath %s", systemPath);
result = systemPath;
} else {
// debug print why it is not found
systemPath = path_getAvdSystemPath(avdName, sdkRootPath, true);
return result;
// check for 32bit image running on 64bit ranchu kernel
static bool is32bitImageOn64bitRanchuKernel(const char* avdName,
const char* avdArch,
const char* sysDir,
const char* androidOut) {
// only appliable to 32bit image
if (strcmp(avdArch, "x86") && strcmp(avdArch, "arm") &&
strcmp(avdArch, "mips")) {
return false;
bool result = false;
char* kernel_file = NULL;
if (androidOut) {
asprintf(&kernel_file, "%s" PATH_SEP "kernel-ranchu-64", androidOut);
} else {
std::string systemImagePath = getAvdSystemPath(avdName, sysDir);
asprintf(&kernel_file, "%s" PATH_SEP "%s", systemImagePath.c_str(),
result = path_exists(kernel_file);
D("Probing for %s: file %s", kernel_file, result ? "exists" : "missing");
return result;
static constexpr char existsStr[] = "(exists)";
static constexpr char notexistStr[] = "(does not exist)";
static const char* getExistsStr(bool exists) {
return exists ? existsStr : notexistStr;
static void doLauncherTest(const char* launcherTestArg) {
if (!launcherTestArg || !launcherTestArg[0]) {
printf("Error: No launcher test specified.\n");
if (!strcmp(launcherTestArg, "sdkCheck")) {
auto sdkRoot = ConfigDirs::getSdkRootDirectory();
auto avdRoot = ConfigDirs::getAvdRootDirectory();
bool sdkRootExists = path_exists(sdkRoot.c_str());
bool avdRootExists = path_exists(avdRoot.c_str());
printf("Performing SDK check.\n");
printf("Android SDK location: %s. %s\n", sdkRoot.c_str(),
printf("Android AVD root location: %s. %s\n", avdRoot.c_str(),
// TODO: Other launcher tests
printf("Error: Unknown launcher test %s\n", launcherTestArg);