blob: 3ab282c877f640f2996519601da0b02da1beacef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "qemu/osdep.h"
#include "qemu/host-utils.h"
#include "qemu/timer.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "audio_forwarder.h"
#include "qemu/thread.h"
#define AUDIO_CAP "fwd"
#include "audio_int.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "hw/audio/intel-hda.h"
// Hack attack, we are going to be modifying the global audio state to interject a new active driver.
extern SWVoiceIn *g_active_sw;
extern struct audsettings g_active_settings;
extern struct audio_capture_ops g_active_capture;
extern void *g_active_opaque;
typedef struct FWDVoiceIn
HWVoiceIn hw;
int64_t old_ticks;
void *pcm_buf;
int pcm_size;
} FWDVoiceIn;
// The global audio state, containing the driver information
extern AudioState glob_audio_state;
// Our previous active configuration that is swapped out.
struct audio_driver *g_prev_drv = NULL;
void *g_prev_drv_opaque = NULL;
SWVoiceIn *g_prev_sw = NULL;
bool g_prev_is_real_audio_allowed;
QemuMutex g_deactivation_mutex = {.initialized = false };
struct audio_pcm_info g_prev_info;
struct audio_pcm_info g_empty_info = { 0 };
HWVoiceIn *g_prev_hw;
// Our current active configuration that is swapped in.
SWVoiceIn *g_active_sw = NULL;
struct audsettings g_active_settings;
struct audio_capture_ops g_active_capture;
void *g_active_opaque;
audio_forwarder_read_available g_active_avail;
void qemu_allow_real_audio(bool allow);
bool qemu_is_real_audio_allowed(void);
void disable_fixed_input_conf();
void enabled_fixed_input_conf();
static SWVoiceIn *audio_forwarder_set_voice_empty(SWVoiceIn *voice) { return voice; }
static SWVoiceIn *audio_forwarder_get_voice_empty() { return NULL; }
static audio_forwarder_set_voice_cb g_set_voice_cb = &audio_forwarder_set_voice_empty;
static audio_forwarder_get_voice_cb g_get_voice_cb = &audio_forwarder_get_voice_empty;
void audio_forwarder_register_card(audio_forwarder_set_voice_cb set,
audio_forwarder_get_voice_cb get) {
if (set && get) {
g_set_voice_cb = set;
g_get_voice_cb = get;
} else {
g_set_voice_cb = &audio_forwarder_set_voice_empty;
g_get_voice_cb = &audio_forwarder_get_voice_empty;
int audio_forwarder_enable(const struct audsettings *as,
struct audio_capture_ops *ops,
audio_forwarder_read_available available_fn,
void *opaque)
if (!g_deactivation_mutex.initialized) {
// Initialize the forward driver..
AudioState *s = &glob_audio_state;
// Store previous state, and disable current microphone.
g_prev_drv = s->drv;
g_prev_drv_opaque = s->drv_opaque;
g_prev_sw = (*g_get_voice_cb)();
g_prev_hw = g_prev_sw->hw;
g_prev_info = g_prev_hw->info;
g_prev_hw->info = g_empty_info;
g_prev_is_real_audio_allowed = qemu_is_real_audio_allowed();
g_active_avail = available_fn;
AUD_set_active_in(g_prev_sw, 0);
// Activate our forward driver.
audio_driver *driver = audio_driver_lookup("fwd");
if (!driver ||
audio_driver_init(s, driver))
// This shouldn't happen..
return -1;
// Make sure we have at least 1 in voice channel.
s->nb_hw_voices_in = 1;
g_active_capture = *ops;
g_active_opaque = opaque;
g_active_settings = *as;
g_active_sw = (*g_set_voice_cb)(NULL);
// gRPC means we will allow audio for now..
AUD_set_active_in(g_active_sw, 1);
return 0;
void audio_forwarder_disable()
g_prev_hw->info = g_prev_info;
// Disable us if we were active.
SWVoiceIn* active = (*g_get_voice_cb)();
if (active && active != g_prev_sw)
if (active != g_active_sw) {
AUD_log(AUDIO_CAP, "Warning! Unexpected active device!");
AUD_set_active_in(active, 0);
AUD_close_in(active->card, active);
g_active_sw = NULL;
g_active_opaque = NULL;
// Restore the previous driver, and activate the previous input channel.
AudioState *s = &glob_audio_state;
s->drv = g_prev_drv;
s->drv_opaque = g_prev_drv_opaque;
AUD_set_active_in(g_prev_sw, 1);
// TODO(jansene): Is this what we really want?
// (We could also refactor this by disabling the sw voice, which would do the same)
static int fwd_init_in(HWVoiceIn *hw, struct audsettings *unused, void *drv_opaque)
struct audsettings *as = (struct audsettings *)drv_opaque;
FWDVoiceIn *fwdin = (FWDVoiceIn *)hw;
audio_pcm_init_info(&hw->info, as);
hw->samples = 4096;
fwdin->pcm_buf = audio_calloc(__func__, 2 * hw->samples, 1 << hw->info.shift);
fwdin->pcm_size = hw->samples * (1 << hw->info.shift);
return 0;
static void fwd_fini_in(HWVoiceIn *hw)
FWDVoiceIn *fwdin = (FWDVoiceIn *)hw;
fwdin->pcm_buf = NULL;
static int fwd_run_in(HWVoiceIn *hw)
if (!g_active_sw) {
return 0;
FWDVoiceIn *fwdin = (FWDVoiceIn *)hw;
int live = audio_pcm_hw_get_live_in(hw);
int dead = hw->samples - live;
int samples = 0;
// dead contains the number of samples that can be filled in.
if (dead)
// We are now going to calculate at what rate we consume samples.
int64_t now = qemu_clock_get_ns(QEMU_CLOCK_VIRTUAL);
int64_t ticks = now - fwdin->old_ticks;
int64_t bytes =
muldiv64(ticks, hw->info.bytes_per_second, NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND);
fwdin->old_ticks = now;
// And see how much we can pull from our external queue.
int64_t avail = g_active_avail(g_active_opaque);
bytes = audio_MIN(bytes, avail);
samples = bytes >> hw->info.shift;
samples = audio_MIN(samples, dead);
// Now we are going to fill the ring buffer.
int to_grab = samples;
while (to_grab)
// Check how many samples we can fill until we reach the end of our ring
int chunk = audio_MIN(to_grab, hw->samples - hw->wpos);
// Obtain the samples from our input module (converting samples to # of bytes)
g_active_capture.capture(g_active_opaque, fwdin->pcm_buf, chunk << hw->info.shift);
// And convert them to the SW voice format.
hw->conv(hw->conv_buf + hw->wpos, fwdin->pcm_buf, chunk);
// And get the next.
hw->wpos = (hw->wpos + chunk) % hw->samples;
to_grab -= chunk;
return samples;
static int fwd_read_in(SWVoiceIn *sw, void *buf, int len)
return audio_pcm_sw_read(sw, buf, len);
static int fwd_ctl_in(HWVoiceIn *hw, int cmd, ...)
return 0;
static void *fwd_audio_init(void)
return &g_active_settings;
static void fwd_audio_fini(void *opaque)
static struct audio_option fwd_options[] = {
{/* End of list */}};
static struct audio_pcm_ops fwd_pcm_ops = {
.init_in = fwd_init_in,
.fini_in = fwd_fini_in,
.run_in = fwd_run_in,
.read = fwd_read_in,
.ctl_in = fwd_ctl_in};
static struct audio_driver fwd_audio_driver = {
.name = "fwd",
.descr = "Forwards the microphone from AEMU gRPC to QEMU.",
.options = fwd_options,
.init = fwd_audio_init,
.fini = fwd_audio_fini,
.pcm_ops = &fwd_pcm_ops,
.can_be_default = 0,
.max_voices_out = 0,
.max_voices_in = 1,
.voice_size_out = 0,
.voice_size_in = sizeof(FWDVoiceIn),
static void register_audio_fwd(void)